Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 429 When the doubt rises again

Sun Xuan's official uniform is neatly dressed and sits in the hall refreshingly and waiting. In contrast, Song Nan is much more casual in household clothes, but this is the dignity of Shangguan. In front of subordinate officials, there is no need for official uniforms to maintain majesty, especially today's Song Nan.

Seeing Song Nan coming into the hall, Sun Xuan hurriedly got up and bowed respectfully: "I have seen the commander. On the day of the emperor's special leave, Sun came to disturb him early in the morning and thank you."

Song Nan waved his hand and smiled and said, "Brother Sun, don't say such a thing. I guess you will come in the morning. When I leave Beijing to suppress thieves, the big and small matters in the huge brocade guard government are all up to you. Thank you for your hard work."

Sun Xuan smiled and said, "Your Excellency said so, I am ashamed. Sun Xuan is an idiot who led the army to fight. He should have followed him, but his ability is limited, so he can only try his best to deal with the things in the government."

Song Nan stretched out his hand to sit down, and the servant presented him with fragrant tea. After taking a sip, Sun Xuan lowered his hand and waited for Song Nan to speak. He knew that Song Nan would definitely ask about the affairs in the government.

Song Nan put down the tea cup and smiled and said, "In the area of Shandong, the Jinyiwei government of Bazhou and Baoding Zhuzhoufu suffered heavy losses in this thief chaos. How is the reconstruction going?"

Sun Xuan had been prepared for a long time and knew that Song Nan was most concerned about this matter. This time, four thousand households and 16 hundred households were destroyed in the area where the thief soldiers were in chaos. The losses were indeed not small. At the time of suppressing the thieves, the casualties were also nearly 3,000. These are the capital of Jinyiwei. Song Nan can't care about it.

"Your Excellency, thousands of households and hundreds of government departments are being rebuilt, and the government departments of the main state capital have begun to operate. In cooperation with the reconstruction and relief of the imperial court, the humble position has also made a memorial to the court. The emperor also issued a decree to allocate 300,000 taels for the Ministry of Household, which is dedicated to the reconstruction of the Jinyiwei Yamen and the pension of the wounded soldiers. , everything is proceeding in an orderly manner; Fu Sihou Town in Beizhen is located in Shandong. The day before yesterday, he also wrote to ask if the adult had returned to Beijing triumphantly, saying that he would not return for the Spring Festival and returned after handling the affairs there properly.

Song Nan nodded and said, "Then I'm relieved. Hou Dabiao is impatient and the officer is very hard. You can give him my words and let him come back for a few days during the Spring Festival and rebuild."

Sun Xuan nodded and said, "Following your order, the addition of the brocade guard riding to rebuild the government office still needs to be decided. The inferior position discussed with Li Baihu of the inspection team and wanted to select first people from the thief soldiers captured by the court, but I was afraid that this move would not comply with the rules."

Song Nan smiled and thought that Li Daniu is also full of style now. He is just a hundred households of the inspection team, but Sun Xuan also had to discuss matters with him. The inspection team is responsible for inspecting the identity of the candidates recruited into the Jinyiwei. The control is very strict, not only to prevent the fine work of mixing into the Jinyiwei, but also to select suitable candidates and the rights. He was not small; but more importantly, Sun Xuan knew that Li Daniu was his closest confidant, and the people he brought from Weizhou were even more respectful.

"The rules are not suitable, but the court has already had a goal first, but as long as they surrender, the people will be written off from the thief's matter. Although one of the criteria for the selection of Jinyiwei is that there is no record, the court has been pardoned, and it cannot be regarded as a record. Although you are bold, many of the prisoners have experienced wars, which save a lot of things. Just one point, don't force them. After all, most of them are just ordinary people. If they want to go home to farm, it's up to them.

Sun Xuan smiled and said, "I don't want to enter the guard government, but I don't want such elm-headed people. Since the adult has sent a word, we can shake off our hands and feet."

Song Nan nodded with a smile and raised her glass for tea.

Sun Xuan did not mean to leave. He looked a little hesitant and seemed to have something to say.

"Brother Sun, if you have something to say, is it possible that something will not happen?"

"No, no, no, it's nothing. It's just that I don't know whether I should report it to you."

Song Nan frowned and said, "What does it mean? If you have something to do, you can.

Sun Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Do you still remember what happened when you were visiting Xiangshan two months ago?"

Song Nan looked up and thought, "Xiangshan? Are you talking about the incident that the guard of the king of Anhua followed me and almost fought?

Sun Xuan said, "It was exactly that the king of Anhua secretly came to the capital. At that time, the adult was busy with going on an expedition and did not investigate it deeply, but the humble decision was still secretly. Originally, it was about the royal matter, and the humble position did not intend to investigate in depth, but the humble man found out the purpose of Prince Anhua's coming to Beijing and felt very strange. The humble position felt that there was It is necessary to report to the adults.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "What? Is it important?"

Sun Xuan said, "It was precisely because I didn't know whether it was important that I decided to report it to you. On that day, Prince Anhua went to Xiangshan, and the lord once said that his guard said that the prince was going to see someone, right?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, I guess most of them went to the temple in Xiangshan to see some monks or something."

Sun Xuan shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, do you remember that when Wang Yue and Fan Heng of the inner court were brought down, Fan Heng had a property in Xiangshan courtyard?"

Song Nan was shocked and got up and walked, "As far as I know, the Xiangshan courtyard was included in Liu Jin's pocket, and I didn't delve into this matter. After all, these things can't be put on the table. What's the investigation? Maybe it was approved by the emperor.

Sun Xuan didn't say anything and thought to himself: Naturally, you don't want to pursue it. The big house you live in is not Fan Heng's property, but you also took something.

Song Nan suddenly stopped and said with a shocked expression, "Brother Sun, do you mean that Prince Anhua went to Xiangshan not to worship Buddha and burn incense, but to see... Liu Jin?"

Sun Xuan pointed out and praised: "Your Excellency is wise and transparent at one point. The result I secretly found is exactly like this."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "But in fact, there is no need to make such a fuss about this matter. Liu Jin is full of power, and it is naturally reasonable for Prince Anhua to have a friendship with him."

Sun Xuan said, "The problem is that the things they talked about are a little unusual. Prince Anhua visited Liu Jin to ask Liu Jin to help him do something."

"What's the matter?"

"The lifting of the ban on the number of soldiers of the Qingwangfu Guard."

Song Nan blinked and said, "What's the matter?"

Sun Xuan scratched his head and said, "Don't you know that since Emperor Taizu, the vassal king of my dynasty has abided by the principle of 'separation but not tin soil, ennobility but not coming to the people, food and salary but not governance'. His status is noble, but he does not govern affairs. In the rules set by Taizu, although the kings are not responsible for unifying the people, they are allowed to have the right to lead the army. However, since becoming an ancestor, the right to lead the army has been restricted. Only the right to support the guards of the royal palace is also allowed, and the number of deaths is also limited. Generally, only 2,000 guards are allowed to be raised, which is more than the rules.

Song Nan naturally understood why he would not allow the vassal king to lead the army after Chengzu. Zhu Di himself was a vassal king leading the army. It was he himself who took the throne. After ascended the throne, he was naturally afraid that other vassal kings would follow suit, so he set this rule. This is the code. The type of thief is guilty.

"You mean that the Prince Anhua asked Liu Jin to help him with his work, but the purpose was to expand the number of guards of King Qing's Mansion? What does the forehead of the Qingwang Palace guard have to do with him?

"Don't know that the king of Anhua County was originally a branch of the Qing Palace. After the death of Prince Qing a few years ago, now his young son has inherited the title of King Qingding. The King of Anhua is his uncle. It is said that he has been staying in Ningxia Town to take charge of the affairs of the Qing Palace."

Song Nan nodded and said, "It turns out that's the case, but King Anhua came forward to plead for an increase in the number of soldiers, which makes some reason."

Sun Xuan said, "Yes, of course, these things need the emperor's approval. King Anhua himself was not sure to let the emperor agree, so he asked Liu Jin for help in advance to let Liu Jin blow in the emperor's ear. The emperor has agreed to this matter, and the limit of the guard of the palace will be increased to 5,000."

Song Nan frowned and thought carefully, "What do you think this means?"

Sun Xuan shook his head and said, "I can't guess anything."

Song Nan saw the four words in Sun Xuan's eyes. As a Jinyiwei official, she is extremely ** about these things. What she can't guess is not that she can guess, but she can't say more.

"Is this news reliable?" Song Nan asked.

"I have an old Anchun under me for more than ten years, and now he is the steward of Xiangshan Hospital. Prince Anhua carried two large boxes of gold and silver jewelry to visit Liu Jin."

"Was the emperor's promise to King Anhua be announced in the court?" Song Nan asked.

"No, this is an internal matter of the royal family. The emperor nodded and counted. As for how I knew about it, adults can attack and ask Princess Corning. It's not convenient for me to say much."

Song Nan's heart was bright, and the news from the palace was naturally learned by Kang Ning. Maybe when Zhengde announced it, there was a maid on the side, and maybe Corning was on the left and right, and he had already spread his eyes in the palace with the help of Corning's convenience. He originally mastered the trend of the inner court, but even explored some things in Zhengde's private. Arrived. The palace news network is directly in the hands of senior officials of Jinyiwei, and it is not surprising that Sun Xuan knows this matter.

Song Nan walked slowly. He still couldn't infer what this matter would indicate, but as a brocade guard**, and it was related to Liu Jin, Song Nan certainly refused to give up. If there was anything wrong with King Anhua's move, it was an opportunity to pull Liu Jin down.

"Sent people to investigate this matter secretly. If you want to send good hands, you must not startle the snake. The fief of King Anhua is in Qingyang and lives in Ningxia Town. It is under the jurisdiction of Yang Yiqing, the three-sided general system. You can go to the field to investigate, but remember not to leak information easily.

Sun Xuan nodded and said, "I understand that I plan to go there in person after the year."

Song Nan snorted and served tea to the guests.