Mechanical Soul

Chapter 137 Artificial Black Hole

After finishing the conversation with the mechanical clan, the cold woman's expression became colder and colder. Although I had known that the machines in the Qinglan area were no longer owned by human beings, it was still incredible to really see this fact. In the history of that year, the mechanical family suddenly stopped the war, and the huge mechanical family disappeared nowhere. Not to mention the former mechanical clan, as far as the present, once the mechanical clan launches an attack on human beings, history will repeat as 20,000 years ago, and then human beings will fall into disaster again.

"Mu Ling, should I not believe the words of the mechanical clan? If they stick a knife in the back, things will be troublesome." The woman with glasses is also busy at this moment, constantly collecting information in front of the computer.

The cold woman shook her head and said, "I can't believe it. I can understand that the original mechanical clan was divided into two factions, one advocating war and the other advocating peace. The mechanics retreated for no reason, and their internal war was a victory for peace. Now it can also be understood that they have two factions, how can they be believed?

"It can be understood in this way. It seems that Mu Ling still knows more about the history of 20,000 years ago."

"You are the same. Although many of these have been banned, if you really want to know, it's as simple."

"Don't mention it, I'm not as good as you. I can know so much. Now that the Zerg are under pressure, you'd better concentrate on commanding.

"The sunset is coming... Just leave everything to her. I may be good at layout, but I'm far inferior to those two in real battles. The cold woman smiled and then ordered, "From now on, all battles will be commanded by Your Excellency Liuli."

The light of the sunset came in an instant. Liuli received an order from the commander-in-chief of the battle and refused with a smile, "I just came here to find him. I can't see him now, and I don't know if he will come back."

Since Shen Feng left the range of the black mantis mecha, there has been no trace of flash in the federal surveillance screen. If it is a big MR-2 planet, the surveillance photography is unable to capture the trace of the flash at the speed of flash. What's more, the Zerg army has appeared, and all the monitoring has been transferred to the Zerg army.

Hearing Liuli's answer, the people in the combat command room were stunned for a while. The flash has penetrated into the planet MR-2. Subconsciously, people think that the flash has been sacrificed, but the sunset still needs to go in.

"Liuli, I hope you can calm down and listen to his voice making a decision, okay? He definitely doesn't want you to go in." Mu Ling said, and then found that the flashing communication was normal. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately connected, and then turned to the sunset.

"Glass, the next battle is up to you. Don't worry, I will go back alive." Only Shen Feng's voice and no Shen Feng's figure, Shen Feng really doesn't want Liuli to see what he looks like now.

"Did you lie to me?" Liuli asked in disbelief and pouted her little mouth, revealing her little daughter's posture.

"What do you think?" Shen Feng asked softly.

"I believe you!" Liuli replied with a deep sigh. If Shen Feng is the only one, Liuli believes that Shen Feng must have lied to her, but now that there is one more person around Shen Feng, she believes that Shen Feng has not lied and will definitely come back.

After a while, Liuli found that the communication was over and his eyes were a little gloomy. Suddenly, Liuli's eyes became sharp again, and she said to the frequent communication of the combat command room: "Half of the starry cannon was replaced by *, and half of it was replaced by ice crack bombs, firing at the center of the Zerg gathering. All melee mecha have been replaced, mainly for medium and long-range output. Do not approach the Zerg.


Starry cannons, ultra-long-range attack weapons, can use various types of shells, and their power changes with the changes of shells. Of course, the shells used by the starry cannon are very large, and the largest range of shells can cover a starry sky. The disadvantage is that it is huge, difficult to move, and takes a long time to launch.

"Queen, the mother has told us that we can't underestimate human beings. Why should we choose a planet with troops stationed?" Next to the enchanting butterfly, a powerful beetle asked.

"What's the difference? Sooner or later, the human army will fight?" The enchanting butterfly smiled, looked at the endless sea of insects, and quietly issued an order to attack.

Zerg, this action is not aimed at the planet MR-2. At the front is a group of ants with burning wings. These ants are huge and red, like a miniature mecha, with huge spikes in their hands.

"Ice cracking bombs lock fire ant colony launch! *Lock the butterfly group launch behind the Zerg! Each warship took off, retreated 10,000 meters, and the main guns were filled with maximum power. Each mecha landed on the ship and cooperated with the warship to attack to ensure the safety of the warship..." Liuli gave orders one by one, looking at the approaching sea of insects, and his eyes emitted a cold light.

With the order, the whole military base began to be busy. Suddenly, there were more than a dozen loud noises, and eight red and blue lights flew to the place of the Zerg and exploded like fireworks. The flame splashed and rolled by, and countless Zerg fell into the flames, smelling thick smoke.

In the front row, large areas of fire ants were frozen into ice and floated in the universe, and then became crumbs in an instant due to the impact of the explosion.

"In the analysis of hot and cold situations... in the analysis of cosmic space intensity..." In the sunset, Liuli looked at rows of data flashing by.

"Launch a space explosive bomb in three seconds!" Glass ordered that a huge light suddenly rose behind the sunset, just like the rising sun.

The launch of the federal fleet, the main guns have long been opened, filled with energy, huge muzzle, colorful light flashed, revealing a horrible atmosphere.

"All fleet main guns are concentrated at A4587, T6605, launch!"

"Boom!" With a loud noise, 16 space bursts were launched together, passing through the atmosphere of the planet and flying into the dark universe. After flying into the Zerg army, a sudden flash made the surrounding space suddenly tear countless mouths. The sharp blade of the space instantly smashed countless insects and green blood splashed.

"Boom..." At this time, thousands of colorful warship main guns were also fired, and the light flashed through the sky. The position of the attack was obviously the center of the space burst bomb explosion.

At the same time, a huge mass of light behind the sunset also disappeared and reappeared, which was already the center of the space burst bomb explosion. This central point gathered the main guns of thousands of warships at the same time, as well as powerful attacks from the sunset.

"Boom..." was another shocking explosion, and the shock instantly broke the space of the universe like a mirror. At the center of the explosion, a huge black hole gradually appeared and became bigger, and the powerful attraction instantly pulled into many Bugs.

"Queen, it's too much sacrifice to go on like this." Watching the black hole continue to expand and countless Zerg being swallowed up crazily, some insects couldn't help reminding.

"How can there be such a big deviation in the information? There are really many elites of the human race in this place. Use a joint attack to destroy the orange mecha. In addition, change the movement trajectory and do not approach the suction range of the black hole. The enchanting butterfly ordered and frowned slightly. Although the number of Zerg is huge, it can't withstand the devouring of black holes.

"Report the queen, the black hole has been expelled and expanded. There is no feasible trajectory to bypass, only temporarily stop the attack. The joint attack may also be swallowed up by the black hole. Do you want to continue?

Hearing his report, the enchanting butterfly was slightly stunned, and then ordered: "The front troops withdraw, prepare for the joint attack, and launch an attack immediately when the black hole disappears."

If a big black hole appears in the middle age of the two armies, the powerful devouring force makes the surrounding meteorite debris move rapidly and then disappear into the black hole.

"Report that the reinforcements have arrived."

The space in the distance flashed, and tens of thousands of fleets suddenly appeared, scanning the black hole in front of them, and the people on the fleet couldn't help showing a shocking light. If they jump a little further, they are likely to be affected by the black hole.

"The Northern Combined Fleet came to report." Although it was shocking, the non-commissioned officer in charge of communications quickly reported to the operational command room.

"Received, because of the special situation, now everything is under the command of Captain Liuli." The cold woman said, and then ended the communication.

The cold woman looked at the black hole that appeared in the universe and smiled faintly at the corners of her mouth. The existence of black holes makes it impossible for both sides to attack, but this is extremely beneficial to their own side. The reinforcements have just arrived and need time to adjust and arrange.

"If it's Shen Feng, what do you think he will do?" Seeing that the situation had stabilized and the command had been handed over to others, the cold woman muttered.

"It will definitely take advantage of the flash to rush directly into the insect swarm and kill the Zerg queen, so that the battle will become much easier." The woman with glasses said without thinking.

"That's the fantasy butterfly queen. If she is not careful, she will fall into the fantasy she arranged, and then become muddle-headed and lose her mind. He won't be so careless when a man rushes into the Zerg army. The cold woman said disapprovingly.

"It is precisely because the enchanting butterfly is extremely dangerous that he does so. If she confuses our soldiers, it is inevitable to kill each other. At present, Liuli has set off the fleet and retreated tens of thousands of meters. All the melee armor has also been changed to Zhongyuan. Instead of asking the reinforcements to drive to the front line, it began to be arranged from afar. The woman with glasses said with a smile, as if she knew Shen Feng very well.

"Oh... do you know him so well?"

"It's necessary. How can a little man who can create miracles not pay more attention?" The woman with glasses said that there was a sudden silence here, and now she has lost the shadow of the flash. She thought the flash might not come back.

(All kinds of begging...all kinds of hurting...)