Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 150 Mortal 2

Lu Chong looked at the horse. The horse was unusual and his eyes seemed to be spiritual, especially under the stroke of Lu Chong's right hand. The horse actually narrowed his eyes and flowed out a rather comfortable look. Liu Ping was stunned by this scene. This was the first time he saw it, and Ma actually had an expression.

Lu Chong held the horse's body with his left hand, turned over lightly, and got on the horse's back.

Liu Ping quickly followed behind, chatting with Lu Chong, while looking at the carriage from time to time.

Lu Chong rode on a horse, and his eyes were surrounded by mortals. A feeling that he had not seen for a long time slowly reflected in his heart. At this moment, the spiritual power in his body actually operated automatically, and the spiritual power around him seemed to be attracted by it and surged quickly.

At this time, if a monk with great magical power is here, he will be shocked to find that there is a thick layer of red fog outside Lu Chong's body. This breath is extremely strong, but does not leak, but condenses around Lu Chong's body for a long time.

This red substance, not to mention mortals, can't see that even most of the monks can't see it. It is the murderous gas generated by countless killings since Lu Chong's practice. This murderous gas gradually turns into araging gas over time. Finally, with more and more people kills, after some changes, for any monk, They are all shocked!

Once this evil spirit can be used independently, it will have the magic effect of subduing people's soldiers without fighting. Even when refining some magic weapons, if some are mixed in, the power of its magic weapons will definitely increase greatly.

The breeze blew and swept between Lu Chong's hair. He couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his eyes flashed brightly. He can clearly feel that the spiritual power in his body seems to be undergoing a wonderful change. Although this change is meager, it contains some magical power.

At this time, a small part of the red evil spirit around Lu Chong's body was slightly loose, turned into a trace of red gas, penetrated into Lu Chong's body and merged with his spiritual power.

Gradually, as the convoy walked slowly, more and more spiritual power emerged around. Under so many spiritual powers, all the horses hissed.

Even those mortal warriors have bright eyes one by one. Somehow, a warm breath rises in their bodies, which flows in their bodies and is extremely comfortable.

After a long time, the spiritual power in Lu Chong's body gradually subsided, and the aura around him slowly dissipated. Those mortal warriors were all awake one by one, all with strange eyes. Under the soft conversation, they all felt surprised by the phenomenon just now.

As the motorcade moves forward, night falls, and all the motorcade circled around the power and stationed on the side of the official road.

Some women got off the carriage and began to prepare food in their whispers. Some of them sometimes turned their beautiful eyes to Lu Chong and said something to each other with a smile.

In fact, it is no wonder that these women look sideways at Lu Chong. At this time, Lu Chong is full of an unspeakable charm in their limits. Although he looks ordinary, he has a sense of elegance.

Lu Chong leaned under a big tree and looked at the gradually darkening sky, with peace of mind that had never been seen in decades. The starry sky is bright and shining brightly on the earth, but Lu Chong knows that every point of the starry sky is far from here. The monks who cultivate the power of the planet are drawing strength from it.

The power of stars has something to do with the power of the sun and the power of Taiyin. It can be said that he is both strengths. When Lu Chong's heart moved, it seemed that a glimmer of spiritual light flashed, but he still didn't catch it. He had no choice but to shake his head and sigh bitterly, and had a chance to slip away.

The peace of mind made the spiritual power around Lu Chong's body slowly emerge again, but at this time, Lu Chong did not pay attention to the spiritual power. For the first time, he felt the red substance outside his body.

This red substance dissipated slightly with the peace of his mind, and Lu Chong was a little silent. He knew that if his mind remained calm like this, these red substances outside his body would all disappear in a few years.

Lu Chong had a sense of this red substance before, but in fact, he saw it with his own eyes that this was indeed the first time. He knew that these were caused by the killings of his monks for decades. Although the dissipation of these substances may be helpful for sanctification, Lu Chong felt a little pity.

He pondered for a moment, and when his mind moved, the red substance outside his body suddenly boiled and slowly condensed, but after finally reducing by one-tenth, it could not condense again in any case.

Lu Chong took a deep breath. When he was about to try again, his expression moved and looked up in the direction of the women in the distance. He saw a two-year-old girl, wearing a big red flower jacket, holding bacon and wine pot in her hand, coming towards him.

The fragrant wind hit her face, and soon the woman came closer, put the food aside, looked at Lu Chong curiously, and said in a charming voice, "Thank you."

This woman was the maid sitting in the carriage with the young lady during the day. Lu Chong smiled, picked up the wine pot, and swept her consciousness. All the ingredients were in her eyes. Then she put it by her mouth and took a sip.

A spicy feeling suddenly rose from his abdomen. Since the destruction of the heavenly court, this has been a rare drink by Lu Chong. He clearly remembers how rampant he was when he was in the heavenly court, pushing cups with his brothers, but now he is separated from heaven and man.

A nameless fire broke out in Lu Chong's heart. When I go back to the central world, I won't make you feel better.

But what's the use of killing all the people in the Extinction Hall? They will never come back...

With a melancholy feeling, Lu Chong took a big sip again.

The girl opened her little mouth and seemed to want to say something, but at this time, someone called her not far away. The girl answered, looked at Lu Chong with beautiful big eyes, and turned around and walked away.

With Lu Chong's cultivation, he has reached the realm of Pigu. The mortal food is not attractive to him. The bacon has been kept in place. He moved at the end, but the wine aroused his mood. He drank it and drank the whole pot.

At night, the strong men guarding the convoy lit a bonfire, bursts of laughter came from them and fell into Lu Chong's ears, and the corners of his mouth gradually showed a smile.

There are also some men who may have drunk and become bold. They ran to some women to whisper, looking for the courtship

Seeing this mortal scene, Lu Chong unconsciously thought of Tu Shanyue. I don't know if she will think of herself in Kunlun?


Kunlun Mountain is full of clouds and auspiciousness. In front of a huge statue, two monks are waiting silently.

The statue is hundreds of feet high, snow-white, with divine lines, emitting a faint glow.

The statue looks like a fox with nine tails behind it. The statue is lifelike, and its eyes flash a few rays from time to time, as if it were a living thing.

"Qingdi, can the little doll pass?" The speaker was a black-robed monk with gloomy eyes, but there was a sense of domineering in it, and his body seemed to be looming as if he was not in this space.

"Kunpeng, you underestimate this little doll. The descendants of Tianhu's origin are naturally talented. Once they pass the inheritance trial left by Tianhu, our emperor's demon palace will have another great saint who can become a venerable." Qingdi replied that he was dressed in a green robe and had a kind face, but his eyes had been closed and his breath was restrained, just like a mortal.

Kunpeng nodded undeniably, and then suddenly laughed:

"I didn't expect the little doll and the boy to come together. What do you think if the boy knew that Lu Yu has been living freely?"

Emperor Qing pondered for a while, and then smiled and said, "I guess it will be very unpleasant, but with those juniors, he should still be able to accept our emperor's demon palace. Besides, he is the only one who is likely to obtain the inheritance of the Eastern Emperor. At that time, my demon clan will be prosperous. He is also quasi-saint now, and the moon worship on the moon plane is It's time to break through when the sun and the moon are together.

Kunpeng nodded and did not continue to speak. He looked at the Tianhu statue. In the eyes of the statue, there was a petite figure sitting, with a tight face and his lips tightly squeezed, as if he was suffering some great pain.

"Everything is developing in a good direction. I hope we can stick to it until they grow up." The Qing Emperor sighed.