Wolf Empire

0044 Battlefield Discipline


At the first level, An Dongye covered An Xiaole's eyes with his hand, and the order was so low that it seemed that he could not even hear it clearly, but the nearest wolf regiment and armed police who were the commander of the wolf group pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Although only 11,000 young wolf guards and 4,000 armed police left by An Zitong carried out the order, 15,000* roars were enough to kill each of the disarmed and defenseless sasars more than three times.

After a shot, no more Saudi captives stood on the ground. Without waiting for the commander's order, the murder experts of the armed police force have pulled out their knives around their waists and began to mend the dead, living or half-dead people who fell across the blood field, and executed all the prisoners of war equal to themselves in the shortest time, leaving a living mouth.

"I'm still a step late-" The fish girl who arrived stunned and shook her head in disbelief.

"I hope you can understand that in the upcoming comprehensive attack on Wusha City, we wolves must unreservedly invest every bit of combat power in our hands. If we divide part of the combat power to protect these surrendered soldiers, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no problem. Therefore, even if these people are no threat, they will never Can stay! Hahaha-”

On the battlefield full of corpses, Andongye suddenly laughed, as if something was ridiculous, and he actually laughed to tears-

The fish girl took her vague eyes away from Antonye and had no tears. Only she understands that the king of wolves is actually full of sadness-


"Here are my officials to announce the combat tasks of each department."

In the heavily guarded and temporarily built command post tent, the battlefield commander An Zichen, a top student from the "Xilin Sefu non-commissioned officer school" of the Higher Military Academy, quickly drew a sketch of the military geography of "Wusa City" in a very short time according to the information provided by the three enemy thousands of cavalry before their lives. Hearing this, the generals of each department gathered around the sketch, afraid that they would not be assigned a task and could not raise their heads in front of their subordinates.

"Your Excellency, Colleagues, I am to the divisions. The attack area of the brigade is divided as follows:

The attack target shouldered by Anxi's tear department of the 401 main division is the top priority of the whole battle situation. It is the central military and political institution area of the whole enemy capital centered on the government. There are dignitaries and government officials of the Sha people, and must not let go of a fish that leaks the net;

Anjin Liangbu, the main division of 402, is responsible for attacking the largest civilian residential area in the city. It must turn the largest part of the city into a sea of panic with the most radical and fierce offensive. As long as the hundreds of thousands of people are in chaos and the whole city is in chaos, those who dare to resist will be killed on the spot and will never be soft;

The eastern part of the Guards Division directly under the Legion is responsible for the slave market and the Colosseum in the West City, and makes every effort to find and rescue our captured personnel, An Jinlian and the feather girl. The area is geographically complex and the path is complex. You must be careful;

The Bocat Independent Brigade is responsible for occupying the commercial and entertainment area of Nanshi, poised as much as possible for the wolves, enriching the military supplies, and leaving no room for the goods unfavorable to be handled in the chamber of commerce and warehouses, one word - burning;

The Red Fox Independent Brigade is responsible for capturing the treasury. The taxes collected by various ministries of Wusha and the rare treasures entrusted by private trust are stored there. The value is immeasurable, so please ask the finance officer Yuyu girl who is proficient in financial measurement to act with the department;

The Warcraft Legion is temporarily under the command of this officer. After annihilating the civilian army defending the city, it will then control the chambers of commerce and embassy areas set up in Wusha City. In order not to be hostile to other countries in the future, we should try our best to invite these damn foreign envoys and businessmen out of the war. Reduce the damage to their person and property to a large extent. Of course, if someone wants to die, that's another matter;

As for the armed police force and the gendarmerie force, they stay with the legion commander and make every effort to seize the 'Five Animals Cathedral', which is the commanding heights of the city, and completely disintegrate the resistance of the citizens and control the overall situation;

All departments of the division and brigade must strictly implement the above plan. Those who violate orders on the battlefield, no matter whether they are close or noble, will be dealt with by military law!"

Announced the completion of the battle plan, and staff officer Chang'an Zichen strictly saluted a military salute to the first-level general of the regiment Chang'an Dongye, waiting for instructions. The latter raised his hand and returned the salute, glanced at the generals of the wolves, and said coldly, "I have added another iron law of the battlefield. The wolf departments are allowed to plunder finances, but they are not allowed to rape women. Those who violate the order will not be forgiven!"

The wolf masses can't help but look at each other. In the occupied area of the enemy with no human nature, * rape, killing and looting are also the animalic vents that the human army naturally broke out after long-term repression. With one sentence of the young legion commander alone, they want to stop the wolf soldiers who are boiling with boiling and killing red eyes. How is it possible? As if to see through the strangeness in the eyes of the generals, the generals immediately let out a bold sneer: "If you don't believe it, you can have a try!"

"I dare not, father." The wolves saluted in unison.

After the temporary battle meeting, the wolves went to prepare separately. Ao Yan, the commander of the Bobcat Independent Brigade who returned to the brigade, announced the battle plan of his subordinates's headquarters tomorrow morning and the iron law of the battlefield temporarily announced by the regiment commander, which immediately attracted strong protests from the officers who had just taken off the clothes of the sand thief leader.

"Fourth, the brothers have been riding to death with the desert wolf for so long, and they have been unable to stand it for a long time-" The bearded second head was the first to jump out to protest.

"That's right! What's the big deal about playing with a woman-" The three-man's knife face followed closely.

But the words that the two blurted out were interrupted by the arrogant and evil voice of the brigade. The two original sand thief leaders who grabbed the collar of the military uniform only heard the latter smile and said, "Listen, take care of your dick! If I find someone who dares to be angry and smear me, I don't need him to do it, I will pinch it myself. Did you hear the broken dick clearly? Huh?"

The beard and knife face nodded their heads together. No one doubted An Aoyan's words. Even their big bobcat dared to do it and replace it. What else is there in the world that An Aoyan dares not do?