Wolf Empire

0002 Try not to quarrel

The wind and snow are everywhere, and the frost is everywhere.

In a field youth camp on the front line of Wolf City, 360 young men and women of different skin colors are holding wooden sticks, stones and other simple weapons, standing in four directions to confront each other, many of whom have been injured.

"Don't fight anymore!" The speaker is a thin young man in black in the northern lineup, with curly blonde hair, a slightly faint bookish face, and a pair of blue eyes emitting soul-threndsighted rays. "Let's give this food to our young companions. Let's quit!"

"We are not as elegant as you, leaving all the food behind, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" The fierce talk was a slender blue-shirted teenager with a bronze mask on his face in the oriental crowd. Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly grew several times, like a giant.

Suddenly, the exclamation of the people did not fall. The young leader of the south, a young man in red roared with a frightening look, "The left and right people either starved to death or died in battle. Are you afraid that you are a big man?" In his voice, he was lying on the ground, transforming into a wolf, looking up to the sky and howling sadly, looking extremely horrible.

"Oh, my God!" It's a werewolf!!!"

"Ha ha, if you don't want to starve to death, you have to rely on your own ability!" A young man in white with a pair of gold and silver demon pupils in the Western lineup shook his shoulders and gave birth to two long white jade-like wings behind his armpits, roaring like the wind, hovering in the air and coldly looking down at his companions and opponents below.

The northern teenager in black raised his hand to his companions behind him and silently withdrew from the fight. In addition, the teenagers of the three parties showed a manic and fierce uneasiness on their hungry faces. They held the weapons in their hands and approached more than a dozen wooden barrels in the center step by step in three directions.

The wooden barrel is filled with some moldy nests and already sour vegetable soup. These poor and low-quality food are the march rations for more than 300 people three days before the war.

"Do you want to rebel? Little rabbits." Hearing the sound, a group of holy soldiers came with live ammunition blocking the center of the three teams. An indifferent captain said in a low and solemn voice, "The battle is ahead of schedule. I advise you to use your strength on tomorrow's battlefield!"

When the three teenagers heard the words, they almost put away their abnormality and turned into their original form. Their companions also stopped moving one after another, and were stunned on the spot by the news brought by the young captain.

"Mr. Captain." The young man in black took a step forward and pleaded, "Some of our companions are too young to go to the battlefield. I ask you to let them stay."

"No, it is glorious to fight for the shaman. Every God's people must go all out." A fat-eared instructor beside the second lieutenant said impatiently.

"No, I won't go. Why should I go to the battlefield? I don't want to die. I, I won't go-" A pale thin teenager retreated to the corner and unconsciously repeated with his head in his hands. Other young teenagers followed him and cried in a low voice.

"Captain Youdong, what happened?" The crowd separated, and a major officer in a straight military uniform with a melancholy look led a tall and fierce wolf dog, wearing black leather horse boots and lame feet appeared in front of the crowd. A wisp of long hair covered a long and bright red scar on his cheek, holding a cane with his eyes like a knife.

Captain seemed to be very familiar with his superiors and shrugged his shoulders helplessly and smiled, "This group of rabbits are fighting for food. I really don't understand. What did Archbishop Huo Shan bring this garbage into our team? Go to the battlefield and die as cannon fodder?"

"Please pay attention to your wording, Mr. Captain." There is a sharp murderous spirit behind the mask of the young man in blue, "Although we are homeless orphans, we are not garbage."

"Captain Youdong, don't forget that we were rubbish like them before we met Commander Xia Nanxuan." The major coughed and patted the captain on the shoulder.

The young man in black stood up and shouted, "Dear Major, we are not afraid of death, but you have also seen the rotten food distributed to us. Many of our companions are still in the stage of physical development. How can this food give us the strength to go to the battlefield and fight for the glory of God? But look at this group of priests who take care of us and deceive them. Which one doesn't eat fat? Is this the love of the shaman?

The major covered his mouth with his white-gloved palm and coughed softly and whispered kindly to the fat priest beside him with a smile, "Beat your best food and make my children full; if a child shouts hunger, I will chop you up and feed the dog."

The fat priest's face was as earthy, and his legs trembled disobediently. In response, he opened the crowd and rolled away.

There were cheers in the young crowd, and the major said coldly: "The old saying goes that 'wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit'. Wolves, the most powerful and strongest race on the mainland, both represent the seven valuable and respectable spirits of perseverance, cruelty, wisdom, unity, calmness, courage and loyalty. , a lone wolf can cross the world, and a wolf can dominate the world!"

The major paused, glanced at every teenager's face, and shouted hoarsely, "You are my soldiers. I ask each of you to be an excellent wolf! From now on, from this moment on, you are officially named the Wolf Youth Camp of the Second Division of the Holy War Knights. The duty of Captain Youdong and I is to bring you down alive from the sickle of death on the upcoming battlefield tomorrow! Did the children hear it clearly?!"

"Listen clearly!" Wolves! Wolves!! Wolves!!!" The teenagers were excited and shouted excitedly.

The young man in black said excitedly, "Major, be our father!" We need you!"

The major smiled, "My surname is Ann." Then he led the wolf dog with a lonely expression and walked out with a limping in the company of Captain Youdong.

"From now on, I will be An Zixuan." The young man in black said firmly.

The young werewolf in red said in a thunderous voice, "Then, I'll call An Jin Liang!"

The young man in blue with a green ghost fang mask said, "I'm the oldest, and I'm your eldest brother's tears!"

A young man in white who was born with a pair of gold and silver demon pupils said like gold: "An Yaoyi."

The teenagers talk to each other, and the happy voice fills the whole camp. The young people are born with a happy nature, which makes this group of teenagers from all directions and have no blood relationship know each other and play with each other.

"Father, don't you know your name yet?" An Zixuan called to the lonely back that walked to the gate of the barracks.

The young major coughed and walked to the depths of the wind and snow, and a desolate voice came: "If everyone doesn't die on the battlefield tomorrow, remember my name - Antonye."