Kowloon plate

Chapter 66 Battle 1

Battle 1

No name nodded, "This set of skills mainly lies in the body, and the knife method is secondary. Uncle Zhou will come again, and I will learn again--"

The two of them played pong in the yard, and the villagers around them became more and more energetic, almost more interested than the two people in the matter.

One night, the nameless was addicted to the new moves. Qingjia had come to see him many times, but he was happy. In the end, Qingjia had to use Zhou Buqing's need to rest to let the nameless let go of the old man, and those people seemed to have passed the enthusiasm and perhaps sleepy. Anyway, it didn't take long for him to see each other. Go back to your place to sleep.

Early the next morning, he came to Zhou Buqing again with a nameless spirit and asked him to continue to guide him. Zhou Buqing had no choice but to agree that he was embarrassed not to teach others with such an apprentice. Therefore, as soon as they had time, they studied martial arts together. After being together for a long time, Zhou Buqing also liked this kind of being more and capable. The young man not only taught him the set of 'war enemies' completely, but also talked to him about a lot of the truth of life, as well as the world that he didn't know much after nameless amnesia.

One day by, it has been ten days since the nameless and Qingjia arrived in Zhoufu. Those old people are living well and there is no special situation, but the name knows that this is only the tranquility before the storm. Zhou Buqing is also quite clear that the later the killers launch the attack, the greater the intensity of the attack. Anyway, he is not idle. In addition to being with the nameless, he is trying to fight those ferocious killers. A lot of friends in the world have also been invited. People who can work hard within a hundred miles of town and villages have been invited. The only thing that surprised Zhou Buqing is that the people who went to Bofang City for help did not reply. Don't think about it. I also know that it was cut off by those people, which is even more worrying.

These people ignored Zhou Buqing's gathering of many people here, but blocked the people who went to ask for help from the military, which showed that they were not afraid of these people recruited by Zhou Buqing. Those family members who accompanied the elderly were sent back by Zhou Buqing. First, they had no effect here, but were in the way. Second, although Zhou's house was big, it was a little crowded with so many Jianghu people at once, so it was the best choice to kick them home.

Make all the preparations and wait for the arrival of those people with everyone. In fact, the nameless is very excited, and even looks forward to the arrival of those people. He really wants to see who the other party is, and wants to know why they want to do something to these old people.

The nameless move of "war enemy" has been practiced very well. What he owes is only that heat. Zhou Buqing is more and more satisfied with the nameless. Every day, he has to take time to practice with the nameless. Watching him make rapid progress, he is naturally happy for him. And Qingjia, who is nameless, is not worried at all. The little girl seems to have become the king of children up and down Zhou's house. Because she is beautiful, all the children in Zhou's house like her very much. Among the children, she is like a fish in water, and she can even lead ordinary children around to patrol.

Finally, the storm came 13 days after the nameless arrival of Zhoufu!

This night, the nameless was practicing moves accompanied by Zhou Buqing. There were many people watching the scene around the yard. Suddenly, there was a burst of ** in the crowd, and someone shouted from afar.

Zhou Buqing looked at the nameless and said with a wry smile, "Finally." Gathering people, the nameless followed by Qingjia, and hundreds of people surrounded the place where the old people lived, which was impenetrable.

The nameless stood in the crowd at all. Zhou Buqing stood in the front with some good people. This arrangement was only the key to the nameless as a dangerous time and caught the other party off guard.

The wind is blowing, and the door of Zhou Mansion is open, and there is a large group of black people coming. These people are about 30 or 40 people, all dressed in black, hidden under the black cloth, with only a pair of eyes showing fiercely staring at the opposite crowd.

Zhou Buqing's face flashed fiercely and shouted, "The thief is fierce. Everyone is ready." A sound of weapons coming out of the sheath sounded, but the people in black rushed ten meters away from the crowd and suddenly stopped and lined up. At this time, they saw their number well, more than 40 people.

The men in black stood up, and six of them slowly came forward. Because they couldn't see the expression, the nameless and others didn't know who they were at all.

The person on the far left said, "Do you think you can find some mob to protect such an old thief? Hahaha, today, don't blame us for killing.

Zhou Buqing stood up and said awe-inspiringly, "It's really a thief shouting to catch thieves. Where did we old men offend you? Unexpectedly, it's so rushed to kill. Humph, let's start killing? Are you still killing less? What a joke."

As soon as the man was angry, he was about to rush up, but he was blocked by the people around him and blocked his humanity: "Don't talk too much nonsense. We don't want to kill those old guys. Are you not allowed to let him?"

Zhou Buqing's golden gun was blunt and sounded on the ground: "Well, if you have the ability, then kill it."

The man in black stopped talking and said, "I'm asking for trouble." He ordered an attack.

The rest of the people in black around the six people rushed over like wolves. Zhou Puqing took people to meet them. The two regiments fought together. Suddenly, as the man in black said, the blood flew. The people recruited by Zhou Puqing were only small and difficult to experience the life-and-death war. At this moment, more than a dozen people were knocked down by the enemy. That defense There were also loopholes in the line in an instant, and only a few masters like Zhou Buqing could block their opponents from fighting separately.

The role of the unknown and several masters arranged behind at this time was reflected. When the man in black hit the first line of defense and thought that his opponent was nothing more than this, the unknown people gave them a head-on blow. The nameless held the nine-foot saber, cut off a man in black's hand with one knife, exclaimed, and the four black The man in clothes immediately surrounded him and wrapped him in it. The four seemed to have practiced some joint attack skills. They were trapped in it for a while, and his saber was fierce and could not break the encirclement.

Qingjia's cultivation is not anonymous. Holding the Shaohua sword, she is even a little better than the unknown, but the little girl said that she has never killed anyone. In the face of the life-and-death war, she only fought with a scabbard, but even so, she is still comfortable between the three men in black.

The unknown two people stopped several people, and the situation behind suddenly became light. Those masters were barely able to resist the enemy's strong attack. For a moment, the field was sonorous and angry.

The six people stood outside the field and only watched the situation in the battlefield with cold eyes. When the man in black was cut off by a nameless knife, their eyes suddenly locked on the nameless body. When they saw that he could defeat the four men in black with the strength of one person, the six people's eyes emitted a deep cold light, and one of them said, "This is Where did the boy come out? Unexpectedly, his cultivation is not weak.

He seemed to be the leader of these people. As soon as he spoke, a person next to him quickly replied in a low voice: "This man is not in our file. He should be Zhou Buqing's new young master."

At this time, Zhou Buqing's two opponents showed a flaw because they could not stop his strong attack. They were seized by Zhou Puqing and were about to be killed. At this time, the six people could no longer be stabilized. One of them was like an electric flight. They rushed forward to fight against Zhou Buqing and said, "Zhou Laoer, I'll meet you." This man used a steel knife and cut Zhou Puqing's head head head-on, forcing him to give up the enemy's killer, thus saving the other party.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you cold-blooded killers still care about the lives of your men. Come on, let me kill you one by one." The golden gun is extremely dazzling, and three brilliant gun flowers point to the head, chest and abdomen of the new man in black.

The man in black said to the two men, "He will give it to me. Go and take down the teenager." The two ran away silently and rushed to the nameless.

Hearing Zhou Puqing's words, the man in black snorted disdainfully: "Mr. Zhou, don't be shameless. Look at the trick." The man in black was not the same as his men. The knife moves were fierce and it was easy to resolve Zhou Buqing's shooting. Both of them shouted angrily and fought together.

The nameless place here, the enemy suddenly increased, and its strength was not weak. For a moment, the nameless attack turned into defense, and the appearance was clumsy. There seemed to be an unnamed line between the six people, and they cooperated very tacitly with each other. There was no chance to make a move. The nine-foot saber could only passively protect them, and only heard for a while. After a while, the saber in the nameless hand had been smashed by the enemy's blade and turned over without attack power, and the crisis was fierce in front of him.

In addition to the nameless, Qingjia and Zhou Buqing, there were also two middle-aged men who were quite good at it. They blocked two people in black respectively. Although they were not as easy as Qingjia, they were not as difficult as nameless. Except for the two of them, the others besieged the black clothes like nameless. Most people beat one, but even so, there are still many unknown people on the side spitting blood and flying out. The man in black is a master of the life-and-death war, which is not equal to those who usually only practice physical fitness.

Generally speaking, although the nameless side is hard, it finally resists the enemy's attack. Of course, except for those five people who are still watching coldly now.

"Oh." From the outside, the unknown regiment's place suddenly rose and flew high. All five people were shocked. They quickly looked at the unknown who was surrounded by people. They saw the nameless holding a big fire knife and split two people in black with two knives to spit blood and fly upside down.

The leader in black on this side was shocked, and the black cloth on his face trembled and said, "The emperor?"

They didn't expect that the man in black was attacked by the sudden situation. He was attacked by the nameless. The pressure of the nameless was greatly reduced. Taking advantage of the power, he killed another man in black with a knife. Dayan cut off no one. He suddenly raised the anger of everyone on this side of the field to the highest. As soon as Zhou Buqing saw this, he forced the black head with one shot. He turned around and shouted, "Brothers, beat these people in black out."