Wolf Empire


"Uncle Nu returned to our family's fief 'Tang County' as a few years ago as the county guard, taking care of the land and affairs of the county for his father." Tang Feng said with heartfelt admiration, "Our father often said that accompanying you is like a tiger, and your officialdom is impermanent, and we should leave a way out for our children and grandchildren. If you let Uncle Nu concentrate on taking care of the fief, there is a trick."

While talking, the car has driven into the "Pangyan Avenue" on the left side of the "Zhaoyuan Street" and stopped in front of the majestic and magnificent "Marshal's Mansion". The young and capable commander Tang Yigeng quickly got out of the car and opened the door for the two young masters in person. There was a plump young woman with a beautiful and big belly. Lead a large group of maids and women to wait under the rain table.

"Welcome home." The plump young woman in gorgeous clothes restrained a salute and said generously, "The three brothers and sisters are watery one by one, and they have suddenly lost the limelight of me as a sister-in-law."

"Since Madam is pregnant, she should not come out to see the wind. Yundi is not an outsider." Tang Feng came forward to hold the young woman's hand without blame, turned around and introduced to his brother and three prospective siblings, "Belle Haiyan is the sister of Countess Sun Yabin."

"It turned out to be Song Haifen's sow's sister, but she is not as stupid and fat as his sister, very neat." Anton thought ambitiously and said politely, "Your sister-in-law is modest. You are born as a lady. They are young and have poor etiquette. My sister-in-law only disciplines you."

"The gifts for my sister-in-law, the master and several wives are all in the trunk of the car, a little bit of local specialties, just to express the feelings of the stupid sisters." Yui Asano greeted the other two sisters politely.

Everyone came to the living room politely. The family banquet had been set up. Antonye hesitated slightly. At the sign of Tang Feng, he made a non-nonsical military salute to the elder who sat at the head and looked forward to it, and whispered, "Tang Shuai."

Tang Shu's facial expression seemed to be stung by the tip of the needle, and finally said in a lost voice: "You finally refused to call me 'Daddy'-"

Nalan Ruoxue, the cold and majestic marshal's wife sitting next to her, snorted slightly and said, "He Pinyu's bitch is the same virtue!"

Seeing that his father-in-law was provoked resentment by the fierce and tricky "mother-in-law", the considerate Yui Asano immediately took Meixun and Chiyo's hand and knelt down and said, "My daughter-in-law said goodbye to my father and aunt."

"Good boy, they are all good. They are worthy of being a noble lady. There are rules. Haiyan, give a big red envelope to each of the three young grandmothers." Tang Shu was in a slightly better mood and ordered his eldest daughter-in-law Song Haiyan, who answered respectfully.

The family sat down according to the generations. Marshal Tang Shu, the head of the family, sat in the main position. His wife Nalan Ruoxue sat on his left head, and the count butterfly dancer in the outer room faintly covered the grand lady's momentum and sat on Tang Shuai's right head. Antonye sat at the long table with three beautiful concubines, opposite his brothers and sisters-in-law Tang Feng and Song. Haiyan and his wife and Tang Shuai's nephew Tang Yi were accompanied by them. The whole family sat together, and it seemed to be a rare happy family.

During the banquet, the Countess of Butterfly Dancer said, "Sir, my family hasn't been so lively for a long time. It's rare for the two young masters to go home together, and the concubine suggested that we raise our glasses together and drink a toast.

Except for the pregnant young grandmother Song Haiyan, who replaced it with a drink, the rest of the younger generation got up and clinked glasses with the elders and drank a full cup. Tang Shu, who was in a good mood, couldn't help but be greedy for a few more cups. He thought of the three foreign daughters-in-law with a little drunken and said, "This stinky boy in my family is really too indifference. I haven't disciplined him well since I was a child. How can marriage be a joke? As soon as the war was over, our Tang family immediately prepared a generous gift to the three in-laws of Asano, Kudo and Jiyong. The Ming media was getting married, and they raised the sedan chairs to welcome the three virtuous daughters-in-law into the gate of my Tang family.

Yui Asano bowed and said, "It's all up to your father-in-law to make the decision."

Rong Diewu said happily: "I heard that my uncle Nalan strongly recommended the second young master to resume his position and serve as the commander of the overseas expeditionary force. In addition, the third army of the young master stationed in 'Galo' and his nephew were in the new seventh army in 'Tang County'. Half of the army of the Holy See is in our Tang family, Tang family. Men Sanjie, congratulations, my lord.

"Xiaowu said it well!" Tang Shu ignored the depressed and angry eyes of Mrs. Nalan, the left head, and took advantage of the wine to hold the butterfly dance in his arms and taught the three juniors a lesson: "Feng'er, now that Haiyan is pregnant, you are also a person who is about to be a father. It's better to restrain those romantic affairs outside (a young master opened Start bowing her head to pick up rice); Yuner, you placed in the sand woman named Sha Zhi in the 'Liangcheng Inn'. I heard that she is pregnant with your child. Although she is from a humble background and is a widow, after all, she is pregnant with the bones and blood of our Tang family. She can't neglect her. She will ask your sister-in-law to take her into the house tomorrow. She has a reputation (a young master began to bow his head and pick up rice); first update, you are not young, and it's time to start a family and start a business. If your father is not in front of you, I have the responsibility to find a big daughter for you. How did I hear that your boy has been running to the 'Zhu Qier tailor' in the front street recently (a nephew began to bow his head and pick up rice) )-”

"Master, you are drunk." Mrs. Nalan worked with the little concubine Er Cui to help the drunken old man back to rest. Antonye was about to get up and leave, and was insisted on being left behind by her brother and sister-in-law. Song Haiyan, the young lady, carefully prepared a clean and quiet comfortable room for the four of the young couple to rest, and ordered the servants to light incense and prepare a bath. Tang smiled mischievously at his younger brother and withdrew with his little mouth covered.

For the three beautiful concubines who are already familiar with men and women, they carefully served their husbands to take a bath and go to bed. When Yui Asano proposed to visit the sand pheasant inn together, Higashino's indifferent eyes reflected the grimness that was colder than the North Star-

That night, the warbler's throat sounded, the pear blossoms rained, the fall red and colorful, and the spring light was infinite-


In the dawn of the morning, a group of people talked and laughed out of the marshal's mansion and turned around the Shaman Cathedral. A black police car was waiting quietly under the protection of more than a dozen major police officers.

Seeing Andongye coming from afar, a female brigadier police officer came forward to salute. Although it was the same color of the same style*, the other party was still unique with a white bone skeleton logo and coat of arms.

"Mr. Higashino, the leader would like to ask you to speak." Brigadier An Shuier, the captain of the third column of the secret police, is already an old friend.

Andono stopped to look and was slightly stunned to find that Yuanbei Gu, the leader of the police force, was waving to him from behind the window to get on the car.

"Be careful, brother of the front teeth." He came to the marshal's mansion to welcome his brother's feathers. At the latter's signal, the three unknown little sisters-in-law went to a gazebo on the street to have a rest.

After calming down, Antonye boarded the police leader's car and saluted the upper man, "Long time no see, my lord, I should have been to visit you first. What can I do?"

"Tang Shuai is thirsty and loves soldiers like a son. I understand this." Although through various signs, the swornmaid has an unusual relationship with the stinky boy in front of him, the strict family law and ethnic rules of Tang Shuai Mansion still make the pervasive secret police not get more information.

"This old bastard." Anton cursed secretly in his ambition.

"General Antonye, what do you think of the Holy See's decision to serve as the commander of the Overseas Expeditionary Corps?" Yuan Zai took out a cigar from the cigarette box and asked casually.

Andongye quickly took out the fire machine to light cigarettes for the superiors and replied respectfully, "I will be loyal to the great Pope and Lord Yuan. I should try my best and dare not slack off at all."

This official answer obviously could not satisfy the police leader. Suddenly, his words turned around: "I think the strength of your fourth army and affiliated brigades is still a little insufficient! How about I put the three newly formed divisions of the Sixth Army of the Armed Police and the 604 Armed Police Division of the 'Haoyue' Front Army under your command?

In a negotiable tone, there is no doubt that the four reorganization divisions, coupled with the original independent armed police brigade of the wolf system, this armed police force of nearly two armies of 100,000 people, was placed in his own expeditionary force, and the intention of a minister was already very explicit; once Antonno objected, he returned to the mountain. It is hoped that he will inevitably be defeated by the opposition of the police leader. Antonye responded without any hesitation: "

"It's great, my lord. The combat strength of the armed police is far above that of the regular legion. I have a deep understanding of the generals when fighting against the Sha people in Mobei. With the strong addition of four armed police brigades, the expeditionary force can be said to be a tiger with wings."

Yuanbeigu looked at his subordinates with a smile and said, "You can think so, that's the best."

Andongye politely asked, "I wonder if I can recommend a police officer to command the three new armed police divisions in the future?"

"Texit about it." Yuan Beigu raised his eyebrows.

An Dongye further said tentatively: " Brigadier General An Zitong has always been loyal to the leader. He is indeed a rare wizard, so please open up-

"Well, I will consider it." The police leader ended the conversation with an ambiguous answer.

Looking at the leader's car, An Dongye, who was left behind, blurted out without respect before the four women under the pavilion: "Old dog, if you want to control me, I will make you regret the decision made today in the future!"