Wolf Empire

0088 Yes! Yes! Yes!

The words of the first-level superiors and generals in Andongye were moved by the upstarts after these "Zhongshan Kingdoms" who were lucky enough to break away from the wolves!

As this murderer said, the power change of the royal family is not directly related to these low-level officials and people's generation; and the superiors and predecessors who are higher and senior than them are almost all dead. At this moment, they are already the highest officials in the kingdom, and various departments have been A large number of vacancies vacated by the execution are also waiting for these people to try!

So, without much consideration, these people who climbed up with the bodies of their predecessors began to kneel at the feet of King Yi Ahu, the new master of the kingdom, a slave.

Yi Ah-hu, who was flattered, stood up from the throne in panic and was pressed back to his seat by the real strong man beside him. He said, "Your Majesty, please sit down. We will hold a coronation ceremony for you immediately."

An Muxi, a charming and beautiful registrar, picked up the "trophy" and the crown handed down from the past generations of the kingdom from Yi Wanlei, the former king who swallowed gold in front of the "Tai Temple".

"Hang Long live my king! Long live!! Long live!!!" Under the leadership of Sergeant Lean, the new nobles of the kingdom made three and nine salutes, and a new era of kingdom rule began!

"Gift!" At the first level, he would appreciate the "works" concocted by himself on the throne, and finally smiled with satisfaction: "Ahu - your name is too casual and unpleasant! Let me help you change a powerful name - Well, Huchen, how about you call it Yi Huchen in the future? Is your majesty satisfied with the new name?

The new name with obvious meaning made the new king immediately bow down and salute: "The tiger minister thanks the general for his name. In the future, the tiger minister and the Chinese people will regard the general as the king, loyally assisting, and the horse's head is the future."

A wild man smiled and said, "Hu minister, as the lord of a country and govern the people of the country, it is not as a childish as playing family. Not to mention your own diligence, you also need to find and promote talents to assist you in managing the government and military affairs of the dynasty. In this way, I will do my good deeds to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and give it to your majesty. What do you think of recommending two available talents?

How dares a tiger say no? His mouth is full of acceptance, but his heart says, "It seems that he wants to put his confidant next to me. The country is in power, but it's okay to be a puppet prince. It's better to eat and drink than a slave who eats and swallows vegetables-

"Take back the thoughts in your heart. The person I recommend is not a wolf group. Is your small 'Zhongshan Kingdom' the place for my wolves to succumb?!" Andongye, who noticed Yi Huchen's inner thoughts, scolded mercilessly.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Huchen didn't dare to think too much, but he just listened to the general's instructions. Yi Huchen's forehead was sweating coldly.

"The political and military affairs of successive dynasties are different in literature and martial arts, complement each other, and have a chapter for themselves." After the two girls covered their mouths and smiled secretly, shook their heads and shook their heads and shook their heads. One night, they said, "Your old prime minister Yi Yitian is very old. It's really not suitable to work. Let him retire at home to take care of his life. Officer Ryan was kind to you in his early years and planned the country. He is a rare auxiliary prime minister who is qualified for the position of prime minister. What does your majesty think?

"Yes! Yes! Yes! What the general said!" Yi Huchen repeatedly said yes. Looking at that posture, if Mouye said that the moon in the sky was square, he would also say yes!

A low-level military non-commissioned officer jumped into a great prime minister under one person and above ten thousand people, which made those upstarts who were eager to enjoy the fruits of the victory of the new government feel somewhat uncomfortable; but on second thought, under the control of someone, a tiger from slavery turned into a king. There is nothing impossible underneath!

"As for the kingdom army, you can boldly give it to the left-behind Sergeant Allen of 'Beizhai City'. No, give it to General Allen! This young man is young and promising and dares to take responsibility. I don't know how many times stronger than those noble pigs. I am very optimistic about him. Andongye's first-class general and general.

"General Shengming, Huchen will do it all." Yi Huchen was full of words.

"I thanked Your Majesty for your help and the general for Alan's little friend who was far away in Beizhai." Lyan, who was appointed as a silent man, thanked Allen for his "forgotten friendship" at this time, which shows the preciousness of their friendship.

"There is one last thing to do. Your Majesty, please sign this treaty." At the first level, An Dongye threw a treaty just drafted by An Muxi, the beautiful secretary, to the table of His Majesty Yi Huchen.

After the heads of both sides signed the name seal, Captain An Muxi, the beautiful secretary who was approved by the Wolf King, launched the contract and read out in court:

"Yi Huchen, the ninth king of the 'Kingdom of Zhongshan', told the countries of the mainland: From the date of signing of this treaty, that is, March 17 of the continental calendar, the kingdom announced its withdrawal from the 'Haoyue Alliance' system and no longer fulfill all its obligations of the alliance; and officially regarded the Shamanic Holy See as the only suzerainty, paying taxes every year and serving as ministers. . On behalf of the subjects of the kingdom, I would like to wish His Majesty Pope Mufeng long live, long live! Shaman is with us!!!

Shaman Holy See army first-class general, Andongye; King of Zhongshan, Yi Huchen. Signature."

This somewhat nondescript treaty was borrowed from the official blank text of the "Kingdom" palace extension. After King Yi Huchen stamped the king's seal, the Pope Mufeng, the representative of Andong, who was obviously uncourteous, stamped the seal of his own legion and said, "Your Majesty, I wish you and our two countries together. A country of brothers that have made friends for generations. We'll see you later, goodbye!"

Speaking this cityless message, Antonye led the fierce wolf generals out in the secretly relieved gaze of the kings and ministers of the "Zhongshan Kingdom", leaving only a dead head and a frightened puppet.

In the middle and late March of the mainland, the wolves led An Xilei and An Jinliang to capture the "Duke" and the "Kingdom of Charles" adjacent to the "Kingdom of Zhongshan" respectively, and once again forced the two small southwest countries into the territory of the Shaman's Holy See. The prestige of Antonye, the lord of the wolves, accompanied by the legendary martial arts of "Seven Days of the Three Kingdoms", has spread all over the continent!

In the early morning of March 27.

"Now small fights are of little significance to us wolves! We need a big move to really hurt and frighten the enemy, and then the Duke Slin in front of us will roll back with his tail between his legs!"

At the first level of Antonye, he stood in front of the wolves and shouted! In front of the wolf battle is the strongest country in the southwest continent and the leader of the "Hope Moon Alliance" "Gosdanbao", the capital of the Grand Duchy of Slin!

In the face of this black army that suddenly appeared from the morning, the defenders of the "Great Duke of Silin" on the castle were shocked and desperately sounded the alarm bell that had accumulated a thick layer of dust, indicating that the Chinese people had a huge danger approaching the wolf smoke rolling up at the same time, and the people and soldiers fled around and made a mess.

"Wolfs, go out--"

With the roar of the Wolf King, the black iron flow raised the flashing wolf tooth saber in his hand and began a new death killing--