
Chapter 57 Let's go! Let's go!

I tried my best to let you leave me, just so that you will have a better tomorrow, and things have reached this point. I can only go forward and can't turn back. Besides, there is no way out. Do you... understand?

"We have no future, so let go, so... we're all better, okay?" He endured the pain of bone erosion and said ruthless words at ease. It's just to break his heart for you.

After listening to her words, Mu Junhao's angry face was even more ugly. He roared fiercely and said, "What's wrong with me! What's wrong with me! Ah?! Why do you always leave me? Why? Am I a monster? You will run away when you see me! Answer me!!!" And he kept shaking his relieved shoulders.

You are very good. No one is better than you. However, we are not suitable, so we can't be together. This is the simplest reason. Besides, we have broken up for so long. Why do you still want to be so much? What the hell are you thinking!" Under your conditions, what do you want to let a woman? Why can't I? Anxin looked at the stubborn Mu Junhao incomprehensiblely.

When we first broke up, your non-giving up moved me, made me sad, and made me feel sorry for you. And now, although I still can't let you go, your affection has become my burden, you know? I can't afford it anymore.

"How do I know! How do I know!!" Mu Junhao roared loudly to Anxin, but these two words seemed to consume all his strength, because he suddenly hung his head weakly, even lowered his shoulders, and whispered, "From the first time we met, you gave me a special feeling that made me involuntarily want to approach you. Gradually, I, who doesn't care about anything, have something I want to protect, and my heart that I have never opened to anyone has opened for you alone. My sincerity is also given to you, but what? Oh!" Mu Junhao smiled sarcastically and raised his head. Looking at the relieved eyes full of injuries, he said, "You threw it away." Tears swelled in his eyes. He frowned and looked at her and said, "Do you know that you are really vicious? You are the first person I really fall in love with. I can't even die for you, but why do you treat me like this? Peace of mind, where is your conscience? Ah? Because of you, I hurt others, you feel guilty, you blame yourself, you feel sorry for them, what about me!" He patted his chest fiercely and said, "I'm also living a life worse than death because of you!" Don't you feel sorry for me? Can you bear to hurt me? I love you the most! I repeatedly begged you to come back to me, but why didn't you agree? Did I do something wrong, or something about me that made you unbearable? Tell me, can't I just change it? Why did you leave me?"

Every word he said made me feel at ease. However, even if tears have swirled in her eyes, she is relieved that she will not let it fall down, because once she shed tears, the wall piled up with cruelly to prevent Mu Junhao from approaching her will collapse in an instant, and everything she tried to hide will be like overflowing tears and can no longer be hidden from him.

And I'm not a fool, but why did I make a stupid decision? If I could be selfish and insist on being with you, I wouldn't make you who love me suffer as much as you are now. Then I'm confused. Why have you become stupid? Why are you so persistent? Don't do this again, okay? Your persistence will not be rewarded, and if I explain everything to you now, you will definitely turn against your father, but, do you know? Although you don't like your father, he loves you, so I can't make him who loves you sad, because we all hope you will live better.

So, I beg you, I beg you, let go, don't torture yourself, and don't torture me anymore. Every hurt look of your eyes seems to be telling me about my cruelty, making me feel so guilty that I can't face you. Every tear you shed for me seems to accuse me of my ruthlessness and makes me dare not face it. Your affectionate face, and every word of your prayer is more like reminding me how cold it is to hurt such a vulnerable you.

God knows that I want to give you the best. God knows how much I want to never let go of your hand, but I have no choice.

I tried to make my voice sound normal and said at ease, "As a woman, I think there will be no regrets even if I die. So, I thank you for loving me so much, but I'm not destined to respond to you. So..." She said in pain, "If you want to open up, let go."

"Oh!" The sarcasm appeared on his face again, and he said, "Say it, you still can't accept me, can you?"

Silence... is the best answer.

Fiercely wiped away the tears on his face, Mu Junhao said, "Tell me the reason, I don't want to break up like this. Are you tired of me or are you really with me because of my money? I want to know the truth.

It turns out that money is still the most disturbing reason for you. Some complain about why the other party is so unconfident about herself. She has long said that it is not because of this that she is with him, but she sighs helplessly in her heart. If there are too many rumors, it will naturally make people suspicious. Obviously, very firm things will also become waver.

Think about it, she and Mu Junhao are really walking together gradually because of money. In this case, I will let you give up. I thought I was a ruthless person, so let me be more thorough!" Money, I'm with you because of your money. And as I said before, why do you have to ask again? Do you feel that you are not hurt enough? He looked at Mu Junhao indifferently.

And the latter's face suddenly turned pale as paper because of her words. Seeing this, peace of mind can only turn away again and can't face it.

I'm sorry I hurt you.

And the two fell silent like this.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Junhao nodded as if he had recovered and said, "I understand." Then he laughed at himself and said, "It seems that my vision is really not good."

I feel terrible because of the other party's words, but my face is still cold and I can't see anything strange.

After seeing that the other party finished saying this, he wanted to leave. Anxin immediately said anxiously, "Mu Junhao, what will you do to Feng Liang?"

This is what she has been worried about, and it is also the reason why she talked with Mu Junhao alone.

Stopping, Mu Junhao did not look back, but said, "I hurt him to make you feel guilty, just to force you to come back to me. Unfortunately, I didn't get what I wanted, and now I won't do anything for you anymore. Because from now on, we no longer have anything to do with each other.

Then he walked away without hesitation.

This time... Are they really over?

Standing in place and looking at Mu Junhao's departure back, he finally dared to shed tears at this time. The pain in my heart can only be vented when he leaves. I love you in this way and live a very tired life. However, I don't want to let go like you, because even if there is no result, I will silently bless you in the corner of the world, because I don't have to be with you when I love you.

Unfortunately, you don't think so, so I can only hurt your skin again and again and accept so many lessons. That fool, don't look back this time, remember? You have to do what you say!


I don't know how I walked home, but when I opened the door lock and saw Su Tianyi sitting on the sofa, Anxin suddenly remembered one thing, that is, she seemed to ignore the other party because she only cared about Mu Junhao.

I suddenly regretted that I could be so negligent. His relationship with Mu Junhao has always been embarrassing, and I have done such a brainless thing, which must have hurt Su Tianyi.

"I'm sorry, I..." What can I say? There is nothing to say. Because of Feng Liang's matter, he was eager to ask Mu Junhao to stop, so he forgot his existence, but he couldn't open his mouth like this and could only bow his head speechlessly.

That calm peace of mind has long disappeared after meeting Mu Junhao. Don't think about what will happen, because Mu Junhao will always appear at that time to help her solve everything!

"Don't apologize, after all, I'm not important to him." Su Tianyi's sarcastic voice sounded.

"No, don't say that." Anxin immediately denied Su Tianyi's self-deprecating words and hurriedly explained, "At that time... I had something urgent to talk to him, so..."

And Su Tianyi followed her words at this time, "Did you ignore me?"

I'm speechless again...

But Su Tianyi suddenly said at this time, "Didn't you break up? What else do you have to say to him?

She was shocked and looked at Su Tianyi in surprise, but smiled at herself in an instant. The matter between her and Mu Junhao has always attracted much attention. Even a small move will be known to the whole school. What's more, the matter of breaking up, in fact, it should be just a guess. After all, she When he broke up with him, only the two of them were present, and Mu Junhao would not tell others, and she would not be bored to tell others. It seems that he was with other girls that day, which caused a misunderstanding. But no matter what, the result was correct. They did break up.

Suddenly feeling so tired, he unconsciously frowned and said, "If there is nothing to do, I'll go back to my room first, and I'll make dinner later."

But at the moment she turned around, Su Tianyi suddenly took her to her arms and hugged her tightly. For a moment, she knew that something was wrong.

"Can't I? Can't I?" Su Tianyi's muffled voice sounded on her relieved shoulder.

And this affirms her guess. Su Tianyi did not give up on himself. He always held feelings for himself outside his relatives.

It suddenly became so annoying. Why are you all like this? So is Mu Junhao, and so are you. How on earth are you going to force me? As I said, I only regard you as my younger brother, why don't you give up?" God's will, as I said, I only regard you as my brother. Her powerless voice sounded.

There is really no other possibility of this matter. Although they are not related by blood, she always treats him as her younger brother and has never thought about anything else. Therefore, even if she asks many times, it is the result of this, and her heart has long been given to that man and will not come back.

"I don't want to be your brother." Su Tianyi looked at Anxin and said excitedly, "Why, I'm not as good as him. Why do you have to choose him or not? He is an indifferent person. He is not sincere to you at all. Don't be stupid."

A little angry, Su Tianyi casually blamed Mu Junhao without knowing the situation, but it was heartbreaking, because it told her that Mu Junhao was good at hiding himself, and the only person he believed in was himself, but...

Close your eyes. After that, who will let him open his heart again?

However, she doesn't want to explain anything. No matter how much Mu Junhao loves her, others don't need to know, as long as she knows.

He broke away from Su Tianyi's arms and said at ease, "Some things can't be changed, just like my heart has been given to Mu Junhao." Just like I will always treat you as my brother.

But the other party's mood became more excited. He said, "You have broken up. He doesn't love you anymore. Wake up!"

The frown showed her impatience at this time. She really didn't want to talk more about her relationship with Mu Junhao, because every time it would only make her clearly realize how ruthless she was, so she said, "I'm very uncomfortable. I'll go back to my room first."