Mechanical Soul

Chapter 84 The Last Lesson

Busy, unconsciously it has been a week. Through seven days of familiarity, Shen Feng and the five people are also more familiar with each other's ability. Naturally, the familiarity obtained through combat is better than the data. Late at night, Shen Feng was still gently tapping the suspended light curtain keyboard, and there was a row of data in front of him.

Xiaomo woke up, rubbed his eyes with his little hand, saw that Shen Feng was still busy, and couldn't help muttering, "It's so late, and I'm still analyzing their data."

I don't know why. Xiaomo comes to Shen Feng on time every night and doesn't plan to go back every night. Because Xiaomo couldn't say it, it made Shen Feng sleep on the floor for seven days. Shen Feng heard Xiaoshui's muttering and turned around and said with apology, "I'm sorry to wake you up."

"For good, I came here, otherwise I don't know if you have a rest every day. The Wan ethnic competition is very important, but you also have to be in a good state to participate in it.

"Because everyone is working hard and working for the same goal... If human beings can enter the top ten races in the universe, I think there will be much less aggression from foreigners."

Hearing Shen Feng's words, Xiao Mo felt that Shen Feng was thinking far away. At present, it is not Shen Feng's turn to worry about foreign aggression. As far as Xiaomo knows, the human population is very complicated. There are human federations, large and small countries, civil organizations, blood crystal alliances and source alliances, etc. Every group is working hard in the living space of human beings, and there will be conflicts between them.


In the quiet office, Ximen Water and Norris did not rest, and both of them were browsing dazzling data. I don't know how long it took, Ximenshui said, "It's much better than expected. These five young people get along very well."

"You think those people will choose some people who are not good at heart. If there are only strong and brainless guys, it is useless to come. How can it be easy to choose five people from the trillions of human beings?

"I was really worried at the beginning. They should be the youngest generation in history, and young people are easy to be hot-headed. And there is a contradiction between Liuli and Shen Feng, but now they can put down the previous contradiction for the same goal.

"I said, Uncle Simon has been keeping them busy for a week. Should you do something?"

"Don't worry, this group of children have a good attitude and a clear goal. We don't have to worry about it. However, the virtual world is virtual after all. Without the oppression of death, they must learn to face despair.

On the fourteenth day of coming to the secret base, Shen Feng and others finally saw Uncle Ximenshui again. At the same time, they also distributed a red military uniform to everyone and said, "Don't rush to change into military uniforms and take you to see a monster."

Shen Feng and his party followed Ximenshui with doubt and walked into a metal building after passing through the mountains and forests. After entering the metal building, Shen Feng found that the Ximen water had disappeared, and the surrounding space became dark. Suddenly, Shen Feng felt a breath that made his heart palpitate. For a moment, his whole body could not move.

A shocking roar came from the darkness, as if it were devouring people's souls. In the vagueness, Shen Feng felt something at his feet. Before he could react, he felt that half of his body was bitten. A bloody and ferocious big mouth bit half of his body, and then felt a pain deep into his bone marrow. Half of his body was completely bitten off, dripping with blood.

is very strange. Shen Feng himself is also surprised why he can keep quiet when he encounters this kind of thing. After a while, Shen Feng muttered, "There are too many wandering on the edge of death. This feeling is not true."

When the building lit up again, Shen Feng found that the other four people's faces were pale and their consciousness was about to be unconscious, but he still persisted. And Ximen Shui also appeared. He looked at the calm Shen Feng and muttered, "A little monster... It seems that he has experienced a lot of real feelings of death."

" Shen Feng, didn't you feel anything just now?" Ximen Shui asked,

"Yes, that feeling is not real, and the real feeling of death is not like this." Shen Feng replied.

"Then what do you think?"

"I can't explain..."

After a while, Tuowan and others looked at Shen Feng speechlessly, among which Wu Liang said, "It's so unreasonable. It's completely like real death. I'm almost desperate, but this man said it felt unreal."

Ximenshui looked at Wu Liang and said, "Your experiences are different. You are like Mico. You are recognized as a genius at birth and protected since childhood. When you are strong enough, the opponents you meet are not as strong as you. Your battlefield is mainly in the virtual world. Your technology and experience have been sharpened enough, but there is a lack of despair.

Nocris came from behind and continued, "Don't hide you. In the Wanzu competition, you may encounter opponents who make you desperate. You are still young. Remember not to be impulsive at that time and choose to withdraw from the game as soon as possible. Living is hope. Only by living can you continue to realize your potential and reach the peak of the universe.

Ximenshui saw the different reactions of the five people and said, "That's all I want to teach you. In fact, what we hope most is that you can come back safely. Next, get familiar with your mecha, enjoy life, relax and wait for the arrival of the Wanzu competition.

After saying that, Ximenshui left, and Wu Liang muttered, "Why do we sound like sinners who are about to be executed? We are full and ready to go on the road."

"Participating in the Wanzu Competition is almost the same nature. Although it seems glorious to the outside world, it is cruel to us. There is still a period of time to experience the beauty of living. Ximenshui turned back and replied.

After the figures of Ximenshui and Nocris completely disappeared, Shen Feng and the five still did not move. After working hard for a while, they suddenly said that it was killing, that is to say, they were trying to die before. Shen Feng also had to sigh and said, "What a strange uncle."

"Captain, is there any deep meaning in this sentence?" Micco asked curiously.

Shen Feng shook his head slightly and said, "No, his tone is not a joke, but to tell us to live well. But if you want to live well, you must fight for it yourself. For example, when we have to admit defeat, let's see if we can let go of the responsibility of all mankind and let go of glory. If you admit defeat, I'm afraid you will become a sinner for all mankind.

Tuo Wan shook his head slightly and said, "It turns out that this last lesson is not so simple. It's a choice between living and reputation. He died in the battle. Although he lost, he is famous in history. I admit defeat and live, but I was scolded.

"If it were you, what would you choose?" Liu Li suddenly looked at Shen Feng and asked seriously.

Shen Feng also looked at Liuli. After seeing what Liuli meant, he replied, "I don't know..."

Hearing Shen Feng's answer, Liu Li was silent again. However, the glass that is familiar with Shen Feng also knows the answer. Shen Feng is now the captain. As long as Shen Feng chooses to admit defeat, all charges will be borne by Shen Feng. Liu Li knew that Shen Feng was willing to bear everything in order for everyone to live. However, Liuli didn't know under what circumstances Shen Feng would give up.

After returning to the lounge, the five people were still silent, reflecting on which is more important to live and reputation. They all know that there are many people in the world who sincerely want to live, whether they are relatives or friends. However, they don't want to become a sinner of all mankind.

"It's useless to think so much now. You can decide what you think in your heart." Shen Feng said with a faint smile on his face.

Hearing Shen Feng's words, everyone also felt that it was useless to think too much now. There is still a period of time before the Wanzu Competition. Now it's time to improve your strength and try to make this situation happen later. As for why this happened, Shen Feng and others are still clear that the powerful races in the universe are very powerful as soon as they are born. Human beings are born very weak. After working hard for more than ten years, they have also worked hard for more than ten years, and they are still stronger than you. To catch up, human beings must take a longer time to stimulate the potential of the body.