Wolf Empire

0069 Chenyuan's vinegar jar


With An Yuqing's scream that could pierce the eardrum, the wing demon flying in the air made Uranos unwilling to be lonely. He saw that An Yuqing rushed straight down and caught him in the air when he was unprepared. At this time, even a nymphomaniac with strong martial arts could only struggle desperately, but she soon found that as she wanted to work hard to earn The bird's claws were loosened, and Mother Earth, full of malicious and solid arms, was rapidly getting bigger in front of her eyes.

"Be careful, Qing girl!"

Princess Angel flew to a nymphomaniac and caught the rapidly falling female companion. The two delicate bodies collided firmly under the support of the surface without any sense of harmony.

"Qingniu, it's time for you to lose weight-oh--" A princess, who was heavily pressed down by a slightly plump nymphomaniac, protested with a distorted face.

"Mom - sister's ribs are broken - ouch - it hurts -" An Yuqing shouted completely regardless of her image.

When the bloody female swordsmen of the Fire and Phoenix Army dispersed one after another, the wolf generals who rushed into the forest * put away, pulled out the special wolf tooth war knives, and tempered these wolf soldiers who grew up in a battle with the elite cavalry of the "Wusa Emirates" and panicked with a skilled knife method comparable to the Sand people. The bloody female soldiers of the Huofeng Army cut down to the ground without any pity.

"You little couple have a big life! Let's go!"

Princess Angel picked up her injured female companion An Yuqing, jumped on a war horse, rushed out of the forest with the remnants and left.

Brigadier General An Zitong, who was approaching and was insurable, did not intend to escape the journey of subjugation, but came to the frightened Count Chenyuan's master and servant with scrutinent eyes, and looked carefully at the other party.

A count, who was stared at and uncomfortable by the cold eyes on the opposite side, endured the burning wound on his back. After a long time, he finally said, "Whose subordinate are you?"

"It's my subordinate!"

With a slight cough, a thin and melancholy general appeared in front of Count Chenyuan, surrounded by a large group of officer guards and a fierce wolf dog.

"General Antono - I've heard of you." The young count stretched out his hand gentlemanly and said politely, "I'm Chenyuan. Thank you for helping me. We will be friends in the future-

"Friend-" At the first level, Antonye would savor the two words carefully, and then smiled indifferently: "I won't make friends with nobles."

Count Chenyuan withdrew his hand awkwardly, and his eyes suddenly stopped on a beautiful shadow on the left side of Andongye. He said in surprise, "Isn't this the famous feather wizard of the empire?! I saw you and your wonderful spells at Count Sato's house - later I heard that something had happened to the Count -"

"Major General Chen Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are getting more and more handsome." After polite politeness to the wizard who seemed to have some impression in front of him, he smiled bitterly and said, "Unfortunately, Yuqi and my little master have nothing to do with your country-"

Count Chenyuan hurriedly rubbed his hands and said, "The power of 'Holy of Light' is so great that even Emperor Musashi has to give three points of courtesy - when Count Sato was tried to execute - my father and I were really help at that time -"

"With the passage of time, the major general does not have to blame himself too much." Count Yuqi smiled and said, "You are injured. Let me see your injury."

Seeing that the Count Chenyuan touched the wound because of his uneasiness, the wizard quickly came forward to check. Fortunately, the count had shoulder armor to resist most of the strength of the enemy's sword. The damage on the skin and skin was not as deep as the bones. Long-term combat fatigue and too much blood loss were the main reasons for his pale face.

A glance at Brigadier General Youdong, who showed an unpleasant color, asked the female leader of the armed police officer at the first level, "How about the casualties?"

"My subordinates are incompetent, three people died and seven people were injured." Brigadier General An Zitong, who had always been strict with himself, lowered his head deeply.

At the first level, the general of Andongye nodded dismissively and heard Count Chenyuan apologize: "I'm really sorry, my friend, for losing your precious subordinates in order to save me."

"The opponent's combat effectiveness is not weak." At the first level, An Dongye looked at the bloody female soldiers on the ground and said, "Who are they?"

"It is the 'Fire Phoenix Army' organized by Angel, the exiled female noblewoman of the 'Wind Wing Kingdom', to assassinate the senior generals who attacked the empire." Count Chenyuan looked at the general Youdong, who kept hostile to him with the gentle dressing of the wound of the wizard, and said slowly without care:

"This time, on the will of the emperor, I will protect my fiancee Princess Lihui to go to the 'Huadu' of your country to discuss the alliance between the two countries and jointly * Shura. Because the area of 'Galo City' is controlled by the local gangster 'Spirit Snake Party', for the sake of safety, our mission changed its way to Mobei, but was unexpectedly detected by the 'Fire Phoenix Army'. I hid the princess behind the 'Tianyi Business League' in Eagle Valley, and led the guard all the way to fight and retreat here-

"Oh? What a coincidence? We are also going to Eagle Valley, and we are on our way together!" The wizard said happily, and then he saw that the brigadier general's stinky face was getting worse and worse-

"That's great!" Count Chenyuan said excitedly, "Tono, what do you want to do in Eagle Valley?"

"This-" Mouye was actually a little embarrassed and said, "Let's borrow something-hehe-"

"Yes, right - borrow something, borrow something -" Another conspirator's little sister Xi Yuehu, unnaturally echoed.

"Youdong, come and help." The feather wizard who wrapped up the old wound did not notice the strange greeting of a brigadier general with a poker face.

Out of his strong "kindness" for Count Chenyuan, Brigadier General Youdong picked up an injured count with a smile and put it heavily on a pair of stretchers carried by the soldiers. The latter grinned with pain for a long time and endured it silently in the aristocratic education etiquette and affection for his friends he had received since childhood.

The once familiar "Eagle Valley" finally arrived. Thinking of the last time he taught the children a lesson to rob the bocat and his sand thief members, a wild man smiled very unkindly.

"Is there anything happy? My friend." Count Chenyuan, who caught a smile from his new friend, asked curiously.

"Nothing, I'm thinking-" Antono said in a good mood: "Your fiancee should be a great beauty-"

"Of course." A guard of the earldom scrambled, "Princess Lihui is the first of the four beauties of the empire-"

"Mut-to-mouth." After scolding his men with a smile, Count Chenyuan couldn't hide his joy and said, "The eldest princess is now serving in the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy. She is not only beautiful and generous, but also rare to be shrewd and capable. After joining the army for five years, she has become a lieutenant and general with real meritorious officials. The younger brother is not as good as self-shame-shame-"

"At first glance, he is afraid of his wife!" Brigadier General Youdong, who followed behind, whispered a sentence.

"Without love, where does the fear come from?" The wizard glanced at a brigadier and tilted the corners of his mouth and said, "Every day, I know how to fight and kill. I know a wool-"

A clumsy brigadi general originally wanted to argue a few words to win back his face, but he suffered from not mastering much offensive vocabulary. He didn't think of a suitable one for a long time, so he had to say fiercely to An Xiaoyu and other wolves who covered their mouths and laughed bitterly: "Laugh! Put it all back!"

While talking, dozens of figures came out of the front of the mountain pass. Count Chenyuan and his guards bowed their heads respectfully: "Your Highness."

The woman in the front, wearing the blue uniform of the naval forces of the "Canglang Empire" and wearing the rank of lieutenant general of fleet commander, her long hair, blue flowing eyes and everyone's title all showed her noble identity as Princess Lihui, the eldest daughter of Emperor Musashi of the "Canglang Empire".

"Are you hurt? Source." Princess Lihui glanced at a wizard close to her fiance, raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "Who is she?" Who are they?"

The wizard was awakened by something, and subconsciously moved away from the gap close to the count's body and exposed his embarrasment.

With the extremely unfriendly smile of his friends, Count Chenyuan introduced awkwardly: "This is my new friend, General An Dongye of the Mobei Front Army Corps of the Shaman Church - this is a feather girl, a big wizard in Mr. Sato's mansion -

"Andongye-" Princess Lihui recited this and passed the ear-filled name in the business mouth along the way, looking at the owner of the name and said, "It turns out that the legendary evil and murderer is actually a thin and weak lame-"

Before the words fell, the wolves changed their color together. Among the teenagers of the wolves led by Brigadier General Youdong, at least 40 people pulled out their blades and "squeak" The sound of the saber out of the sheath was endless, which made the imperial guards nervously surrounded the princess's front of the princess.

" Li Hui--" Count Chenyuan quickly glanced at his friend's face and said to his fiancee in a slightly reproachful tone, "You are so rude-"

Princess Lihui's tone was stuffed, and then breathless and said, "I, Rihui, have always spoken straightly. Your Count Chenyuan is not the first day to know this princess. If you are not used to it, you can immediately return to China and let the old general go out and say goodbye to our two families to your father! In this way, your count can successfully marry this little fox witch!"

Faced with Princess Lihui's finger pointing to the tip of her nose, the wizard's little temper broke out in an instant, waved his hand to block the arm stretched out in front of him. Xing's eyes wide open and said delicately, "You little couple are angry. It's none of my daughter's business?"

"Bight her!" Riding together, sitting on the first level of his brother Dongye and holding the little girl Xiyuehu in his arms, for fear of stirring up trouble in the world. As soon as the words fell, the little head was severely knocked by a certain wild man behind him:

"Slap you on the head!"