Wolf Empire

0155 Zhu Luo, who is drunk and dreamed of death, has always been lonely

The aircraft landed slowly under the guidance of the ground lights at the central airport.

It's already past the early morning, and the sky in the east even showed a touch of fish belly white early. The officials of the Holy See who received the news of the Prime Minister's return to Beijing, under the leadership of military marshals and police leaders, yawned sleepily at the entrance.

Marshal Tang Shu and Yuanbei Gu, who stood at the forefront of the welcome line, have always been well known, but at this moment, the members of the Holy See were surprised to find that these two sworn rivals are standing together and whispering something; obviously, they now need to use each other's strength to fight against the other. The great man's coming anger.

The plane finally settled down, and the solemn minister, the Cardinal Archbishop Nalan Ruochu, stepped down the gangway. Tang and Yuan hurriedly trotted to help the old man with a smile on their faces. The latter angrily refused the kindness of the two colleagues and shouted, "In the morning today, I will submit my resignation to His Majesty the Pope and tell him to return home. It's all about the tossing of both of you."

Tang and Yuan were shocked and felt bad. Their instantly exchanged eyes unified each other's positions and must not let this old stubborn resign: Judging from the current situation of the Holy See, Nalan, who did not master his own force, mastered the system and diplomatic neighbors of the Holy See, which are more important than force. The eight provinces of the Holy See, government affairs and legal affairs are firmly in the hands of Nalan and his proud son. Among the two provinces of foreign affairs and finance named by Prince Huodu and Prince Wang Lei, there are important positions such as secondary ministers and officials with actual power. All of them are under the control of Nalan's first series of officials. In other words, By the way, half of the resources of the eight provinces are owned by Nalan, whose family and former officials are all over the world.

In terms of this vicissitudes trip, without the active efforts and the promotion of the elderly Nalan, the foreign operations such as marriage, alliances, loans, military assistance, etc. could not have been so smooth. There is another point that the two adults must consider, because of the deliberate support of Pope Mufeng, recently The power of the church, which is gradually ignored, has risen. According to internal rumors in the court, another proud disciple of Nalan, Cardinal Zhuluo, is most likely to be selected as one of the two shaman sama. For a religious country that believes in shamans, the power of the church must not be underestimated. With Zhuluo's vocation, Nalan's defiant The position is unprecedented.

"Brother Nalan, you are the cornerstone of the imperial dynasty and the backbone of the Holy See. Can't you give up? The Holy See and the young Pope can't live without you. What can you do if you leave me and Lao Yuan? Marshal Tang Shu, the military minister, pulled his brother's sleeve and smiled brazenly.

"Yes, yes, the three of us have been old friends for many years. If there is anything, we can discuss it slowly. It's me and Tang Shuai to expand the army privately, isn't it? The old brother scolded us, but we can't just leave." The insidious tone of the leader Yuan Beigu, the Minister of the Interior, immediately echoed with a smile.

"It's okay if you don't let me go, but I have a condition." After reading it and listening to the two, the old man Nalan said with a serious face: "You must have read the copy of the agreement signed by the Holy See and the Empire through the newspaper. The Musashi royal family asked our Holy See to send no less than three troops to cooperate with the imperial army to launch a large-scale battle in the 'Wolf City'. This will mobilize nearly one-third of the combat strength of our Holy See. I propose to restore the idle Andongye official and urgently mobilize the Fourth Army under his command. In addition, the independent brigades and direct guard divisions of various departments of wolves, there are barely ten divisions. It can be regarded as roughly in line with the requirements of the 'Canglang Empire'.

Looking at the way Tang and Yuan had something to say, the old man Nalan raised his hand to indicate that he had not finished speaking, and added in an aggravated tone: "The imperial ministers highly respect General Antonye's achievements and let Andongye lead overseas, which is also the high expression of the Canglang royal family."

Marshal Tang Shu also did not have much objections, but another person raised doubts: "Although this boy is decisive and capable of killing, this man has always been unruly. If he is far away from the army, he is far away. I'm afraid it's not easy to control if you go to a foreign country.

"Ha ha, it's not difficult." The old man Nalan took a step back and said, "In addition to the original armed police independent brigade of the wolf army, Lord Yuan can also send a regular police combat division to set out with the expeditionary army to monitor and control Andongye's every move overseas to prevent any changes."

The other party has said this, and the police leader had to smile and say no more. He silently thought about which armed police division could be qualified for the difficult task of this overseas collaborative operation.

The three big men finally finished the conversation and saw that the atmosphere between the three was good. They were secretly relieved to wait for the ministers in the distance. At this time, the members of the mission on the plane had already gone down the gang ladder one after another and hugged their relatives and friends who met at the airport and met again for a long time.

"Dongdong, I'm here." When An Dongye and others came down from the gangway, they saw the fish girl leading the sand beaver and Anjin * girl waiting on the periphery of the crowd. Seeing Nai Di's figure, the missing fish had jumped up and shouted loudly.

After hugging his relatives, Antonye had to face the embarrassment of the introduction of the three "Mrs. Ru" who closely followed him. Under the slightly majestic gaze of Sister Nai, he was cowardly for a long time and did not say a word. On the contrary, the exquisite feather came out of the elder brother and said, "Sister Yu, Aunt Li, these three The young lady from Canglang is the sister-in-law of her brother Xinna.

Ah? Oh, hello, three aunts." Xiaojinlian bowed in panic and doubt, and her beautiful eyes blinked and blinked.

"Are you a love? I often hear your father praise you for being clever and sensible in front of our sisters. She is indeed a beautiful girl who is loved by everyone. Yui Asano, who is suitable as the representative of the three sisters with a gentle and kind personality, kindly came forward to hold Anjin's little hand, brought her a string of exquisite and beautiful bead chains, and said with a smile:

"This gadget was given to the baby by the aunts. It's not worth much money. It's only more than 10,000 gold coins, Yixue, Dudu and five young masters. Six young masters have gifts, and everyone has a share.

Yuyi Asano is exquisite and comprehensive, which makes An Xiaoyu, An Ziran and other children extremely happy. Miss Yuyu looked at her coldly and just said to Naidi faintly, "When I finish the task to the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' and have time to visit the 'Accounting Department' of the Military Department, I have something to say to you." After saying that, he left alone indifferently.

"Husband, why doesn't my sister seem to be happy to see us?" Chiyo Jiyong affectionately put his arms around a wild neck in public.

"Of course you won't be happy, idiot woman." Anton's ambition broke away the jade arm wrapped around his shoulder. Without looking at the murderous eyes ejected by Kudo Meixun next to him, he walked directly to a drunken archbishop standing alone in the crowd and laughed, "Isn't Lord Pigfoot coming to pick me up so kindly?"

Zhu Luo looked at her cousin Countess Rong Die, who boarded the special car of the marshal's mansion in the distance, and said with a wry smile, "What's wrong with Sister Yuyu? I just saw her unhappy face at the gate of the square, and I didn't care if I greeted her-"

"That silly sister probably thought I had forgotten my sister when I married my wife-" When Antonye was chatting with his wine friend, Tang Feng looked around and looked for it:

"Cloud, why are you still here? I've been looking for you for a long time. The car of the marshal's mansion is waiting for you and your three brothers and sisters outside.

Seeing that the wine friends were going to reunite with their families, Zhu Luozhiqi withdrew from the atmosphere of talking with the Tang brothers, pulled up your old friends Youdong and Yuqi, who had not seen for a long time, and went back to the "Liangcheng Inn" for a drink on the grounds that they were about to celebrate his upcoming promotion to become a shaman.

- Zhu Luo, who is drunk every day, has always been lonely.

After assisting Bai Yecan and other pro-guards to send the armored chariot parts and military drawings to the warehouse of the military factory, Lin Mo will be stationed in the camp designated by the military headquarters; for the parts and two engineers of the "flying" armored fighting vehicles, An Xiaoyu gave Bai Yecan's explanation was that it was lost in the exile area, and the latter believed that it was true and reported it.

Because she was too obsessed with sleeping, Xiaodu borrowed a cat from An Yixue's hand. As soon as the two female dolls turned around, they disappeared, thinking that they would go to the "Biluo" headquarters to meet An Tingting, Yanli and An Fuqi.

The ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law. Andongye is in a complicated mood with three fiancees. Accompanied by his brother Tang Feng, he got on the military car of the marshal's mansion. The driver was a shrewd young man, with a regular military uniform and three stars on the epaulettes, two ranks higher than a certain field.

"Cloud, do you remember him? Uncle Nu's son Tang Yi Geng, the black boy we used to dig bird eggs together in winter, is now amazing. He is the new commander of the New Seventh Army appointed by his father. Tang Feng, who sat behind his brother, laughed.

"The young master joked. It was not the promotion of the master, so there was a change of today's creation." Tang Yi, who was driving, smiled more respectfully and politely, "The young master was still young at that time, so he probably didn't remember."

After a failed search, Tang, the general manager of Duomeng, couldn't help asking, "Why haven't you seen Uncle Angrily?" The last time I returned to Beijing with the prince, I didn't see him in the marshal's mansion?"