Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 185 Hell

Lu Chong slowly opened his eyes. Where he looked, there was a gloomy and horrible doomsday scene. Sometimes a powerful ghost flew over from the sky and roared.

This is...

Lu Chong looked around and suddenly came out of a lotus platform under him, supporting the landing to rush forward.

The golden Lu Chong was incompatible with the surrounding environment. From time to time, lonely ghosts appeared and ferociously rushed over, but when he saw the lotus platform under Lu Chong, he retreated.

Lu Chong was puzzled and suddenly thought of an existence.

"King of Tibet Bodhisattva? Is this hell?"

Soon, Lu Chong came to the mainland, and in front of him, a huge archway did Lu Chong's conjecture.

The ghost door is closed!

Is this the famous ghost gate? Once the soul passes through this door, it will lose all abilities. From then on, it will be a ghost and be controlled by ghosts.

Lu Chong did not hesitate and floated under the archway. Soon, he saw the bridge again. After crossing the bridge, he was separated by yin and yang from then on. If he is a ghost, it is possible to return to the mortal world. Once he crosses the bridge, he will not be able to return to the mortal world. A trace of yang will make their souls fly away.

Lu Chong looked down, but saw a sea of people slowly coming towards here. His eyes were godless and he was driven away by ghosts. He passed the ghost gate, stepped on the bridge, and entered the ten halls for trial.

Lu Chong looked up, but saw the ten halls appear in turn, standing in the endless void, with a faint majesty.

The first hall, Jiang, the king of Qin Guang, was born on the first day of February. He specializes in the life and death of the world. He is in charge of the fate of good and good life, and leads to the super promotion. Those who have made two halves of the achievements are sent to the tenth hall for distribution, and still put into the world. The man turns into a woman and the woman turns into a man. Those who are more evil and less good are escorted to the right high platform of the hall, called the Evil Mirror Platform. As a hope, they can see the good or bad heart in the world, and then criticize the second hall and go to prison for suffering.

The second hall, the king of Chujiang, was born on the first day of March. He was in charge of the big hell, also known as the cold ice hell of stripping pavilion. There are also 16 small prisons. Those who hurt people's limbs, rapists and kill people in the sun are pushed into this prison, and they are sent to 16 small prisons to suffer. At the end of the third hall, and they will be sentenced to prison.

The third hall, Emperor Yu, was in charge of the black rope hell on the eighth birthday of February, and set up another 16 small prisons. Those who rebelled against the elders and abetting lawsuits were pushed into this prison and were sentenced to hanged, digging eyes and scraping bones, and the fourth hall was transferred to prison.

The fourth hall, Lv, the king of five officials, was in charge of the great hell, also known as the blood pool hell, and set up another 16 small hells. The mortals fought against food and rent, trade fraudsters, pushed them into this prison, and then sentenced them to a small prison to suffer, and sent them to the fifth palace for inspection in a full day.

The fifth hall, Yanluo Tianzibao, was born on the 8th day of the first lunar month. He lived in the first hall. He died of pity and repeatedly returned the sun and snow, and lowered this hall. The head of the division called the Great Hell and killed the heart of the 16th prison. Anyone who came to this temple was taken to the village platform, so that he could see that his family in the world suffered all kinds of crimes, and then he was pushed into this prison to investigate what he had committed, and then sent it to the 16th prison of the heart of the heart of death, hooked out his heart, throwing snake food, shaking his head, suffering all day, and sending another hall.

In the sixth hall, Bi, the king of Biancheng, was born on the eighth day of March. The head of the division shouted for the great hell and died in vain, and set up another 16 small prisons. The rebellious and unfilial person was sawed by two little ghosts. The world complains that those who drown and cry in the north will be sent to this prison. If you investigate the incident, you will also be punished by an iron cone and burning your tongue. Send the prison to suffer again, transfer the seventh hall all day, and then check if there is any other evil.

The seventh hall, King Dong of Mount Tai, was born on March 27. He was in charge of the hell, also known as the hell of grinding meat sauce, and there were 16 small prisons. Those who take the remains of medicine and leave people are sent to this prison. Send it to prison again. After suffering for a full day, he turned to the eighth hall and was imprisoned. In addition, anyone who steals, falsely accuses, extorts, seeks money and kills will be punished by the oil pan;

The eighth hall, the king of the city Huang, was in charge of the big hell on the birthday of April 1st, also known as the hell of the annoying pot, and set up 16 small prisons. Anyone who is unfilial in the world, which makes his parents depressed and annoyed, will be imprisoned. Then he handed over to each prison for additional punishment, suffered all the pain, handed it over to the tenth hall, changed his face, and always be a beast.

The ninth hall, equal Wang Lu, on the eighth birthday of April, is in charge of the Abi Hell of the iron network of Fengdu City, and 16 small prisons. Those who kill and set fire to and hang * in Yangshi will be solved to this hall, use hollow copper piles, chain their hands and feet to hug each other, stir up fire, burn their hearts and liver, and be punished in hell. Until the victims were reinducted, Fang Zhun proposed that six paths (Heavenly Road, Humanity, Tunnel, Asura Road, Hell Road and Animal Road) occurred in the Tenth Hall.

The tenth hall, the wheel king Xue, on his birthday on April 17th, specialized in the interpretation of ghosts in each hall, separating good and evil, verifying the level, and reincarnating the four major prefectures. Men and women live their lives, rich and poor, open in detail one by one, and know the first hall* every month. Where there are extremely evil ghosts who make the eggs wet, die in the morning and evening, and then return to life and be reincarnated as a barbarian land. Anyone sent to life, the shilling will be escorted to Meng Po, forget the stage, drink the soup, and forget the past life.

After the ten halls, a huge endless space whirlpool slowly rotates. In front of it, there is a huge wheel with countless scales. On it, there is a Buddhist temple, emitting a faint glow, and Sanskrit singing spreads from the world.

The king of the earth has six splits, guarding the hell and ferrying people on the side of the ferry.

Tan Tuo Dizang, "Tan Tuo" is a kind of human head building. Its image is a human head building in the left hand and a nectar seal in the right hand, which specializes in saving all sentient beings in hell.

The jewel is hidden, holding the jewel in the left hand, and the nectar seal in the right hand, which is specially designed to save hungry ghosts.

Baoyin Dizang, holding a tin stick in the left hand and a Ruyi treasure seal in the right hand, specializing in helping animals.

Holding the earth, holding the King Kong building in his left hand, and casting a fearless seal in his right hand, specializing in helping Asura Road.

Remove the barrier, hold the tin stick in the left hand, tie the wish seal in the right hand, remove the barrier of eight sufferings, and specialize in helping humanity. The so-called eight sufferings are suffering, old suffering, suffering, suffering from illness, death suffering, resentment and hatred will suffer, love to leave suffering, not seeking suffering, and five yin full of suffering, which are taken by the meaning of suffering.

Sunlight and earth hide, holding Ruyi beads in the left hand and knot a seal in the right hand, according to the five declines of heaven and man (five kinds of declines when heaven and man are about to die) and remove their distress, and specially help the way of heaven.

Lu Chong looked at the huge wheel, under which there were many small wheels, constantly rotating, and then some people disappeared from the wheels and were reincarnated.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the Buddhist temple.

"Son of fate, you are finally here."

As soon as the words fell, the Buddha temple was bright and prosperous. No matter who the hell was, he saluted to this ten.

Lu Chong smiled, and the lotus platform rotated. He took Lu Chong to the Buddhist temple and saw the Tibetan Bodhisattva who made a great wish to help the world.

The land is as calm as the earth, and the quietness is as deep as the secret, so the name of the place is hidden.

Lu Chong looked at the kind and majestic Tibetan Bodhisattva and also saluted him respectfully.

The Tibetan Bodhisattva also smiled and nodded slightly, which was regarded as a courtesy.

Lu Chong couldn't help asking:

"Bodhisattva, where is my last test?"

The Tibetan Bodhisattva said:

"I once made a big wish that hell would not be empty and I would not become a Buddha."

Lu Chong nodded:

"Bodhisattva's great wish is admirable."

"So what do you think of this?"

Lu Chong was silent, and after a while, he sighed:

"Hell is hard to go."

"Amitabha, what do you think so?"

"In those years, the mother-in-law turned into six ways to save the lonely souls and wild ghosts in the heavens. After that, Nuwa Niang rejuvenated humanity and the human race was prosperous, but she could not avoid fighting, which was doomed to be empty in hell.

Maybe one day, the 18th floor of hell can be cancelled, but at that time, I don't know how long it will take.

"Soon, maybe in the near future." Dizang Bodhisattva laughed.

Lu Chong was puzzled, but did not delve deeply. Dizang Bodhisattva suddenly stood up and looked at the endless void. The lotus platform under him appeared and slowly floated up in the air.

"May I do my best in the future disaster, be guilty and suffer all sentient beings, set up a wide range of convenience, and free me. There is no Sakyamuni Buddha in the south."

Rumbled, the hell suddenly shook, and countless cracks appeared in the six reincarnations in the distance, and then burst into Lu Chong's shocked eyes!

Countless ghosts roared and disappeared in the huge shock wave.

The real doomsday destroyed the six reincarnations, so is hell empty?

Lu Chong looked at the ray of golden light in the sky. Why was it like this?

There was no result, because the shock wave came to him and smashed him in an instant.

When Lu Chong opened his eyes again, he was in a dark place. There was a little Buddha light in the distance. Lu Chong hesitated for a moment and walked over.

The Buddha's light seems to be a mirror, and what appears in it is the tragedy of today's hell. Wild ghosts are raging everywhere. From time to time, new lonely souls come, but they can't be reborn. The world is also in chaos. There are continuous deaths of old people, and the crying of newborns for a long time is like the end of the world.

"On that day, Buddha Shakyamuni performed a piece of Buddha soil to prove the road and destroyed the six reincarnations of the world, but it caused himself to be contaminated with great karma, resulting in his power to retreat. In desperation, he had no choice but to be silent and start all over again. This is the end of that Buddha's land."

A grand voice sounded, and Lu Chong suddenly felt that it was no wonder that the Tibetan Bodhisattva would choose to destroy the six reincarnations. It turned out to be the Buddha's decree of Sakyamuni, and all sentient beings died, so all sentient beings had no pain and no sorrow. Buddha was a little extreme.

Lu Chong sighed, stepped into the mirror, stood in the void, looked at the countless lonely souls below, sat down cross-legged, silently for a long time, and suddenly recited:

The dust returns to dust, the soil returns to the earth, and the soul returns to the back soil. However, you don't need pain and sadness. Death is a cycle of life, and there is no cover-up, hypocrisy and darkness.

I have become six ways so that you will not dissipate or fall.

Tao never despises, but is for mixed elements. Looking down from the high, and there is no need to despise. High is not to abandon the low and exist, but only to protect and guide you. It is to let you know that you are the eternal seed, but I am your parents, guiding you to the way of true righteousness. Before that, I would like to live forever. , protect you.

Since this saying came out, Lu Chong was like a Buddha coming to the world, turning into a scorching sun, shining on the Buddha's land, turning into six paths, and reopening reincarnation!

And then:

The emperor has no relatives, but virtue is auxiliary, the most holy and selfless, but the way is obedient. For the purpose of creation and herding, all things are not close to each other, and all sentient beings are equally regarded, and everyone needs to help themselves. The sky does not take itself as high, so it can become high, and this is the ladder.

Since the lonely ghost has been reincarnated, there must be a new life in the world, and naturally there is also a way to practice. Everything begins again.

Hell is endless.

(The final chapter of this volume is to be continued, and the next volume is the finale.)