
Chapter 58.

However, Su Tianyi disagreed. He pulled An An back into his arms fiercely and imprisoned him tightly. He said domineeringly, "Don't go!" Then he asked excitedly, "Tell me why you like him. I'm not willing to lose to him. He is obviously a bad guy. Why did he get your love and take you away from me?"

For Su Tianyi, who doesn't know anything, Anxin really doesn't want to say anything more to him, because listening to his words, her heart will only feel more sorry for Mu Junhao. For everyone's hidden him, only in front of himself is the most real. He only shows his real side to himself, which is enough to show his weight in his heart, but he cruelly left him.

Suddenly, I found that I was really as vicious as he said. If someone does this to himself, but he knows nothing, it is understandable that he will have this kind of reaction. Thinking of this, he will make himself even more distressed.

However, at this time, she really hopes that Mu Junhao will just play as Su Tianyi said, because in this way, that fool will not be so painful. You know, the infatuation is the most hurt. You fool, must give up on me after this time and don't suffer by yourself. ?

But Su Tianyi seemed to suddenly remember something at this time. He said, "Is it because of money? If I don't have him, you chose him instead of being with me."

And this suddenly hurt peace of mind, money! Money! Money! Why does everyone think that I was with Mu Junhao because of money? Why do I always think so superficially? His money has nothing to do with me. All I like is his people. I just like him. Isn't that okay? Is it wrong to like him? Is love right? Why did you get this crime?

Because of Su Tianyi's words, she suddenly became angry and shouted, "Let me go!" Then he struggled hard.

has always been emotionally stable and reassuring, and began to become a little excited under the stimulation of Su Tianyi's words.

Why does she like Mu Junhao? Why does she like Mu Junhao? It's her own business and has nothing to do with others!

"I won't let go!" Su Tianyi was also unstable, and then he hugged the struggling peace of mind more force, and then kissed peace of mind again.

His sudden move made her stunned for a moment, but then it was annoying! I hate this feeling. Like last time, this is not the kiss she likes, let alone what she wants. And this time, she did not hesitate to bite Su Tianyi fiercely.

However, Su Tianyi did not let go, but kissed more fiercely, and Anxin was even more forcefully biting. However, even if his mouth was full of the smell of blood, he did not mean to let go. Gradually, a feeling of powerlessness appeared in her heart, which made her excited and gradually stabilized. Ask yourself in your heart, why... are you so stubborn, why... forcing me?

Mu Junhao's face appeared at this time. He had been hurt by her and gave up. What about you? Looking at the face in front of me, what do you want me to do to stop holding feelings for me other than my relatives? I have always treated you as my own brother and slowly let go of my mouth. In order not to let you get hurt, I even gave up Mu Junhao. I pushed away my favorite person, but, look, what are you doing to me now? ?

Do you know that I'm really sad when you are like this! Do you know how contradictory I am! I don't want to lose you, I want to take care of you, and I want to protect you, because you are very important to me, but as soon as I get close to you, you have love for me. What should I do?

Su Tianyi, don't be capricious anymore, you can also let go! Can you make my sister better?

Seeing that the peace of mind in her arms changed from the original fierce resistance to this puppet-like reaction in the end, Su Tianyi gradually let go of her, and her injured face roared at her desperately: "Why! Why!!"

Closing her eyes, she also wanted to know why, and she also wanted to know why she was so fascinated by Mu Junhao. However, if you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Love is love, and family affection is always family affection.

Seeing that she was speechless, the injured Su Tianyi pushed her away from her arms fiercely and ran out angrily.

"Bum!" With a sound, as the door was slammed hard, the quarrelsome room just now immediately returned to quiet.

Sitting slowly on the sofa, her face was full of fatigue. There are really too many things that happened today, and many of her brains are about to explode... Rest. She wants to rest. If she can, she really hopes that she will never wake up after closing her eyes, because there are really too many things to face. And each one was so sad that she wanted to cry sadly.


The days still continue like that, and Mu Junhao is really just like what he said. He no longer does anything for peace of mind and no longer pestering her. Her days live according to the peace she wants, but the empty feeling in her heart is really uncomfortable, and every time she looks at each other inadvertently, The indifference in his eyes made his heart faintly painful.

And since that day, she hasn't seen Su Tianyi. Although she was worried, there was nothing she could do if Su Tianyi didn't turn it on, but she heard from her classmates that he was still in class. Although she hadn't met, it also reassured her.

She thought that Su Tianyi could not face her now after that incident, and she also didn't know how to face him. Maybe it would be better not to meet him in this way, leaving him a little space to think and let him calm down. And she won't change her mind. How can she easily take back the heart she handed over? Besides, what Mu Junhao has done for her can't be forgotten in her life. She doesn't want it anymore.

Now she knows that she is really stupid sometimes, just like Su Tianyi and her feelings. She always thought that after the first experience of that incident, he would pay attention to his words and change his original intention. Especially when they were embarrassed for a long time and finally sat down to eat together again, she thought that he had After listening to her words, she gave up and regarded herself as a sister. Unexpectedly... Although she was very angry, she was a younger brother after all, and she had nothing to be angry about after thinking about it for a long time. Love is not reasonable in the first place. Besides, it was like Mu Junhao tightly pestering her and loving Su Tianyi. She won't let go easily, but no matter what he does, she won't accept it. In her life, she has identified Mu Junhao. Although she can't be together, her heart can't hold anyone else.

smiled self-deprecatingly, and I was quite infatuated.

People who are busy with the college entrance examination have no heart to care about others. They all seize the time to read books and recite questions. Now the same is the peace of mind. Although she has lost Mu Junhao, she has other things to complete, to be admitted to college and fulfill her mother's wishes. Therefore, I have been working harder these days, but I won't stay up late and keep enough sleep all the time, otherwise how can I be energetic?

On the day of the graduation photo, the weather was really bad, as if it felt that people were about to separate, and the sky could not help but be stained with sadness and gray, which also made the heart that had become particularly uncomfortable because of the imminent separation, and it was even more uncomfortable. Noting girls began to shed tears, even male classmates A lot of eyes are red.

And her heart was indescribably uncomfortable. In order to make the upcoming separation from her teachers and classmates, and for her and Mu Junhao, she had no contact with him during this period of time, except for a meeting when she occasionally entered the classroom again.

Thinking that she may never see him again after the college entrance examination, her heart is churning and reluctance. She is really reluctant, but she can only hide her feelings. Subconsciously looking in the direction of Mu Junhao, he was leaning against the wall and smoking. I don't know what he was thinking.

It was even more uncomfortable to see him like this. Both of them clearly agreed to be admitted to college together, and Mu Junhao also worked hard to study for her. They even considered whether to have children in the future, "Oh!" Suddenly, he couldn't help laughing. In order to dominate himself, the extremely exclusive guy actually said that he didn't want the child and said that the child would rob him. However, suddenly the smile on his face turned into a bitter smile. No matter how well he thought about it, what's the use of thinking more? As a result, they don't want to separate.

Sadness filled her face. If she had known that there would be today's ending at that time, she would not have made so many promises at the beginning, so that she would have become a thorn that hurts every time she thinks of it now.

No, if she thought that there would be such a result, she would not have responded to Mu Junhao at all. Perhaps, she should not have agreed to his request to have contact with him at the beginning, so that she would not get closer and closer, eventually become a lover, and then become a stranger now.

Is it that she began to think too sadly today and smiled self-deprecatingly, because she thought that if she hadn't accepted Mu Junhao's money at the beginning, what would she be like now? It is impossible to go to school quietly. It should have fallen long ago! So if she didn't agree and Mu's father asked to leave him, what would happen? What will they look like now? If she lifts her arm, will she miss her arm and break her leg? But if only she is injured and threatened, she will not hesitate to choose to join hands with him, because Mu Junhao can die for her, and she can also die for him, but... Su Tianyi was involved and forced her to give up this decision.

Now I want to laugh again. Obviously, she is in love with Mu Junhao, but how can there be so many people involved to interfere in their feelings? It's her who lives with him, not them!

But... "Hey..." sigh, make fun of people!