Mechanical Soul

Chapter 82 Strange Woman

In the 21st floor of the giant tower, this is a world full of green lights, quiet and peaceful, invisible, as if it were another world. The small bridge and flowing water, and there are several elegant lotus flowers on the gem-like lake, which are beautiful, beautiful and refined. There is a pavilion on the shore of the lake, and there is a guqin on the stone table. Everything is full of simplicity.

Xiao Mo sat on the stone bench of the pavilion and looked silently at Shen Feng surrounded by green light. She didn't know what she was thinking. Next to Xiaomo, there stood a blue figure. This is a goblin-like woman, with a slender figure, a green jade belt at her slender waist, a cyan dance skirt and a small foam style, and a black hair spread to her waist. The woman's skin is as warm as jade and shiny. A peerless face, with long eyelashes and a faint water mist in his eyes, which is full of the charm of heaven and earth.

After a long time, Xiaomo looked up at the blue figure, clenched little white teeth with a trace of red, and said, "I hate you, but I also love you. You can leave me desperately. I just want to take a look at you.

"It's not you who are desperate, just like he was desperate for me. But you are too stupid. Why do you insist on seeing me? Isn't it good to believe that I have left the world? The woman said softly, as touching as the sound of heaven.

"You mean that I'm not qualified to see you, which is borrowed from the power of others. However, he is not an outsider, but the person I want to marry, which does not violate the original agreement. Xiaomo continued to gritt her teeth and said.

Hearing Xiaomo say this, the woman's gentle expression suddenly became nervous and said, "No, absolutely not marry him,"

"You don't deserve to be my mother, and you don't need to take care of my affairs. I don't have a father or relatives. Do I want to stop myself from finding a dependent on you? Xiao Mo said in a hateful voice.

The woman looked at Xiaomo gently, then looked at Shen Feng in a coma and said, "It didn't stop you from finding help. He is indeed a person you can rely on. However, you can't find him as a brother or father. In this way, you won't be alone."

"I said, you don't have to worry about me. I didn't think you would go back for me today. When I go back, I will admit that you are dead.

"Xiao Mo, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. In fact, I also want to leave here, but I can't. I can't leave until no one can take over my position. Even if I'm not by your side, I will always protect you."

"Don't say it so nicely. At the beginning, you could not come here, but you still came and left me alone. All I know is that you are a cruel woman and not so great.

The woman looked at Xiaomo for the last time and suddenly turned around and said, "Go back, remember! In that world, you are not alone. You still have..."

The woman didn't finish her words. Her fingertips flashed green, and Xiaomo fell asleep. The woman picked up Xiaomo, gently kissed Xiaomo's forehead, and tears slowly slipped from the corners of her eyes. After a while, Xiao Mo suddenly disappeared from the woman's arms. The woman sighed slightly and suddenly looked at Shen Feng. Her eyes flashed with gentle light and she hadn't spoken for a long time.

After a long time, the woman took action. She held Shen Feng with her hands and walked to the hut not far from the gazebo, muttering something, but no one heard it. After entering the cabin, the woman gently put Shen Feng on her bed and said gently, "She is stupid. You can follow her. If it goes on like this, you will be dead without me.

At this moment, Xiaoli, who had not appeared for a long time, suddenly ran out, looked at the woman solemnly, opened his hands to protect Shen Feng, and said, "I can feel your murderous intention. What do you want to do?"

The woman looked at Xiaoli who suddenly appeared, smiled gently and said, "Sure enough, there is a second space... I naturally saved him. Should I let him go back in a coma?"

"A strange woman..." Xiaoli muttered, and then stood on Shen Feng's chest, looking very sleepy.

"A strange creature..." The woman said with a smile, and then reached out to catch Xiaoli, but found that she could not touch it. In this situation, the woman seems to have known it and just wanted to confirm it.

"Bored, go back to sleep." Xiaoli looked at the strange woman. After confirming that the woman was not malicious again, she stretched out and said.

When Xiaoli disappeared in Shen Feng's body, the woman sat next to Shen Feng, put her jade hand on Shen Feng's chest, closed her eyes and felt the situation of Shen Feng's body. Soon, a warm green light enveloped the whole room...

When Shen Feng opened his eyes again, he found a lovely figure lying on his chest and fell asleep, and he inexplicably returned to his room. Perhaps because Shen Feng woke up Xiaomo, Xiaomo also woke up. After seeing Shen Feng, she cried loudly and cried so sadly. Shen Feng didn't know what had happened, but gently patted Xiaomo on the back.

After a long time, Xiaomo finally stopped, looked at Shen Feng with a smile and said, "It's okay. I saw that person. From now on, I will completely forget her."

Shen Feng still can't understand Xiaomo's words. So I wanted to see her, but when I came back, I said that I would completely forget her. However, after all, this is Xiaomo's private matter. Shen Feng didn't ask, but just nodded gently. Suddenly, Shen Feng seemed to find something and said to Xiaomo, "Someone is eavesdropping outside the door. Although there should be no problem with the sound insulation of the room, they are not ordinary people."

Shen Feng wanted to reach out to wipe Xiaomo's tears. At the moment when he reached out, Shen Feng suddenly was stunned for a while, controlled his strength, wiped Xiaomo's tears, and said, "Xiao Mo, I feel that my body is a little different. I don't know what's going on."

"I don't know. Maybe that person has done something to you. You and I should have been sent here directly by her." Xiaomo actually just woke up and said to Shen Feng clearly.

Shen Feng nodded and suddenly felt that it was a pity that he didn't see the person Xiao Mo wanted to see. Why is it regretful? Shen Feng also felt strange. After thinking for a while, Shen Feng still found what he thought was reasonable. He must be a very strong person and can't see the strong man. It is really a great pity for Shen Feng, who pursues to become stronger and stronger.

When Shen Feng took Xiaomo out of the lounge, Mi Ke circled around Shen Feng curiously and said, "Captain, did you do something wrong to others? I heard her cry so sad outside."

"You think too much..." Shen Feng replied, and I don't know what Mike thought of.

"I didn't think too much. You two lonely men and women have been together all night. Who knows what will happen?" Mi Ke said with a smile.

Now it can be seen that Shen Feng knows that Mi Ke just likes to joke. Xiaomo looked at Shen Feng and said to Mi Ke in a tender voice, "He did that with me. Don't fight with me in the future."

"Ah! ..." Mi Ke and others exclaimed, looked at Shen Feng very strangely, and couldn't help but stay away from Shen Feng.

Xiao Mo saw this, smiled gently, and then ran away. Shen Feng looked at Xiaomo's departure back and suddenly felt that this Xiaomo was different from the previous one.

Captain. I misread you. How old are they? You eat them all." Mi Ke said exaggeratedly.

"Do you think it's possible?" Shen Feng asked.

Everyone nodded...

Shen Feng didn't want to continue joking with Mi Ke and said, "There's nothing to do today. Let's go to the arena of the virtual world."

Liuli looked at Shen Feng. Directly, she could also find that Shen Feng was different, but she couldn't say anything.

"Captain, you won't get any reward for going to that tower. Let's have an operation. I can feel that your breath is much stronger." Wu Liang said.

When Wu Liang said this, Tuowan turned around and said that it had nothing to do with him.

"How do you know?" Shen Feng asked, staring at Wu Liang.

Wu Liang was stunned, scratched the back of his head, and said slightly awkwardly, "I went out to see the scenery and happened to see the captain enter the middle tower."

Tuowan understood at this time that Wuliang's excuse seemed to be to see the scenery...