Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 428 It's hard to have a leisure day

In the ten-mile long pavilion, Zhengde and civil and military officials who welcomed Song Nan and others have already been waiting here. Seeing Song Nan, Zhengde personally stepped down the red carpet to greet him and put his arms into the seat.

The Rebellion of Liu Liu and Liuqi made Zhengde panic for a period of time. Large areas of state governments suffered damage, and the guards in various places were killed and injured, especially after the first expedition of the governors of the five armies failed. After the fall of Shandong provinces, the safety of the capital was also threatened.

When no one in the court dared to bear this responsibility, Song Nan stood up and solved the trouble for Zhengde. This rebellion was comparable to saving Zhengde's life for the second time. Zhengde is not an idiot. How can he count it?

That's why Zhengde did not hesitate to lead civil and military officials to welcome him. He wanted to give Song Nan's face, let everyone know what kind of glory he would get after serving his loyalty, and let those who shrank their heads and do nothing at critical times understand the highest gift he could give to his ministers who were dedicated to maintaining the Ming Society. Encounter.

Although civil and military officials have their own minds, who will touch the mold and say strange words at this time? After Zhengde's toast, the bigwigs at all levels of the internal and internal court, the Duke and Qi, and the relatives of the imperial family also toasted and congratulated Song Nan and Jiang Bin and others, praising them endlessly.

Song Nan's drinking capacity has been quite good, but after dozens of drinks, he finally lay drunk in the pavilion. Of course, Zhengde did not blame Song Nan's disgruity. He specially ordered people to send Song Nan back to Song's house with the carriage he took when he left the city, and everyone was happy and dispersed.

Song Nan slept in the dark. When she woke up, she only felt soft under her body, her nose was fragrant, and her surroundings were quiet. For a moment, she didn't know where she was. He got up in a daze and looked around. When he saw that he was familiar with the copper crane incense burner in the corner of the room, he realized that he was already in the Song Dynasty. The crane's mouth spewed smoke and slowly filled the room, emitting the fragrance of roses, which was the fragrance of roses that the little princess liked. This room was the bedroom of himself and the little princess.

Song Nan's throat was thirsty, turned to the ground, and pulled her shoes and socks to find tea on the desk. As soon as her footsteps moved, the flower curtain of the door was immediately lifted. Wan'er's beautiful face came in. Seeing Song Nan getting up, she quickly turned her head and shouted, "Young master is awake, the young master is awake."

A sentence seemed to be like a spell. In the blink of an eye, the old lady who was chatting outside and the Song family rushed in with a swarm of bees; Song's mother rushed to the front, no matter how she held Song Nan's head in her arms, her heart screamed, and tears fell on Song Nan's face. , and was rubbed by Song's mother's hand like rubbing foundation, evenly on Song Nan's face.

The women stood aside to wipe tears. Song Nan hurriedly looked over from the palm of Song's mother's hand and saw the reduced faces of the little princess, Ye Fanggu, Lu Qingli, Dai Suer and others, but they smiled with tears, and her heart was indescribable joy.

"My son, you have suffered. You can't go out to fight next time. I'm so worried. I beg you to recite scriptures for you day and night, which is my son's safe return." Song's mother held Song Nan's face and looked at it carefully while chattering.

Song Nan smiled and said, "My son is unfilial, which worries my mother, but I haven't been damaged at all. My mother doesn't have to worry about it."

Song's mother said anxiously, "It's also said that her hair is not damaged at all. Look, it's black and thin. It's not like a young man. It's like a farmer's idle man. She must have suffered a lot. Ping'er Wan'er asked the kitchen to add more good dishes in the past few days to mend the young master's body. How can this little bone suffer so much..."

It was night. Song Nan stayed in Dai Suer's room. Dai Suer was pregnant and could no longer have sex. Song Nan also fell stable. She only hugged Dai Suer's already round body, stroked and kissed for a while, and then fell into a dream.

In the morning, Song Nan was still in his dream, and a palace man came to Songfu to preach the decree. Song Nan reluctantly got up. Dai Suer coaxed and Wan'er to serve Song Nan to wash and dress, and sent Song Nan out of the yard. Song Nan did not mind letting the eunuch wait for a long time, and he could guess what the edict was.

Sure enough, Zhengde's purpose is to allow Song Nan to rest on a three-day holiday, and three days later, he will go to the court, which is the time to reward him for merit. This is Zhengde's practice. Zhengde often gives himself a holiday, which is not harsh on his ministers, especially Song Nan, who returned from the war, will naturally give him a holiday to recuperate, which is also quite humane.

Song Nan received a decree to thank him and sent away the eunuch. He also smiled bitterly, saying that he would take three days off. In fact, he had time to take a vacation. After the morning, someone would come to visit him. He wanted to go back to sleep, but that was a luxury.

After breakfast, Li Daniu came back from the government office. Song Nan was about to ask him where Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and others lived. After being drunk yesterday, he didn't have time to ask, but Li Daniu has done a very delicate job. He has properly arranged Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and others without Song Nan's instructions. Several border generals although Song Nan fought All of them have been arranged in the post hall inside the Jinyiwei government office. On weekdays, there are Jinyiwei officials who must have a place to live when they enter Beijing, so there are two post halls inside the Jinyiwei in Beijing.

Song Nan ordered Li Daniu to take people to invite Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and others to talk in the house. Anyway, they have to take a three-day vacation. They must fulfill the friendship of landlords and treat them well.

Li Daniu took the order to go out. Song Nan just sat down in the soft chair in the sun in the courtyard and planned to narrow his eyes for a while. The young man in the outer hall hurriedly came to report: "Master, Jinyiwei Tongzhi and Fusun Xuan of Fusi Town, Nanzhen came to see you."

Song Nan sighed and waved his hand and said, "Take him to the hall to wait, and I'll come right away."