Mechanical Soul

Chapter 83 Mike's Rune

In the virtual world, Shen Feng and his party wandered up the street to see if there was any equipment suitable for them. After walking around the street for more than an hour, Shen Feng did not find the right one for him. Then he decisively turned to the arena. Mi Ke obviously wanted to continue shopping and couldn't help poking at Shen Feng and expressing his dissatisfaction.

After the five people showed their achievements, Shen Feng found that he came to the virtual world arena the least. Wu Liang has played more than 100,000 times, even Mi Ke, who has also played at least 10,000 times. Shen Feng's more than 300 achievements are really shameless compared with them.

"It seems that the captain doesn't like battles without tension and disdains to come to the arena of the virtual world." Mi Ke said with a smile that he still remembers Shen Feng's unwillingness to walk on the street for a while.

"If I team up with you, I should be able to meet more powerful opponents." Shen Feng said.

"I think it's okay. I'll submit the application now." Wu Liang said, and then what did he enter into the computer on his opponent? After a while, Wu Liang said, "I have applied for the battle in about five minutes. This is the first time we have cooperated, so don't lose too badly.

"Wu Liang, what do you mean by this? No matter how you listen, you can win by playing alone, and you will lose if you team up with us. Tuowan said.

"That's not true. That race is really annoying, and his team is also annoying." Wu Liang said seriously.

Five people do not use their real names. During the five minutes of waiting, Shen Feng also looked at the glass several times. It seems that there is something I want to say to Liuli, but I can't say it. Liu Li naturally felt Shen Feng's eyes, and after several times, she understood what Shen Feng probably wanted to say. Naturally, after Shen Feng was elected as the temporary captain, she has been silent, which inevitably makes Shen Feng feel that he is dissatisfied with him.

"I'm just a habitual silence, and I don't mean anything else." Liu Li said to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng nodded and couldn't help looking at Liuli. It seemed that he didn't expect Liuli to be so talkative. It's not to blame Shen Feng. This woman has always been the shadow in Shen Feng's heart. Suddenly she is so easy to talk, Shen Feng is really a little unaccustomed to it.

Five minutes later, Shen Feng and his party were quickly transferred to the competition site. This is a desolate desert. After Shen Feng and his party appeared in the desert, five more people appeared. Like Shen Feng's team, the other five people are from the same race.

Wu Liang smiled and said, "This is the Baker clan. The skin can naturally weaken any force attack. Be careful."

Shen Feng looked at the five Bakers and found that the five Bakers had an obvious feature, that is, their skin was like Baker. These five Bakers all look relatively short, with their heads similar to shells. Maybe that's why they are called Baker,

When the five people cooperated for the first time, no one saw any nervous look. At the beginning, Mi Ke said something silently, and rows of golden runes rotated beside Mi Ke. After a while, Shen Feng and others also had golden runes turning.

"The skin of the Baker clan is born to reduce damage, and I can also reduce any damage." Mike said with a smile, and then made a strange gesture, and a golden light suddenly fell from the sky. Mike was bathed in golden light, just like a saint.

"Hurry up and interrupt her..." Although the Bakers don't know what the golden light is for, they can also feel an unusual breath.

The movements of the five Bakers were very unified. At the same time, they opened their mouths and shot a strong white light from their mouths.

"Mirror of the domain, reverse!" Mike shouted softly, and the runes around the five people suddenly flashed. Before the five white lights approached, they all became bent and then reflected back.

The five Bakers obviously did not expect to encounter this situation. They opened their mouths one by one and absorbed the white light back.

"The Baker's talent attack, this white light can turn other substances into pearls, that is to say, it can turn us into pearls. And their skin is disgusting, and my strength doesn't hurt or itch them. Wu Liang said.

Shen Feng said, "Their weakness is in their mouth. If they can put the attack into their mouth, it will be easy to do."

Shen Feng and others also know that this kind of battle does not require command, just fight freely, and Shen Feng's purpose is to understand their respective abilities so that they can cooperate better. After a moment of eye contact, Shen Feng and Tuo Wan rushed up, leaving Liuli and Wu Liang to guard Mi Ke.

"Mingli, salon roll!" Tuowan said, and the sand around the five Bakers suddenly flew up and told them to rotate, forming five tornado. Tuowan also knew that the impact of sand particles could not cause harm to the Bakers, and all he wanted to do was to block the sight of the Bakers. Of course, if it is replaced by a race with weak defense, the impact of sand grains will be enough for them to eat a pot.

Shen Feng took a slight look at Tuo Wan and understood that the other party's thinking power was much stronger than his own. In one thought, Shen Feng's blood crystal power instantly condensed into five blood-colored long swords. Tuo Wan also took a look at Shen Feng and suddenly withdrew the salon roll. At the moment when the salon scroll disappeared, five blood-colored swords stabbed the five Bakers.

With the sound of "Ding...", the sword formed by the power of Shen Feng's blood crystal can no longer enter at all after touching the skin of the Baker clan. The Bakers were obviously a little angry, and two rushed to Shen Feng and Tuowan.

"Give me a second and I'll solve them." Tuo Wan seemed to remember something and suddenly said to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng nodded, and the figure moved forward rapidly. The yellow sand flying behind him covered Tuo Wan's figure. At the same time, as soon as the two Bakers rushed over, they had formed a beautiful ice sculpture.

However, the two Bakers who rushed over obviously just wanted to delay the time. At the moment when Shen Feng froze them, the whole desert suddenly trembled violently. Countless sharp stone pillars cross up from the ground. Just in an instant, Shen Feng and others were all submerged in the stone pillars. As soon as the stone pillar collided, countless smoke and dust were permeated.

"It is impossible to take this move with a thin human body. It's almost over." A Baker in the middle said.

"Who ends whom?" This is the sound of Tuo Wan, and Shen Feng can feel five invisible energies flying past him. In an instant, all five Bakers had a mouth and nose hemorrhage and were obviously seriously injured.

"Boom..." The stone pillars surrounding Shen Feng and others were broken one after another, while Shen Feng and others looked like nothing happened. The runes around their bodies were flashing, and only Mi seemed a little tired.

In a short time, Shen Feng and others were transmitted out. Wu Liang patted Tuowan on the shoulder and said, "You still have strong mental strength and directly carry out mental attack. If I were you, I would be helpless."

"Mike is also very powerful. Under the protection of Mike, I don't feel any impact." Tuowan said.

"If only there were strong offensive means..." Mi Ke muttered.

Although there was only a simple battle, everyone realized that their respective abilities have advantages and disadvantages. If they can cooperate, they will undoubtedly become stronger.

"Mike, what is the scope of your ability?" Liu Li asked.

"Within 10,000 meters, I can feel the existence of runes and control them. However, there is a 100% effect within 1,000 meters. The farther away from me, the less obvious the effect will be. If it exceeds 10,000 meters, there is nothing we can do. Mike replied with a smile.

"The range of action is 10,000 meters, which is really horrible. My mind is only 500 meters." Tuowan said.

"Don't look, my ability has the smallest range, only 100 meters." Wu Liang waved his hand and said.

"The teleportation is 100 meters, which is not small, and you can still teleport continuously." Tuo Wan smiled and said.

Captain Shen Feng and Sister Liuli are also very perverted. They don't seem to be able to determine the scope of their blood crystal power. Generally speaking, the power of blood crystals will dissipate when they leave a certain range of the body, and the two in front of them are obviously not. Mikke said.

In fact, Shen Feng and the five people all have their own detailed ability information. Perhaps it is more impressive to say this, and they also talk about it with relish for a while. Next, Shen Feng and the five went to fight several battles to get familiar with each other more specifically.