Wolf Empire

0087 Yi Huchen

Two well-dressed and trembling nobles and a young slave in cloth and straw shoes and dodged eyes were brought to the Wolf King by Sergeant Lean. Three people knelt there, like a cheap dog between two furry pigs, giving people a feeling of extreme discord.

"His Royal Highness Prince Yi Along, as you have met, the first successor of the 'Kingdom of Zhongshan'."

Prince Yi Along, who was named by Officer Lean, tried his best to maintain the dignity of a king in front of the enemy aggressor. Although his face was so pale that there was no blood, his courage still made the high-ranking Andongye general nodded slightly and said, "Next."

"The new commander-in-chief of the 'thief army' and the commander of 'Nanzhai City', Lord Yi Baiyu, is the cousin of His Majesty the King and the second successor of the existing royal family who is qualified to inherit the throne." Sergeant Lean introduced the members of the royal family paralyzed on the ground in a contemptuous tone.

Lord Yi Baiyu, who was beaten by the avant-garde division of the wolves as soon as the war, did not have the courage of his nephew at all. The embarrassed appearance of incontinence caused by excessive shock made everyone, including government officials and citizen representatives forcibly arrested from their homes by armed police, frown.

"In addition to Lord Yi Shiyun, the commander of the Royal Guard who is now leading foreign forces to fight in cooperation with the Allies -" Sergeant Lean pointed to the young slaves among the two royal families and said, "If the identity of this slave Yi Ahu is recognized, he should be the fourth successor of the kingdom."

"Oh?" At the first level, An Dongye seemed to have discovered the New World, and his originally listless eyes also had a touch of excitement in an instant.

"To tell you the truth, I was originally the bodyguard of the Royal City Guard. Many years ago, His Majesty was drunk and gave birth to Ahu with a low-class female slave in the palace;" Sergeant Lean, a veteran, said slowly: "Because of the humble status of his biological mother, A Hu was ignored by the royal family as soon as he was born. Finally, His Majesty still remembered the feelings of bones and blood. He did not listen to the idea of Lord Yitian and drove Ahu out of the palace, but allowed him to serve his half-brother Prince Along, who is a prince.

At this point, a white-skinned old official among a group of officials and citizen representatives under the deterrence of the armed police, suddenly ** the body of the sick dragon bell, and the wrinkled face showed resentment and humiliation on his overlapping face.

"Once, Ah Hu accidentally let go of a canary of His Royal Highness A Long and was severely beaten by His Royal Highness. I really couldn't stand it, so I came forward to plead for His Royal Highness A Hu. Therefore, I also offended His Royal Highness A Long and was far away from being demoted to 'Beizhai City' to be a small non-commissioned officer." Sergeant Lean looked at Prince Iaron with his face full of shame and arrogant head, and ended his story.

The familiar experience made An Dongye's first-level general begin to carefully look at the young slave Yi Ah-hu, who was very similar to his own background.

The slave Yi Ahu stood in front of the gazer. Although there was not much fear in his eyes, he was more indifferent, as if he were a little man who came to the wrong place and would soon leave.

The Wolf King set off layers of waves in his heart. What a familiar feeling!

Wolf Taishu and the King of Zhongshan have the same drunken disorder; the maid and the female slave gave birth to illegitimate children; Prince Yi Along and Master Tang Feng are the same domineering; Sergeant Lean and the housekeeper Tang Nu maintain the same painstakingly-

Suddenly, Antonye made a decision, then laughed happily, and made a standard gesture to the armed policemen standing behind the two royal families with a knife in a cheerful laugh!

The armed police who were signaled by the officer did not hesitate to pull Prince Yi Along and Lord Yi Baiyu, the first and second successors of the kingdom, out of the hall like two dead dogs.

As if a trivial matter had been completed, at the first level, Antonye would turn his eyes to the officials and representatives of citizens who were waiting in the hall and were "invited" by the armed police from their homes according to the list listed by Sergeant Lean, and tried to say in a kind and friendly tone: "You know, you There are many middle and lower officials, business elites and public opinion representatives, who are not qualified to stand here under the original kingdom system; the reason why I invited you here is to witness a serious and important historical moment!"

In the discussion of the crowd, the general at the first level of Andongye personally helped the confused slave Yi Ahu to the throne and shouted, "I am here to hold a grand coronation ceremony for His Majesty Ahu!"

The crowd in the hall was in an uproar. The white-haired old official pushed away the two colleagues who tried to stop him and snatched them out of the crowd. He pointed to the two high-ranking people and cursed, "You gangsters and thieves! It's not good to die! Prince Along is still there, and the two uncles Yi Baiyu and Yi Shiyun are still there. How can it be the turn to mess up the crown prince of my Yi family?!

"Presumptuous!" The old man is looking for death!" With the consent of Brigadier General An Zitong, the cold-faced direct officer, the two armed policemen fiercely pulled out their wolf-tooth saber and viciously cut down the old officials who turned a blind eye to danger and scolded!

"slow down!" At the first level, An Dongye will drink the saber that is about to fall in time. He narrowed his eyes like an old official and asked, "Old man, I'm Andongye. What's your name?"

"General, he was the prime minister of Yiyi, Prince Along, who wanted to expel Ah Hu from the palace in his early years." Sergeant Laian on the side replied angrily.

"Oh-so it is-" An Dongye, who was originally a little modest and polite, said without respect at this time, "Then I would like to ask the prime minister, isn't this Hu His Royal Highness not qualified to inherit the throne?"

"Hmm! Even if there is, His Royal Highness Prince Along, Uncle Baiyu and other royal families are still there, and it is not the turn of this lowly slave to ascend the throne as king-" Before the righteous words of Yiyi Heavenly Xiang were finished, he heard the other party sneered and said:

"What if they are gone?"

The old man was stunned and did not react in confusion. With Brigadier General An Zitong's wave of his hand, more than a dozen strong armed policemen brought five or six marijuana bags into the hall in pairs, and then rolled out hundreds of spherical objects inside in public.

Then all the officials of the "Zhongshan Kingdom" and the people's generation in the hall shouted and retreated, and the trembling sound of more than 100 people's teeth was mixed with violent vomiting, filling the whole hall.

Yi Yitian, who came out of the shock, suddenly fell in front of hundreds of bloody heads, including his grandson Yi Along, and cried bitterly.

Just as Officer Lean talked about the life of Ah Hu, the armed police outside the hall have raised the purified butcher knives to the palace of the "Zhongshan Kingdom" according to the wishes expressed in advance by the Wolf King and the instructions of Brigadier General An Zitong, the direct commander, from the princes, queens, ministers and generals to the middle and senior officials of various departments of the palace. A total of more than 160 people were beheaded and executed, completely sweeping out the palace and government ruling class of the small "Zhongshan Kingdom"! And among them, the royal family member of the Yi family is even more unwilling to let go!

At present, in addition to the old prime minister of Yi Yitian who cried to death, the only Yi family of the royal family is the only slave Ah Hu who sits high on the throne and is covered with materials!

"It's finally quiet." At the first level, the general shrugged his shoulders at the panicked crowd and said, "The bosses and predecessors who stand in front of you and hinder your promotion have been cleaned up by this general and others; so what should you do next? Do you still need the general's saber reminder?!"