Wolf Empire

0068 *

"Is there any good way to save them?" The beautiful female captain An Xiaorao's choked tone and could no longer speak.

"I know there is an Eagle Valley nearby, where there is a 'Tianyi Business League chain store', medicine, gauze and so on--" The little girl Xiyuehu hasn't spoken yet. He has been raised from the ground to his horse, when she subconsciously hugged her brother's At the back, the cold voice of Andongye has already sounded:

"Yuyu, Youdong, Zitong, Ulanos, order the armed police to assemble urgently and follow me!"

In a moment, thousands of black mounted police galloped along the mainland highway in the direction of Eagle Valley.

"Bum, bang!"

In the sea buckthorn forest in front of you, suddenly there were a few dull gunshots! The galloping desert wolf pulled the rein at the same time and raised the muzzle in the direction of the sound of gun.

"You guys, come with me." After exchanging glances with the officer, Brigadier General An Zitong, the female leader of the armed police, pointed his jaws to the nearest subordinates and climbed to the highest commanding heights nearby, a large sand dune.

"Lao Wu, Uranos, you can also follow me!" The general of Anton Ye seemed to be a little worried and ordered. Major An Xiaoyu and Brigadier General Uranos, who received instructions, bowed slightly and waved their hands to call their respective subordinates to follow.

The female leader of the armed police put down the telescope in her hand and looked at the two colleagues who rushed to the sand dune. Suddenly, she felt a little uncomfortable.

In her 17-year-old life, since she joined the secret police force directly under the Shamanship Office, less than two years ago, at the age of 15, she became the captain of the second column of the secret police force with excellent achievements and outstanding performance, and was deeply appreciated by the Privy Archbishop Gu in the north of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For a female police officer who can only prove her existence with her killing skills, following the young commander of the wolves to constantly win victory, wealth and glory, this unprecedented sense of excitement made her feel the real joy of survival.

Seeing that some young soldiers in the Guards and soldiers of the Warcraft Legion also joined her ranks, I have always disapproved with the Wolf King's excessive trust in the attitude of these milky hairy boys and those strange monsters. I was very unhappy, but these unruly boys and those dead The depressed monster, standing in a very suitable position behind Brigadier General An Zitong, did not doubt that she herself was the commander of the highest rank in this mission.

Although An Zitong and Uranos, who are also associate generals, and Uranos, the former are directly appointed by the Ministry of Military Affairs, while the latter is temporarily appointed by the commander of the front army only under special circumstances on the battlefield. There is a world of difference between the two.

In the sea buckthorn forest under the sand dunes ahead, a fierce battle is going on-

In the battle, a blonde "Wave Empire" noble young man cursed and waved his slender sword in his hand and fought to the death with more than a dozen "Windwing Kingdom" guerrilla soldiers in blood-colored robes.

"Bum! Bang! Bang!"

The three "Canglang Empire" gunmen who fought back with the noble youth had time to fire another bullet and were cut to the ground by several times the enemy swordsmen.

The noble youth brought out more than 200 subordinates. In addition to more than 40 guards who had previously protected an important person from leaving, there are now less than 20 people left, with more than 100 corpses lying on the ground.

The noble youth roared and knocked down a blood-clad warrior who rushed into the defense circle. There were screams in his ears. Looking around him, more than a dozen personal guards fell down, and everyone's throat was inserted with a flying knife in the shape of a fire phoenix!

There were only five injured guards beside the noble youth, and the blood-clothed soldiers also stopped attacking and retreated aside with sneering eyes.

"Count Chenyuan, hand over Princess Lihui! I can spare you not to die!"

Making a deep and beautiful voice was a fiery red blood coat, with short black hair, a white and handsome face, and a pair of blue eyes as deep as a blue sea.

"Who the hell are you?" Count Chenyuan, a noble young man, tried his best to calm his breath after the fierce battle.

"I - Princess Hancheng of the 'Windwing Kingdom', the commander-in-chief of the 'Fire Phoenix Legion'*'Angel!" There is an indescribable natural pride in the confident tone of the other party.


One of the few remaining subordinates of Count Chenyuan shouted in horror!

This name regarded as death in the aristocracy of the empire made the young Count Chenyuan take a deep breath and smiled bitterly, "I know you, your father 'Hancheng' and your four brothers have unfortunately donated to your kings in the battle of the imperial army to capture the 'Fire Prison Death Fortress' and 'Hancheng'. Body, I would like to express my deep condolences and high respect-

" Put away the fake mercy of your cat crying mouse!" *"Angel sneered and said, "You are the most hypocritical of the vicissitudes I have ever seen!"

Count Chenyuan swallowed a deep mouthful of saliva and asked, "When Baron Sasaki led 50 cavalry patrolled on the border line, he was stabbed back into a pile of human-shaped hedgehogs with more than 100 bamboo spears-

"Yes, the princess did it." Angel said bluntly.

Count Yuanchen's eyebrows jumped, and then asked, "In January this year, Lord Kawashima, the commander of the Eighth Tank Brigade of the Imperial Headquarters, and 200 soldiers under him were attacked while searching for a small village near 'Hancheng', and all the bodies were nailed to the ground-"

"It's also my own hand." Angel raised her arrogant head and forced her to look at each other.

"Just nine days ago, the Count, a left-behind official and minister of the 'Wind Winged King City', led 2,000 subordinates to be surrounded when chasing a group of guerrillas, and there was no life left-," Count Chenyuan's clenched sword trembled slightly and said excitedly.

"I also killed it-" Angel said lightly.

"He is my best friend!" Count Chenyuan roared angrily.

"So what?" Angel said righteously, "You invaded our country, enslaved and mutilated our people, and caused Princess An Xiyan and the little prince An Shangyan to go abroad. You war dealers are not good at death!"

"Qier, what nonsense are you talking to them?" Among the blood-clothed warriors, a beautiful girl with a plump figure came out. She shook her sword in her hand and scolded Count Chenyuan, "Give me over Princess Lihui! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless under An Yuqing's sword!"

"Joke!" Count Chenyuan sneered and said, "The princess is an unmarried wife. As a man, how can she betray her lover for her own survival?"

"Ha ha!" An Yuqing, a beautiful girl, smiled charmingly and said, "I really can't see your little white face, and you still have a little affection for your fiancee. Well, yes, girl, I like you a little-"

"Yuqing, put away your nymphomaniac and saliva!" Angel reminded her female companion with tears and laughing, "This guy is protecting Princess Lihui to rush to 'Huadu' and negotiate alliance matters with the shaman. We must catch Princess Lihui and destroy their mission, so as to destroy this peace between their two countries; otherwise, once the ronin and the shaman become allies,' Shura If the empire is difficult to support, we will have no hope of recovering the country!"

"Hey, I'm playing." A flower idiot laughed twice with a salivating face, and immediately changed into a fierce and vicious look and asked, "Oh! Come on, the general name! Well, that's not right! Where on earth did you hide Princess Lihui?

"I won't betray the princess!" Count Chenyuan closed his eyes and said, "You'd better kill me!"

"Do you think I dare not, sister?" An Yuqing's hippie smile gradually turned cold, and the sword slowly raised--

Brigadier General An Zitong, the female leader of the armed police who had been watching for a long time in the distance, put away his telescope and gave a deep command to Brigadier General Ulanos, the wing demon behind him: "It's time for us to come out!"

hrill screams sounded over the sea buckthorn forest, and in the human view, a strange humanoid big bat passed low over their heads.


"No! It's a monster in the 'Dark World'!!!"

"Oh my God!!!"

In the sea buckthorn forest, all human armies, regardless of enemy or ourselves, screamed full of fear.

As if in response to the panic of the human army, urgent bullets shot in from the distance outside the forest, and the members of the "Fire Phoenix Legion" blood soldiers behind Princess Angel were shot and fell.

"It's a damn shaman!" After seeing the enemy's clothes approaching the forest step by step from all directions, An Yuqing threw out a curse angrily.

"There are too many enemies, ready to break through! It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! Don't fall in love!" Princess Angel watched the flying Warcraft capture the two blood-clad female warriors in mid-air, and then loosened her claws to throw the two resurrected prey to the ground alive, and shouted hatefully to launch the female companion of the "fire phoenix dart" at the flying monster in the air.

The fire and phoenix army of the "Windwing Kingdom" that has fully gained control of the battlefield did not expect that at the last moment, it would inexplicably kill a surprisingly powerful shaman army, surround them in the sea buckthorn forest and launch a fierce attack.

Among these shamans, in addition to the monsters with flying ability and most of the armed police in black uniforms with obviously horrible white skeleton signs, there are also some young men and women who look only 15 or 16 years old; and these young teenagers with cold expressions pull the trigger and knife to kill the enemy. The action is as skillful and domineering as those terrible skeleton policemen!

A burst of urgent bullets fired from dozens of seven-person arrow attack formations outside the forest, and in an instant, 60 or 70 fire phoenix female soldiers surrounded by Princess Angel were sieves.

A gloomy female voice sounded outside the forest at the same time: "An Zitong, the wolves are here, and you are surrounded!"