Mechanical Soul

Chapter 13 Beast Assistance

In people's pupils, countless red dots quickly dilate. The rain-like gunfire burst out, suddenly making the sky bloom with extremely gorgeous colors. The ground was also defended at the first time, and countless lasers * soared to the sky. The gunfire fired from the sky and the ground formed an extremely spectacular scene, but this spectacular price is too high.

"Report that D2 Baihong did not hit the target and was intercepted in the air."

"It is reported that the front troops have fought with the White Knight, and a red high-energy mecha was also found to have joined the battle."

"Sent a third mobile warrior team to support them and be sure to destroy them in the universe. You should know that our battlefield is in the Cloud Blue Star, but in the Cloud Blue Star. The speed of the main fleet remained unchanged and gradually landed on the blue star.

Knowing that Yunlanxing has no reinforcements, the commander of the Chiyu clan can't be bold. Most of the Yunlanxing defenders have been destroyed, but he wants to know how tenacious the remaining defenders on the ground are.

"Fight for freedom!" The woman, known as the goddess of victory, gave such an order, and it could be seen from her eyes that the scene at this time was out of control. The Red Feather clan has greatly expanded the scope of the battle, almost all over the whole Cloud Blue Star.

In the vast universe, there are many races that are more powerful than human beings, and the Red Feather is one of them. Coupled with the unlimited gene replication of the Chiyu people, the number of the whole ethnic group is extremely horrible. The replicated Chiyu clan only has a few decades of life span. After it is made, most of them are sent to the battlefield.

The appearance of the Chiyu clan is almost the same as that of human beings, except for a pair of red wings. These wings are very powerful. In addition to giving the ability to fly, they also have terrible defense capabilities. Therefore, the cultivation of the Chiyu people is mainly focused on the red wings.


The burning of war, destruction and destruction are only one thought. If you don't destroy the enemy, you will be destroyed by the enemy. The battle lasted only a few seconds, and I don't know how many lives died in these seconds.

"Brother, everyone is fighting..." Shen Yun looked at the countless gunfire outside and muttered.

"The evil red feather locust..." An earth garrison angrily buckled the board machine. When he hit an Akaba warrior, he was also * hitting.

Such a scene happened all the time, and the Chiyu clan, who were like locusts, gradually approached the ground. As long as they reach the ground, they can't be targeted at will. They have a strong ability to move in the air and can't avoid the fate of being locked. When you get to the ground, you can use the terrain to cover it.

Everyone knows that the next war will become more and more difficult, but no one is willing to give up. Because they still have an unfalling belief in their hearts, which is to protect their homeland. It is also because of this belief that they choose to join the army.

"The order has been received to eliminate foreign invaders."

Suddenly, the robots of the Cloud Blue Star defenders started one after another and picked up the weapon in their hands and fired into the sky almost at the same time. The fire support of the robot suddenly reduced the pressure felt by the Yunlan Star defenders.

"Report the captain, the mecha can be started normally." In the army, a mecha warrior said excitedly.

"Report that the energy of the defense system is being connected, and it is expected that the energy defense of the residential area can be guaranteed in 30 seconds. The center of the military's energy defense system is in Qingyu City, which is no longer available. In the standby garrison base, a non-commissioned officer said quickly.

"It is speculated that the data is abnormal, and the influence of the red cloud is rapidly weakening, and it is detected that the red cloud is concentrating in one direction." Ke Hou and Du Hai said at the same time, and their eyes were full of surprise.

"The place where the red cloud disappeared was detected and a three-dimensional image was emitted."

A vast ocean appeared on the screen, and more than a dozen huge whales opened their huge mouths, like black holes, quickly absorbing red clouds. This scene is extremely shocking and unbelievable.

"Although we are very unhappy, we don't want to see the demise of Cloud Blue Star. To be precise, Cloud Blue Star is our home, and you are also invaders. It is a shame for us to fight with you human beings.

A rough sound suddenly sounded in the sky burned by the flames of war. Everyone on the Cloud Blue Star heard it, the fierce beasts also heard it, and the Chiyu clan also heard it. In this case, it is indeed strange that fierce beasts can help humans resist foreign aggression.

There are many mutant creatures next to Shen Feng. They can be said to be one of the main forces in the fierce beasts and are very powerful. At this time, these mutants also fought to destroy the Chiyu people who entered their territory.

Although most of the mechanical instruments began to operate, robots also participated in the battle, and defensive forts were being fired, many of the Chiyu clans like locusts still landed on the ground. These Chiyu people are all dressed in armor and have strong strength.

"Is our strength to deal with these locusts?"

In the ruins of steel, a seemingly unruly young man clenched his fist and suddenly launched an attack on the nearest Chiyu clan. The young man shone white, and the next moment he appeared behind the Red Feather soldiers, and the heads of the Red Feather soldiers had slowly fallen to the ground.

The young man smiled faintly, and the white light blade that appeared in his hand gradually dissipated. The young man looked at the shelter air-raid shelter not far away, and a trace of worry flashed between his eyebrows.

"Brother, the first wave of Chiyu's offensive has weakened, that is to say, the tentative attack is almost over, and the next battle will be more fierce."

"Well... After the battle, I don't know how long it will take to rebuild. Xiaoyun, we can't just watch like this. Ke Hou and Du Hai gave me the Wing Shadow Demon God, and they don't want to see me hiding here.

"Brother, they just want to keep you safe."

"The identities of the two of them are very different. If the defenders of Yunlanxing are all over, most of them will be finished together. Although I don't know what's going on with the red cloud, the cloud blue star can't get reinforcements in a short time. If you want to live, you must drive away the Red Feather or destroy them.

Shen Feng said quietly, and the wing shadow demon god suddenly flew into the sky. Shen Yun looked at it silently, opened her little mouth again and again, and wanted to say something but didn't say anything. Shen Yun has a premonition for her brother now. I don't know what will happen to her brother if she continues to fight like this.

Shen Yun sighed silently, looked at the monsters farther and farther away, and said secretly, "I hope you don't fight with your brother, or I won't forgive you."

The sky gradually became gloomy, and the firebird-like warships of the Akaba clan gradually appeared in people's sight. Countless firebird-type mecha flew out of huge warships, such as dense flocks of birds. Hundreds of huge warships and countless mechas, what a spectacular scene, but now no one appreciates them, only grit their teeth and hate.

"The mecha soldiers are dispatched, and we must buy time for the start-up of our warships to ensure the safety of the underground base."

"Order of the Goddess of Victory..." A veteran muttered, and his eyes turned on the mecha crazily and persistently. Everyone knew that the first one to go out must become a target, but as soldiers, they did not hesitate to start.

"102 A-class warships and 88 B-class warships have been explored. The heat source of the mecha is increasing, and the specific number cannot be confirmed at present." Kehou's expression seems to be seriously numb and has always maintained a serious look.

Due to the recovery of various instruments, the whole command room is full of virtual screens. Here, you can see the battle situation in various places, provided that the monitoring instrument is not damaged. Once the monitoring instrument is damaged, it can only be speculated from the transmitted data.

"Maybe I like fighting, but I don't like war at all." Shen Feng gritted his teeth and said, driving the wing shadow demon god to the nearest mecha.

"It's so fast..." The mecha pilot of the Chiyu clan couldn't help marveling when he saw the Wing Shadow Demon God. The driver just wanted to lock, but his pupils suddenly dilated. A black sickle flashed by, and the Red Feather mecha driver, who was cut off from his waist, looked at the black demon in front of him with unbelievable eyes.

"Boom..." A mecha explosion of the Chiyu clan suddenly attracted the attention of countless Chiyu clans.

The mecha currently used by the Chiyu clan is code-named Red Sun, which is a mass-produced high-performance mecha, with strong defensive ability and combat ability. At this time, one was destroyed, which really surprised the Chiyu clan. What surprises the Chiyu people more is that this human being is not afraid of death? Unexpectedly, he rushed into their team.

What surprised me was not only the Chiyu people, but also the clouds and blue star defenders on the ground. Because everyone knows that the first one to rush out will be attacked by the enemy. Although they dare, some people are faster than them.

"Brother, launch the light of the demon to coordinates 238,150."

Suddenly hearing Shen Yun's voice, Shen Feng looked sideways at Shen Yun and saw the little girl looking at herself resolutely. Shen Feng smiled and understood what Shen Yun meant.

"Brother, Xiaoyun doesn't want you to fight alone." Shen Yun said silently in her heart and gently closed her eyes.

Just as Shen Feng looked sideways to see Shen Yun, the coordinates set by Shen Yun suddenly flashed three mechas of the Chiyu clan. Shen Feng naturally noticed this situation and couldn't help admiring his sister.

In the supreme command room, the woman with glasses held the glasses and said, "Is that the wing shadow demon? The speed is really fast. The driver inside is Shen Feng, right?

Kehou and Du Hai did not speak, and there was deep concern in their eyes. Although the speed of the Wing Shadow Demon God is fast, its defense is not bad. But the key to the problem is that Shen Feng has lost the power of blood crystals. They are worried about how long Shen Feng's physical strength can last.

After being surprised, the Chiyu clan immediately launched an attack. The warship and the artillery of the mecha locked Shen Feng one after another, and the mesh attack that could not be avoided was intertwined by * and laser.

Unable to dodge, Shen Feng gritted his teeth, controlled the wing shadow demon god to wave a black sickle, and rushed out of the siege of gunfire. Just as soon as he rushed out, he fell into another wave of artillery.