Wolf Empire

0040 Rebirth

In the solemn Light Cathedral of the Bright Holy Villa, there are chanting chants without fireworks over and over again; the warm light shines through the transparent glass of the dome and spreads straight on the raised altar in the center of the lobby.

The glass above the hall depicts countless lifelike fairies. In the sunlight, they are projected around the altar, as if alive, hovering around the altar.

There is a perfect body lying flat on the altar, with a beautiful appearance, plump * concave and convex, exaggerated curves, and normal people's hearts are rippling and blood boils.

Of course, there are not many normal people in the Cathedral of Light.

There is a circle of insensitive priests standing around the altar. Their expressions are pious and correct, staring at the perfect * on the altar, but their expressions have not changed at all.

Behind the priests, the children lined up in a square array stood on the table price, and the solemn and pleasant hymn sounded from their mouths and spread throughout the cathedral.

The Holy Lady Banajiem, the Privy Archbishop of the Holy Church of Light, is facing the altar as if she were looking at an inanimate handicraft, looking at the perfect* on the altar and chanting loudly. I don't know when the whole cathedral began to bathe in a holy light. The priests around the altar raised their hands high, and the sacred prayers sounded from their mouths-

The sound of their chanting was not loud, but it passed through the transparent dome and spread far away. Not only the Cathedral of Light, but also the Holy Mountain of Light can hear this sacred and heavenly prayer within ten miles:

"The supreme, benevolent and great goddess of light, your glory is ubiquitous, please give your people food, strength and life-

The sound of prayer on the Holy Mountain of Light reached the ears of the believers who came to worship at the foot of the mountain and on the road. They knelt down in the direction of the Holy Mountain of Light, followed the rhythm and sang loudly.

Gradually, hundreds of thousands of believers in the cities near the Canglang Empire put down their work and sang together to the sky, as if there was some magical power. A thick beam of light fell from the sky, straight through the top of the cathedral and reflected on the altar.

All the believers who saw this scene burst into tears. In the beam of light, a huge light and shadow slowly fell down and fell above the beautiful * on the altar. The singing of the priests around became louder and louder, and countless holy lights scattered from the bodies of the priests, reflecting the whole cathedral.

In a flash, the whole cathedral has become a world of light, and every place is full of holy light. The light and shadow slowly threw away at the body on the altar in the sound of sacred prayer.

The beautiful * on the altar suddenly twisted her and slowly opened her beautiful eyes-

The hymn of prayer suddenly stopped, and only the remaining sound echoed in the cathedral. The priests were exhausted, and several of the elderly even collapsed to the ground.

Saint Banajiem, the Privy Archbishop, waved her hand and everyone filed out of the cathedral.

The beauty* on the altar turned around, and the deep beautiful eyes crossed the distance from each other and looked at the saint of the Privy Archbishop Banajiem on the seat, searching thoughtfully for the memories of the previous life. The latter's voice was ethereal:

"Holy Lady Anydan, my dear child, welcome you back to the world of light and become a new generation of saints of the Holy Church of Light. The evil pagan Antonye brought the Warcraft of the dark world to the territory of the 'Wusa Kingdom', where the people are suffering from ferocious wolves**. It's time for you and your paladins to go down the mountain to fight against evil-"


"From the current overall situation, in addition to the two kings of the water scorpion who died in our hands and the wooden eagle and firefox who commanded the battle far away on the front line, according to the old example of the Sha people, at least one of the two kings, the golden snake and the camel, sits in the capital of the country, Wusha City, and the commander-in-chief of the army to assist the country's prime minister. Sheep deal with state affairs. What we have to pray for now is that it is better for the brave and resourceful fool camel, not another cunning and vicious sand snake.

Chang'an Zichen, a staff officer who was restored to freedom and position before the war, was the first to speak at the pre-war meeting.

At this time, the top student who graduated from the 'Xilin Sefu Non-commissioned Officer School' has no time to care about the resentment of being forcibly placed under house arrest by someone sitting at the head. The lonely army went deep into the enemy's confidant. Only by unity and great luck can there be a glimmer of hope of survival.

"Since the day of the founding of the People'ssha Kingdom, the 'chief alliance system' has been implemented. There are the five strongest leaders* among the clan. Later, after the death of King Sha Ying, there were five internal strangles. People with insight in China came up with a thorough way and invited Sha Yang, the elders, the respected and respected old country, to be the consul to preside over the daily government. To balance the five disputes, this old man is by no means an idle person and must not be underestimated.

The fish girl reminded the commanders of the wolves to calm down. After all, every wrong decision they made may put 100,000 wolves in unpredictable danger, so it is not wrong to be cautious.

"According to their clan rules, the five major leaders have sent a thousand cavalry team stationed in 'Wusa City' all year round to protect the safety of the national capital and consuls. In order to reduce our wolves being involved in street battles that are not conducive to us in the city, I decided to design these 5,000 enemy horses out of the city to annihilate them. You know, 'Wusa City' is a In a metropolis with millions of people, if the wolves cannot quickly eliminate their organized resistance under the raid, they will inevitably fall into a lasting bitter battle, and the consequences will be unimaginable. While talking, An Dongye turned his eyes to the one with the highest military education here.

"I agree with the commander's opinion that even if our army has the advantage of raiding, it will be a little difficult to attack a metropolis with 100,000 people. If we can swallow its only regular army in the field and use our superior forces to attack the key points of panic and chaos, we still have at least 70% chance of winning. ." Lieutenant General Chang'an Zichen, a staff officer, was abnormal and deeply supported him.

"To be honest, it is not difficult to lure the enemy out of the city-" Chang'an Aoyan, who sat at the end of the Bobcat Independent Brigade, paused his tone and smiled evilly when he saw his colleagues turning their eyes one after another: "In the current situation, the defenders of 'Wusa City' have not received any information about the wolf group. According to the news of the invasion, as long as Ao Yan and the soldiers under my command do the old sand thief's job again, they can easily lure most of the defenders out of the city and catch them all.

Antonye first-level* looked at this unruly young new subordinate. After a long time, he coughed softly and said, "Try your idea-"