Kowloon plate

Chapter 67 Break


After saying that, he took the gun first and roared, "Hang gun immediately."

Once the unique move on the battlefield was put out in the early years, the man in black was also suppressed by him, retreated step by step, and morale rose again.

Qing Jiajiao shouted: "The imperial sword sweeps the eight wasteland, drink, clear water flowing waves."

The unique move came out with a sheath, and a blue water sword appeared in the air, and the diffuse water light was sad in the open air and suddenly cut.

The water-like sword shape in the sky cut down with her movements. After hearing several sonorous sounds, the three people in black who besieged her spit out blood and flew backwards. By the way, she also knocked out an unknown person in black.

The water dispersed, and the drops mixed with blood into mud-like things in the field. The two sides of the fight stepped on it, and soon became muddy.

One of the people in black standing outside the battlefield was shocked again and muttered, "The sword! These two--Well, fortunately, that boy just has good skills. If he is a real emperor, I'm afraid only the elders can--"

After being stunned, five people in black looked at each other, and four of them rushed to the nameless and Qingjia.

The nameless knife tore the defense of the last man in black, but he heard Qingjia shouting "Be careful" behind him.

The tacit understanding between nameless and Qingjia only needs these two words to be clear.

He didn't have to look back. His left finger turned to pinch. Da Yan turned into a folding knife. He turned around fiercely, and the flame knife body was bright and extinguished, flashing endlessly. The two men in black behind him were stunned again. One of them tentatively blocked it with a sword, but in exchange, he was torn open his chest with a knife. The other man was shocked and shouted angrily, "Good means, look at the move, wooden ring chopping."

The man in black made a strong move, and he saw a green knife slamming down and straight to the nameless head.

The nameless noticed him for a long time, and his body was wrong and quickly flashed by. The knife light cut into the air, but continued to spread to the rear. The ground was torn open into a long deep pit. The two were fighting. The people who did not notice were easily cut by the sword light and easily torn into two pieces. The most cruel picture since the beginning of the war appeared. The two people were cut into two sides, but the green sword light seemed to be full of vitality. Neither of them died at the first time. Instead, they dragged half of their bodies and shouted bitterly to the comrades next to them, "A, I don't want to die. Help me, save me!"

The people pointed to by the two bodies all retreated in horror. The body fell to the ground and gradually stopped moving. The voice finally weakened, but the nameless body was shocked, and something flashed in his mind. He heard a woman shouting "Brother Yan, ah--" and aroused the ball in his heart. Flame, he roared, his anger rose, his fingers changed again, the fire knife was disillusioned, and lightly slapped the man in black.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with his palm, the man in black curled his lips disdainfully and tore off the sharp sword light on his head. He wanted to tear the nameless sword.

The nameless snorted coldly, and the newly learned 'war enemy' trick came out. A mistake happened to flash the sword light and turned his hand at the man in black.

The man in black just wanted to pretend to be a ghost, but did not retreat. Instead, he hit a foot forward, but almost immediately, his body suddenly stagnated, and then he was shocked to find that he could not move! A thin flame trapped him, as if he had wrapped a layer of skin.

The nameless Yan Ziyu succeeded on people for the first time. He smiled ferociously and decided to change again. Da Yan was vigorous and cut the man in black in half with one knife.

When he heard a 'pull', the man in black turned into two pieces of meat corpses and fell out. The nameless Dayan's wound was dark, and there was a faint smell of burntness. His intestines, liver, heart, spleen and lungs were scattered all over the ground, with abnormal nausea. But no one at the scene had time to feel anything about it, because this is the battlefield, either you die or I die. At most, you just look at it with a colorless eye, and you have to risk being cut off your head by the enemy.

The two people who were besieging Qingjia were not soft. Qingjia still fought with a scabbard based on the principle of not wanting to kill. Therefore, she was restrained everywhere. Just as she wanted to take off the scabbard of the killer, she rushed over after defeating the enemy, and Dayan's knife suddenly captured an enemy.

Qingjia's pressure suddenly relaxed. At this time, she had the opportunity and time to see the nameless. She didn't expect that in just a few breaths, he would defeat his two enemies and kill one person. When she saw the two bodies on the ground, she was deeply shocked and turned her head to look at the nameless. She saw that he was like a beast out of the cage, attacking like a strong wind. Killing the enemy, the man is also deeply afraid. He doesn't have time to watch the battle here like Qingjia. The two of them attack one person, and Qingjia fights conservatively, so he has every time to see the nameless fierceness. The nameless strange move is even more mysterious to him, but at least he can see it. After the nameless three moves, he also had a deep taboo on his three moves. When he saw him make the same move, he avoided it far away. For a while, he failed to take him without a name, but because the man in black had lost his heart to fight, it was only a matter of time before he was defeated by him.

And the last man in black who did not participate in the war saw that he took down several of his men in a row and killed one person. His eyes flashed coldly and snorted coldly. He walked towards the nameless step by step.

He walked like that, but there was a burst of pressure on everyone on the field. Zhou Buqing, Qingjia, and the two middle-aged men also took time to look at him in surprise during the war.

Only the nameless in the field did not react at all, as if he could not feel the murderous spirit of this man. He and the man in black were still happy. The man in black forced him to enter, and his hand behind him was gently lifted by him. A faint white light lit up, and there was still no response. The man in black showed fierce eyes, and his palm clapped to the nameless, and the white light was bright.

At this time, the name finally felt the pressure. He turned his head ferociously, and his left palm was no longer pinched. His palm came back, and the magnificent firepower was surging like a frenzy. He roared hoarsely, "Break your eyes."

The red light and the white light hit each other, and the sound was shocked. The nameless and the man in black took a step back. The man in black, who was still fighting with the nameless moment, was killed again, but was suddenly stopped by the man in black who was facing the unknown palm.

" Stop, take the wounded and go." In extremely simple words, the people in black around him followed. Even the man who was fighting with Zhou Buqing to whitening hurriedly withdrew from the battle circle and slowly disappeared with the wounded on the ground.

The man in black retreated, and the people around him immediately cheered. Zhou Buqing gasped and laughed and said to the nameless, "Thanks to you this time."

No name said nothing. He turned around and wanted to go back, but his body trembled and fell softly. Qingjia had already seen something wrong with him. Seeing him fall, she quickly stepped forward to catch him. The people around him quickly surrounded him. They all saw the nameless heroism. At this time, they all admired him very much.

Zhou Puqing did not come up, but frowned in the direction of the man in black. The white light technique used by the man in black seemed to evoke a memory in his mind. What on earth is it? After a while, his face suddenly changed greatly, and his old face became extremely pale--

Lying quietly in **, he did not fall asleep, but closed his eyes. The blood stains on his face were wiped clean by Qingjia, making him feel refreshed. Qingjia sat on the edge of the table not far away and drank water. She glanced at the nameless. I don't know why he suddenly became so crazy.

The nameless sighed gently, and his eyes were still not open.

Qingjia made a sound, came to his bed to look at him, and asked doubtfully, "Are you awake?"

The nameless nodded his head, slowly opened his eyes and said, "Qingjia, I seem to remember my name."

"Oh? Really, what's the name? Qingjia simply sat down by his bed and stared at her namelessly and said, "Yan."

Qingjia was stunned and muttered, "Yan? Ha ha, it's just right for your Sky Wheel Fire, um, it's a good name.

stared at her namelessly: "I'm not kidding you. I just saw the man in black split the two people on the battlefield, and a picture suddenly appeared in my mind, and it was also a person being split. I felt very angry. Then I heard someone called Brother Yan. I couldn't hear it clearly, only a voice calling Brother Yan, and somehow, I knew that I was calling me, and therefore, I knew that my name was Yan. In addition, I learned a new trick at that moment, but I was not proficient.

Qingjia nodded gently. She was clear about the nameless amnesia. He asked, "Then didn't you think of anything else?"

Hearing Qingjia's words, the nameless immediately gritted his teeth: "I was going to think of something, but I was interrupted by that man. Damn it."

Qingjia "__That man is so pitiful that he has become your punching bag."

"What a pity, murderers always kill!"

"Yo-yo, when did you understand such a profound philosophy? Is the memory coming back?


The door creaked and was pushed away from the outside. The person who came was Zhou Buqing. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the nameless person who tripped with Qingjia. He asked with a smile, "Wake up, are you all right?"

He sat down and was about to get out of bed, but Zhou Buqing stopped him. It's okay. Don't come down. I'm just talking about something.

Sit back without a name**: "Uncle Zhou, what's the matter? Look at your face, are you hurt?

Zhou Puqing smiled bitterly and said, "I'm ashamed. I'm fine. I'm just ashamed to have killed so many people in the war. They are all to protect us old guys."

Qingjia smiled and said, "Don't say that, Uncle Zhou. Anyone will help you when they see this kind of thing."

Zhou Buqing laughed and said, "What I didn't expect is that Qingjia's kung fu is also so good. Your move is really powerful."

Qingjia's face looked a little unnatural and said, "No, it's just a small trick, hehe."

Zhou Puqing said, "Small move? Oh, the person who can create such a 'small move' must be an extraordinary person. Er, by the way, who is your master who hasn't asked you yet?

Qingjia apologized and said, " Uncle Zhou, my teacher has an order to say his name casually, so, hey hey."

Zhou Buqing nodded as he knew it. He still knew it. Although he was still a person in this town, he might not find many people who knew him out of this town. Qingjia's young man has such cultivation. Thinking that Master must also be a big man, that is to say... he is not qualified to know.