Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 152 Experience the artistic conception 1

In the middle of the night, a round of the moon emitted a faint silver glow in the sky. Under it, countless monks and mortals on the moon plane began the ten-year moon worship.

A grand event was held in the world, and many countries granted amnesty to the world, singing and laughing everywhere.

And the monastic world is more cautious. Every ten years, the moon will bless and pray, and it is possible to get the favor of the moon god and become the lucky one, and fly to the sky from then on.

Lu Chong walked out of the residential house and suddenly shook. He looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him and turned his back to him. The moonlight sprinkled on his body, as if he were wearing a layer of hazy clothes.

"What is the senior?" Lu Chong asked.

The figure turned around and was a kind-looking old man, but Lu Chong had no impression of the old man. The old man looked up and down and said with a smile:

"Kid, you can't break through like this. What the holy land needs is grinding. Although you hone your mind in the mortal world, you can consolidate your realm at most. If you want to break through, you can only fight constantly!"

Lu Chong was shocked when he heard the words, and his eyes showed a trace of light.

"Thank you, senior."

The old man shook his head and said, "Don't thank me. Now, follow me and I'll take you to temper it."

Lu Chong did not act. Seeing this, the old man understood what Lu Chong was thinking and said:

"Kid, do you think I still need to use my life to harm you? This is what the little girl asked me to help you. Let's go. I'll take you to see the powerful monk on the moon plane.

Lu Chong suddenly became enlightened and understood who the little girl meant. He couldn't help but be angry and said secretly, "Yueer, wait for me."

When he was about to leave with the old man, Lu Chong hesitated for a moment, looked at the old man and said:

"Senior, shall we go there like this?"

The old man turned over his right hand, and immediately threw two straw hats in his hand, one to Lu Chong, and said, "Take it on your head. Unless your cultivation is much higher than yours, you can't see what it looks like. This is my inventory for many years, and you have to pay me back after using it!"

Lu Chong took over the straw hat, and his consciousness was shocked immediately. The straw hat seemed ordinary, but in fact there was another universe. As soon as he swept his consciousness, he found that it contained countless arrays. The subtlety of these arrays he had never seen before, and it was no worse than those ancient prohibitions.

This is just the formation of the edge position. As for the central position, with Lu Chong's divine consciousness, he can't peep into it in a short time. He moved his heart and made up his mind. This straw hat will not return anything. Even Yue'er's elder thinks that he does not lack this kind of thing, so just accept it.

If you want to hit here, Lu Chong couldn't help laughing.

Seeing the old man put on his straw hat, his whole body was immediately illuminated by a golden light. Lu Chong's consciousness swept away and immediately felt a tingling pain. The golden light was like a sharp thorn, making it difficult for the divine spirit to enter.

Lu Chong took a deep breath, and his heart was even heavier about the idea of making this straw hat his own. He put the straw hat on his head without saying anything.

The old man took a look at Lu Chong, and then pinched a rather strange seal in his right hand. He gently pointed to the void in the distance. Suddenly, a huge virtual shadow suddenly appeared in the void. As soon as this virtual shadow appeared, the spiritual power of the surrounding world poured in crazily in a violent state.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the virtual shadow quickly condensed and formed a golden armor giant holding a big sword. The giant's face was ferocious, like an evil god, revealing a tyrannical atmosphere, staring fiercely, and his eyes fell on the old man's finger.

"Gold, smash it!" The old man shouted proudly.

The golden armor giant, without saying a word, waved the big sword in his hand, and suddenly a dazzling golden light, like the sun falling to the ground, suddenly crossed the void, and suddenly appeared a violently twinkling water wave in the nothingness in the distance. Soon, the lines became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into huge fragments, like The mirror is broken and scattered all over the place.

Then, the golden armor giant snorted and slowly disappeared.

The old man immediately muttered a few words with dissatisfaction. Lu Chong faintly heard that the old man seemed to be scolding the golden armor giant for being lazy... At the moment of dispersing, a light spirit suddenly spread out of the nothingness and went into a circle around. Such power was full of destructive power. Lu Chong's face The color changed, and when he was about to dodge, the old man waved his right hand, and a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chong to block the ripple impact.

Looking at the old man, he stood face to the place where the ring ripples spread, showing a quite enjoyable look.

With the spread of the ring ripples, the nothingness suddenly changed, and the buildings and pavilions floated on the white clouds like fairyland, and the colorful glows scattered on those pavilions.

Here, it is the location of a certain city sect of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

This scene is several times more grand than what Lu Chong saw in the school palace in those years, especially the vastness of these attices, which can hardly be seen at a glance.

The sound of chanting came from the endless pavilion, and you can see the thick beams of air rushing up to the sky and rushing towards the secluded moon, hoping to be favored by the secluded moon.

"Moon worship?" Lu Chong muttered, and at the same time, an angry shout came out of these attics, and then rushed out more than dozens of strong breaths.

Lu Chong's divine consciousness was swept away. Among these breaths, the monks of the semi-sacred land actually occupied more than 30, and the remaining five people were all the cultivation of the holy land!

He took a deep breath. The Youyue plane is indeed worthy of the identity of the big plane. Just a small sect, no matter the size or the strength of its sect, is far from the Fusang plane. It is even no exaggeration to say that only one sect of the Youyue plane can sweep any small plane.

After these monks rushed out, they immediately surrounded the old man and Lu Chong. Their faces were gloomy, showing bad intentions, and almost all of them dispersed their consciousness and swept over to the two of them.

Only in an instant, more than half of these people showed shock on their faces.

Lu Chong could clearly feel that at the moment when the divine consciousness of these people swept over, a large number of golden lights suddenly flashed from the straw hats. As soon as those divine spirits touched the golden light, they quickly melted like white snow encountering flames.

As for the old man, he pinched the seal with one hand, and suddenly the straw hat on his head suddenly scattered the golden light. At the same time, he turned into the virtual shadow of a horrible beast, but a Kun, jumping out of the sea and turning into Peng. With a wave of his wings, all the consciousness surrounding him were suddenly swept away.

Suddenly, some monks snorted a few times, their bodies shook, and their faces became quite difficult to look.

At this time, among these monks, a middle-aged scribe in a blue robe flew out. His face was always pale and bloodless, and his eyes did not look like any fine light. On the contrary, he was a little similar to Lu Chong. They were all black and white, revealing an extraordinary color.

After he walked out, he clenched his fist and said in a low voice, "You two broke through my Yuebai City for no reason. If you don't explain things today, then stay!" The old man snorted, waved his right hand, and unexpectedly conjure up a bamboo chair. In this way, he leaned against it, pointed to Lu Chong, and said, "I don't care. I'm just a thug. He asked me to come. You go to him."

There was a trace of fear in the middle-aged scribe's eyes, but this fearful person was not Lu Chong, but the old man.

At this time, when he heard what the old man said, he immediately turned his eyes to Lu Chong and said in a low voice, "This Taoist friend, has my Yuebai City ever offended you?"

Lu Chong was silent a little, and without saying a word, an ordinary flying sword suddenly flew out of it. He shook slightly, and his consciousness was suddenly imprinted on it. In a crackling sound, the flying sword immediately melted the might and condensed into a fist-sized golden ball.

"There are many monks who have not seen Yuebai City for a long time. I'm going to challenge them today. If it's rude, I hope you can forgive me!" With that, his right hand suddenly moved, pinching the formula and a little golden ball.

The golden ball flew away in an instant, and there was a sound of breaking through the sky, as if it could cut through the void.

The middle-aged scribe had always been cautious in his eyes, but after seeing the golden ball, he was suddenly stunned and sneered, "I can't measure my ability!"

With that, he didn't take out his magic weapon, but his right hand was a little out of the air, and suddenly a purple aura suddenly rushed out of his fingers.

As soon as this aura appeared, it immediately turned into a purple dragon and roared at the golden ball. The golden ball suddenly stopped. Lu Chong changed the formula of his hands and shouted softly, "Change!"

Suddenly, the golden ball squirmed strangely, forming a golden black, and the golden wings fluttered, emitting terrible power fluctuations, making the middle-aged scribe also look solemn.

As soon as the golden ball turned into a golden black, it immediately seemed to be alive. Its sharp claws surrounded the illusory flame and opened its mouth to make a silent roar. Suddenly, air ripples burst out of its mouth and entangled with the purple dragon.

The middle-aged scribe snorted coldly, waved his right hand in front of him, picked up the formula, and shouted in a low voice, "Door!"

Suddenly, Zilong was divided into two and galloped past Jinwu and roared towards Lu Chong. Lu Chong frowned and was about to retreat. At this time, the old man's voice came to his ear:

"What are you hiding from? Don't move to experience the artistic conception of the monks in the Great Holy Land!"