Wolf Empire

0089 Antonye, it's time for you to take medicine

The breeze with a strong smell of blood swept through the ended tragic battlefield in the sunset of "Gosdanbao"

The broken military flag stood listlessly in the wind, wearing the bodies of two different skin-colored soldiers and the bodies of horses, overlapping each other, silently telling the world about the tragic battle that had just happened.

Two national armies, who adhered to different beliefs, fought from morning to evening, waved the death who harvested the sickle of life, and brought a total of 24,000 motorized cavalry to reinforce the "Gosdanbao" national defense army, the capital of the Principality of Slin, together with the nearby city police, bringing a total of 24,000 people to the death under their control. Abyss.

Except for a few members of the royal family who fled in a secret way, all the royal families, nobles and "Duke of Slin" bureaucrats and even some young civilians became ghosts under the knives of the wolves, and finally a fire burned the magnificent palace into a white ground.

"The generals who participated in the war killed 81.6 million people in the battle."

When Captain An Muxi, the secretary with tears in his eyes, reported the number of casualties to the staff officer Chang'an Zichen, the latter sadly said: "Our sacrifice is too big"

This time, the wolves went their best and still paid such a huge price. The strength of their opponents is self-evident. For the "Gosdanburg" national defense army that stubbornly resisted until the last moment, An Xilei, An Jinliang and other generals who participated in the war couldn't help but make a decent military salute to the silent battlefield of the soul.

"What's the king's brother? It's rare for our boss to be so polite to rich nobles? Brigadier General An Zitong, the eldest sister of the armed police, quickly glanced at the palace wall behind him and inquired about several colleagues standing nearby.

"I don't know." An Aoyan gently took the collar for the woman Sha Ying beside her and said, "It seems to be the general's old friend - what's the name - Gong Ziyu -"

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect to meet old friends on the battlefield in a foreign country! Please, please!" Inside the broken wall of the badly destroyed shabby palace, the first-level general of Antonye greeted the two guests enthusiastically.

"Brother Higashino, please." Mr. Chu Yu, who was slightly thin and free and easy, raised his glass to reply.

"This wine and dish was prepared by me and Coke temporarily. If it doesn't suit your taste, the prince and the girls in Los Angeles will take care of it." An Xiaoxiao, who was pulled to accompany the banquet by her father and had a relationship with Gong Ziyu, smiled brilliantly at her little sister An Xiaole sitting next to her.

"Since the separation of World of Warcraft, the two girls have become more and more beautiful." A feather was gentle and elegant without showing a trace, and naturally praised the two girls who snuggled up to their old friends.

"The prince laughed." Like all girls, An Xiaoxiao, who was praised for her appearance by a handsome and golden prince, made her tremble with laughter.

"The Los Angeles girl beside Chu Yu's brother is beautiful." An Xiaole replied sweetly,

The Los Angeles girl who had been sitting quietly next to the senior smiled and bowed slightly to greet her.

"Yes." The general of Antonye asked, "How did Brother Chu's caravan get to 'Gosdanburg'?"

"Alas." Mr. Chu Yu sighed and said, "It's a long story. This time, the road was blocked everywhere. After several detours, it was quite difficult. Under the flames of war, it is not easy to manage. It really echoes the old saying, 'I'd rather be a peace dog than a troubled person'!"

"Does Brother Chu want to go back to 'Huadu' on this trip?" At the first level, the general suddenly remembered something, and after getting the affirmative answer from the other party, he fell into a brief meditation-

"Dad, it's time for you to take medicine." Gentle words came to a charming girl who walked in. The small pills were placed in the white palm of her hand, together with boiled water with a suitable temperature and handed them to the wolf king who smelled the color of the medicine and avoided medical treatment.

"I'm really puzzled. Where did Brother Higashino see such a beautiful daughter?" Chu Yu is half envious and half ridiculed.

"I'm so blessed!" With a wry smile, Mouye raised his face and looked at the beautiful military nurse An Xiaorao with pleading eyes. He said pitifully, "I feel fine today, so I don't need to take medicine - it's really bitter-"

An Xiaorao shook her head resolutely with the beautiful right index finger tree in front of the tip of her nose.

A wild man grinned, and threw the pill directly into his mouth and forcibly swallowed it according to his own habit of taking medicine. As a supervisor, he stubbornly handed the water cup to the side of the drug taker, opened his round eyes and stared quietly.

The silent war that will be staged almost every day at this time will always end. The end will always be the official and the most senior party unwilling to take a sip of water; and today's words under the pretext of 'feel good without taking medicine' have not been supported for a long.

A wild man honestly completed every procedure under the extremely ugly face of the supervisor, and then he saw the meaningful smile of a chaebol and said angrily, "Is it funny? Mr. Chu?"

"Is I laughing? General An, are you wrong?" Mouyu turned his head and said to the three girls on the table, "You said yes, right? Little Coke?"

Little Coke slapped his little head violently, and An Xiaoxiao, who laughed into a ball, said extremely cooperatively, "Well, we didn't laugh - we didn't smile - hee-he-" and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's hard to imagine that the majestic general who commands thousands of troops on the battlefield will be afraid of a delicate girl and a small pill -" The quiet girl in Los Angeles expressed her heartfelt emotion.

"Change the topic." A wild man said to An Xiaorao, who had completed the task and was about to leave, "Rao, go and invite Xiao Jinlian and Aunt Sha Li over."

After An Xiaorao's beautiful back disappeared from sight, An Xiaoming said unevenly, "Dad, we have so many sisters, why are you cold to Xiaorao alone?"

"That's it, that's it." An Xiaole helped.

At the first level, An Dongye turned coldly and asked Mr. Chu Yu, "I have some idle funds now, and it's useless to put them away; Dongye wants to open a '*' with the help of the network of the Chu brothers' consortium in 'Huadu'. I don't know if Chu is willing to help?"

"At the request of Brother Higashino, naturally there is no problem." Chu Yu, who was mentioned with interest, smiled and said, "I just don't know how can I think of investing in the mall with Dongye's current status? Isn't it about understanding the idea of returning to the field?

"Brother Chu doesn't know anything." At the first level, the general said, "The official career is sinister, and you are like a tiger. With Dongye's casual personality, it will lead to murder anytime and anywhere. I always have to find a way out for the children-"

While talking, the amorous beaver and the sweet and lovely Xiaojin * girl stepped in front and back. After restraining the guests on the seat as a courtesy, the former said with soft sound quality: "The general called the concubine mother and daughter, but what do you have any orders?"

"I dare not. A family, sister, there is no need to be courteous. At the first level, the general hurriedly replied, "Brother intends to open an entertainment place in 'Huadu' with Mr. Chu. As the secret landing point of our wolves there, I want to give it to your mother to take care of-"

"Good things are good-" The beautiful woman's beaver covered up the excitement in her eyes and pretended to be muttered: "I'm afraid that my concubine's eyes are clumsy - I can't do it-"

"It makes sense that I chose you and the Chu caravan to go back to Beijing to be responsible for the store." Antonye held Xiaojinlian in his arms and said in a heavy tone, "On the first, the journey is dangerous. My sister and Kunlian's baby are not familiar with martial arts, and it is not safe to follow the army. Second, your mother and daughter are new faces in the wolf pack, which is not easy to attract the attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the police department, and it is also convenient for us to act in the future. As for the store business, only Brother Chu has to pay more attention.

"Don't worry about this." Mr. Chuyu laughed and said, "For the location of the store, decoration, license approval of relevant government departments, manpower recruitment, equipment introduction and project design, and early advertising, I will ask the schoolgirls in Los Angeles to help them do it one by one."

"That's great!" Xiaojinlian clapped her little hand and said happily, "Little Dad, so what's the name of our store?"

At the first level of Antonye, the general pondered for a moment and whispered, "Just call it 'Liangcheng Inn'!"


Gradually far away, the Chu family business team took away the back of Xiaojin, who was sitting behind his mother's ride and frequently wading, until the haze in the distance flooded the whole caravan.

At the first level of Andongye's hand, which will stay in mid-air, was put down in a low mood for a long time. When he turned around, his eyes were already tearful.

"Brother, the air alert Ulanos has just sent back the enemy's report. In the southeast and south, there are no less than 150,000 cavalry mobile troops coming to the wolves. An Xiaopan, who is guarded on the periphery, sent a signal asking if he had retreated according to the original plan and route?" Brigadier General Youdong's words made An Dongye come out of the sorrow of separation and said with a wry smile:

"Let everyone know that if you don't want to be made dumplings, run as fast as you can!"