Nine God Bracelet

Chapter 88 First meeting of the elf Lin Quan, bloody beast barbarians

"It turns out that weight loss is this feeling!" Lin Quan felt that he was light all over. At this time, his whole body floated in the middle of the eggshell, and there was nothing under his feet. A burst of excitement came from his heart, "When you reach the realm of **, you can really fly without wings, which should be similar to this weightlessness!"

Suddenly, Lin Quan only felt that he was sinking, and the egg-shaped bottom quickly spewed out a lot of vitality. Although these vitality were fast and violent, there was no harm to Lin Quan's body. It was Lin Quan who landed and the egg-shaped protection played a role.

"Presumably, the power of the eggshell has been solved. I'd like to see what kind of scenery this Xishan is!" Lin Quan was also curious. With a hard kick, he suddenly broke a big hole.

At this time, the green ball, yellow ball, tricolor ball, colorful ball and other ball clans just opened their dark eyes around the egg, observing carefully and being curious about this sudden thing.

It turned out that this sword Lei Hansong just threw Lin Quan to the place where he grabbed the root last time.

"Ah, green ball, green ball, this egg will move, this egg will move, run, run!" However, the yellow ball first found that the egg was suddenly shaken by a kick and shouted loudly. The ball clan was already extremely timid. Hearing him suddenly shout, they immediately fled with lightning.

"Huh? Why did you feel like there was something around here just now!" As soon as Lin Quan kicked, he felt a movement around him. He didn't want to come out with vigilance, but he didn't find any other animals.

"Well, my lamb hasn't come out for a long time, just let him see it!" Lin Quan's heart moved, released the lamb from the universe bag, and began to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

"The leader didn't give me any map this time. It seems that if you want to deal with it, you must find a certain race to communicate. Hey, Xiaobai, where are you going?" When Lin Quan saw the littlebai fall to the ground, he slipped around and ran to a big tree. He couldn't help but catch up and lifted it up, causing Xiaobai's four short legs to kick randomly.

"What? What if you run around in this forest and are eaten by wild animals? I'm doing it for your own good!" Lin Quan saw that this littlebai kept struggling and laughed.

Suddenly, a vague dark shadow slowly appeared on the side of the field of vision. Lin Quan's back was cold. Looking at the dark shadow, it was a big dark hole hidden in the grass at the bottom of the tree.

"Damn it, is the beast coming? Such a big hole, I'm afraid it's a shocking python!" Lin Quan looked at it and suddenly jumped. He looked carefully and found that there were two faint black lights flashing out inside. If it was a snake's eye, I'm afraid it was another natural beast? It's better to be careful.

Thinking of this, Lin Quan ran in another direction and did not dare to look back. However, before he had run three feet, he suddenly saw a big dark hole in which was shining, which scared him and quickly changed his direction.

"My God!" Lin Quan only felt dizzy. At a glance, there were dozens of big trees around here, which one did not have a big hole? I was so lucky that I fell into the python's nest all of a sudden!

Thinking that the black eyes had stared at him just now, Lin Quan could no longer calm down and didn't know where the courage came from. Suddenly, he shouted, "Mom's snakes come to kill snakes. You all come out. Now that I've reached the earth quenching, I'm afraid that your group of pythons won't do it?"

He used a little vitality, the air shook, and even the trees around him shook slightly.

In a big tree closest to him, the two ballmen finally couldn't stand it and came out trembling. Their eyes were pitiful and really cute.

"Is there any mistake? Don't be so tricky!" As soon as Lin Quan saw two spherical creatures like Yangtze River No. 7 opposite him, he just thought it was a shocking python, but now he didn't know what it was like. "Am I not traveling to an alien continent, but to a film and television drama? Why are the antennas on the heads of these two creatures exactly the same as those in Yangtze River No. 7?

"Big...Lord, don't...don't eat us!" The green ball said tremblingly when he saw that this person was powerful and extraordinary.

"Huh? It's really an alien who can still talk!" Lin Quan was even more shocked when he heard that the two balls still spoke, "No, according to what the leader said all the way, it should be a goblin, but this goblin is too different from what I thought at the beginning!" Thinking of this, Lin Quan was relieved. The creature opposite was afraid of himself, indicating that the creature opposite was no threat, and he couldn't help but get closer again.

"No...don't eat me!" When the green ball saw the human in front of him walking in, he trembled even more fear and was about to shake out of his shadow.

"Why do I want to eat you for no reason!" Lin Quan smiled and no longer approached, but just said.

"Didn't you eat mine?" Hearing this, a pair of dark eyes flashed, and immediately stopped trembling and asked gently. Unexpectedly, he directly believed in Lin Quan, which was really simple! If on earth, a hunter shouted, "Balls, as long as you come to this cage beside me, you can get God-given delicious food!" I'm afraid that these players will really throw themselves into the cage one after another.

"I'm afraid this is the legendary elves. The best and true species of goblins can be called elves!" Seeing this little thing naive and cute, Lin Quan thought to himself that he had understood eight points and suddenly shouted, "I was just born from an egg. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you!"

When he said this, the ball players suddenly ran out one after another and kept thinking around him. Unexpectedly, they suddenly lost their guard. I really don't know what they think.

"Why did you fall from the sky?"

"Why do you look like a person?"

"Why are your claws so long?"

Suddenly, a bee-like voice came one after another, and they were extremely curious about the outsiders on this day.

Seeing that these elves were curious, timid and cute, Lin Quan immediately couldn't laugh or cry, but the business was important and couldn't help asking, "I don't know if you know if there is a goblin army around here?"

"Army, what is the army?" At this time, the green ball became bold and asked.

"The army is a group of goblins together, and it is the most fierce to fight!" Lin Quan couldn't help explaining that these elves had no idea of the army.

"Ah! Group fight, fight, root gone, and teeth are growing again!" When these green balls heard the words "fight" and "ferocious", they suddenly looked frightened, as if they had seen an extremely terrible thing. They trembled a little and looked fixedly to the north. Those fierce teeth came from that direction.

While the ball clan was talking about it, suddenly "rumbling" shook in the north, as if a giant elephant was splitting the mountain all the way.

"Wo!" Before Lin Quan could react, he saw that the ball clan around him suddenly disappeared, leaving him standing alone.

These ball clans are strange to say that they run away without always hiding in their own big hole! I'm afraid it's easy for others to catch them.

"Smile, smile!" When Lin Quan was stunned, a strong gasp like a beast came. In the distance, a huge figure was quickly emerging. This figure was getting bigger and bigger and rushed straight to Lin Quan.

"Damn!" Because the opposite side was too fast, Lin Quan didn't have time to take a closer look at what the opposite side looked like. He quickly spewed out a stream of vitality to the right to see if he had avoided the sudden rapid impact.

This giant creature did not hit Lin Quan and returned, but looked like a human, but its skin was extremely rough, nearly three meters high, and had two large fangs.

"Mutant!" Lin Quan sighed in his heart and stared at the monster in front of him.

"Oh, my, my!" There were only three more pauses, but three partners came to this guy, and a total of four mutant-like things stood around Lin Quan.

"Long, long teeth! Come on, hide!" However, although the green ball was frightened, it kindly reminded Lin Quan.

"Even if you hide in this tree hole, what effect can it do?" Lin Quan smiled in his heart. Although these barbarians look ferocious, they seem to have no magic power and have not yet reached the realm of practice. Although they are strong, they may not be able to fight.

"Today, I just wanted to eat a few balls to stimulate my appetite, but I didn't expect to meet such a big spirit beast and just make dinner for me!" The huge barbarian who seemed to be the leader seemed to be very happy to see Lin Quan.

Lin Quan did not say anything and quietly looked at the four monster-like figures in front of him.

"Roar!" The leading barbarians roared, and the other three barbarians also had a tacit understanding. They suddenly rushed to Lin Quan, as fast as lightning and as powerful as mountains.

"Bang!" A blue stone standing underground by Lin Quan was directly caught and exploded by the barbarians who arrived first, but Lin Quan didn't know what method he used to hide on one side.

This barbarian is really fierce. As soon as he knew that he didn't jump on him, he immediately turned around. This time, Lin Quan happened to stand in the middle of the four barbarians, and there was no way to avoid it.

"Hmm! Look at my sword dance!" But Lin Quan's inspiration pulled out the sword that was reconfigured from the sect. With a wave of his hand, a breath of vitality burst out, and the eight claws were actually bounced away.

"Oh, the power is still not enough. I'm quenched, and this power is not much greater than that when the Xiruo water and wood quenched!" Lin Quan saw that several barbarians were unscathed, but they were shocked, and he was also a little disappointed.

"Since the sword dance ceiling can't help you, let me try my power!" This thought, that is, for a moment, Lin Quan has carefully controlled his vitality and cut out the sword.

"Wah!" Hearing a small and inaudible voice, one of the barbarians was suddenly broken into two.

"Roar!" When the leader saw that he had met a practitioner, he immediately became nervous and roared. He actually picked up the companion's body and bit it directly. The other two barbarian beasts were also ordinary, lifting the remaining half of their bodies and biting them.

At this time, their companions are not dead yet!

Ru Mao drinking blood is not enough to describe this kind of bloody scene. The scene of white bones, brain plasma flowing and blood splashing stunned Lin Quan for a moment and forgot to do it.

Seeing that the three barbarians' bodies actually expanded, their blue veins were exposed, and a faint golden luster suddenly appeared all over their bodies. Lin Quan finally reacted and quickly cut them away with a sword.

"Dang!" But I didn't think that this skill hit those beasts and made a crisp sound like touching metal, "What a strange thing!" Lin Quan was shocked and saw the barbarians rushing over again. He quickly jumped behind him and jumped seven or eight meters.

But the beast was extremely fast. Before Lin Quan could settle down, he was bullied by the leader and wanted to hit him directly.

"Bang!" Lin Quan was unstable at this time, and he didn't have time to use the spell for the time being. He was hit hard and flew directly more than ten meters away. He hit a big tree before he slipped down.

"Puff!" Lin Quan was injured internally by this collision. Looking at the hundreds of leaves falling from the top of the tree, Lin Quan no longer dared to despise this group of barbarians without cultivation.

"It turns out that if you don't have vitality, you can be so fierce!" Lin Quan stared closely and dared not relax at all. He slowly planned how to solve this group of barbarians quickly.

"There is!" Lin Quan's eyes lit up and suddenly remembered something. With a wave of his hand, a hot light immediately shone all over the audience.