Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 172 Breaking the Array

"We must break the battle quickly." Lu Chong's eyes are solemn and dare not hold him any bigger. If it continues like this, even if his demon secret is small, his body is comparable to the nine heavenly monks in the Great Holy Land, I'm afraid he will be consumed here.

In his eyes, there was a surge of light, locking in the moving array. The complex array outlined by the spiritual light was also constantly imprinted back to his heart.


However, just as Lu Chong detected a little array trajectory, a wave of violent attacks once again shocked him by dozens of steps. During the surge of qi and blood, the previously detected array trajectory was changed by the running array.

The previous work was abandoned.

This is like a person groping for a moving puzzle. He must follow those tracks, and once the detection is slightly disrupted, the previous trajectory will be disrupted in operation. If you want to follow the map again, you have to start again.

Lu Chong couldn't help scolding to understand how difficult this way to break the array was. Of course, he also knew that if a running array could be found so easily and break it in one fell swoop, the array of mages would not be so popular.

Lu Chong gritted his teeth. He knew that he could not be confused now. Once he was confused, it was no longer possible to find a battle. Unless he came, he would really be exhausted.


Lu Chong forced himself to calm down. On the surface of his body, the black flame surged, and a black fire lotus on his chest was also bright. He had already urged the emperor's demon formula and used the black flame in the mysterious space, which could reduce the interference of those attacks on him.

In the bamboo forest open space, Lu Chong's figure kept retreating, avoiding those overwhelming spiritual attacks. From time to time, he would be swept by some spiritual beams of light, making his body tremble.

Beyond that formation, Tess and Luno looked from afar. Tess was a little afraid to see the miserable Lu Chong. If she were in it, I'm afraid she would be more embarrassed now.

"Che Lingzi's cultivation is strong again. This array is too complicated. If this boy has not practiced the way of array, he will die here in horror. The power of this array will continue to be superimposed." Tess said nervously.

Luno just shook his head and didn't say anything, but the nervousness in his eyes still exposed his mind. This was the first time they could go out in countless years.

Time is slowly passing, but in the depths of the bamboo forest, the magnificent spiritual power is becoming more and more violent, and the spiritual beams of light are surging, making the sky bright.


Within the array, Lu Chong's body was bombarded by dozens of spiritual beams. Above his body, the black flame flashed and endured it abruptly, and his eyes staring at the running array also suddenly flashed.

He has figured out a general array of the array, but as for the array, he still can't find it. The car spirit's array is extremely powerful. The three arrays overlap, the trajectory*, and there is no regularity to follow.

The three arrays are superimposed, and it is too difficult to find the formation.

Ordinary methods are not feasible at all.

"Brother, half of the time has passed. Come on." In the distance, there was a little worried reminder voice of Tess. She knew Che Lingzi's nature. If Lu Chong really couldn't break the battle at the specified time, it was really useless to say anything.

Lu Chong took a deep breath, clenched his palms, and then slowly closed his eyes.

With the closure of Lu Chong's two eyes, he immediately entered a mysterious state and had a terrible grasp of the way of the array. In the array mage, it is called the state of heart and eye. With the heart as the eye, you can see the operation trajectory of the array and the loopholes of the array!

Although he can't master the profound state of the mind, the mind is after all a means that can be called the sky. Throughout the ages, there have been few array mages with heart eyes.

"Oh? The state of mind and eyes?" Che Lingzi showed his figure in the void, walked to Tess and Luno, and muttered, "This boy can actually enter the state of mind. It seems that his real test is with the boss."

Che Lingzi's words made Taisi and Luno happy and worried. The happy thing is that Lu Chong can pass the third level, and the sad thing is that Lu Chong is expected to break the halberd at the last level.

In the darkness, there is a bright light, which seems to be countless spiritual light spots, and rainbows roaring. That is the attack launched by the array. Outside, there is a bright and strong light, and in that light, it is where the array is.

Lu Chong's mind became more and more concentrated, and his mind spread. He fed back the track of the array he touched little by little, and then was linked by him little by him, and then speculated...

The interference from the outside world seems to be completely blocked at this time.

The complete array trajectory gradually takes shape in Lu Chong's heart.


In that array, Lu Chong's pace with two eyes closed became much slower, and the black flame on his body flashed and turned into a rune chain around it. Dozens of spiritual beams surged, crashing against his body like a raging dragon.

The low sound made Tess outside tremble.

The spiritual beam exploded on the surface of Lu Chong's body, and his body was also shaken back by more than a dozen steps, and his upper body was broken, with shallow blood marks. This kind of attack could only be borne by Lu Chong. If it had been other people in the Great Holy Land, I'm afraid he would have been bombarded into scum long ago.

When Lu Chong was shaken back, he still closed his eyes, clenched his five fingers, and a fierce punch came out. A black spiritual force swept out and then bombarded somewhere full of the shining array.


The array seemed to tremble violently at this time, and then the innermost array trembled at this time, and the cracks on the light array spread rapidly, and finally burst with a bang.

This first array was finally found by Lu Chong, and then easily broke it with one punch.

"It worked!"

Tess outside immediately cheered, and her big watery eyes were full of worship. The little brother didn't expect to be so powerful that he could find a formation... If he went in by himself, there seemed to be nothing but brute force.

Luno shook her head speechlessly. This Tess is a congenital ice spirit, but she understands the road of fire. If she is not familiar with it, she is eternal ice, but if she is a little familiar with it, she is a fire. This can be said to be sultry, yes, it is sultry.

With one punch, Lu Chong's eyes are still closed, and then there are two arrays, but this is simpler than just now. After all, the superimposed array has been broken, so it will no longer consume his mind as before.

Therefore, in the next few minutes, Lu Chong's two punches bombarded back and forth, and the two spiritual hongs fiercely bombarded the corner of the two arrays. The array suddenly trembled, and the buzz completely stopped, and then quickly dissipated.


Suddenly, a series of horrible formations reappeared, with a number of 120.

"Che Lingzi, what are you doing?" Lu Nuo was shocked and then shouted and asked, but Che Lingzi didn't care. He looked at Lu Chong, who was shocked below, and shouted:

"Kid, there are 20 arrays here. If you can break it, then I will open my heart to you. If you can't break it, I will pass."

Lu Chong was shocked and then extremely dissatisfied, but when he heard this, his dissatisfaction suddenly turned into joy and nodded.

Luno and Tess were also relieved. It's good to pass the test. Even if they get an extra reward, it's okay if they don't get it.

Deep in the bamboo forest, the sky is full of spiritual light, and the spiritual arrays are shrouded, layer by layer, dense and dense. Between the operation, the overwhelming spiritual power surges and moves, and the momentum is terrible.

At this time, in the layers of spiritual array, countless beams roared, and a figure flashed like lightning. On its body, there were black horrible flames flashing, resisting some unavoidable spiritual beam bombardment.

Bum! Bang!

While dodging, the figure also took action quickly, and the powerful fists swept out and fell on the layers of many spiritual arrays.

Every time he takes action, there will be a layer of spiritual array trembling, making a slight broken sound, and then the spiritual array collapses and finally dissipates into light spots all over the sky.

Not long, all the arrays were broken. When all the arrays were broken, Lu Chong was still immersed in that state. He seemed to vaguely feel that there was a strange feeling in the depths of his heart.

That feeling was wonderful. He wanted to arrest him, but he couldn't touch it, but he could feel that he seemed to be beginning to touch what he dreamed of.

The array dissipated, and Lu Chong stood still. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly, his legs softened, and the severe pain on his body came. He looked down and saw that his body was full of blood marks. Although it was not fatal, it brought severe pain.

Lu Chong took a breath of cold air. Fortunately, his body is extremely strong now, far more than ordinary monks. Otherwise, he will definitely hurt his muscles and bones now, which is far from comparable to this kind of skin injury.

"Hahahaha, good boy!"

Lu Chong looked over when he heard the words, but saw Luno laughing in the void, and Tess next to him also looked at him with a smile.

Che Lingzi slowly walked down from the air and looked at Lu Chong, with a trace of joy in his eyes. This was the joy of seeing the outstanding descendants. Che Lingzi said:

"The boy really has a strong talent for the way of array. Sooner or later, you can open this mind without the old man, but the old man actually promised you, so he will help you open it, but if you open your eyes, your cultivation can only be improved to the first level. Have you think about it?"

Lu Chonggang wanted to agree, but it suddenly occurred to him that every level after Tess could improve his third-order spiritual power. Why didn't he get the heart?

Lu Chong thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, looked at Che Lingzi and said:

"Senior, you'd better improve my third-order spiritual power."

Che Lingzi was shocked when he heard the words:

"Are you sure? In addition to seeing through the array, the real mind can also see through the moves, and as soon as the mind opens, the Tianzun killing array may come out.

Lu Chong insisted:

"Senior, needless to say, it is to improve spiritual power."

Che Lingzi looked at him and suddenly smiled. His cultivation suddenly broke out like a supreme god. Then he pointed out and quickly clicked on Lu Chong's eyes. Lu Chong suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and then the whole world seemed to be different.