Mechanical Soul

Chapter 113 Statue of Shen Mo

The gray-white beam still continues, like a torrent. The light is not getting stronger and stronger, but gives people a feeling of silence, as if they will die when touched. Supporting the gray light shield, he only bounced the gray beam at first, but gradually began to absorb it later.

"This is an abnormal space in itself, and there seems to be a force to control all this." Shen Feng muttered and saw the gray beam getting weaker and weaker.

When the beam stopped, a pile of rag robots in front of them fell to the ground, instantly turned into a pile of light dust, and were blown away by the wind. At this time, Zhan said to Shen Feng, "Go quickly and pass as fast as possible. In a short time, they will restore and launch another attack."

When Shen Feng saw Zhan's pale face, he was a little worried, but he didn't say anything. He picked up Tang Rou in one hand and moved forward quickly. Zhan still walked to the front, and I don't know when he had taken the dagger. After passing through the old and dilapidated gray streets, Shen Feng and the others came to the square in the center of the city. At the center of the square, the three saw a huge fountain with a huge statue in the middle of the fountain.

The erosion of the years has completely blurred the appearance of the statue and vaguely looks like a person. This fountain is not dry. The water in the pool is gray and white, and gray water will spew out from time to time. After rising into the sky, the water did not fall directly, but circled in the air with beautiful patterns. If there are lights and music, it must be pleasing to the eyes. But there is only a gray dead silence in front of him, and the sound of water tinkling, as if playing the melody of death.

On the other side of the fountain is a magnificent building that looks like a temple or something. There are two strange beast statues on both sides of the gate. Above these two statues, there are two guardians. The two guards were dressed in sacrificial clothes, and their whole bodies were dry, showing a dead gray.

"Xiao Mo, look at the words that have been worn out on the statue." Shen Feng suddenly pointed to the statue in the middle of the pool and said. Below the statue, there is a row of words that are also gray, such as dragons hovering, vicissitudes and extraordinary.

"Shen Mo, the guardian of the starry sky, sleeps here!" For the first time, Shen Feng read the words on the statue, and the expression on his face was a little wonderful.

"Xiao Mo, this man has the same name as you." Hearing this, Tang Rou nodded strangely and said with a smile.

Zhan also took a strange look at Shen Feng, and then carefully observed the statue. After repeating this several times, Zhan's face showed a shocked look. When he looked at Shen Feng, his eyes were even more strange, saying, "Not only is the same name, but also the figure is very consistent."

"Don't look at me like that. I can't have anything to do with this statue. I don't know how long this statue is. I'm not 18 years old yet. Shen Feng also found this, which was a little funny in his heart. A random name he took would be the same as the name of the statue.

"I don't think you have anything to do with him. Why are you so nervous?" Tang Rou smiled softly, and then looked carefully at the statue in the middle of the fountain. The more she looked at it, the more she looked like Shen Mo in front of her.

Shen Feng was slightly speechless and immediately looked at the magnificent temple in front of him. Inexplicably, Shen Feng suddenly felt that something was calling for him in the temple, and it was very strong. At the moment when this call appeared, the gray sky became more gloomy, and thunder flashed and made a roaring sound.

"Is the light and mirror water in it?" Shen Feng asked, with a very serious expression. Shen Feng himself didn't understand why it was so serious.

"Well, it's in there. If it gets close, the two guardians on the statue will move. You must defeat them, otherwise there is no way to open the mechanism when you enter it. He nodded and said.

Xiao Mo. Is it going to rain? Tang Rou looked at the increasingly gloomy sky with some worry. The sky is thunderous and depressing, as if there will be a downpour at any time.

Hearing the word rain, Shen Feng's body suddenly stiffened and his face suddenly turned pale. Shen Feng reluctantly cheered up and said, "I'm afraid the rain here will not be so simple. You have to go into the temple quickly. Xiaorou, wait for me here and wait for me to solve the problem of those two guards.

Tang Rou nodded and watched Shen Feng approach the ancient and magnificent building in front of him step by step. When she saw Shen Feng standing at the gate of the temple, Tang Rou suddenly showed a shocked look. In Tang Rou's eyes, everything around her returned to normal color. The water in the fountain was so crystal white, and the statues and buildings were so clear. The sky is not gray, and there is no thunder and lightning. White clouds float with the wind, and birds are hovering in the sky.

Tang Rou looked at this change with a look of disbelief. Suddenly, Tang Rou seemed to feel something. On her side, she saw the statue in the center of the fountain holding a soft light with her hand. The light approached quickly and surrounded Tang Rou in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Mo..." Tang Rou panicked and shouted at Shen Feng. I don't know if the sound has reached Shen Feng's ears. Tang Rou found that she couldn't see anything, and her eyes were full of soft and hazy white.

In a beautifully decorated room with many candy models, Xiaomo sat on a chair in front of the desk and looked at a photo in a daze with her cheeks in her hands. Suddenly, Xiaomo seemed to hear something and said to the door, "Who called me?" After saying that, Xiaomo put away the photos, jumped off the chair and walked out of her room.

Outside the door, Xiaomo saw Tang Yu in a black combat uniform and wondered how Tang Yu came in, and then asked, "Sister Tang Yu, what can I do for you?"

Tang Rou was wondering where she was when she suddenly heard a lovely voice. When she came to her senses, Tang Rou saw a very lovely girl looking at herself with doubt. Tang Yu?" Tang Rou read it slightly and suddenly remembered that Shen Feng had told her the name.

Compared with why she appeared in this strange place, Tang Rou seemed to know what was going on with Shen Mo's side and was full of anxiety. That gray space is not a good place to look at, and it is also very dangerous.

"Sister Tang Yu, what's your expression? Just say it if you have something to do." Xiaomo looked at Tang Rou and said, thinking that today's Tang Yu was very strange.

"What is this place?" Tang Rou thought for a while and knew that it was useless to be anxious. She asked the girl upstairs.

"This is my home..." Xiaomo answered with some tears and laughter, and then trotted downstairs. Before approaching Tang Rou, Xiaomo suddenly stopped walking and looked at Tang Rou with a serious expression. He was vaguely ready to fight and said, "You are not Sister Tang Yu. Who are you?"

"Well, I'm not Tang Yu." Tang Rou nodded and said, looking at the lovely girl in front of her anxiously, and asked, "Why did I appear here?" Where's Xiao Mo? Where is he?

"Xiao Mo... I'm Xiao Mo. In addition, I also want to know why you are here." Xiaomo tilted her head and looked at Tang Rou and said, feeling that she had encountered something strange today. Who is the sister who looks like Tang Yu in front of you? Why do you speak so strangely?

"You are not Xiao Mo, not Shen Mo." Tang Rou shook her head and said.

"I'm Xiaomo, Shen Mo." Xiaomo said affirmatively. After saying that, Xiaomo seemed to think of something and spread her hands and said, "Well, I'm not Xiaomo you know. Tell me about your Shen Mo."

"He..." Tang Rou thought for a moment, and then began to describe Shen Molai, whom she knew in detail. Tang Rou said it very clearly, and even said Shen Feng's personality.

After listening to it, Xiaomo muttered, "Why does it sound like Shen Feng..." After thinking for a while, Xiaomo turned on the computer in her hand, projected a photo of Shen Feng and asked, "Is this this person?"

"'s him!" Tang Rou nodded heavily, with a happy look on her face. She didn't expect that the lovely girl in front of her also knew Shen Mo.

"It seems that she didn't lie to me..." Xiao Mo whispered, then looked at Tang Rou and said, "The person you mentioned should be Shen Feng. I want to know how he is now? Where did you meet him? Can you tell me specifically?"

Tang Rou was slightly stunned, felt the real environment around her, knew that she was no longer in the original space, and was silent for a long time before saying, "On an unknown planet, he fell from the twisted air without any blood, but there was a magical power to save his life. I don't know where he is now. All I know is that I and him have entered a gray space, and then I don't know what happened, so I was sent here.

"That fool may do dangerous things again." Xiaomo sighed and said. However, it seems to be a happy thing to be sure that Shen Feng is not dead. Suddenly, Xiaomo realized something, looked at Tang Rou seriously and said, "I don't care who you are. The news that he is still alive can never spread. From today on, I will watch you."

Tang Rou didn't understand why the girl in front of her became so serious. Suddenly, Tang Rou realized a very important problem and walked to the window, looked at the buildings, and was completely stunned.

"Human world... I'm back to the human world... What about him, is he back?" Tang Rou muttered to herself.

Xiaomo couldn't understand Tang Rou's shock, but she was surprised at how the almost same sister as Tang Yu appeared. Although Xiaomo was in a daze at that time, he did not feel any space fluctuations. This person appeared in his home out of thin air, and more importantly, why he appeared in his own home, not anywhere else.