Mechanical Soul

Chapter 138 Delay

The war with the Zerg was temporarily quiet. The fleet on the human side was busy. After receiving the order, it kept moving its position. Each ship filled the energy of the main gun and waited for the order to launch. The various weapons of the warship were also ready to fight, the muzzle was rotated and adjusted, and all kinds of * were also filled.

On the planet MR-2, Shen Feng looked at Xiang Qin with a painful expression and was anxious. But Xiaoli said, "Master, don't worry, her situation is gradually getting better. The power in the owner's blood is fighting against the virus in her body, causing pain in the feeling. In fact, the virus is eliminated little by little.

Hearing this, Shen Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and held Xiang Qin's hand tightly in one hand. Looking at the world full of plague and viruses outside the flash and the moving black clay figurine, Shen Feng was more and more sure that his living life had shifted to the ground, forming an underground world.

"Flash, how long can you support it?" Shen Feng asked worriedly.

"Three hours and seven minutes, after this time, the core intelligence will be completely infected." The flash replied, flickering, and his eyes scanned the world.

"Lord Soul, you have detected the fluctuation of abnormal life in the ground ahead, which is most likely to be the mutasized life on this planet." The flash said to Shen Feng and suddenly stopped.

"Open the channel and I'll go down and have a look." Shen Feng said. The flash waved the silver-white long gun, and a white beam of light stretched infinitely, piercing the surface of the land and deepening step by step.

"Bum..." After a while, there was a collapsed sound in front of him. Before Shen Feng could see what was going on, a huge black tentacle suddenly flew out of the dark ground, which hit the flash like lightning. After the first one appeared, huge black tentacles appeared on the ground one after another, each with a radius of more than 100 meters, and the whole body was black.

"Lord Soul, are you sure you still want to go down now? There is a strong interference underground, and it is impossible to determine what is below. The flash quickly dodged the attack of the tentacles and quickly rose. Hundreds of huge black tentacles below kept shaking, as if they wanted to extend again.

"You must go down and have a look. These tentacles are most likely to be used by them to protect themselves, and your attack just now may have caused them a lot of trouble." Shen Feng said, looking at the land below, with a slight doubt in his eyes.

The atmosphere here is no different from that in other places, but one thing is very obvious, that is, there are no clay figurines swimming, and there are no clay figurines within a hundred miles. This situation is easy to say that the clay figurines have been solved by the black tentacles below, or there has been no clay figurine.

"Is there really someone down there?" Xiang Qin's face looked much better, and she looked worriedly at Shen Feng. She knew that Shen Feng had almost no blood and was in an extremely weak state. If it were not human beings below, she didn't know what would be dangerous.

"Whether you want to have a look or not, I've come here again since I'm immune to Mdorah virus. If I don't go, my conscience will pass." Shen Feng smiled, opened the cockpit, nodded to Xiang Qin, and then jumped down, bringing down a large piece of frozen blood.

After jumping out of the flash, blood-colored wings immediately appeared behind Shen Feng. This bloody wing is very different from the previous one. It is much more crystal, and the flashing light is very strange. Occasionally, you can see the flash of runes. Shen Feng can feel a kind of power, which is the power of the strong in the universe. When the bloody wings crossed the void, the black virus smell floated far away.

"I have become so strong that I can emit such power." Shen Feng muttered in his heart, and his figure turned into a streamer and flew to the open passage below. When Shen Feng entered a certain field, hundreds of tentacles came one after another at an amazing speed.

"Get out of here..." Shen Feng shouted in a low voice, and his bloody wings protected his body, hitting him directly like a cannonball without dodging anything.

"Bum..." After a series of impacts, all the black tentacles in front of Shen Feng were smashed in an instant, and all the tentacles were crushed and curled back. After all the tentacles were repelled, Shen Feng arrived at the channel opened before the flash and quickly rushed in.


"Daw, why hasn't this black hole disappeared yet?" In the Zerg army, the gorgeous butterfly queen looked at the still expanding black hole and couldn't help cursing.

"Queen, according to the law of black hole expansion, it will take at least an hour to disappear." Because it is a black hole forcibly opened by taking advantage of space instability, it will return to normal after running for a period of time.

"Regress, retreat!" Looking at the black hole that was still expanding, the enchanting butterfly queen ordered that she also retreated a lot in an instant.

"Queen, if it goes on like this, that planet will inevitably be affected. What are humans thinking? You don't want to destroy that planet, do you?"

"They are not that stupid. There must be some way to control it. For 20,000 years, we know too little about human beings, especially highly confidential things.

"What would happen if they were asked to open a black hole in our center? Wouldn't it be better to open a black hole among us for the first time?

"It is impossible for such a thing to happen. The universe has the rules of the universe. After the black hole disappears, the cosmic space will become stable and impossible to open. Open it among us? Are you transparent when we are our army? The enchanting butterfly queen looked at the front enchantingly, and her eyes showed an evil light. For her, the greater the number of enemies, the better, so she is willing to wait. As long as she enters her environment, her spiritual power and willpower are not strong, and it is impossible for human beings to kill each other. She seems to have seen it.

Just a moment, the gorgeous butterfly queen's face became difficult to look. The cosmic space on this surface has stabilized, which is equivalent to cutting off her retreat and her reinforcements. Now, the Zerg queen has gritted her teeth and can only wait, as long as she kills more human beings later. Anyway, the Zerg army brought this time is used to find out the situation and sacrifices. As for herself, she is absolutely confident that she can go back alive.

"Report, Nianlong has arrived." The dark cosmic light flashed, and a dragon-shaped mecha appeared in the vision of the Federation.

"Glass, how's it going?" Tuowan is not a member of the army, so he asked Liuli directly. Nianlong is in the hands of Tuowan to protect Tuowan. There are SS-level mecha, which can already face any problems alone.

"That's what you saw. I'm waiting for him to come back." Liu Li said. On the one hand, this black hole was created to delay time and cut off the support of the Zerg. After the black hole, space becomes stable, which is very conducive to space jump. But from another perspective, stability is difficult to transmit between the universe and the universe. Liuli believes that the Zerg came from another universe, which strengthens the cosmic space, that is, invalidating the transmission technology of the Zerg.

"Are you worried that the Zerg will cut off the flash retreat? It's not necessary. How can the speed of the Zerg intercept the flash? Tuowan was slightly stunned and then said. The five people are also suffering together, and Tuo Wan still like this relationship very much.

"It has been a while since the flash has been in. Although it is the most advanced core technology, once infected with the Mdora virus, all abilities will decline and we have to make this preparation." Liu Li said that although he believed in Shen Feng, his eyes were still full of worries.

Create a space black hole to make the space more stable, and also cut off the retreat and reinforcements of the Zerg. Tuo Wan found that the glass was really bold. The huge black hole in front of him was as big as a giant planet. Isn't he afraid of being out of control?

"According to the data, that is the fantasy butterfly queen, who is good at creating all kinds of fantasy, and you have to rely on your help to contain her with mental strength. I guess we still have an hour to get ready. Liu Li said seriously, looking at the Zerg army, with cold eyes. Liuli is very clear about Shen Feng's purpose. If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the Zerg, Shen Feng might have come back.

"I understand, I will try my best to buy time. The number of Zerg is tens of millions of times that of us. You should also be careful of their joint attack. Since it is the magic butterfly queen, her magic butterfly will definitely use the joint attack to deal with you. The combined attack of the fantasy butterfly is to merge and overlap all the fantasy worlds and then launch an attack. The Zerg are waiting. I'm afraid they just want our people to come a little more. Tuo Wan nodded and said, without forgetting to remind Liuli.

"I know that I won't let the army enter the effective range. As long as you contain the fantasy butterfly queen, she can't control her men to attack together.


"Why, why don't you give it to me? I'm a soldier and a special mecha force. I have the responsibility and obligation to go there." Tang Yu questioned his serious father.

"No, I know what's on your mind. Wherever you go, you will enter the planet MR-2 as soon as possible. What's good about him? He doesn't like you. As the daughter of the Tang family, I will never allow you to stay with him aggrievedly. Tang Yu's father told Tang Yu solemnly with a straight face.

"You're not me. How do you know I'm wronged?"

"The person you like but doesn't like yourself, do you think it can be not wronged? There are many good men in the world that he is not responsible for himself and is not worth relying on.

"Today you stopped me and made me hate you. If you have the ability, you will never let me step into this house."


After Shen Feng entered the underground of the MR-2 planet, his eyes became bright in an instant. At the same time, he saw a group of people holding weapons and looking at himself warily.