Wolf Empire

0053 Those sad past

"What are you doing? Put away all your weapons!" As soon as the curtain was raised, the cold fish girl stood up in the middle of the two rows of muzzles and shouted in a low voice.

"Aunt-" Ruffian Liu An Ziran was about to argue unconvincedly. The fish girl raised her slender hand, "Bah--" and slapped the ruffian Liu loudly in the face, and shouted in a harsh voice: "Something that is not promising!" As soon as your father fell down, you began to mess with him, didn't you? Colonel Yinger just followed the orders of his superiors. There is nothing wrong with you two, take your brothers and sisters out immediately - the farther you can get out!"

An Ziran's face was so aggrieved that he had to distinguish. He was forcibly pulled out by An Xiaoyu, who couldn't stand it. The guards and gendarmes who were facing each other also began to put away their weapons one after another and retreated in hostility and staring at each other.

"Yinger, you did a good job." The fish girl was half rewarded and half comforted. She gently patted the fragrant shoulder of Colonel An Yinger, the commander of the gendarmerie, and told her, "Keep the big tent of the Chinese army. No one is allowed to approach within 100 meters. Similarly, "After understated the wolf generals such as Youdong and An Aoyan in the tent, she continued: "In the general Before the 'Wolf King' wakes up, all the general officers in the account are not allowed to leave the big account for half a step!"

Colonel An Yinger, the captain of the gendarmerie, gave a standard military salute, and the military boots came out.

"What's going on with my big brother?" Brigadier General Youdong suppressed his anger and finally couldn't help asking.

"General Youdong, you are the first to follow Dongye. Do you know that he had any sudden hidden dangers or diseases before?" The fish girl asked back.

"Brother Higashino and I met on a snowy night 15 years ago. At that time, I was begging along the street in the northeast border city 'Wolf Capital'. I remember that it was a dark evening and it snowed heavily. At that time, I saw him outside the wall of Tang Shu, the grand marshal of the Holy See at that time. The thin and skinny man shrank in the corner of the wall. Seeing the situation, I haven't eaten for many days, and I saw that he was about to starve to death - I saw that he was pitiful, I gave him the only half of the moldy steamed bread and pulled the eldest brother back from the mouth of Death - so that we became good brothers in adversity. We had to eat together and had a fight. Fight, carry the pain together, fight together, and no longer divide you and me-"

Brigadier General Youdong returned to his distant memory and said slowly, "At that time, I was six years old, and my eldest brother was three years older than me, but he was not as strong as me. Every time I went to the kitchen and grain warehouse of the fat priest 'arrow pig' Reguay, and stealing sweet potatoes to fill his stomach, I was found to pull him. Later, once - we were really hungry that we couldn't run. , was caught up by the 'arrow pig' Reguay and his thie and his thuds, and beat us violently - the eldest brother's leg is - that he was lame-"

Few of the wolf generals know the past of An Dongye, the "wolf king" who respects like a god and fears demons in their minds, and they are quietly waiting for the following.

After a meal, You Dongjun will continue to preach: "Later, thanks to General Xia Nanxuan, who was a guest at the 'arrow pig' Reguay's house, came forward to plead, pretending that his mercenary regiment lacked manpower to save our brother's life; General Xia Nanxuan had a high status in the Holy See at that time, and had a relationship with the former Pope Baiye Changqing, who was the prime minister at that time. Nepotism, the 'arrow pig' Reguay had not climbed to the position of Cardinal at that time. After all, he dared not give this face, so he ordered me and my eldest brother to let go and hand us over to General Xia Nanxuan;

General Xia Nanxuan is very popular in the wild. In addition to holding important positions in the army, he also privately raised a large mercenary regiment to escort his cargo circulation. He appreciates and supports our brothers, especially the witty and decisive brother Dongye. Over the years, with our two brothers' own efforts and the training and promotion of the old general, my eldest brother and I have held more and more important positions and roles in the mercenary regiment-

However, the eldest brother's physical condition is getting worse and worse, with years of coughing, and sometimes fainting for no reason or warning - the old general has also asked famous doctors in Huadu to treat the eldest brother. The doctor said that the eldest brother had taken some poisonous poison when he was a child. Although he wanted to be timely at that time, The residue remaining in the body still corrodes the heart and lungs, which is hopeless, and asserts that the eldest brother will never live to be 30 years old-

"Before Dongdong met Youdong, he must have encountered something wrong or murder-" Yuyu girl said puzzledly, "But who will poison a homeless orphan at that time?"

"Old General Xia and I have also asked the eldest brother about this many times, but what is puzzling is that every time the eldest brother does not avoid answering, or he opens the topic from left to right. We see that he seems to have something difficult to say, and we have never asked again in the future." Youdong's puzzled expression was deeply written on his rough and angular face.

"Dongdong was by no means as simple as a wandering orphan. He had a lot of things in his heart. I am a woman, and I can feel it-" While Miss Yuyu Gu spoke, she couldn't help turning her pity eyes to the curtain.

"At that time, the son of the prime minister, that is now the Pope Mufeng, often came to the house to play with Miss Yaya, the daughter of the old general of General Xia. In fact, he became friends with the eldest brother. In fact, I know that the eldest brother has been secretly in love with Miss Yaya, but Miss Yaya's favorite is her elegant and handsome cousin, Mr. Although General Xia, who has no children under his knees, has always regarded his eldest brother as his own son, he has hinted more than once that he would entrust his family business and Miss Zhuya to his eldest brother after a hundred years - but the unruly and capricious Miss Yaya only treats her eldest brother as a humble servant driven by him, and has always been shouting and ignored. No, it looks high; the brothers of the mercenary regiment all laughed at the eldest brother as a toad who wanted to eat swan meat. For this, I also broke a few ribs of those guys who laughed at my eldest brother - but the little maid Xia Qixi's little aunt beside Miss Yaya booed and warmly to the eldest brother, which has always been quite good-" Brigadier General Youdong said. , a pair of tiger eyes are actually wet-

Hearing this, these iron-blooded soldiers in the tent couldn't help sighing and sighing -

"Later, a change occurred in the Shaman's Holy See. At that time, the four rich families of Nalan, Tang, Yuan and Huo occupied the economic lifeline of the whole Holy See, and their strength continued to expand sharply, which caused great panic among the ruling class led by Pope Anbancheng. They began to use the traps to frame and make no life. A series of means have successively sealed up more than 100 industries and factories of the four families.

In the face of the forced suppression of the Holy See, the owners of the four chaebols finally decided to take risks after a close discussion. After several months of conspiracy, the four lords finally targeted the best time to launch a mutiny with General Xia and other military and generals. They won a blow, knocked down the rule of the old pope, and jointly named hundreds of them. Senior officials, generals, priests and public opinion representatives have raised the prestigious prime minister, Bai Ye Changqing, as the new generation of pope;

The four masters have made great achievements, and all of them have ascended to a high position. Mr. Mufeng also naturally became the prince of the current dynasty. Under the frustration and laziness of his own ignorance, he was also in the "Doorozha" group of the 'Shura Empire'. General Xia was the commander of the general reserve team. According to the oracle, he and the Privy Archbishop Huoshan went on an expedition to the northeast together; the eldest brother took the initiative to invite me to participate in the wolf battle with General Xia, and took in the stray dog, which was later named 'lone wolf' on the outskirts of the wolf capital. Because of this battle, I got to know Xilei and Jin Liang's brothers and sisters, and there are the current wolves. -”

Brigadier General Youdong held the depressed and depressed "lone wolf" squatting outside the inner curtain in his arms and stopped talking-

"You don't have to worry too much." The fish girl calmed down her mood and comforted everyone: "Xiaorao has injected the general with morphine. Hope-" The fish girl's words were interrupted by an unconscious whisper in the account:

"Fire-Fire-I didn't kill you-I didn't kill you-not me-not me-I didn't hurt anyone-I didn't-mother-ah-"

The fish girl muttered sadly, "Dongye, what did you encounter in your childhood-"


In the dream, Antonye vaguely returned to Wolf Mountain and met Master Sirius and little sister Xiyuehu-

"Yun'er, your father, Mr. Tang entrusted you as a teacher when you were still in your baby. Nine years have passed, and you are also nine years old. Your father's kindness to be a teacher in the past, and teaching you art is also a teacher. Although you are not well-qualified and blunt, fortunately, you are still diligent. We' Zong's career has been passed down. This time, you must be more careful when you go down the mountain to visit your relatives. Master Sirius said earnestly.

"Thank you for your guidance and teaching." Tang Yun said in a clear voice.

"Master, Xixi also wants to go to 'Wolf' with his brother, okay?" The coquettish little sister Xiyuehu is about six or seven years old, with bright eyes and teeth, white skin and thin lips. Although she is still young, she is obviously a beautiful embryo.

"No." Tang Yun suddenly said with great feeling, "Brother is going home to visit relatives and will come back in a few days. If you go, it will only cause me trouble."

The little girl Xi Yuehu was stunned, biting her lips tightly, and whispered to herself for a long time, "Do you want to be with you? Humph!"

Tang Yun raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

The old man Sirius looked straight and said, "Yun'er, before going down the mountain, I want to tell you an old story about the teacher. You are not the first apprentice of the teacher. You also have a big brother above you, named Jinya, who is the opening disciple of our 'S Sirius Sect'. Ten years ago, when I saw that he was greedy for money, and his mind was not right, he often wanted to kill and grab gold, so he wanted to expel him from the teacher's door. Jinya immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. I was soft-hearted for a moment and was hit by his plot. I was seriously injured. He also escaped with injuries. Unexpectedly, he sneaked back to the 'Wolf Mountain' late at night and stole the 'Six Scrolls of Sirius'. Since then There is no trace, and there is no more news about him.

Jinya's heart is deep, the means are vicious, and the martial arts are strong. After ten years of latent cultivation, it is even more unfathomable, and the world may be invincible. Yuner, you are far from your eldest brother Jinya's opponent. If you meet this person, remember to be careful and invincible.

"Yes. Keep in mind."

Looking at Tang Yun's figure walking out, the old man Sirius sighed. The little disciple Xi Yuehu raised his pink face and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

The old man Sirius stroked the little girl's head and muttered, "I don't know how many bloody storms will be set off on the mainland this time. Your second brother's ambition is too big-"