Wolf Empire

0045 Don't make trouble, your waist is not good!

"Children, in the land of Mobei, we have lost too many relatives and siblings. In the chased day and night, after hard and fierce battles, we can only bury our dead comrades-in-arms on the spot, and sometimes we even embark on the road of escape again before we can bury their bodies. You But I know that it has been almost a year, and Shaoqing's bones have not been found yet-"

Under the shadow of the towering city of Wusha City, the first level of Andongye will stand at the forefront of the team. Between talking, the eyes of the wolf commander are wet-

In tears, Chang'an of the 401 Division, and the general will appear at the same time as Chang'an Jinzhong of the 402nd Division. With a chest of boxing, he said with an angry expression, "We swear on behalf of all the desert wolves that every drop of blood shed by the wolf brothers and sisters will be repaid ten times!!!"

Chang'an Zichen, the staff officer, sneered secretly from the bottom of his heart: "This lame man cleverly took advantage of his hatred and achieved the mobilization effect of the same enemy without showing traces before the war. He is a good actor!"

"The wolves go out and attack the city--"

With the iconic gesture of the young commander of the wolves, An Xiaoyu of the Guard immediately sent out a red-colored signal flare that cut through the night sky. In contrast, the festive fireworks dropped by the residents of the city on New Year's Eve suddenly faded.

More than 100,000 fully armed wolf soldiers distributed in different positions and ready to go, at the same time sent out a fascinating wolf roar to launch a fierce and cooperative offensive against their respective targets.

The defending civilian army, who was immersed in the fun of New Year's Eve and waiting for the main defenders to come out of the city to suppress the bandits and return from victory, were stunned by the enemy who suddenly appeared under the city like a nightmare. Several slightly insightful officers first recovered from the shock, while warning bells in a hurry, while scolding and picking up the arms of their trembling men. The weapon entered the fortifications and hurriedly met the enemy.

Where did these huge enemies come from? Why can't the five thousand riders who went out of the city to chase down the sand thieves not even see a shadow? Is it possible that all of them are -

Just as the civil army guarding the city was in a mess, there was a lot of gunfire behind them. Colonel An Yinger disguised himself as a businessman who sneaked into the city and led his elite gendarmerie team to touch it up. Only one face to face, dozens of soldiers guarding the gate fell to the ground. Under the dense fire of two consecutive pistols in the hands of each of the officers and comrades, the four strong gendarmes slowly opened the closed heavy gate and waited for this moment for the wolf warriors to shout and pour into the city with a shocking sound.

"Let's go--

First, the arrows of the remaining enemy army rushed into the gate that had been opened, the two main divisions of An Xilei and An Jinliang 402. They ignored the close enemy defenders, but quickly crossed the square along the central avenue and attacked the government and the residential area respectively. The frontal conflict with the main divisions of the two wolves was the militia that promoted the army and intended to support the wall defense. After the initial staring or panic, the two armies met on the narrow road immediately launched a short hand-to-hand battle.

Then, the wolf brigades, the two independent brigades of Bobcat and Red Fox, armed police and gendarmerie s swarmed in, completely ignoring the defenders and attacking their strategic targets.

When the civilian army defending the city was lucky enough to breathe a sigh of relief, nearly 6,000 warcrafts led by Chang'an Zichen, the staff officer, fell from the sky. For the sand people who have been suffering from the Warcraft clan for many years, the Warcraft is simply their lingering dream at midnight. The enemy actually had the bad news of an amazing number of monsters participating in the war, which spread rapidly in Wusha City like a plague-


Brigadier General Youdong, who was stained with the enemy's blood and hair, led more than 10,000 young guards under his command, quickly crossed the streets and went all the way to the west of the city, which is the concentration of the slave market and the detention center. The people they are looking for are likely to be imprisoned there. Li.

When passing through the most prosperous and bustling red light district in the past, those * dragonflies with heavy makeup and bare breasts and bare backs boldly leaned against the door or hiding on the balcony, throwing their eyes, giving kisses and bows to the wolf teenagers who quickly passed in front of the door downstairs.

An Ziran, with a ruffian smile, carried the heavy machine gun on his shoulder, crossed his legs, straightened his crotch, and exaggeratedly made a provocative and indecent posture to the woman on the balcony. Brigadier General Youdong saw it and rushed over and kicked the ruffian's buttocks fiercely. An Ziran smiled and quickly chased the team.

"Look at this troublesome guy and don't humiliate our guards!" Brigadier General Youdong ordered An Xiaoyu, an honest and honest deputy beside him, who answered with a simple smile.

At this moment, a familiar figure flashed in the corner of the dark alley in the oblique thorn, hugging a brigadier general tightly.

"Don't make trouble, your waist is not good! I said, Lord Pig's Feet - there's no need to be so excited to see the general - what does the two big men look like together? Others will think more-" Brigadier General Youdong said nonsense, but he hugged a bishop who had been thin into a circle and had been nicknamed "pig's feet" tightly.

"I'm finally looking forward to it! I thought the wolves had left us in a foreign country?" The ragged clothes described the withered Bishop Zhuluo as laughing.

"You don't know my eldest brother's temperament. This time, in order to save you, the wolves risked their lives and went deep alone - not to mention this, have you found out about Xiaojinlian and the witch?" After tapping his companion's chest, Brigadier General Youdong grabbed the key point and asked.

"After saying goodbye to the Black Forest that day, I followed the footsteps of the 'Golden Snake Department' from afar and followed all the way to Wusha City. After many days of inking, it was found that the king of the sand snake originally wanted to collect Xiaojin's love and the feather girl as a dark room, but he angered his tough wife Princess Shaqi. Changsha Python, the concubine's half-brother, was the general of the 'Golden Snake Department'. He relied on his brother's momentum to fly and domineering every day. He was afraid that the tiger-like sand snake king had no choice but to cut his love and make two of them. A girl was sold to the nearest slave market. The huge shadow in front of Bishop Zhuluo's finger:

"They were locked in the slave exchange on the left side of the Colosseum. I have tried to visit them several times, because I had no money to dredge the redemption, and they were beaten out by the guards. I will take you there."

Youdong was furious when he heard it, and his ten knuckles of his hands creaked. He said in a hateful voice, "If Xiaojinlian and the witch have less hair, I, Youdong, will wash the arena with blood!!!"