Mechanical Soul

Chapter 143 Angry

"What's going on? How can I attack my companions?" The living man asked himself blankly, and there was a fear in his heart. For soldiers, comrades-in-arms are like their own brothers. How cruel and terrible it is to kill your own brother.

"What are you doing? Let's all concentrate in this area. Now the Zerg haven't retreated yet. Glass ordered, then opened the cosmic map and marked the concentrated places.

After issuing this order, Liuli flew away in the direction of the sunset. Although Mike also wanted to follow her, she also received an order to gather, as did Nianlong and Tuowan. Although they are not from the army, they use military things. It is still during the war, and naturally we have to obey orders.

"Why is the location of this collection so far away from the planet?" Mi Ke said doubtfully, and then opened the whole universe map and found that this position had been out of the trajectory of the Zerg army.

Although the real butterfly queen retreated, she still left a phantom. It can be said that this is an immortal phantom. If it is attacked, it will be shattered, but it will appear in another place, unless the butterfly queen disperses the phantom herself.

After a while, Shen Feng let go of Xiang Qin and breathed a little heavy. Shen Feng knew that he should not do such a thing at this time, but he couldn't stand it. Seeing that the surrounding Zerg were emptied by the flash, the flash also returned to normal color, and the energy seemed to have completely recovered.

"Flash, what happened just now? How could that bullet change the mecha so much?" Shen Feng asked in his mind. Then he saw that Xiang Qin was still nervous and gently kissed Xiang Qin's forehead.

"I don't know the specific situation. Some Zerg races can attack together, and our clan can also compress all the energy into one for assistance or attack. My time is almost up, and the rest will be left to the soul. Flash replied, and then cut off the contact with Shen Feng and didn't know where to disappear.

"Lord Soul, we have also withdrawn." The young man sounded in Shen Feng's mind, and then left with a large group of mecha. The huge group of mecha crossed the universe and disappeared in the universe for a moment.

Not long after, Liuli had opened a bloody road and came to the flash. At present, the Zerg's attack has not stopped. The first one has captured a few places on the planet. Finally, a large area has been emptied because of the flash attack. It doesn't take much effort to come here.

"Liuli, can you send an unmanned warship here?" Seeing the sunset, Shen Feng asked directly. Now that the matter here has been almost solved, let's solve the problem on the planet MR-2. That kind of waiting, that kind of anxiety, maybe Shen Feng has not experienced, but it can be imagined. That is a dead Jedi, unable to leave, and no one knows when they will die. Now that I can escape, someone has given me hope. With this kind of waiting, can you not worry?

"Okay, I'll apply to other bases immediately. There are no unmanned warships here." Liuli did not ask the reason, answered directly, and then sent instructions. The combat capability of unmanned warships is undoubtedly the lowest. The Magic Butterfly Queen caused chaos, and the unmanned fleet that commanded the command to fight according to the instructions was all destroyed soon after.

"Well, if possible, ask them to use the fastest speed." Shen Feng said, looking at the Zerg on the other side of the planet, and then said, "It's up to you over there. It seems that the Mdorah virus has found a way to eliminate it. There is one more living planet. Don't let that planet turn the Zerg into a death star.

"It is ready, and the remaining power cannot be stopped head-on, only cut off from the side. The position of the starworm is still in the rear. If they can capture the planet, the Zerg will not turn a planet into a dead star so quickly. Liuli replied, and also paid attention to the dynamics of the Zerg in the cosmic map. As an SS-class fighter armor, Sunset has a perfect command system.

Shen Feng's flash also has a perfect command system. After thinking about it, Shen Feng turned on the command system, and a round light ball instantly appeared in the cockpit. The photosphere shows all the surviving troops in the whole battlefield. With Shen Feng's brain's ability to receive data, and there were not many surviving troops. In an instant, he understood the current situation and what Liuli wanted to do. However, there is only one command authority. Now on Liuli's side, Shen Feng can't command the army.

Zerg's star-absorbing insects are at the end of the Zerg's attack on the army. The remaining forces are cut off from the side of the Zerg, first eliminate the star-absorbing insects, and then slowly solve other Zerg. Now the remaining troops of the Zerg are completely incapable of defending a planet. And Shen Feng also felt that the terrible butterfly queen had left, and it was just a phantom left here.

"Are you all right? Your voice sounds very wrong. Just leave anything else to me to do." Liu Li said, really distressed.

"For now, only I can find that place. There is also a group of people on the planet MR-2. The interference there is so strong that they can't even know the spatial coordinates, let alone record space points. Shen Feng explained that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Whether physically or mentally, Shen Feng is extremely sleepy, especially when he has just been attacked by mental strength. If Shen Feng is full of spirit, he may be able to get rid of that illusion in less than a second. After helping Xiang Qin complete the blood change, Shen Feng's spirit was tired. After losing blood, he persisted for so long that people could not support it.

"Listen to your voice, I feel that you are about to die..." Liuli was angry and knew that she could not speak to Shen Feng at all. It's one thing to know, but because of the worry in my heart, Liuli can't help saying it.

"Well, it's almost time. Hurry up and give the order. I won't move, waiting for the unmanned spacecraft here. Shen Feng said, looking softly at the sunset, and there seemed to be something in the softness.

Liuli nodded, sent the detailed battle plan to each soldier, and then left in the sunset. There are still many Zerg troops, and she can't just watch it.

"Liuli, if one day the situation becomes like that, will you still be like this..." Shen Feng muttered to himself. That... Shen Feng couldn't give up Xiang Qin, nor could he abandon Xu Ling, who took risks for himself and was dedicated to himself. Shen Feng knew that he could not be single-handed now. If it weren't for the single-handed self, would Liuli still be like this? Shen Feng doesn't know, and he doesn't know what it will look like in this way.

"Kill, kill those damn Zerg." The remaining fleet and mecha are undoubtedly elites, which can be saved in chaos, and their strength is naturally extraordinary. Because the Zerg caused them to kill each other, everyone's heart is full of hatred, anger and sadness. After receiving the battle plan, they turned this hatred, anger and sadness into strength, and became extremely brave one by one, more serious than taking drugs.

"Kill..." A red mecha held a substantial metal blade and rushed to the Zerg. First, it rushed into the trend of the Zerg. The blade flew and cut a huge flying bug in half in an instant. At the same time, other Zerg also launched a counterattack. Countless acid flew in, like heavy rain, and they could not escape at all. The acid liquid falls on the red mecha, and the surface metal dissolves quickly.

"So impulsive, you don't want to die." Just as the surface metal was about to be completely dissolved, another mecha appeared, holding up a light curtain, and the wings flashed and forcibly took away the red mecha.

The battle happened in an instant, and there were not many remaining warships, providing scattered artillery fire. Each beam of light was surprisingly accurate and could hit the enemy. In the warship, the mecha warriors here are the same as those outside. They are full of angry hatred and have a special power in their hearts.

"Fight, beat me hard and smash this group of disgusting bugs." The order of the captain of the warship was also full of gunpowder hatred, gritting his teeth and wanting to tear the Zerg with his hands.

"It is reported that the cut-off has been completed, but the acid worm that protects the starworm is fighting back desperately." During the busy battle, someone reported to Liuli.

Acid worm, a huge white worm, has a very large body, with white wings on its back, and the acid can be ejected from the mouth. The acid ejected by the acid worm is extremely corrosive, and the metal of ordinary mecha will dissolve almost as soon as it touches it. Even the mecha metal of flash and sunset cannot stay in the acid for too long.

"The warship launches polar ice* to turn the air around the universe into an extremely cold state." Glass ordered. Polar ice* can make the universe extremely cold, and as long as it is liquid, it can become solid. Of course, for ordinary **, there are all kinds of mysterious ** in the universe, some of which cannot be frozen at all.

"Sneak..." At the same time, countless huge ice blue* flew out of the warship, flew above the acid worm and exploded, and the cold breath spread everywhere. Just in an instant, the acid left by the corners of the acid worm's mouth was frozen. Following the ** in the mouth, the cold breath kept clear. After a while, the body of the acid worm kept growing, and then the skin suddenly cracked, and the green ice appeared.

"So it can be like this. It seems that we are overwhelmed by hatred. Command is interception. What kind of shells need to be commanded by me, the captain, and only I, the captain, am familiar with the specific equipment of the warship. In the warship, a captain said to himself, his eyes returned to calm, carefully observed the changes in the battlefield, and supported the mecha soldiers fighting on the front line.