Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 184 Guanyin's Great Wish

Lu Chong and the Qinglong King followed Amitabha to the Golden Hall. There was a space whirlpool slowly rotating on a lotus platform, and the Buddha's light was scattered inside, which was eye-catching.

"That's it." Amitabha said.

The Green Dragon King said, "Kid, go in. This time, I'm afraid I'll stay in there for a while."

Lu Chong nodded and walked in, but ignored the so-called stay for a period of time. He thought that a period of time was at most a few months, but he forgot that in the eyes of the Green Dragon King, this period of time may be decades or hundreds of years.

Seeing that Lu Chong's figure had disappeared, the Green Dragon King nodded. Amitabha waved his hand, and a golden light flashed. The lotus platform suddenly closed and turned into a lotus seed, wrapping the space whirlpool.


There was a ripple in the space, and the lotus seed disappeared in an instant.

"It's time to start." Several figures suddenly appeared. The first person was the Qing Emperor, and then looked at the rest, the master of Tongtian, Fuxi and a burly man.

"Then let's get started." Everyone present nodded and agreed.


Besides, Lu Chong, when he opened his eyes, he came to a country he had never seen before.

Lu Chong walked all the way and saw that countless mortals were worshiping Buddhas, and many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appeared to save the poor and critically. Although mortals were poor, they were free and free.

Lu Chong was puzzled and wanted to see the whole country. He jumped, but he found that there was no spiritual power. Lu Chong was shocked. How could such a thing happen?

Suddenly, a monk came over and said:

"Worry to my Buddha, why is the priest confused? Can you tell me?"

"Which Buddha are you?" Although Lu Chong was puzzled, he was still quite respectful and thought it was a certain Buddha.

"I'm just a monk, like the sand of the Ganges River. I just see that the monk's heart is confused, and I hope it can ease the troubles in the monk's heart."

Lu Chong nodded and really asked:

"I want to see Buddha Sakyamuni, but I don't know if it's possible?"

When the monk heard the words, he put his hands together and said with a smile:

"All people can see my Buddha. As long as there is a Buddha in his heart, the priest can naturally see my Buddha if he goes in the direction he points in his heart."

After saying that, the monk bowed slightly, and then turned around and left. Lu rushed to the same place, scratched his head, and found the direction to the west. Instead, he did not hesitate, but went straight over.

Time is like water, and the sun and moon are flowing. Thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye. Without the maintenance of spiritual power, Lu Chong has already shown a trace of oldness, traveling in the mountains, forests, deserts and downtownes, and going west.

One day, I walked in the mountains and forests and felt quite tired. I sat by a pool, took a scoop of water to drink, and then said:

"What is the test of this world? I'm really exhausted. Thirty years, do you want me to spend my ordinary life? But what's the meaning?"

Looking back on the past 30 years, there is really nothing enough to make him mention particularly interested events, but Lu Chong did not think of anything else. After all, he has had the experience of reincarnation before, but the time is very fast.

After a while of rest, he hammered his leg, and Lu Chong stood up again and walked west.

Suddenly, a tiger roar came and resounded through the mountains and forests. Lu Chong was shocked and shouted terrible. How could there be such a beast here?

Lu Chong looked around and soon saw a gorgeous giant hand running towards here not far away, and countless birds took off.

"Damn it, it seems to be for me."

Thinking of this, Lu Chong did not hesitate and turned around and ran. Although he had no spiritual power, after 30 years of walking, his physique was stronger than ordinary people. When he ran, he was also quite fast, just like the giant beast.

But soon, the speed of the giant beast surged, and it was about to catch up with Lu Chong. Lu Chong shouted for help. The speed was actually much faster, and the distance from the giant beast was getting closer and closer. Lu Chong couldn't help praying for the gods and Buddha in the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, a small river appeared in front of him. Lu Chong cheered and jumped down directly.

After swimming for a long time and climbing up to the shore, Lu Chong felt that there was a pair of horrible eyes staring at him in a faraway place, and he did not dare to stay and continue running.

I don't know how long it took. Lu Chong gradually couldn't feel it. His running speed was much slower. His lungs were also burning, and his mouth was dry and unbearable. Fortunately, the tiger did not continue to chase.

"Wow, I'm exhausted." Lu Chong breathed a sigh of relief, found a big tree, sat down, and rested for a long time before taking a breath. Suddenly, something dripped on Lu Chong's head.

Lu Chong was puzzled and reached out to touch it. It was very sticky. Lu Chong was puzzled and looked up, but a tiger opened its mouth from the tree and slowly climbed down.

Seeing Lu Chong looking over, the tiger grinned and seemed to laugh at Lu Chong's overpowerlessness. Lu Chong looked at the tiger in a daze. Not that he didn't want to run, but he really couldn't run. His legs were sore and he couldn't use any force at all.

getting closer and closer, Lu Chong could already feel the fishy smell in the tiger's mouth. His big mouth was opened to the limit, and it seemed that he was about to bite down. Lu Chong was desperate, closed his eyes and waited to die.

At this time, the sky suddenly glowed, and an ethereal voice came:

"Don't hurt people."

Lu Chong waited for a long time, but did not wait until the moment of execution. He opened his eyes and saw a virtual shadow shrouded in the glow to appease the tiger and muttered something.

After a long time, he gently patted the tiger on the back, and Lu Chong's eyes almost stared out.

I saw that the tiger stood up and saluted the light and shadow, and then glanced at Lu Chong disdainfully and jumped away.

After watching the tiger leave, the light and shadow turned to rush to the landing and said:

"Are you all right?"

The voice can't distinguish between men and women, and the light has faded a lot. Lu Chong saw the face clearly, but it can't be described in any words. The only certainty is that the face makes people feel peaceful.

"Thank you very much." Lu Chong did a Buddhist ceremony, but it was a little strange.

The man in the light and shadow smiled and said nothing. Suddenly, he looked at the sky, his face suddenly faded and muttered:

"Is it a little late?"

Lu Chong looked over with him and saw that the sky suddenly glowed, and a huge golden Buddha suddenly appeared and looked here.

Lu Chong's heart thumped, and the light and shadow suddenly floated up, but the golden Buddha opened his mouth.

"Guan Shiyin, you do great good deeds and are recited by the world. Although you missed the time of becoming a Buddha, you are also doing good deeds. Would you like to become a Buddha this time?"

Is this light and shadow the disaster-saving Guanyin? Lu Chong stared at the light and shadow. Thirty years of asceticism, what mortals think most is this Bodhisattva.

"I don't know, what are the conditions for me to become a Buddha?" Guan Shiyin asked.

"For the purity of the Buddha, the five elements are empty, and you can't listen to the world, and you can't watch the sound of the world from now on."

Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to be silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, saluted respectfully, and said:

"Guan Shiyin can't be called Guan Shiyin, how can it be called Guan Shiyin?"

After saying that, he sat down cross-legged and pinched a Dharma seal. A lotus platform appeared under his body. The aperture behind his head evolved into the universe, floated in the air, recited Buddhist scriptures, and resounded through the world.

"May I walk the Bodhisattva path, if all sentient beings suffer from all kinds of distress and horrors and other things, lose their faith and strength to pursue *, degenerate to the great darkness without light, physically and mentally restless, lonely and poor, there is no one to ask for help and protection, no support or house. If he can remember me and call my name, and the sound of the call for help is heard by my heavenly ears and seen by my heavenly eyes. If all sentient beings are suffering, if I can't avoid such pains and troubles for them, I will not achieve the Buddha fruit of Avalokitesh.

After saying such a ode, the earth was generally shaken, and hundreds of gods and various musical instruments played harmonious and elegant music. The bright and subtle costumes rotated down from the sky, and the gods scattered all kinds of beautiful fragrances like rain in the void, and the fragrance they emitted generally overflowed and stained them, delighting the hearts of all sentient beings.

Then Guanyin stood up slowly, and 33 Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly appeared in the sky, making different seals and doing infinite good deeds.

With one finger of the golden Buddha's hand, a golden road to the sky was laid. Thirty-three Guanyin went up and led him to the Buddha's land to do good in the world and eliminate the troubles of all sentient beings.

"Kuanyin Bodhisattva has become the name of Buddha in the past. Also known as * King Ming. According to the vast and completeness of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also known as Guanyin free, twisted rope and thousand-lens, with incredible power. He has become a Buddha in the past infinite disasters, named * Ming Buddha. However, with the power of great compassion, I want to initiate all bodhisattvas to spread all sentient beings and show the shape of Bodhisattva.

This is what Lu Chong said when Kunlun introduced the forces of all parties to Lu Chong, which was admired by Lu Chong at that time.

It is no other than driving Cihang and popularising all sentient beings.

A trace of enlightenment suddenly flashed in Lu Chong's eyes, and his body suddenly became clear. He flew on the mountain, sat down cross-legged, pinched a magic seal, and muttered:

"This is the heavenly way of life. All sentient beings cross the sea of suffering and have a great wish to help the world. Life is not the immortality of a certain person, but the life without sorrow or injury. Since then, they have been free and do not fall into reincarnation."

In the words, Lu Chong's body is golden and bright, and there is a faint circle of nihilistic aperture behind his head. It is not the original method of true understanding, but a sense of the heavenly way.

"I didn't expect that my time and space heavenly path was not completed, but the heavenly path of this life was about to be completed."

The heavenly way is also divided. The supreme heavenly way is naturally the chaotic heavenly way. Chaos degenerate all things, and it is naturally supreme. Under it, there are the three heavenly paths of life and death, time and space, and five elements. Since then, there are countless heavenly paths, avenues and paths.

Lu Chong looked at the golden Buddha that had not disappeared in the distance, suddenly smiled, and suddenly turned into a flower in his hand, pinched the flower and smiled like a Buddha.

The Golden Buddha also smiled, and a flower appeared in his hand. With a gentle wave, Lu Chong suddenly appeared endless golden light around him, wrapped Lu Chong in it, and then disappeared.

Buddha smiled and passed on the supreme magical power. It is a detailed, quiet, leisure and wonderful state of mind. This state of mind is pure and spotless, open-minded, undesired, unrestrained, unrestrained, invisible, detached from all, unshakable, and long-standing.