Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 87 As a gentleman's dark villain, he went down to the West Mountain to become an egg god

Lin Quan quietly looked at the dark elixir in front of him. Now he has two hair-cutting and marrow-washing elixirs. If he says that there are two two-pin elixirs in the earth quenching realm, he is definitely an upstart.

"Presumably, since it is called hair washing, it must be good for the body!" Lin Quan no longer hesitated and swallowed it, but it was the one given to him by the master. To be honest, he really didn't dare to say the elixir given to him by the witch.

"Wo!" As soon as Lin Quan swallowed this elixir, he suddenly felt a hundred times more disgusting than swallowing shit. He was about to spit it out, but he couldn't spit it out, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

"This is not an elixir. I'm afraid the most disgusting things in the world are cooked together!" Lin Quan's face turned red at this time. Where did he eat such an unpleasant and stinky thing in his life?

This elixir does not melt in the mouth like most elixirs. Instead, it goes down the stomach and slowly becomes smaller. The black medicine emanates in every part of the body, and even the brain has penetrated a lot.

"Why do you suddenly want to have diarrhea? Is this laxative?" Lin Quan was stunned and just went to the disgusting smell. As soon as his stomach turned over, he immediately felt like he was going to have diarrhea and immediately ran into the toilet.

"Ah!" I saw a tragic cry from the toilet, "How can there be such stinky shit in this world!"

Fortunately, Wang Xueyan and Xi Ruoshui don't know where to play at this time, otherwise, Lin Quan's face may never be found again.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Quan came out, but he was a dark person, emitting a stench.

"I have always had an excellent image of this world, but I didn't expect it!" Lin Quan shook his head and suddenly learned from Mu Ruomin. His whole body flashed with fire, and his sweat suddenly evaporated, but the black smell remained unchanged.

No, if it's always like this, where can I put my face?

Lin Quan looked at the dark sky, walked out of the yard gate, looked at the stream in front of him, and jumped down. Although the stream was smaller than the river under Jianyi Mountain, it was more than enough to take a shower.

"Ah, it's really cool!" Lin Quan only felt that his whole body slowly faded, and there was a pure feeling all over his body. Even his heart felt much more thorough. The thirty-six veins became bigger and more transparent. I'm afraid this elixir has at least doubled his ability to use his vitality, which is even more beneficial to his future cultivation. No wonder it was so stinky just now, but It takes away a large number of the dirtiest impurities and dirt on the body.

"Huh? Why do these fish still like to surface at night? Lin Quan couldn't help smiling when he saw the small fish suddenly floating around him, "cutting hair and washing the marrow stinks like shit, and it's hard to hide the dirt. The stream under the moon is fresh, and the fish's belly is white and happy together.

"Ah, sister, I don't know why it suddenly stinks just now, huh? Cheng Song, why did you come to the stream to take a shower so late? While Lin Quan was intoxicated, suddenly there was a sound. It was Xi Ruoshui and Wang Xueyan who came from the downstream and suddenly saw Lin Quan floating on the water, looking intoxicated.

"Ah! So many fish died!" Wang Xueyan seemed to suddenly see something extremely surprised, looked at Lin Quan, and was eight or nine times sure of his guess, "There are such smelly people in the world. Humph, they are really not good people!"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? These fish are looking for fun under the moon with me. How can they die?" Lin Quan was also in a good mood. At this time, he felt that Wang Xueyan was funny. Although he was a little smelly just now, he had already been washed away by the water. How could even fish stink to death? After saying that, he rushed to the shore, and his body flashed and became extremely dry, which made Wang Xueyan envious.

"Haha, I'm afraid it was the same expression at the beginning!" Lin Quan couldn't help but be a little proud when he saw Wang Xueyan's expression, as if he had just seen this magical scene.

"If you smell it, how can I stink?" Lin Quan smiled and handed over his hand instead.

I didn't think Wang Xueyan really came over, "Why is it still a little fragrant?" At this time, her heart was beating. Just as soon as she smelled it, there was a faint fragrance, which was fresher than her own body fragrance. Is it possible that Cheng Song is a pervert? Still perfume?

"Don't think too much about it. I just used the hair washing elixir given to me by the master. Naturally, this is the scene!" Lin Quan looked at Wang Xueyan and said, "The head uncle promised me that he would take you as an apprentice. As long as you work hard, you are not afraid of no achievements, but you must remember one thing. If you really don't have qualifications, of course you don't have to force yourself. It's not a bad thing for you to go back and be your princess!"

"Cheng Song, hehe, I didn't expect your relationship with Xueyan's sister to develop so fast. More than a month ago, you were still swornmen!" But Xi Ruoshui heard it and joked.

"Senior sister!" When Wang Xueyan heard this, his face turned a little red. He hummed again and stopped talking.

"Hehe, you go on to play. I still have something to do, so I'll go back to my room first!" Lin Quan, as if he didn't hear the joke at all, suddenly remembered something and arched to the two women in front of him.

"Well, go ahead!" Xi Ruoshui was generous. He looked at Lin Quan and said.

After listening to this, Lin Quan no longer hesitated. It turned out that he was going to try to fully understand the method of refining his own sword within this week in case he didn't have time to watch and think about it carefully in the future.

"Have you made up your mind about him?" Xi Ruoshui looked at the figure of Wang Xueyan who was still looking at Lin Quan and couldn't help asking.

"Well, sister, he has never been good to me. How can I be moved by people like him?" Wang Xueyan heard this and quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Listen to what you said, although Cheng Song has never been clear about you along the way, he has been thinking of ways to tell you the truth of life. What is it that he cares about you? Now it's even more so, as if I'm always worried about your safety. I'm afraid the only thing that is a little too much is to slap you!" When Xi Ruoshui saw Wang Xueyan's eyes flashing, he had already guessed eight or nine points in his heart. Although the princess had been dressed in jade since she was a child, she was the most lonely. Her father never knew or understood himself. However, Cheng Song did not know what was going on and seemed to know her very well.

"Well, sister, let's leave this Cheng Song alone. Please guide me how to inhale wood energy quickly!" Wang Xueyan didn't want to say more. He changed the topic, but he was really addicted to practice.

At this time, Lin Quan sat quietly in his room, staring at the big moon outside the window. The three pages of refining formula had already been familiar, but he could not understand it.

"It's hard to leave rotten trees in the green mountains, and the autumn wind is still hard to open. When the clouds turn into fog, look at the **-shaped head and pick it off. When there is no time, I will make it, and if there is no life, I will fill it in my heart. I'm afraid that I have to fill my life with life and soul, but when I'm on the wind, snow and moon, I don't know my body shape. What does it mean to pull out Yunwu to see Junzhen and be ordered to change chaos?

At this time, suddenly a group of huge black crows flew by before the moon and saw the fog in the mountains. Lin Quan's heart moved and connected all the formulas. He stood up. His heart beat violently and his fingers trembled slightly. "It turns out that it is so. The magic weapon is to use the body as the furnace and qi as the array to break the chaos in the body. Take the spirit as the hostage, so that it can be called the magic weapon of life! When it is refined one day, it will come out of the heavenly spirit, which is the meaning of picking from the head. It can be said that when the wind and snow are on the platform, the body does not know that the human body is the most wonderful melting pot in the world, but how many people in the world know it?

A week later...

Lin Quan looked at the ant-like figure under him and didn't know what it was like for a moment. In the past few months, his cultivation has broken through the speed, and he was instructed by the second master to understand his sword. In the future, his achievements are unlimited. Now, he has to embark on another road, just one day to understand this. What is the shocking secret that the head said? Is this Jianyi Sect really as the head of Tianshan said that it wants to disturb the world in danger?

"You did this, but you are also a villain. I didn't disdain to agree, but when I think about it, it's understandable. Hey, I didn't expect that my sword Lei Hansong was powerful and wise for a lifetime, but now I have fallen into the name of a villain!" Jianlei Hansong saw that Lin Quan was thoughtful, and his heart was also full of emotions.

"Uncle laughed. If you want to say that uncle is a villain, won't I become a livestock?" Lin Quan smiled and answered without regret.

"Hahahaha," Jian Lei Hansong smiled, "Then if Wang Xueyan knew that you were in it, please let me set up trouble for her. I don't know how much I would hate you!"

"There's nothing we can do!" Lin Quan also smiled, "If his father knew that I had not completed my mission and blamed him, he would be really not a gentleman. She was born in a rich and noble family and enjoyed it freely for 800 years. How can she practice desperately like this? Now it's just that her head is hot. If she really regrets it in the future, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

Speaking of which, why did you practice when you were recommended by the prince? Is it really just for revenge? Jianlei Hansong heard this and asked.

"I am just looking for that road. If I can't find the meaning of existence, what's the difference between living and not living? However, revenge must be avenged, otherwise there is no difference between living and not living!" When Lin Quan heard the leader's question, his heart moved and gave birth to an explanation, but whether this was what he thought in his heart or not needs to be verified.

"Hahaha," Jian Lei Han smiled, "There are really many people like you in this world!" He also pointed to the direction in which they were flying quickly at this time. "After another 200,000 miles, you will reach the edge of the West Mountain. At that time, you will be a born god like an egg. With this identity, haha, even if the rhinoceros spirit finds your five elements, you will not doubt it and think that you have found the treasure!" After saying that, with a wave of his hand, a tall egg really appeared.

"This!" Lin Quan couldn't help but be speechless, "Even if it's an egg, how can I put it in?"

"Of course I have a way. Don't resist!" After saying that, Jianlei Hansong saw a high-temperature vitality burst out of his hand. He melted the eggshell and controlled Lin Quan and grabbed it. I don't know what method was used. The melted eggshell outside slowly condensed and turned into a prototype. It turned out that this eggshell was made by himself.

When he finally reached the side of the West Mountain, Jianlei Hansong looked at the clouds under his feet and said, "Don't worry, if you fall from here, with the protection of my eggshell, you will have nothing to do, but later if I remove the eggshell mana, you can break the egg and come out. At that time, you have to be psychologically prepared."

After saying that, regardless of whether Lin Quan answered or not, he threw the egg and fell straight into the fog, and disappeared for a moment.