Mechanical Soul

Chapter 142 Pink Storm

"The flash reaction is so strong, is it possible that the target of those mechas is also me?" Shen Feng took a breath of cold air and calmed down. His consciousness and the consciousness of the shining soul were integrated.

"Flash... He is still alive and looks like nothing." The appearance of the flash made people see hope in their hearts and worry at the same time.

Without warning, pink bullets crossed the universe, leaving pieces of peach-like energy on the trajectory, and continued to collapse in the universe, turning into sporadic pink light spots. The pink bullet is the size of an ordinary bullet, but it gives people a lot of pressure, and the speed is dozens of times faster than the flash.

"It turned out to be to deal with the flash..." All the human beings who saw it were angry. People have seen the power of the blue light before. Will it be easy to attack with tens of thousands of mecha energy fusion now? There is no doubt that he wants to shine and sink to death.

"Lord Soul, don't worry, this is the energy that the flash can receive." Flash said. If you know the body best, you must be a mechanical family. The mechanical family has long begun to study how to improve the ability of the body itself.

"Wan..." did not dodge, and the pink bullet hit the back directly. At the moment when the bullet hit, the pink energy bloomed like flowers, and pink petals melted into the shining mecha.

"Have you been hit like this..." Liuli's body trembled slightly and she couldn't believe this fact. Although the speed of the pink bullet is dozens of times faster than the flash, it is a straight line after all. As long as a space jumps, it can be avoided.

"Why is it so noisy outside that it doesn't make people think... It's so noisy that I can't think of a way to contact my mother at all." Xiaomo woke up from meditation, listened to the noisy sound outside, and couldn't help muttering.

Putting down what she was thinking about, Xiaomo walked to the window to see what was going on outside. As soon as he walked to the window, Xiaomo was stunned and muttered, "Is this a movie?" How could such a thing happen?"

After being hit by a pink bullet, the shining surface has an additional layer of pink energy, like a layer of pink crystal. Because of this crystal, the flash seemed to be unable to move, and then was directly hit by the blue light launched by the Zerg.

"Boom..." The explosion of blue light seems to be more terrible and spectacular than the explosion of a planet. The powerful impact directly turns any objects floating around into powder, and the airflow formed by the explosion will directly erase some of the Zerg, as if they have been destroyed and nothing is left. The distant mechanic was also affected by the shock wave, and the gathered pink energy was also defeated in an instant, and no mecha emitted thick smoke.

What Xiaomo saw was that the flash was hit by the blue light emitted by the Zerg, and then instantly submerged in the center of the explosion. For a moment, Xiaomo looked at the huge three-dimensional screen in the sky outside the window and could not react. She would rather feel that she was in a dream and watching a movie.

"Impossible. He must be fine. The flash can also hide in the space mezzanine. How can something happen?" Liuli comforted herself, but she clearly saw the flash hit in the head.

"Captain..." Mike muttered, then closed his eyes in pain and muttered something.

"Flash and sunset are on the same level. Isn't it so easy to be destroyed?" Wu Liang asked, and remembered the attack of the mechanical clan, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed. If the mechanic hadn't attacked from behind, how could the flash have been hit?

"It is the same level, but the division of advantages is obvious. The defense ability of the sunset is stronger than that of the flash, and the avoidance ability of the flash is comparable to that of a mecha. Tuowan answered Wu Liang's question. Flash can jump in space at short distances, and the interval time is negligible. There is also a more powerful flash that can hide directly into the space mezzanine.

After the aftermath of the explosion, people looked at the universe and could not find any trace. Did Shen Feng get killed like this? People would like to hear a negative answer, that is no!

"The Queen of the Butterfly must be killed. If she runs to any base, it will be a devastating disaster." In the alliance of the strong, some people can't sit still and propose first. Generally, the Alliance of the Strong will not take action, and the current situation is obviously unexpected. The Zerg are no longer the Zerg ten thousand years ago.

"I'll go." In the conference room of the virtual world, Xiya suddenly stood up and disappeared into the virtual world. Although she didn't believe that the flash was killed, she didn't believe that the butterfly queen was so simple. The distance of mental attack is unthinkable, and the coverage is even more surprising.

"Queen, has that mecha been smashed?" Beside the Queen of Magic Butterfly, the leader of the cyan beetle asked, looking at the center of the explosion from afar, there was still a frightening energy.

"No, it suddenly disappeared during the explosion." The butterfly queen said with a smile, as if she had found an interesting prey. It is incredible that it can suddenly disappear under that kind of explosion. Now it happened in front of her eyes, and the magic butterfly queen also reassessed the ability to flash.

"It appeared!" The butterfly queen said, and the colorful wings behind her became real again, and her purple eyes looked at somewhere in space. In an instant, a crimson mecha suddenly appeared from the universe, holding two guns and rushing to the Queen of Magic Butterfly at an incredible speed. The flash falls like a meteor, leaving a long tail in the universe, which is pink diffuse energy, like a flame burning.

"What a strong momentum, it seems that the army can't resist his impact. The mechanical clan would have helped human beings. If it hadn't been for the sudden withdrawal from the battle 20,000 years ago, it wouldn't have been human beings who won. The Queen of Magic Butterfly was slightly surprised, but there was no panic. While talking, the Magic Butterfly Queen saw the flash rushing over as if she had entered no man's land. Under the pink energy, before approaching, the Zerg life in front of it turned into ashes. And behind the flash, the elongated tail is also extremely horrible, and any Zerg life that touches pink energy also turns into ashes.

Seeing that the flash suddenly appeared again and looked extremely strong, Liuli didn't know how to express the excitement in her heart. Of course, it is not important for the flash to become strong. The important thing is that Shen Feng is fine. Looking at the meteor-like flash that is many times faster than the meteor, Liu Li prayed silently in her heart.

"What is the purpose of the mechanical family to help us?" The senior officials were fine when they saw the flash, and they became so strong that they were guessing the purpose of the mechanical clan. If they want to flash the information, they believe that the mechanics have already obtained it.

In a short time, the flash appeared in front of the fantasy butterfly queen, and the water-blue long gun and silver-white long gun flashed pink energy. Suddenly, the flash rotated at a high speed, and the pink energy flew like petals and spread rapidly around. After the pink energy left the flash, it turned into horrible flames, and all the insects stained with it turned into ashes. In an flash, the flash was like a huge storm, and the flying petals formed a huge sea of flames and were rapidly expanding.

"Why did it disappear..." In the flash, Shen Feng was slightly puzzled and looked extremely serious. If there is no accident, the Queen of Magic Butterfly should have been shot with two shots, and she is in the center of the storm, but Shen Feng feels completely empty and can't find her.

"Little man, come with me." In a trance, Shen Feng heard an extremely charming voice and couldn't help intoxicating people. Just a moment later, the scene in front of Shen Feng changed. I don't know when Shen Feng found himself lying on a soft **. A charming and enchanting red fruit woman lay on her body in an ambiguous posture.

"Illusion, this must be an illusion!" Shen Feng was extremely sure that this was an illusion, but the soft touch was like poison, especially the soft ball in his chest, which made Shen Feng unconsciously intoxicated in it.

"Little man, I want..." The woman gently blew in Shen Feng's ear, and her voice was full of **, sweet and greasy, which made people unable to refuse. His head suddenly became dizzy, and Shen Feng found that his body suddenly did not listen to the call.

"She is a bug, a disgusting bug." Shen Feng kept hinting to himself, and suddenly his whole body got goose bumps and felt nausea. It was at this moment that Shen Feng felt normal and his eyes returned to the mecha.

"Wind...what's wrong with you... under you..." Xiang Qin blushed and said to Shen Feng with some unspeakable words.

When asked by Xiang Qin, Shen Feng instantly knew what it was. He smiled very awkwardly, then gritted his teeth, put his lips on Xiang Qin's lips, and kissed affectionately. Xiang Qin was a little resistant at first, and then silently closed her eyes and let Shen Feng deal with it.

"It's strange that it's invalid. It seems that the mecha is not just driven by him. However, it is not invalid." On the other side of the universe, the butterfly queen muttered, and then disappeared without a trace. The body of the fantasy butterfly queen is not powerful, but her spiritual power and ability to use fantasy are surprisingly powerful. The phantom butterfly queen in the Zerg army before was just a phantom. The reason why I am in a hurry to leave is because I have a bad feeling. Among human beings, there are many strong people who can kill her directly.

After the magic butterfly queen left, most of the magic butterfly and the cyan beetle turned into ashes and became the dust of the universe. The pink flame seems to burn through the universe for a long time. With the departure of the Queen of the Butterfly, the Queen of the Butterfly was completely destroyed, and the human army returned to normal one by one. The sober mecha driver looked at himself attacking his companions and couldn't help but be stunned. He saw debris and thick smoke everywhere around him, and he was at a loss.