Wolf Empire

0039 How about burying you alive?

The wind and snow suddenly, the leaves ring, and the sky and the earth are white, as if to cover up the sins of the world.

Nearly 1,000 sand militiamen who laid down their weapons were driven into a huge sand pit by the wolf guards and squatted together. The snow-haired old man looked at the figure that kept coughing at the top of the sand dune, pulled out his knife and broke it on the spot, and then respectfully put the two cut knives under his feet.

For the pride of the veteran, the general and the general understand that this enemy worth learning will never put down his sword and choose to surrender with self-destructed reputation. The personal dignity of the general is meaningless compared with the lives of his generals.

"Thank you, dear warrior, I will remember this, but, old man, please forgive me-"

An Dongye silently greeted the demeanor of the enemy general in his heart. After a correct military salute, he raised his right hand high and suddenly fell--

Almost at the same time, more than 10,000 wolf soldiers surrounding the bunker waved their shovels at the same time and buried the sand pits. They saw the spades flying up and down, and the sand flew, instantly burying nearly 1,000 struggling and scolding captives in the bunker -

"What did we all do-" The fish girl squatted on the ground, covered her face and cried-

"We don't have extra troops to hold these prisoners, let alone take this risk. We can't take this risk to capture them-" At the first level, Antonye bowed deeply guilty to the half of the white-haired head and half of the arm on the ground with a painful expression.

The forward troops are organized and planned to surround and annihilate the villages and towns on the way to annihilate the wolves. Wherever they pass, there is no grass. The towns that used to be full of vitality have disappeared overnight and turned into a dead hell on earth.

Although the armed police and gendarmes are becoming more and more proficient in completing this collective massacre, the first-level general of Andongye, who is worried about the safety of Jinlian and Yu, still thinks that the movement of the wolves is too slow; in the eyes of the generals, after the young regimental commander ordered to bury nearly 1,000 enemy militia prisoners of war alive, his eyes The coldness in God became more and more obvious, which made the subordinates afraid.

Brigadier General Youdong, who followed his brother, could feel this the most. The elder brother did not like to speak loudly, and more often used gestures to give orders. Moreover, during the camp, the brother also hid in his tent alone and refused to see people. Except for a small amount of food and drinking water, he rarely ate. , the physical condition is getting weaker and weaker, and there is a possibility of falling down at any time.

As the "scavenger" of the desert wolf, the armed police of Brigadier General An Zitong and Colonel An Yinger's gendarmerie are approaching the "Wusa City" of the sand nation at an alarming speed under the guidance of the guide Sand Dog.

The earthquake trembled, and the armed cavalry that rushed at night easily rushed into a camp in the Golden Snake Department without resistance. The clan of the outer sentry did not know when he was killed clean.

The clan, who had just been shocked by the sound of their hooves, rushed out of their tent and had no time to fight. Almost all the saddles were unloaded and were not on horseback. In a hurry, they could not ride horses to fight against the wolf cavalry that rushed at high speed, and the night attackers had an advantage.

Arrows fly horizontally, steel knives cut straight, heads roll to the ground, residual limbs fly, blood splash everywhere, people fall like cutting grass-p>

Shouting, roaring, killing continues, horses and dogs barking, cows and sheep, camels running everywhere, women and children shouting, babies crying, like the end of the world-

On a small hill outside the camp, the general of Andongye looked at the bloody slaughter scene with a blank face and asked the one-armed man standing beside him indifferently: "Ten households, are you sure that the Golden Snake Camp in front of you is 'Wusa City'?"

The ten households of Shagou immediately said dryly, "'Wusha City' is only two hours away, and it can arrive in the morning. Even if the villain's task is completed, the general promised - can it be?"

"The ten chiefs can rest assured that as the general is the commander of the wolves, your reward will never be less, but in order to ensure that you did not deceive us, your woman will be left as a hostage." At the motion of Antonye, An Zitong behind him took out a bag of gold coins from his horse bag and threw it to the head of the sand dog.

Under the greedy look that disgusted the wolves, the head of the ten households of the sand dog carefully counted each gold coin. After confirming that there was no difference, he did not look at the woman Sha Zhi, who was detained in the guard army, and turned his horse's head and left with joy.

Brigadier General Youdong said unwillingly, "Brother, it's too cheap for this greedy villain to let him go like this who betrays the country and the nation and ignores his wife's life and death-

At the first level of Andongye, he sneered and nod his head to An Xiaoyu in the Guards. An Xiaoyu flew out with an arrow, "Ah--" after shouting, the ten heads of Shagou fell from the Mercedes-Benz horse and struggled for a few times and did not move.

At the first level of Antonye, who came back, he looked at the trembling and colorless sand pheasant with a blank face and said in a cold voice squeezed out of his teeth: "It's okay to have this kind of greedy and ruthless man! Follow me in the future!"

The sand pheasant nodded his head in panic, and his eyes were round and large due to excessive shock, and the puppet was also held by two young wolves to follow the army.

After cleaning up the last camp on the way forward, the desert wolves hurried forward in the dark night. Under the slightly flying wolf's flag and the cold eyes of Andongye, the passing wolves involuntarily accelerated their pace.

In terms of the overall situation, the first-level generals and generals of Andongye have to admit that their wolves are really lucky. So far, the elite of Wusha have not noticed that such an enemy army is rushing to the economic and political center of their country day and night. The sky was slightly bright, and the wing demon responsible for air reconnaissance of the advance army fell into the air. He respectfully knelt in front of the mount of the general and reported, "Master, Wusha City is only 30 miles away from the striker. General An Zitong and Colonel An Yinger asked for instructions for the next action."

An Dongye looked at the legendary golden city in the distance and said to the wolves behind him with an obvious smile, "The woman has taken off her clothes. Doesn't a man know what to do?"