Peerless Fairy

Chapter 56 Red Clothes Stained Blood

This morning has almost passed like this. In the small building of Qingfeng, Jiuyin and Ye Qingwu chased me for a long time. After they were too tired to run, they sat on the ground and kept gasping.

Ye Qingwu looked at Jiuyin behind him and said word by word, "I can't see that you run very fast. I... I almost can't beat you."

When Jiuyin, who was also tired and panting, heard someone praise himself, he immediately pretended to be calm and raised his eyebrows, "That's it."

But this changed Ye Qingwu's white eyes, "What's the look? It's just running fast. What's the big deal?"

Jiuyin smiled and said, "It's also a good thing to run fast. It's better than a person who can't run fast. For example, if you run a little slower when you want to run for your life, you may die. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. Jiuyin asked Ye Qingwu, "Then what skills do you have?"

Ye Qingwu suddenly became interested, and a proud smile appeared on his face, "I'm very good, haha... Do you know how old I am?"

Jiuyin said suspiciously, "How much?"

"Haha..." Ye Qingwu deliberately smiled twice, and then raised her head and said with an air, "To be honest, I don't have the ability of everyone, because I'm almost 700 years old this year. What kind of concept is that? It's enough for others to reincarnation for several generations. How about it? Are you afraid? Envy it. Haha..."

Jiuyin's eyes originally flashed with expectation, but after hearing this, his eyes suddenly looked down and stared at the weak and proud and said, "Do you know how old I am?"

"Is this guy older than me?" Ye Qingwu muttered in his heart, but still got up and walked to Jiuyin's side, held Jiuyin's face in his hand and looked around, and flirted with his long silver hair. He hesitated for a moment before asking, "600 years old?"

Jiuyin knocked down the restless little hands, raised his hand to sort out the messy hair by Ye Qingwu, glanced at it, and shook his head.

"700 years old?"

Jiuyin still shakes his head.

Ye Qingwu thought for a moment, Liu frowned and asked again, "A thousand years old?"

Jiuyin still shakes his head.

For Ye Qingwu, a thousand years old is already a great age. After all, it is a heavenly year for mortals to live to be 100 years old. Those who have become immortals at the age of a thousand years old, and the person in front of them is not only a thousand years old. Which immortal is it? The more Ye Qingwu wanted to be, the more curious he became. He stared at Jiuyin and asked curiously, "How old are you?"

Welcome the woman's expectant eyes, as if to see through herself. Jiuyin was somehow a little uncomfortable. He coughed dryly and pretended to be serious, "According to my current identity, I am... three years old."

Ye Qingwu's eyes were rounder and looked at Jiuyin in surprise, "Three years old??? You grow up so fast.

Jiuyin said again, "According to my previous identity, now... more than 2,000 years old."

"Two years ago?" Ye Qingwu looked at Jiuyin incredulously, put his hand on his chin, and carefully asked him again, "Why aren't you old yet?"

This question really made Jiuyin laugh bitterly, "Can more than 2,000 years old be considered old? Have you really never seen an immortal?"

Ye Qingwu stared at Jiuyin with shining eyes, "I haven't seen it before, but now I have seen it." But he thought, "The immortals are much more powerful than those in Xuanyue Valley. If I follow them, I will definitely not be forced to worship the old Taoist priests in Xuanyue Valley, so that I don't have to stay in this damn place."

Thinking of this, Ye Qingwu pouted and said with a clever face, "That fairy brother... No, the fairy grandfather... is not right... That nine immortals, can you take me to the place where the fairy lives?"

Jiuyin only felt that the smile was gloomy, and at this time, she had almost rested, so she did not answer. Thinking that the master didn't seem to see each other for a while, he looked around and still didn't see Canglan, so he changed the topic and said, "If you want to play by yourself, I have to go to my master."

When he spoke, he also took the opportunity to get rid of Ye Qingwu and ran out of the breeze. Ren Ye Qingwu kept shouting and ignored it at all, and ran away as if he were running away.

Ye Qingwu has nothing to be afraid of at this moment. He thought that if he could follow Jiuyin and others, it would be better than staying in Xuanyue Valley. Thinking about this, the pretty face couldn't help showing a cunning smile.


Dressed in red, he walked aimlessly. I'm afraid Xingma has no interest in watching this pear garden. Thinking of the conversation between Fang Lange and Cang Lan, the corners of his mouth did not feel that there was a touch of curvature and a cold and handsome face, which was enough to capt the world.

It seems that he is very happy to see that his relationship is so estranged, but when did he think that he became such a despicable person? Yesterday's incident, coupled with the eavesdropping just now, is not what the always cold and ruthless Star Subaruth can do.

I don't know how far I have gone. The pear blossoms along the way gradually decreased, but relatively speaking, the fog began to thicken.

In a faintly, a strange force attracted the attention of Star Subaru. It felt like a refusal, but it seemed to be very eager in his heart. The feeling of separation made Star Subaru feel curious. Looking up at the endless sea of pears, it feels like it is from the depths of the sea of pears. For Xing Zhuo, who has always liked to explore, this feeling is undoubtedly leading him to the depths of the pear sea.

The pear blossoms on the road are becoming rarer and less, and they are no longer as dense as the previous Fantasy Sydney Sea. The grass on the ground is still green as a blanket. The peaks in the distance wrap the whole valley, and the closer they are to the corner of the mountain, the thicker the fog becomes, and in the sound of clear water comes from the fog.

Star Subaru approached the source of water step by step, but every step he approached, there seemed to be some power in the depths of the fog to resist the approach of Star Subaru. At first, Star Subaru was not aware of it. Only when he walked to the end of the Magic Sydney Sea, he found that the sound source of the water was in the fog, and there was a faint light there. Looking around, Xingbo knew that this was no longer the Magic Sydney Sea, and the power of resistance was also strengthening, so that Xingbo had to stay here.

The front no longer belongs to the Magic Sydney Sea, because there are very few pear trees here. The place where the star is standing is actually a cliff. Looking down, you can only see the clouds and fog flowing, and you can't see the bottom.

Xuanyue Valley was originally located in a deep valley, but he didn't expect that there would be such a deep valley at the end of the fantastic Sydney Sea. Xingbo thought that it was also so cloudy under the chain bridge he passed when he entered Xuanyue Valley that day. In fact, he didn't know what it looked like under this cloud.

These are not the most strange. What is really amazing is the sky water flying down the cliff opposite the Star Subaru. I don't know where the water flies from above the peak. You can only see a waterfall flying down, stretching straight down the mountainside into the clouds under the cliff. The water hangs like a white curtain on the mountain stream, looking up at at least dozens of feet. The sound of water shocked the ears and covered everything around. The grass on the ground was wet with water mist and walked into drops of dew, slowly sliding down with the leaves.

Such a scene is really a ghost and tiger magic skill, which is more frightening than the chain bridge. Looking up at the falling water is like pressing on yourself.

Star Subaru looked up at the waterfall and secretly marveled in his heart. What kind of place is this Xuanyue Valley that can't be seen in the world? If you say natural scenery, but it can't be so clever? If manpower is to do it, what kind of person can have such ability?

Withdrawing his eyes, Xingzhuo put his mind on that force again. On this journey, he was walking with this force, as if the more he resisted, the more he wanted to get closer.

Just why did you come here and do what you came here for? Xing Mao thought to himself and looked up at the waterfall. He always felt that there was something hidden behind the waterfall, but the rapid flow of water could not be reached at all.

But the more so, Xing Subaru wants to know more, which is also his character. Slowly close his eyes and want to explore the hidden secrets behind the waterfall with the art of mind. Even if it is really a natural scenery, he is bound to know it accurately.

But when the Star Subaru God first came into contact with the waterfall, it could no longer go deep. And no matter what method is used, it is impossible to send the divine consciousness behind the waterfall, let alone look inside.

The power of resistance still exists and is increasing, as if the action of Star Subaru irritates it. A barrier suddenly appeared in the waterfall, like the arc of the rainbow hitting everywhere. Star Subaru sensed the barrier, but it was too late to hide. He is already half thinking about resisting the power of resistance, and at this time, he has no room for resistance. Moreover, the speed and strength of the barrier flying from the waterfall could not be resisted at all. Even if the Star Subaru's road was deep, it was also abruptly hit by the barrier. Coupled with the counterattack of resistance, the whole person of Star Subaru was shocked several feet away.

Star Subaru, flying backward in mid-air, with the attack of that force, the whole body only felt powerless and paralyzed, and a strong pain suddenly flashed in his brain. There was something that had been accumulated for a long time to break out of the cocoon at this moment. Xing Zhuo subconsciously wanted to deliberately forget those things, but his consciousness became more and more Deeper and deeper, I can't help myself in the end.

Xing Fang, who fell to the ground, only felt a fishy smell in his mouth. A stream of blood slowly flowed down the corners of his mouth, and his lips were stained red with blood. His handsome face frowned slightly, but it was not difficult to see his pain.

He raised his hand to wipe away the blood from the corners of his mouth, and a touch of coldness flashed in his eyes, and a smile-like arc appeared at the corners of his mouth, making him more enchanting. Looking around, the barrier hit some nearby trees, so that all the trees nearby were basically cut off and completed in one go.

Seeing this situation, Star Subaru only thought that if it hadn't been for his deep internal strength, he would have been put in half by the barrier like these trees.

looked at the waterfall again, and his eyes were full of extreme murder and anger. He just remembered too much in mid-air. Every picture was enough to make him kill crazily, and every vague figure made him hate to the extreme.

He clenched his five fingers, and a true breath surged from his body. He wanted to try again.

But when the true qi passed through the heart, it actually made the heart ache, and with another mouthful of blood spit out. Xingbo didn't expect to hurt so deeply. His face gradually turned pale, and he could no longer lift any real anger in his body.