Mechanical Soul

Chapter 115 Mechanical Dragon

"There is a special feeling, very familiar." Shen Feng remembered to take a look at the water blue spear, but found himself being pressed. If you really want to get up, you will definitely wake up to the sleeping woman. In this way, Shen Feng also put down his thoughts and turned to care about other things.

Facts have proved that Shen Feng is a person who is easy to meet. In the strange time and space, he does not mean to panic in the face of strange characters. First of all, Shen Feng looked at himself in the mirror of the window and found that he was still himself without any change. The warm jade face is still so gentle, young and delicate. The black eyes are deep and bright, and there seems to be a strange charm.

After thinking for a while, Shen Feng turned on the computer on his wrist to learn about Shen Mo. However, Shen Feng's unexpected situation happened, not only the database could not be opened, but also the network could not be connected. It seems impossible to find information about Shen Mo from the computer. The network can't be used. Shen Feng couldn't believe that there would be such a thing. He carefully checked the computer on his wrist and found that there was no problem with the computer.

Network failure? One minute is also an extremely important thing. How can no one care about it? Shen Feng was puzzled and suddenly sighed. Instead of worrying about Shen Mo, it is better to worry about when you will return to your time and space. Shen Feng has never doubted that it has appeared, but whether the technology is immature and whether it is forbidden or not. After all, if you transfer a person from the future to the past, what may be caused is unimaginable.

Looking at the woman's quiet sleeping face, Shen Feng inexplicably stretched out his hand and gently combed the woman's soft long hair, which looked very natural. After a while, Shen Feng realized something and stopped abruptly.

"It's so beautiful, just like a fairy!" Looking at the woman's face, Shen Feng couldn't help sighing, and his heartbeat also accelerated a little.

"Huh... This dress seems to be the same as what Xiaomo is wearing." Looking at the woman's dress, Shen Feng said to himself.

I was really a little sleepy. Shen Feng closed his eyes slightly and soon fell asleep. I don't know how long it took, Shen Feng felt something warm and wet to kiss his face, so he woke up and opened his eyes. Looking at the face close at hand, Shen Feng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The woman stood up in panic, went to the table next to the bed, filled a bowl of steam, and got a little with a spoon. After blowing, she reached to Shen Feng's mouth and said to Shen Feng shyly, "You're awake... Come on, drink some millet porridge first."

Hungry? Shen Feng was really a little, but he was embarrassed to let the woman feed himself and decisively put his face aside. Now, Shen Feng's mood is very contradictory. He knows women and others. Why should he accept the care of others?

" Shen Mo, turn your face around. I know you lost your memory, but you are vaguely familiar with me. But you can't do this to me. If it weren't for this turmoil, we would have been married. The woman was a little angry, pouted her mouth and said to Shen Feng with grievance.

"I...I...not..." Shen Feng really wanted to tell the woman that he was not Shen Mo, but he was stuck in his mouth and couldn't say anything in the end. How could this happen? Shen Feng didn't understand. It was obviously a simple sentence. How could he not say it?

The woman glanced at Shen Feng. After putting down the millet porridge, she reached out and turned Shen Feng's head and said, "I... what am I doing? You... won't become stupid. You are not fluent in saying a word."

"I'll do it myself..." Shen Feng couldn't enjoy this gentleness. After sitting up, he picked up millet porridge and took a small sip.

At this moment, the cute girl with a ponytail suddenly ran in and gasped and said, "Sister Lin Xian, it's not good. The mechanical clan found our stronghold and is about to attack."

The woman suddenly became serious and stood up and said, "I know, the mechanical clan knows almost all our information, and it is also expected to be able to find it here. Fortunately, Shen Mo has woken up. Let's go quickly and never fall into the siege of the mechanic.

" Shen Mo, we are leaving here. This time, I will protect you." Lin Xian took the water blue gun in the corner and looked at Shen Feng firmly.

Looking at this firm look, Shen Feng seemed to see himself and vowed to protect Shen Yun. But... Shen Feng nodded to the woman named Lin Xian and then looked out of the window. Outside the window is a green forest, and there is a roaring sound in the distance.

"What's the situation now!" Following Lin Xian out of the ward, Shen Feng asked.

"What happened... In the case of the failure of the mission, a large number of robots have been hunted down and are still on the run." Lin Xian answered as he walked.

Shen Feng knows very little about the mechanical family. In the 20,000-year history of the New Era, there are few records about the mechanical family. Machinery has not always been created and used by humans, and other cosmic races are also using machinery. If machines are a race, then these machines must have the wisdom of human beings. Shen Feng has been exposed to mechanical wisdom and made a lot of speculation about the mechanics here in an instant.

After leaving the building, there is a green forest, and thick smoke can be seen in front of the forest. Lin Xian handed Shen Feng a long gun of water blue and said, "Order to retreat. We don't have the ability to fight head-on. Now it should be just some ways to explore, and the rescue team of the mechanic is coming soon.

Shen Feng held a long water blue gun, and the familiar feeling went deep into his soul and seemed to be unforgettable. Hearing Lin Xian's words, Shen Feng shook his head decisively and said, "I don't know anything now. It's up to you."

"All right!" Lin Xian knew that Shen Mo had lost his memory and agreed without hesitation.

"Withdraw!" Lin Xian said to the communicator on his wrist, and then fired a flashing flare at the sky. In fact, as long as he said something on the communicator, but Lin Xian did not dare to confirm that the communicator was not disturbed by the mechanical family, so it was very necessary to launch a signal bomb into the sky.

After issuing the order to retreat, Lin Xian still looked ahead with a solemn face, waiting for the team members to come back. It turned out that Shen Mo was the captain, but now Shen Mo doesn't remember anything, and the heavy burden falls on her. Lin Xian secretly glanced at Shen Mo, clenched his lips, and looked self-blaming. If it hadn't been for her, Shen Mo would not have become what she is now.

Shen Feng quietly looked at the long gun like water and suddenly felt something. He jumped and rushed forward quickly.

" Shen Mo, you come back, your body hasn't recovered yet." Lin Xian shouted hurriedly. She knew that Shen Mo might have felt trouble ahead, but she was more worried about whether Shen Mo's current physical condition could fight. Otherwise, it's better not to go.

"I'm fine... Don't worry..." Shen Feng replied, and the speed was even faster.

"Sister Lin Xian, Brother Mo has never said that he has something to do, even if he is seriously injured." The cute girl with a ponytail looked at Shen Mo's quickly far away figure and said to Lin Xian.

"I know... that's how he is." Lin Xian sighed and immediately looked at the girl with a ponytail and motioned to follow. The teammates ahead are fighting, and she doesn't want to wait.

In the woods, rows of metal robots are crushing everything forward. As long as they are blocked, whether it is trees or hills, the general firepower is razed to the ground. Above the robot, several metal dragons roared, roaring, and the sound waves had an abnormal frequency. This dragon is all made of metal, swallowing extremely high-temperature flames in its mouth, turning rocks into magma and forests turning into coke in an instant.

"Kona, we can't go back! If these mechanical clans are brought over, it will be difficult for the captain to escape the pursuit of the mechanical clan. A man with long hair and dressed like a silver wolf said.

The man named Kona is definitely a muscular man, carrying a huge heavy barrel on his body, and his strong muscles are slightly black. He looked at the woman with one eye and said, "You and Lan go back. The captain needs you. The two of us can be responsible for diversion."

The name is Lan, a yellow-haired young man with thick eyes. He held his glasses and said, "Although I understand that you are right, we can't do it." Never give up, never give up, is the principle of our team. Now that we are asked to abandon you and run away, it's better to die like this.

"Idiot, what's the point of making unnecessary sacrifices? It's enough for me and Kona here. Don't worry, we will go back alive. The muscular man roared, looking at the fast approaching mechanical dragon, his heart was full of anxiety. If the mechanical dragon is completely close, there will be no chance to retreat.

"Don't fight, it seems that the captain is coming!" The woman with glasses suddenly said, showing a more anxious look. If so, no one will have to run away.

"Captain, isn't he injured? Why did he still run here?" The man with long hair said.

"I must have found something wrong and worry about you. Everyone knows our captain." The woman with half a pair of glasses said with a slight sigh.

"Prepare to fight. The IQ of these robots and mechanical dragons is still very low and should be able to deal with it." The muscular man rubbed the heavy weapon he was carrying and said.

"Well, there is only one battle! Only in this way can we get rid of the pursuit of the mechanical clan!" The yellow-haired young man also said that two sharp daggers appeared between his sleeves. When technology is occupied by robots, human beings can only use relatively primitive weapons without intelligence.