Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 171 Third Guard

The sky was dark, and over the huge peaks, two terrible offensives that made heaven and earth tremble roared by, and finally collided like two comets passing through the sky.

At that second, the loud sound seemed to spread all over the crystal wall space. On the first platform, Tess reappeared, and her eyes were far-reaching. She seemed to see Lu Chong in the distance and muttered:

"Does this little brother still hide his strength? It's really interesting."

The dazzling strong light burst out of the impact, like the same scorching sun, the strong light broke through the darkness between heaven and earth, the dazzling, and even the ubiquitous blue light in this space was covered.


The scorching sun emerged out of thin air, and the Jinwu meteors and halberds that hit together also released their strongest forces without reservation, so about thousands of feet of spiritual storms took shape, and the space was vaguely distorted.

Tess suddenly appeared in front of the huge peak of the crystal wall and stared closely at the huge spiritual storm, where the spiritual power became more and more violent, and the storm also began to distort, which was an unbearable sign.


The distortion of the spiritual storm reached its limit, and Tess still had no time to react. She saw that the storm exploded, and thousands of feet of spiritual ripples swept away from the sky.

That's quite a spectacular scene.

At the front of the impact, Lu Chong and Luno were the first to fight. Although both of them tried their best to defend, they were still swept out at the moment of contact.

Bum! Bang!

The two flew backwards, and several peaks along the way were penetrated by them.


The two were finally shot into a mountain peak, and the rocks rolled down and buried them directly.

While they were embarrassed, Tess was also quite embarrassed. She didn't expect that the damage caused by the two was so horrible. Before Lu Chong left, her ability had been limited to be similar to Lu Chong. Now, Lu Chong is three days in the Holy Land, and she is naturally the same. Under this impact, she also retreated uncommably and the corners of her mouth. A trace of blood overflowed.

Fortunately, it was just a aftermath and did not cause much damage, so after a few minutes, the spiritual storm raging in the sky also weakened little by little.

But Tess also came to her senses and turned her eyes to the huge peak, which couldn't help twitching at the corners of her mouth. The towering giant peak is now full of vision. Huge cracks spread out, like spider webs, covering the whole huge peak.

The confrontation between the two almost destroyed the giant peak of Qingtian.

This made Tess feel shocked. The destructive power of these two people is too horrible. Luno himself is familiar with it, and his moves are extremely destructive, but he didn't expect that Lu Chong also has this ability.

The whole world is quiet again, but the atmosphere is very depressing and breathless. Taisi's eyes are solemn. Who will stand up first? Although they have been friends with Luno for countless years, at this moment, Tess faintly hopes that Lu Chong will win. Only when Lu Chong wins can they go out.


Under the nervous gaze of Tess, a mountain collapsed, and suddenly there were layers of rocks rolling down. All eyes hurriedly looked at it. There, a red spiritual light rose to the sky, and then a figure rushed out from the inside of the collapsed peak.

"It's Runo!" Tess said with all regret.

The red rainbow slowly dissipated, revealing Luno's figure. At this time, the latter's body was covered with blood, and his face was particularly pale. The spiritual fluctuations around his body seemed particularly weak, and there was no more calmness and strength at the beginning.

Obviously, the previous shocking battle was not easy for Luno.

And Lu Chong...

Tess's eyes looked at the collapsed peak that had not yet moved, and her palm was full of sweat.

This silence lasted for a moment again.

At the collapsed peak, the rock rolled down, and Tess's eyes widened. There, the rock began to slide down layer by layer, and a weak black spiritual force rushed out.

In the black spiritual power, a staggering figure staggered into the air and stopped there.

That's Lu Chong.

But at this time, he was covered with blood and had quite ferocious scars on his body. Compared with Luno, he was obviously more embarrassed and miserable.

However, even if he was seriously injured, he still stood straight in the sky. The figure of the teenager looked particularly slender at this time. The broken clothes swayed in the wind, and his awkward appearance could not hide the frightening sharpness.

The teenager's eyes were slightly dim because of his injury, and he stared at Luno in the distance, with his eyes like a tiger.

Tess looked at the teenager who was full of blood and still standing in the sky. The silence lasted for a long time and couldn't help applauding gently. The little brother was qualified to applaud himself and applaud him.

Faced with Luno's strongest offensive, Lu Chong finally endured it.

He was not knocked down!

"Senior Luno, can you fight happily? If you don't think it's enough, maybe I can accompany you. In the distance, Lu Chong slowly wiped away the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile with difficulty.

Luno smiled when he heard the words, and his body slowly relaxed. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, if you come back at this time, I'm afraid it will arouse someone's anger, and I have said before that if you can take my move, you will win this battle."

After a pause, Luno's eyes became serious. He stared at Lu Chong, holding his fists in his hands, and a low voice slowly spread over the sky.

"I lost this battle."

His statement has put Lu Chong in the same position and no longer regarded the latter as a monk with only three heavens in the Great Holy Land, but his words made Tess hum and look at Luna with bad eyes.

"Senior Luno, I'm giving up."

Lu Chong was not pretentious, but just nodded gently. This kind of battle was fought back by him desperately, and he was worth it.

Luno laughed, came forward and slapped it. Lu Chong was shocked, but found that he could not move. He looked at Luno angrily, but Lunuo ignored it and patted Lu Chong, and a warm current suddenly flowed from the palm of Luno's hand into Lu Chong's body.


Lu Chong only felt that the spiritual power in his body roared, becoming more pure, thick and stronger.

The Great Holy Land Four Heavens...

The Five Heavens of the Great Holy Land...

The Holy Land has six heavens!


Lu rushed out and felt extremely smooth. All the wounds on his body had recovered. Lu Chong scratched his head, and then looked at Lu Nuo shyly, thinking that he had broken the contract.

Runo knew what Lu Chong meant and didn't say anything. Instead, he patted Lu Chong on the shoulder and said:

"The rule given by space is that it can give you three levels of spiritual power up to the maximum. If you meet my requirements, I will naturally give you this upgrade. You should be able to pass the next level easily, but don't take it lightly at the last level, otherwise you will really die."

Lu Chong looked at Lu Nuo's cautious face, nodded, and then looked at the crystal wall channel and walked over without looking back.

Here, it is still a huge platform. Lu Chong cautiously stepped forward and looked around. Why didn't there be any guards?

Suddenly, countless green bamboos gushed out of the ground, and three complicated and mysterious arrays suddenly enveloped here. When Lu Chong hesitated, a figure suddenly appeared. He was an old man in gray. Looking at Lu Chong, he said:

"Old Che Lingzi, Kunlun tested the third guard. There is a method here. Even if you win within a stick of incense, you are not allowed to use brute force."

After saying that, the car spirit left straight away.


When Che Lingzi left the bamboo forest, the three huge formations started in an instant. Suddenly, the spiritual power between heaven and earth boiled, and the magnificent light filled the area.

Lu Chong's face was solemn, and the burning spiritual power rose from the surface of his body. He looked at the complex array shrouded in light, where spiritual light links could be faintly seen, forming an extremely complex array.

These three arrays wrap each other, which makes the complexity much higher. The three and four arrays can burst out the power equivalent to the six heavens of the Great Holy Land. With the strength of Lu Chong, if it is arbitrary, it should be able to tear these three arrays and break through the arrays. However, a sentence of Che Lingzi before, It is to block his behavior.

He can't force himself, so he can only find a battle to crack it, otherwise the car spirit will drive him out directly. Although he has six heavens of the Great Holy Land, the defenders here must be far more capable than him.


While Lu Chong carefully observed the array, the latter was shining brightly, and then three huge beams swept out, carrying rolling spiritual power, which flashed on Lu Chong's body like lightning.


The beam burst, and Lu Chong's footsteps were also shaken back, and the black spiritual power on his body was also gloomy, and then burned again.

"It really hurts." Lu Chong rubbed his chest. Although with his current physical strength, he would not be hurt by the attack of the three holy realms, the pain is still there.

Wo! Oh!

However, the old man obviously won't make Lu Chong so relaxed. Just after the three spiritual beams came out, the three arrays rumbled again, and then Lu Chong saw it slightly, and the beams swept out like a rainstorm.

With such a horrible number of attacks, even Lu Chong's scalp is a little numb, and he dares not use his body to resist the body. There are light and shadow surging, and he immediately uses super light steps to retreat.

A remnant appeared in the same place and was torn to pieces by the incoming spiritual beam.

Bum! Bang!

However, this area is not large, so it is impossible for Lu Chong to avoid it. Even with super light steps, he was still hit by more than a dozen times, and his body trembled immediately.

Lu Chong's face is really ugly at this time. According to common sense, the four-level array he arranged can at most break out a round of attacks, and then gradually dissipate, but the three in front of him are one wave after another, almost continuous.