Wolf Empire

0001 Immortals also have unreliable times

Therefore, it has been said that when the chaos of heaven and earth were not opened, the creator god Abudu Kane created this world. Later, people named the continent "Abdu Kaneduli Continent" after her in memory of the creation god.

After the creation of the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, and all elves in Abdu Kanedu, she entered the dormant period tiredly. And the world she left behind is under the control of her three children, Abukaheh (the heavenly daughter), Banajiem (the mother of the earth) and the mother of eledo (the goddess of the planet). There are 300 gods under the three goddesses, and Nchebuku and Yalei are the best of them.

There are many races living on the continent. In addition to the wise and creative shamans in the center of the earth, the noble and mysterious dragons in the eastern desert, the elves who are good at bow and arrow magic in the southern jungle, the vampires who suck blood in the western castle, the sands who are plagiarized and brave in the northern desert, and the northeast The powerful giants in the tribe, the iron dwarves in the southeast islands, the fierce and belligerent orcs in the southwest swamps, the feathers that can soar in the sky on the northwest grassland, and the Ming people with mysterious power living under the nine springs are all relatively excellent ethnic groups on the mainland. Under the cooperative management of the gods of the strongest race god clan, various races distributed all over the mainland of Abdu Kandu live a peaceful and happy life.

With the passage of time, due to their different abilities, attributes and temperaments, there were gradually contradictions between the gods. In order to compete for the rule of the universe, a group of protoisms led by Yale began to fall into the devil's way. They made waves and brought infinite disasters to the earth creatures, thunder, huge smoke, floods, earthquakes and sea. Tao, plague and disease make life on the earth unable to reproduce. Enchebuku, another leader of the Protoss, led her colleagues to launch a tit-for-tat counterattack. As a result, the gods broke up and began to differentiate into the "light saint" who worships light and the "dark demon clan" who worships dark according to their attributes.

The war between holy demons finally involved the races living on the mainland. Because each ethnic group believed in different gods before the gods split, each ethnic group also followed their own beliefs and divided into two factions and joined the "war of holy demons".

The three goddesses lost control of the gods, and the war intensified. Due to the small difference in strength between the holy demons and the various ethnic groups in the mainland, this tragic and protracted war has been fought for 400,000 years, and the whole continent of Abdu Kane has been devastated in years of war.

Just when people thought that this holy and demon war would continue endlessly, the creator god Abdu Kane, who had been sleeping for 500,000 years, finally woke up.

After waking up, Abdu Kanri was furious when she found that her descendants had made the mainland smoky and miserable. She expelled the two groups of saints and demons from the mainland with infinite divine power and sealed them in different dimensions, which were later known as the "light holy world" and "dark demon world".

Abudu Kane couldn't bear the suffering of life. With great compassion, he exhausted his last strength and repaired the whole continent of Abudu Kane. Because Abdu Kane ran out of energy and entered the dormant period again. The last time Abdu Kane slept for 500,000 years, this time people didn't know how long she would sleep. And with the re-sleeping of the Creator and the seal of the Holy Devil, the mainland of Abdu Kane has ushered in a wild era.

In that era, there was no calendar at the beginning, let alone countries and cities. Some tribes, clans and villages gathered and lived only because of race, region, surname and customs.

It is an era of heroes, with no origin, no status, and everything depends on talent and opportunity. Until many years later, the children of the immortal An family were still excited by the heroes of that era.

The first name that should be remembered by later people is Xilin Sefu. He is one of the most famous shamans. It is said that Xilin Sefu has a "divine machine" to fly, swim, catch bears, and control fire, also known as the god flying shaman.

In his sleep, his soul can swim in the sky for twenty, thirty, sixty and ninety days, and then return to the ground; any star in the sky is his home, and he can even go to the moon palace to detect any "cloud trace" and "divine breath" in the sky, and can trace the men and women in the sky in any corner of the sky. All sentient beings can catch all kinds of disasters and blessings that disturb the world anywhere in the sky.

Xilin Sefu can represent the clan. God expresses their pious respect and hope for protection, and can also bring back oracles and favors from heaven to give spiritual comfort to the tribe.

Soon after, the great shaman of Xilin Sefu, adhering to the will of the gods, established the first papacy on the mainland and became the first pope of the shaman. As a result, the mainland of Abdu Kandu entered the Warring States period of the mainland.

It may be an accident of God's will, or a necessity of history. Shortly after the founding of the Shaman's Holy See, the dwarves who migrated to the East China Sea islands to escape the war also announced the establishment of the "Canglang Empire"; almost at the same time, the descendants of the feather people living next to each other established the "Wind Wing Kingdom"; three months later, the Orcs The northeast branch declared the founding of the country, and the country was called the Shura Empire.

In June of the same year, the "Wusa Emirate" of the Mobei Sha people was established. In September, 16 small tribes scattered in the corridor of the Western Regions and with relatively weak giants, elves, blood clans and other small tribes concluded the "Biaoyue Alliance"; in the next year, 160 large and small cities located between the Canglang Empire and the Wind Wing Kingdom, under the control of the Tianyi Group, the first chaebol in the mainland, suddenly declared independent autonomy. Constrained by the interference of any force, they jointly formed the "Tianyi Free Business Alliance". There are constant gunfire and wars between countries.

In 59, the four major chaebols of the mainland launched a coup at the same time, flattening the shaman Pope An Bancheng, and elected the Baiye Changqing, the head of the Baiye family at that time, as the prime minister of the country, as the new pope of the shaman. In return, the patriarchs of the four major families who participated in the mutiny were promoted to the post of Privy archbishops side by side, and carved up government affairs, The throne of the four chief cabinet ministers, including internal affairs, military affairs and foreign affairs. The Shura Empire, which had been staring at and peeping at the Central China for a long time, was moved by the wind and immediately launched Chen Bing to invade the south by the most elite "Dorozha" army on the northeast border.

The laxly guarded Shaman Holy See was caught off guard. Within three days, the Shura army occupied five border fortress cities with a thunderous force. All the way was unstoppable, and the front of the soldiers pointed directly to the northeast central city of the Holy See, the Wolf Capital.

A hundred thousand urgent police alarm reached the hands of Pope Baiye Changqing. The thin old man was both shocked and angry. After scolding the four chief cabinet ministers, he issued an emergency national mobilization order to put all the six divisions and some temporarily recruited mercenaries and congregations that the Holy See could be mobilized into the Northeast battlefield, and His Excellency Huo Shan, the Privy Archbishop and Minister of Foreign Affairs, has full authority to direct the holy war.

At the same time, the 360 founding generals and the founders of the immortal imperial dynasty, who spread the history in the strongest name in later history, are also going to the front line of the wolf capital in various ways. These people who made the whole era tremble are still teenagers. They are beggars, thieves, orphans, warblers, prisoners, hard laborers, slaves, and their era has come in this uncontrollable historical trend!!!

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