Wolf Empire

0054 Nightmare

In almost every heartbreaking midnight nightmare, Antonye will return to the past that can never be erased in his heart -

"Please wait a moment, second son, the villain is going to report to the master and wife that you are back."

With the servant leading the way and walking in the corridor leading to the living room of the Taishou Mansion, Tang Yun couldn't help scanning the gorgeous furnishings on both sides. The guards around the passage couldn't help but say strangely, "Is this really the second son of Lord Taishou?" Why does it look like a dirt bag that has never seen the world at all? ""

However, it is no wonder that Tang Yun was sent to "Wolf Mountain" by his father soon after he was born and followed the "Old Wolf" to learn and live. The eccentric "old wolf" fed little Tang Yun with tame female wolf milk. In the past eight years, Tang Yun has never seen anyone except his master and little sister Xi Yuehu. The closed living environment of "Wolf Mountain" made Tang Yun naturally feel new when he entered the "Wolf City" and Taishou Mansion. It's amazing.

After a while, there was a loud smile not far ahead: "Yun'er, is that you? You are back! Just come back, just come back-"

"The unfilial son Tang Yun met his father." Tang Yunmu's court came down to worship.

"Get up, get up, and let your father take a good look at you."

Tang Yun stood up and began to take a good looking at the burly middle-aged man in front of him, his father.

During the view, Tang Yun obviously felt the hostility from a pair of eyes next to his father. That's a young man in brocade who looks a little similar to himself. He is my half-brother Tang Feng-

"Ha ha, good! Great! Yun'er, I'm very happy to see you today for my father. Tang Shu, the father's "Wolf City" Taiguan, turned his head and ordered him to bow his head and stand on the side. A man who looked like a manager said, "Tang Nu, inform the kitchen to prepare a banquet and take care of the dust for the second son tonight."

"Thank you, father." Although Tang Yun squeezed out a smile on his face, he was not happy at all.

At this moment, an elegant voice sounded from the side:

"The second son has left home since he was a child. I don't know what kind of unique learning he learned from the senior Sirius of 'Wolf Mountain'? I really want to see it as an aunt!"

Looking at the seemingly dignified and elegant lady who appeared in front of him, Tang Yun had understood the identity of the other party from his words and nodded and saluted, "If there is a chance, I will let the aunt see it."

"Presumptuous!" The teenager Tang Feng scolded his brother for being rude.

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see." Mrs. Taishou sneered and stopped the anger of her son Tang Feng.

When Tang Yun saw the displeasure of the woman in front of him, he was quickly diluted by his miss for his mother. Tang Yun also learned something about his background from his master "Old Wolf" in recent years. It is said that his mother was originally a dowry maid of Mrs. Taishou, which is not particularly beautiful or ugly.

Ten years ago, Tang Shu, the wolf governor, drank with his colleagues once and returned home drunk. He absurdly pulled the six maids and maids in the house to sleep together. Unfortunately, the dowry of Mrs. Taishou's dowry Pinyu became pregnant after that night.

Mrs. Taishou was born in a famous family. Her brother is Nalan Ruochu, a famous chaebol in the mainland. She is not only rich, but also has a book office in the administrative ministry of the Shamand Holy See. Although her official position is light, she directly participates in the politics and education of the imperial court, which is of great help to Tang Shu's future and Benefit. Mrs. Nalan, supported by her mother, was both poisonous and jealous. She married into the Tang Sect for five years and was very strict with her husband. She never allowed Tang Shu to take advantage of her official business to team up with her colleagues to visit flowers and get drunk, let alone the concubines who traveled all over the official church.

After knowing about Pinyu, she suffered from being a maid who had been married by her mother's family. She could not raise her hand and hit her in the face. Mrs. Nalan had to hate to accept the fact that the wooden boat had been completed and acquiesced in the status of her concubine. However, she made it difficult for Pinyu, humiliated and directly slandered the attack. Hit the bloodline of the unborn child.

When the suffering Pinyu was pregnant in October, once she gave birth, and gave birth to Lin's child, she looked similar to Tang Shu, so that the rumor that the child from her own heart was not the son of the Taishou adult was not broken.

Lord Tang Shu loved his youngest son very much and named his youngest son Tang Yun according to the name of Tang Feng, the eldest son of Mrs. Nalan in the main room.

With Tang Yun's birth, Mrs. Pinyu thought that her life would be better, but she didn't expect that Tang Yun's arrival stimulated Mrs. Nalan's nerves in the main room.

Tang Shu, as the eldest son of the Tang Sect family, the oldest family in the mainland family, according to the Tang Sect family rules for 800 years, Tang Shu will take over the huge Tang chaebol after the success of the merits of the previous generation and have unlimited wealth of the family. Tang Feng, as the eldest son and grandson, naturally becomes the second legal person. The heir; however, it's different now. Now there is suddenly one more Tang Yun, a Tang Yun who is blinded by no matter how he looks at it. Although he is still a baby waiting to be fed, after all, he is the bone and blood of Tangmen's long room. After all, one day he will grow up. In case of an accident - no, it's better to start first!

Tang Shu, who had been immersed in the ** family's struggle and official war calculation since childhood, read the resentment and horror signals from Mrs. Nalan's eyes. The father made a quick decision. On a dark and windy night, he secretly took the sleeping little Tang Yun away from the arms of Mrs. Pinyu, who was also sleeping in his dream. He quickly left the "Wolf Capital" and sent it to the "Wolf Mountain" not far from the wolf, so that the young son was far away from the claws of Mrs. Nalan, who had a strong mother.

There is a strange man living on the "Wolf Mountain" who calls himself "Old Sirius". When Tang Shuchu's wolf was too punctual, when he saw the old man fainting on the street, he kindly bought a bowl of braised noodles for the old man, which also made an unrebellious friendship.

The old man saved by Tang Shu at will did not expect that he was the underworld giant "Wolf God" of the "Sianwolf Sect" in the six sects of the "Dark Demon Clan", and his hands were stained with the blood of countless bright saints and famous decent people.

Under the ambush by one of the three major archbishops of the Holy Church of Light, Banajime, and 64 masters of defending demons, the "Wolf God" was finally outnumbered. He was severely injured and escaped all the way to the well of the Wolf City. When the wound broke out, he had to meet Tang Gong's help; and then the "Wolf God" to avoid the right path to avoid the right path. Kill, under the disguised "Old Wolf", lived in seclusion in Wolf Mountain and no longer care about the world. Tang Shu would send his subordinates to the mountain every few days to deliver some things needed for life.

With this cause, although the "Old Sirius" hated the golden teeth of the first disciple who stole the secrets of the teacher and the master's killing, and the old creations were still there; but he still taught the skills of the little Tang Yun who fed the big with the female wolf milk. As Xiao Tang Yun grew up day by day, he raised his hands and feet. The ambition and domineering projected between them made the "Old Sirius" confused again-----

"Where's your father and mother? Why don't you see your mother? Yun'er wants to see her." Tang Yun, who broke free from his messy thoughts, eagerly asked Lord Tang Shu.

Hearing Tang Yun ask about his mother's Mrs. Pinyu, Lord Tang Shu, who had always been bold and cheerful, suddenly became very strange and turned his head hesitantly.

Mrs. Nalan covered the lower part of her face with a small fan and retreated aside with a sneer.

Seeing the situation of his father Tang Shu Taishou and his aunt Mrs. Nalan, an ominous foreboding Tang Yun's heart. But when he was young, he still hoped that it was not what he thought. He hugged his strange father and shouted, "Where's your mother? Where is my mother? Why didn't you let her come out to see Yun'er? Say it! You said it!"

Lord Tang Shu sighed and hugged Tang Yun with his backhand and comforted him, "Yun'er, you have to be sorry for the change - your mother has passed away eight years ago, that is, the year you left - died of illness -"

The sudden news was undoubtedly like a bolt from the young Tang Yun. He was paralyzed on his knees. His hands were too tight, and his ten fingernails had unconsciously fallen into the flesh of his palm. He did not shed a tear and lowered his head deeply. He didn't want people to see the murder and fragility in his eyes. .

"It's been eight years, eight years! You are close at hand and you don't send anyone to inform me that my mother has passed away! I haven't even seen my mother-"

tried his best to suppress the roar in his heart. Tang Yun looked up at the indifferent man in front of him. This so-called father was not much different from a stranger he met on the road.

After a long time, Tang Yun said, "Father, please forgive Yun'er's unfilial piety. Yun'er is really not in the mood to attend any reception banquet; I don't know where my mother's mausoleum is? Yun'er wants to worship her mother and talk to her-

Did not notice the slight embarrassment on his father Tang Shu's face. Tang Yun turned his head and said angrily to Tang, the general manager beside him, "It's time to lead the way, Mr. General Manager."

The general manager Tang Angrily replied, "Don't dare, second son, please follow the old slave-"

Tang Yun nodded and did not greet the elders present. On the spot, he followed the general manager Tang Nu and quickly left.

"It's really rude, that is, the cheap maidservant who doesn't know etiquette will give birth to such an impolite inferiority!" Mrs. Nalan said dissatisfiedly.

The muscles on Lord Tang Shu's face twitched, sighed slightly, and left with his hands down

Looking at the direction of Tang Yun's disappearance, Mrs. Nalan smiled coldly and smiled at his parent-child Tang Feng beside him and said, "Let this little bastard see the end of the jade bitch, let him understand and dare to threaten the end of Nalan Ruoxue and his son!!!"