Mechanical Soul

Chapter 114 Chaos Time and Space

seemed to feel something. Shen Feng turned around, but could no longer see Tang Rou's figure. Shen Feng was stunned, and his heart seemed to be stung by something and unable to breathe. Calm down! Shen Feng tried to calm himself down, but found that he could no longer control his emotions. Negative emotions such as self-reproach and regret occupied Shen Feng's mind. If I hadn't brought Tang Rou, this wouldn't have happened. I didn't protect Tang Rou. No... I also didn't protect Shen Yun and Xu Ling.

"Ah..." Shen Feng looked up to the sky and shouted, and the red light from his eyes gradually dyed his whole body red. A trace of bloody fog gradually floated up from Shen Feng's body, which looked very strange. Suddenly, the blood red color turned black in an instant. Shen Feng's whole body was shrouded in black breath, giving people an evil feeling.

Seeing this sudden change, Zhan's face became very ugly. Is it possible to add an opponent? Zhan felt that Shen Feng was likely to attack him, and the black breath was very frightening. It seems to be the breath of death, which makes people feel afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's all your fault. Why did you bring Tang Rou to such a dangerous place? Why did you leave Tang Rou's side? It's all your fault. If you hadn't been useless, Shen Yun and Xu Ling wouldn't have happened. There was such a sound in Shen Feng's head. Failure to protect Shen Yun and Xu Ling hit Shen Feng was huge, but today they failed to protect Tang Rou again, so that Shen Feng could no longer keep calm.

"Boom...Boom..." The gray sky flashed a huge thunder snake, and the temple in front of Shen Feng suddenly roared, raising huge gray dust. Not only the temple, but also the ground began to crack. The trembling seemed to happen in every corner of the space, as if it would collapse at any time. At this time, the fountain remains as it is, without any movement.

"How could this happen!" I can't understand the current situation. After the temple collapsed, the guardians in front of the temple also turned into dust and scattered in the air. Everything is turning into dust and disappearing in this void. Cracks began to appear in the gray sky, like broken glass, and suddenly a black hole that devoured everything appeared. The black hole devours everything crazily and keeps expanding.

"If it goes on like this, I will die." Looking at the increasingly large black hole, he said to himself and suddenly found that the fountain behind him was not affected by anything. At the same time, Zhan also saw two light spots in the collapsed temple in front of him.

"The light of life!" Zhan exclaimed, then clenched his teeth and rushed desperately to the ruins of the temple. After so many years of hard work, I saw this goal and asked how he was willing to give up like this. Besides, even if you go to the fountain, it may not be safe.

However, at the moment when Zhan rushed out, Shen Feng stopped in front of Zhan and said in a low voice, "That's fake. This itself is a place where time and space are messed up. It is destroyed today and will still appear tomorrow. The light of cherishing life itself is composed of light elements and should already be in you. Without the light of life, you can't resist the erosion of the gray toxins here..."

"Impossible!" Zhan didn't believe Shen Feng's words at all. He bypassed Shen Feng and went straight to the light of the ruins of the temple. It's all in front of us, but Shen Feng said it was fake, which makes people believe it. Moreover, now Shen Feng has a black smell and looks abnormal at all, as if he has completely changed a person.

"I got it!" Zhan came to the front of the light spot and grabbed the photoelectric without hesitation and said that this is a huge sword emitting the light of life, and the light gives people an extremely comfortable feeling. When I cut it in my hand, I feel that my soul is about to float out. However, the next moment, he was stunned and looked at the huge sword in his hand turning into a light spot and disappearing into the void.

"Mirror water!" Shen Feng still read in a low voice and stretched out a hand. A blue and white light suddenly flew out of the ruins and fell directly into Shen Feng's hands. This is a bright long gun, a water-blue gun god, and the diamond-shaped gunhead is white light, like a mirror like water.

"Really or false!" Shen Feng raised such a question, and the space around him suddenly collapsed. The broken space reveals the most primitive black, devouring everything around it.

Zhan watched Shen Feng's figure keep shrinking in the space black hole, and finally completely disappearing, and then looking at the life-saving light that completely disappeared in his hand, and his whole body was cold. Facing the huge suction power of the black hole, the figure seemed a little distorted. Looking at the constantly broken space around him, his figure suddenly turned into a light and quickly rushed to the fountain without any movement, with a pale face.

"Well... Why isn't this water gray? It was still gray before." Reaching out to touch the cold, he looked at the fountain with deep doubts, and finally his eyes stayed on the statue in the middle of the fountain. However, Zhan found that he could not see anything, and his eyes were white.

"Didi..." An unusually familiar voice sounded in Zhan's ear. When Zhan opened his eyes again, he found himself parked in mid-air, just blocking the advance of a maglev vehicle. If the owner hadn't braked in time, he would have been hit.

"Am I dreaming!" He patted his forehead and said, recalling what had happened before, and felt that it was dreaming now. No matter where he is from, he is a planet inhabited by human beings. Unexpectedly, he returned to the human planet in an instant, and it is impossible to say anything.

"Hey... You don't have to do this if you want to die. You were hit by me in the air. I'm not responsible for it." The owner of the magnetic floating car popped his head and said, although he was angry with the behavior of the person in front of him, he did not use an angry tone. If it is not a strong man, how can it be suspended in the air like this?


" Shen Mo, wake up quickly... Please wake up quickly. As long as you wake up, I will listen to everything to you and will never be wayward..."

In the blur, Shen Feng heard such a crying and pleading voice, and something pressed on his chest, constantly shaking his body. Although Shen Feng didn't understand what had happened and was sure that he could open his eyes, Shen Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"Shen Mo, you're awake!" Shen Feng opened his eyes and heard a very excited figure before he could see what was going on around him.

When his vision was clear, Shen Feng looked at the strange and excited faces standing in front of him, with tears of joy in his eyes. What's more strange is that a woman lay on her body, her eyes were red with tears, and suddenly hugged her tightly. The hug is so tight that it seems that I don't want to let go anymore.

Shen Feng looked around and made sure that this was the hospital ward. When Shen Feng saw the realistic calendar on the wall, he couldn't help showing an incredible expression. Suddenly, Shen Feng felt that his arm had been bitten hard by something, and Shen Feng couldn't help taking a cold breath in pain.

"It's not a dream, the era 1990! This joke is too big!" Shen Feng was shocked. Shen Feng remembers his time very clearly. It was definitely 201, the new era, and how did it become 1990. Something important seemed to have happened in the 10,000th year of the Epoch, so it became a new era after 10,000 years.

"Brother Mo, what's your expression? Why do you ignore us?" In the ward, a girl with a cute ponytail said, looking at Shen Feng strangely.

"I'm not Shen Mo... I'm Shen Feng... No, I'm Shen Mo!" Shen Feng's mind suddenly became confused, and he couldn't tell whether his name was Shen Mo or Shen Feng.

"I don't know you. What should I do? Although you may know this Shen Mo, but... I..." Shen Feng said secretly in his heart that he couldn't deny that it was Shen Mo.

"You..." Shen Feng's eyes did not hide the strange meaning at all, indicating that he didn't know any of them.

"It's broken. Captain Mo seems to have lost his memory!" A woman with only one eye said. The woman looks gentle and peaceful. It looks very knowledgeable.

"I lost my memory... Shen Mo, you must remember me or not!" The woman holding Shen Feng tightly suddenly said nervously, but hugged Shen Feng tighter.

Shen Feng looked at the woman holding him tightly and suddenly felt a very familiar feeling. If Xiaomo is enlarged to ten years old, it may be like this, but if he doesn't know him, he doesn't know him. Shen Feng really shook his head.

When the woman saw the familiar light in Shen Feng's eyes, she smiled happily and said, "I'm very happy. Although you have lost your memory, you still remember me." After saying that, the woman didn't care whether Shen Feng was willing or not. She lay quietly on Shen Feng's chest and listened to Shen Feng's heartbeat quietly.

There were a total of seven people in the ward. After seeing this scene, the girl with a cute ponytail made a grimace at Shen Feng and then took the lead and went out. The others suddenly understood something and walked out of the ward with a happy smile.

"How could this happen? Did I travel through time!" Shen Feng tried to recall what had happened before, but his memory stopped at the moment he saw Tang Rou disappear. Shen Feng couldn't remember what happened after that.

"I am..." Shen Feng wanted to tell the woman lying in his arms that he was Shen Feng, but found that the woman had fallen asleep quietly with a sweet and happy smile on her pretty face. Unable to say it, Shen Feng was sure that even if the woman didn't fall asleep, he couldn't say it himself.

Shen Feng covered his head with his hands and felt that he was about to collapse. After a headache for a while, Shen Feng also calmed down. Great changes have taken place in both time and space. If you have to give yourself an explanation, it is time travel. Or, I am now living in Shen Mo's memory.

"Shen Mo, the guardian of the starry sky, will not refer to this person..." Shen Feng sighed secretly and suddenly found a water-blue long gun in the corner of the ward.

(2012 is coming, I forgot to say Happy New Year yesterday, let's make it up today!)