Mechanical Soul

Chapter 14 Climbing Thousands of Birds

"Damn, this kind of firepower will be shot down soon." Shen Feng gritted his teeth and said, exerted his maximum speed, and rushed out of the enclosure of fire again.

The fat official felt that the soles of his feet were shocked, and then he received a report of being shot. He couldn't help touching the sweat on his forehead and said, "A person's strength is never enough!" Although that guy attracted some of the firepower, the Thousand Bird is still the biggest target.

"50% of the thrust, the defense shield is fully open, and move towards the wing shadow demon god. The ship's mecha should not leave the hull and pay attention to the proximity of the enemy's mecha." The fat official issued a serious order and wiped the sweat on his forehead again.

"The route is barrier-free, Yunlan No. 1 and Yunlan No. 2 attack."

A valley slowly moved away, and two huge warships quickly moved into the sky. As soon as they left the valley, the main guns of the two warships were fired, marking beautiful marks in the sky.

"Captain, it seems too great to launch the main gun to attract the attention of the enemy ship as soon as we come out." The deputy captain of Yunlan 1 said calmly.

"Compared with the pilot and the Thousand Bird, our army seems to be ashamed." That's what the captain of Yunlan-1 said.

The two new warships successfully attracted the firepower of the Akaba clan. However, under the gunfire of hundreds of warships of the Akaba clan, the defense shield soon disappeared, and exploded in less than 30 seconds, leaving a flame that people dared not dare to see.

"The strength of the defenders is not enough to fight at all." A warrior hit the wall with a heavy fist with a very helpless expression.

"Is there any hope?" Deep questions came out in everyone's hearts.

"Even if there is no hope, the war must be fought! Isn't it?" A captain said, his eyes getting firmer and firmer.

Most of the defense facilities of Cloud Blue Star were destroyed in the first wave of attacks of the Akaba clan, and the firepower of 200 warships is also being rapidly destroyed. If it goes on like this, it will be a matter of time before Cloud Blue Star falls.

In an unknown area, in front of a huge virtual shadow stands the five giants of the blue star beast.

"Lead, the Yunlan Star garrison seems to be unable to support it. They can't stop the current firepower of the Chiyu clan."

"Don't worry, Cloud Blue Star is not as simple as you think. Wind and thunder still exist. You should know these two strong human beings."


"Brother, the Thousand Birds is approaching, but the situation is very bad."

"No, I can't even protect Xiaoyun if it goes on like this." Shen Feng dodged the extremely dense firepower of the Chiyu clan and suddenly felt powerless.

Shen Yun held her little hand tightly, and she was also unwilling. There are so many enemies that even if you predict the location of the enemy, there is no time to attack. Predicting the attack of an enemy, but how is it possible to predict the attack of tens of millions of weapons?

"Xiaoyun, you know the data of Wing Shadow Demon God better than me. If we don't dodge, how long can we support it? Shen Feng condensed and suddenly asked.

"According to the current fire situation, the support is less than a minute. However, my brother can try to use the strong airflow to increase the defense ability of the wing shadow demon god, which can support it for a longer time.

Shen Yun was slightly stunned and answered truthfully. She understood Shen Feng's thoughts. The current containment is just being beaten and running around, and there is no way to weaken the enemy's power at all. If the enemy's strength is not weakened, there is really no hope. Under the suppression of absolute power, the defenders' mecha had no resistance at all, let alone large target-like warships.

There is endless war everywhere, and there are only two very young-looking women who can still stand quietly in such a war. One of them said, "Rray, I always feel that these fierce beasts want our army to die faster, and the inexplicable red clouds this time may also be caused by them."

"It is very likely that the so-called fierce beast has long evolved terrible wisdom. You also heard the words of the monster just now. In their eyes, we are also invaders.


In the eyes of the Chiyu clan, the surface armor of the Wing Shadow Demon God suddenly became extremely dark, emitting a slight black light. Unlike before, this extremely flexible and extremely fast mecha suddenly gave up dodge and faced the rapid progress of heavy artillery fire.

"It's not good!" The mecha pilot of the Chiyu clan, who was chasing the wing shadow demon god, suddenly subconsciously said, and the next moment he saw that the nearest warship was penetrated by a black figure and exploded. The mecha near the warship was also greatly affected, and the nearby mecha was destroyed together with the warship.

There are a huge number of various* and energy weapons stored in the warship. As long as the warship explodes, the lethality will never be lower than the explosion of a supernuclear weapon.

"Success..." Shen Feng gasped heavily and said secretly in his heart. Shen Feng is also extremely worried about acting without dodge. If he doesn't succeed, it will involve Shen Yun.

Under the enemy's strong firepower, he rushed into the driving core of the enemy warship at a very fast speed. I'm afraid only Shen Feng would think so. Because of the explosion of the driving core of the warship, the power will never go down to the power of the nuclear bomb. As long as the speed slows down, it will perish together with the warship.

"Brother, throw the demon sickle straight behind."

Hearing Shen Yun's words, Shen Feng did not hesitate to throw the sickle of the wing shadow demon god directly behind. That is, less than a second after Shen Feng threw out the demon sickle, a mecha just met the edge of the demon god's sickle. The mecha instantly turned into two halves and exploded.

"Brother, coordinates 238,451, pick up the weapon."

Shen Feng met and arrived at the place designated by Shen Yun while dodging. At the moment Shen Feng arrived, a Chiyu mecha appeared in front of Shen Feng, waving a red energy sword and was about to be cut down.

"Ka-cha..." Before the mecha of the Chiyu clan could start, it was cut in half vertically by the high-speed rotating magic sickle.

"When did the madman become so powerful? This situation completely speculates on the enemy's movements. How can it be speculated under that kind of firepower?" Ke Hou's eyes widened and said.

"A madman is a madman. If it goes on like this, your wing shadow demon god will also be finished. Idiot, why didn't he leave with Shen Yun? Du Hai muttered.

The defenders saw that one of the Chiyu warships had been destroyed, and the mecha exploded one after another. They couldn't help but have another persistent force in their hearts, and they couldn't help firing artillery fire.

"Boom..." There was a huge explosion in the sky again, and the mushroom cloud once again covered dozens of mecha of the Red Feather clan. Another explosion of an Akaba warship caused a strong wind to ravage a field.

"Brother, it's almost overloaded."

Shen Feng nodded and manipulated the Wing Shadow Demon God to change his position and drive towards the Thousand Birds. The wing shadow demon god is very strong, but Shen Feng knows that he can't exert the power of the wing shadow demon god. It's not that the Wing Shadow Demon God is overloaded, but that he is overloaded and is about to be unable to drive the Wing Shadow Demon God.

The Wing Shadow Demon God has the function of breaking through the defense shield. Under the cover of the gunfire of the Thousand Bird, he entered the hull of the Thousand Bird like crossing the water surface, and then entered the maintenance room.

The fat housekeeper also came to the front of the Wing Shadow Demon God at this time. With the opening of the driving compartment, he saw a little girl besides Shen Feng, and couldn't help but be surprised. To be honest, he still likes Shen Feng very much, especially after today.

The fat official greeted enthusiastically, "Welcome to the Thousand Birds. We have met before."

The opposite of enthusiasm is indifference. If Shen Yun's safety was not taken into account, Shen Feng would not have board the Qianniao. However, the problem between himself and Tang Yu was ultimately a personal conflict, and Shen Feng did not give the fat housekeeper a cold face, but he was just not enthusiastic.

Shen Feng looked at the fat housekeeper and asked, "If you don't read the data, is there any way to repair the Wing Shadow Demon God?"

The fat housekeeper nodded and said, "If you just strengthen appearance defense and simple maintenance, you don't need to read data. In fact, we have also made efforts in the manufacture of Wing Shadow. It is not the most suitable for you. Although you are also good at melee, you are not only good at melee.

"Wing Shadow... You look too high on me." Shen Feng said, silent for a while and then continued.

The fat housekeeper smiled and waved his hand and said, "If you say Yiying, we will repair it as soon as possible. Have a good rest now. If you still want to continue fighting, we have a more suitable body for you.

"Brother... take a break." Shen Yun said worriedly.

Shen Feng smiled at Shen Yun, and suddenly his eyes became sharp. He said coldly to the fat housekeeper, "Those elite main forces have not come back, have they? Including the young lady. Because I knew I couldn't beat it for a long time, so I gave up early. Inspiring those who are still fighting is just to buy them more time. They also know that the ultimate goal of the Chiyu clan is something on the blue star, and there will not be muchzu for those who want to leave the universe.

Shen Feng's sudden fierceness stunned the fat housekeeper and was silent for a while. The fat housekeeper still didn't say anything, which was an acquiescence to this fact.

Shen Feng smiled sarcasticly and said, "This has always been the practice of the military department. Don't ask me how I know. This is also the wisest way. Knowing that you can't beat it, there is no need to bury everyone. If it were me, I would have given such an order, but I would never give up without trying.

The fat housekeeper was silent again for a while and said, "The wing shadow can completely rush out of the universe. You don't have to stay. They also want you to leave. As long as hope is still there, there will be no tomorrow.

Shen Feng didn't say anything more, but sighed slightly. Based on his feelings, Shen Feng felt that the fierce beast was not so simple. Since they were all invaders, why did he still help human beings?

In the command room of the Akaba fleet...

"Haven't captured Cloud Blue Star yet? It's time to send special mecha units to search for Chaos and support the battle of Cloud Blue Star." The commander of the Akaba clan gave a cold order.