Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 151 Mortal 3

At this time, Liu Ping took two pots of wine and came to Lu Chong's side. After handing over a pot, he sat next to Lu Chong and smiled, "Brother, your leaves are really amazing. My lady is much better. Come on, I'll give you a toast!"

With that, he crooked the wine pot and filled the glass, but found that Lu Chong did not use the glass at all, but drank a big sip directly with the wine pot. He was stunned and laughed. After drinking the water wine in the glass, he learned from Lu Chong to pick up the wine pot and also took a big sip.

"Didn't you say that the maid was sick before? Why did she become a young lady now?" Lu Chong looked at the man in front of him with a smile.

Liu Ping blushed, patted his thigh awkwardly and said, "Brother, it's my fault. In this way, if you encounter any trouble in the capital, come to Tiannan Shop to find me. As long as it's something Liu can, he will never frown!"

Lu Chong smiled dumbly and stopped talking, but slowly tasted the taste of the water wine.

Liu Ping looked at an empty pot on the ground, and then looked at the few remaining wine pots in Lu Chong's hand. His eyes lit up and smiled, "Brother is so drunk. The night is long, and it's boring to sit. Why don't you compete with my brothers?"

Lu Chong subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he smiled and nodded.

As Liu Ping came to the fire, he saw several men around the bonfire, talking loudly and laughing, talking about the interesting things he had seen before. Liu Ping kicked one of the strong men who was talking about and laughed and scolded, "Wang Laowu, the little peach of the green fan building, I have heard you say countless times. It's not her. Are you comfortable with your service? Well, when I go back this time, I'll visit you to see if you are bragging.

The strong man surnamed Wang moved two positions aside and said with a smile, "Go ahead. Anyway, you can do things quickly. When you're done, I won't have time to go there."

As soon as this was said, the men around laughed one after another. Liu Ping laughed and scolded a few words and sat down. Lu Chong sat casually and looked at these mortals in front of him. He was quite emotional. Although these people's lives are extremely fragile, even no exaggeration to say that they only need him to blow a breath, they can die thousands of times, but The happiness of these people is far less than that of him.

That night, Lu Chong drank a lot of wine. Although he didn't say much, those men gradually became acquainted with him and laughed and drank with each other. Later, some bold and heroic female reputations also participated. Among them, the maid who sent food to Lu Chong was among them, but she had been sitting next to Lu Chong, and her beautiful eyes were often placed on Lu Chong. Under the glow of the bonfire, the bright light flashed, and she didn't know what she wanted to write in her heart.

It was not until the early morning that they fell asleep drunk one by one. Those femalelei returned to the carriage and slept in peace.

Except for some people in charge of guarding in the distance, the whole convoy was silent. Although there were sometimes a crackling of wood burning in the bonfire, this sound not only did not rest for a long time, but seemed to have some magical effect, making people sleep more sweetly.

Lu Chong stood up, came to the big tree not far away, sat on it, and felt peace in his heart. At the moment just now, he forgot that he was an immortal, but really became a mortal.

At this moment, he closed his eyes and looked inside. Suddenly, he was surprised to find that the cultivation in his body had a faint sense of breakthrough, which made Lu Chong very happy. He didn't expect that it would be possible to break through so soon. He didn't expect his action under coincidence to be so effective. Holy Land, It's just around the corner!

It was just that the red fog outside his body dissipated a little. Lu Chong took a deep breath. He had a feeling that if these red substances were allowed to dissipate, he would definitely regret it in the future, so he sank into it and began to condense again.

Time passed slowly in the red fog condensed by Lu Chong. In addition to some mosquitoes buzzing from time to time, there was only the sound of deep sleep from some sleeping men at night.

Gradually, a round of early sun appeared on the edge of the sky, and the light slowly dispersed the night.

Lu Chong opened his eyes and took a deep breath into the east. Suddenly, two purple air dragons that could not be detected by mortals inhaled from his nostrils, swam around his body, and spit out from his mouth.

In such a cycle, Lu Chong obviously felt that his whole body had a feeling of immortality, as if he could step through the void and shake up.

Lu Chong has never had this feeling after practicing for so many years. Obviously, only when his mentality reaches a certain level of peace can he feel the atmosphere between heaven and earth.

One night, the red fog outside Lu Chong's body condensed by one-tenth. Lu Chong was not in a hurry. He knew that the concentration of the red fog was obviously not something that could be completed in a short time, which took a relatively long time.

In the morning, the people in the motorcade woke up and washed up one by one. At this time, the entourage who had always been in the carriage, that is, the old man, came down from the carriage. After taking a deep breath, he moved his hands and feet in an open space. Gradually, he made all kinds of movements.

Lu Chong took a look and was quite surprised. Although these actions performed by this person have no attack power, each of them can play a strong role. After coherence, the effect is better.

A little, the old man closed his fist, exhaled a long breath, and then hesitated a little and rushed to the landing.

In front, the old man laughed and said, "Brother, did you have a good rest last night?"

Lu Chong nod his head and said nothing.

The old man hesitated a little and asked, "Brother, I don't know where you came from?" After saying that, his eyes showed a look for knowledge.

"I picked it up by the roadside." Lu Chong said.

The old man suddenly stagnated, thought for a long time, and smiled bitterly, "Brother... good luck!"

After chatting with Lu Chong again, no matter how he knocked around and couldn't get the information he wanted from Lu Chongkou, the old man sighed and turned away.

If it is really compared, Lu Chong's mentality is more than the ancestors of the old man. The old man's sidelights may be useful for young people who have just made their debut, but for Lu Chong, it has no effect at all.

Following the team, Lu Chong gradually adjusted his mentality and slowly integrated into it. A few days passed. These days, the little maid often came to talk to Lu Chong, but every time she spoke, she blushed and showed strange light, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing the light in this woman's eyes, Lu Chong smiled bitterly in his heart. He often saw this light on Tu Shanyue, and now he already knew it.

However, every time I see this girl, I feel a sense of nostalgia.

"I don't know how Yueer is doing." Lu Chong sighed.

The maid didn't know Lu Chong's thoughts. Every time she saw Lu Chong's eyes, she couldn't help but move, and her face became more and more rosy, which often attracted the kindness of the men in the motorcade.

On this day, the capital is within sight.

"Brother, why don't you go to the city with us? The little brother's medical skills are not bad, and he can also do a good job in the house. The old man asked Lu Chong with a little expectation.

At this time, the maid also sneaked over and listened.

Lu Chong shook his head with a smile:

"My father-in-law is kind, but I still have something to do in this city. If it's predestined in the future, I'll talk about it for a while."

After saying that, he arched his hand and left straight away.

"Ai, little brother, little brother..." The old man called several times. Seeing that Lu Chong had no intention of looking back, he had no choice but to give up and left with the motorcade. Only the maid turned around step by step, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

After no longer considering the old man and maid, Lu Chong was silent for a moment and rented a small shop at the price of eight taels of gold in a relatively remote place in the west of the city. After sorting it out, he lived in.

If you want to become holy, you must first become mortal, understand life, and feel the way of heaven. This is what Lu Chong thought of. He can break through the holy land and calmly glance at the store. Lu Chong sits quietly cross-legged in the back room and quietly feels the world of mortals.

The so-called small hidden in the wild and big hidden in the city. At this time, Lu Chong hid in this prosperous mortal Kyoto, sometimes disappeared into the mortal world, looked at the life of the peddler, tasted the joys and sorrows of mortals, quietly felt the way of heaven, felt the reincarnation, and made comprehensive preparations in order to break through the holy land and from then on. .

And at this time, the moon worship festival is about to begin...