Mechanical Soul

Chapter 12 The Great War is Coming

The red clouds dispersed little by little, and the atmosphere slowly became tense. The more nervous it is, the quieter the scene is, just like before the storm. Everyone knows that the next is a real war, a war to defend the territory. It is impossible for the rescue spacecraft to load all the residents of Cloud Blue Star, and the crowd left behind is still very large.

In the Center of the Human Federation, many big shots have been noisy. There are two opinions within the Federation on the rescue of Blue Star. One is to send troops to rescue and repel the Red Feather. The other is to give up Cloud Blue Star, because it is too late and there are no troops to reinforce.

The guard force equipped by Cloud Blue Star is extremely powerful, and there is a strong guard force whether it is military or civilian. Cloud Blue Star is also a very important planet, which can't be abandoned. However, there was a strong interference on the cloud blue star, which cut off the contact with the outside world. The Federation does not know the specific situation of Cloud Blue Star and dares not send troops.

In addition, the Chiyu people have further expanded their front. The shadow of the Red Feather warship was found outside the Blue Star, and it was impossible to transfer troops there. As long as the planet is close to the Cloud Blue Star, it is controlled by the warships of the Red Feather clan. The red feather D2 white rainbow has been widely used on S-class warships, and the power to contain the planet is first-class. Dearth, the white rainbow of death, is also famous in the whole universe.

"Cloud Blue Star cannot be given up. The Red Feather clan paid such a big price to seize Cloud Blue Star. There must be an unknown secret in it. If their conspiracy succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable. You know, the technology of the Chiyu people is now ahead of the universe. A congressman said firmly.

"We also know this, but the situation of Yunlanxing is unknown now. If the Chiyu clan has captured Yunlanxing, now the army will just die." Another congressman is also very resolute.

A large council chamber suddenly appeared a silent scene after the dispute. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that whether to send troops or not is just where they are. Those who insist on sending troops are because Yun Lanxing has their important interests and do not insist on sending troops. That is that Yun Lanxing has nothing to do with his interests. Although there is no guarantee that everyone thinks so, most people think so.

"We seem to have more troops available. The students who graduated from Cloud Blue Star some time ago seem to have been picked up by the same spaceship, and now they should not be far away. There are all excellent students, and one of them has even been given a military post. An old-looking congressman said thoughtfully.

"Cloud Blue Star has the free organization of White Knight and the Tang family fleet, which should not have been captured, at least in a short time. Because it is a very important student, the equipment on the spacecraft is very unusual, including the newly developed sunset. If you can find a suitable driver for the sunset, everything is possible. This is a young congressman.


This is a fully armed spacecraft. It is moving at a high speed in space, but it does not make a sound, as if it were a ghost. Presumably, ordinary radar can never scan it. Inside the spaceship, there are young faces and vitality.

"It's worthy of the Jingying Ghost. What I just passed through was the fleet of the Akaba clan, so that they couldn't find it. But it's strange why the Akaba fleet appears in our border universe.

spoke by a young man with yellow hair. He looked at the universe outside the spaceship and his eyes were full of amazement. He sighed and said, "It's a pity that I'm not a mecha warrior, otherwise I can go out and experience the feeling in the universe."

"So what are you good at?" The door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged officer with a large rank came in and asked gently.

"Are you the captain of the Ghost?" A woman who looked as perfect as a goddess suddenly opened her mouth. Her voice was so touching that it gave people a very comfortable feeling just by listening to it.

The woman's plain face and quiet smile reveal strong self-confidence. Looking at her smile will make people feel ashamed, a psychology of being compared. Therefore, almost no one dares to look at this woman on this spaceship.

"Glass... The outside world seems to call you God Glass, right? This self-confidence and strength are really rare." The middle-aged captain praised for a while and suddenly became serious and said, "I just got the news from the federal headquarters that it has lost the most basic contact with Yunlanxing. At present, the defense of Yunlanxing has been broken by the Chiyu people, and the situation is very critical. As we all know, the Red Feather people don't need human captives..."

As soon as the middle-aged captain finished his words, the hearts of the people in the cabin suddenly became nervous. They are all born in Cloud Blue Star, and their parents are naturally also on Cloud Blue Star. If the Cloud Blue Star falls, their relatives will not be able to survive. They looked anxiously at the middle-aged captain, as if they wanted more specific information.

The middle-aged captain shook his head helplessly and said, "Don't look at me like that. I don't know how Yunlanxing is now. If it takes at least a day and a half to get back with the Crystal Ghost, it won't be counted as the interception of the Chiyu clan.

"If it's too late, the captain won't come to tell us the news. There must be something we can do." Liuli asked quietly. Looking at her expression, it seemed that nothing had happened.

The middle-aged captain looked at Liuli and said, "You have served before you boarded this spaceship, right? Purple's captain of the special forces."

"Yes, sir!" Liuli made a salutary gesture and answered righteously.

"The purple captain of the special forces..."

Hearing Liuli admit it, everyone in the cabin couldn't help muttering. The so-called special forces are units that perform special tasks, which are divided into purple, red and green. Among them, Zi focuses on command, while Hong focuses on fighting, and Green is responsible for medical treatment. Special forces can be said to be independent of the general army and have the right to operate independently. It is indeed extraordinary to be able to serve as the captain of the special forces at such a young age.

However, most people still have doubts in their hearts. According to reason, this position is determined by Shen Feng, the first person of Yunlan Star, and Tang Yu, but why did he suddenly become a divine glaze? Although Shen Feng failed in the assessment, Tang Yu did not.

The Still Shadow Ghost is equipped with the latest mecha developed by the federal government, called Sunset. Now, she already belongs to you. If you are willing to go back, you can use the power of the sunset to rush back in half a day. The headquarters has no order, just asking if you would like to go back. If you want, the ghost of Jingying will also go back. At that time, you will usher in the first war after graduation.

The middle-aged captain said that he had left the cabin where the students gathered. Suddenly, the middle-aged captain stopped again and said, "Hasn't anyone answered me yet? If not, the end of the ship will not change.

"I would like to go back..."

"We are all willing to go back..."

Liuli was the first to say that she had walked out of the safe cabin. The rest of the people reacted and answered uniformly. Everyone can see the worry in their eyes, and the worry about her relatives in her hometown is no exception, although she is just an orphan.

"I haven't seen you for so many years. If you hate war, you will definitely not escape in the face of this kind of war. Don't die, wait for me to go back..." Liuli thought about something silently, followed a soldier and walked to the mecha library.

In the fleet of the Akaba clan...

"Report to General, General Carna called, saying that all the planets that can rescue the Cloud Blue Star have been contained by our army, telling us to take back the Chaos, especially the core."

"I know that the vanguard fleet has begun to fall into orbit and ordered them to land immediately. The defenders of Cloud Blue Star have not given up yet. Remember not to be careless.


"Brother, that's the Thousand Bird, and it's also sailing to the universe." Shen Yun, who had been looking at the data, heard the sound of the warship taking off, also looked up curiously and told Shen Feng unexpectedly.

Suddenly, Shen Yun's little face became serious and said, "Come on, the Chiyu clan is coming..."

Shen Feng also had an unusual feeling. Through the scanning system of Wing Shadow Demon God, he saw countless red dots on the radar screen. Suddenly, Shen Feng suddenly looked up at the sky. It turned out that a white light appeared again in the red sky, and the target was Nanshui City.

At this moment, Shen Feng felt that he was about to stop breathing. Wing Shadow Demon God can defend against an attack of this level, but the people of Nanshui City have no ability to resist at all. The scene of complete destruction, Shen Feng closed his eyes and dared not think about it at all.

In the face of D2 Baihong, the endorsement of death, most people in Nanshui City have closed their eyes in despair, which is an irresistible force, as if fate has been marked with death. Kehou and Du Hai, who were sitting in the Supreme Command Room, also closed their eyes and observed silence.


At the critical moment, the main gun of the Thousand Bird was suddenly fired. The horrible energy is like an extremely huge colorful bird. This huge colorful bird rushed to the white rainbow of death with countless small birds.

On the Qianniao, the fat housekeeper looked at it with sweat on his forehead and muttered, "The latest main weapon of the Qianniao is Qianniao. With the Thousand Bird Flow, the Thousand Bird is the real Thousand Bird. The power of Qianniaoliu will never lose to D2 Baihong.

"Boom..." The huge bird collided with the white rainbow, and there was a terrible explosion in an instant. The dazzling white light and strong wind made people unable to open their eyes at all.

Shen Feng saw on the Wing Shadow Demon that the core of the explosion formed a black hole in less than a second. That is to say, the bombardment of the two main guns can create a crack in space. If this crack does not close quickly, but expands infinitely, the whole blue star will be swallowed up by the black hole.

After the dazzling white light and strong wind, people in Nanshui City looked at the sky in disbelief, but before they could be surprised, they saw countless red dots in the sky approaching quickly.