Wolf Empire

0169 Do you remember Dorozha's mother?

Obviously, Grand Duke Kudo, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, does not fully trust or even guard the wolves and the Chamber of Commerce. After Prince Musashi Fuji led the departure of the first army to attack the territory of Shura, the Duke of Kudo made detailed regulations on the deployment of various troops under the "Wolf Capital".

The nearly 800,000 imperial army occupied the front battlefield of the "Wolf Capital" with an absolute combat power advantage, drawing a circular arc front to the two wings with this as the center. Your Excellency the commander camped around his own battalion with the high loyalty of the Thunder War Dwarf and the Moon Spirit Elf Warriors, and the other four small countries in the southwest once again, and the wolf The teams of the group and the Chamber of Commerce were arranged at the farthest outer ends of themselves; in terms of the circular camp, this ingenious arrangement made the two ulterior ulterior armies get close together.

After the troops were stationed, the first thing General Andongye did was to make an appointment with Leng Ruoxhuang, the commander of the commercial alliance near the camp, and each with a team of guard knights to the dangerous area closest to the "wolf capital" city defense to observe the enemy situation.

"Under the harsh circumstances of no food and fodder inside and no reinforcements outside, with 300,000 remnants, we can protect the lonely city without losing an inch of soil for a year. The 'King of Heaven' is Pishamon, a talent for thousands of years!" Putting down the telescope in his hand, Antonye expressed his heartfelt admiration.

"Miss Tianyi has left for the 'ghost sad' Strait to prepare everything, and our 'beheading' operation needs to be done in advance." Leng Ruoxhuang shrugged his eyebrows.

"We must try to get in touch with the Shura people in the city, Yuqi girl, forehead-" habitually called the girl's name, and Dongye remembered that the Yuqi girl was not around.

"Won, are you doing well? You must succeed." Antonye pointed his finger in the direction of the map unfolded by An Zichen, which was Rasha City, the capital of the powerful "Shura Empire" in the northeast.


At this moment, the huge Shura Emperor's palaces in Rasha City are immersed in a strange and depressing atmosphere.

The courtiers have not seen Shura the Great go to court for half a year, and the guards of the palace have unconsciously changed to the strange faces of the Western army wearing the sign of the divine snake.

The explanation given by the "Guangmu Tianwang" Prince Liubocha was that his father Emperor Shura was infected with a malignant disease and could not summon his subjects. For the sake of safety, he transferred his army to guard the safety of the palace.

No one dares to be presumptuous enough to doubt the words of Prince Liu Bocha. Since last year's "Wolf Capital" jihad, the great Duke of Shinnaro, who was appointed as the heir to the throne, was stabbed to death by the shaman Andongye on the battlefield, the second prince with a quarter of the country's elite troops has become a well-decent crown prince in people's minds. Candidate.

And tonight, in the deep palace corridor, in the bright and dark oily light, two figures were walking one after the other. An old servant in front of them obviously led the way for the narrow-faced, blonde and beautiful teenager behind.

"Mr. Dorozha, please come with me. I will be in the emperor's dormitory soon." The stooped old servant walked in front of him. After a long time, the two stood in front of a secret door.

The old servant carefully looked at the movement in the exit room and turned on a switch after confirming the safety. A slight sound shocked a restless Shura swordsman in the room.

"Is that you? Arthur?" The untidy Shura swordsman asked vigilantly.

"Yes, Lord Astro, Lord Dorozha is behind me." The old servant Arthur said excitedly.

"Great, General Dorozha, the emperor has been waiting for you." Shura swordsman Astro led the silent teenager to the gorgeously decorated palace bed with joy, and whispered to the skinny owner who was deeply trapped in **'s eyes;

"Emperor, the person you want to see is here."

Emperor Shura tried his best to get up from **. This once invincible mainland hegemon, known for his bravery and good at fighting, has reached a dying situation. The crown prince died in the battle, and the most elite army of more than 300,000 northern army were trapped in the "wolf capital". A series of heavy-bearing blows made his body worse. However, under these superficial crises, a larger conspiracy caused by the second son Liu Bocha is also slowly becoming a reality.

As the king of a country, Emperor Shura is naturally not willing to destroy the great foundation he has worked hard for, so at this time, he remembered his disgraced son and Dorozha born on the bank of the Shura River.

"Is Dorozha here? My child." Unusual calls came from the mouth of the emperor, but received a cold response:

"My minister, the outgoing commander of the Eastern Army, and Dorozha met the emperor."

Because the protection of the crown prince and the Grand Duke of Nararo in the jihad was not conducive to being exempted from the military office, and after the restoration, he was left to slander the power. He retreated to the side without saying a word after salute.

"My son, are you still unwilling to forgive your father?" The emperor's words were full of sadness, which also finally confirmed a rumor in the palace over the years.

- As a young student in white, Dorozha became a feudal official with military power. In addition to his own ability and progress, it is more due to the guilt and compensation of Shura the Great for this disgraceful illegitimate child born with *; and his enthusiasm for a wishful father, he has always been It's all in exchange for my son's indifference and indifference.

"Distinguished emperor, you have recruited ministers to enter the palace secretly. I think it's just to catch up with the past." Dorozha remained calm and self-retained for the guilt and expectation of his sick father.

Looking at his indifferent bone and blood, Emperor Shura could only lament the bitter fruit he planted--

——19 years ago, when the emperor traveled around the folk, he fell in love with a private prostitute on the bank of the Shura River. After a night of romantic affairs, he planted dragon seeds. The illegitimate son got the invisible favor of the emperor and became a young general star that quickly rose in the empire. In order to improve his identity and integrate it into the aristocratic society, the emperor ignored the opposition of the ministers and inherited the name of a great noble family that had been cut off from his blood. However, all his good intentions have never been forgiven by his son.

Coincidentally, Dorozha may be the Antonye of the "Sura Empire". The same fate makes two young people with the same ambitions and military wizards walk together for their goals; too similar personalities and ambitions make the alliance Friends have become sworn enemies again.

"My son, I dare not ask for your forgiveness, but you are my son and a descendant of the great Asura. Your father is almost limited. At the critical moment of the survival of the empire, you must stand up and bear your responsibility." Emperor Shura said with great excitement.

A cold smile appeared in Dorozha's mouth. He carefully covered up his contempt and listened to the emperor's words and said, "Emperor, please don't say such frightening words. According to the orthodox imperial succession system, Prince Liubocha is your legitimate heir."

When mentioning a prince's name, he deliberately paused, and as expected, the emperor roared loudly: "Don't put the beast in front of me, house arrest his biological father, **, the chaotic mother concubine, obstruct the reinforcements, and watch the 300,000 elite soldiers of the 'wolf capital' die. This evil son has become crazy and reduced to the devil, such as If he sits on the throne of God, the whole empire will perish-"

Because of his excitement, the emperor made a fierce and rapid cough. Arthur, a loyal old servant, hurried to visit him. When the snow-white handkerchief left the emperor*, the bright red blood phlegm was shocking.

Dorozha said coldly, "I'm just a useless person without soldiers and no power. What can I do?"

"You must not hand over the throne to the evil barrier of the prisoner father*. The father has written the imperial edict and the Asura scepter. You take it away together and gather the nobles to fight against rebellion." After taking a long breath, Emperor Shura's face turned red and shouted:

"My child, please do everything! Hurry up! Hurry up! Save the wolf, the wolf, the wolf-"

Emperor Shura shouted three "Wolf Capital", and his hand in the northeast became the last fixed picture in the blurred vision of Dorozha, Arthur and Captain Astro.

With a "bang", the heavy bedroom door bounced away under the push of external forces, and a team of heavily armed snake soldiers followed the current actual owner of the palace to break into the noble emperor's bedroom.

Prince Liubo, the general commander of the Western Army Group of the Shura Empire, walked to his father's bed for a long time and did not salute according to his son's etiquette. He didn't even care about the anger in the eyes of Astro and Arthur.

Dorozha, who was not affected by the sudden change at all, once again knelt down in front of the emperor's dragon bed with the most solemn etiquette and said in the slightest voice, "Father, this is the first and last time I have called you. When you abandoned my poor mother, why didn't you think that I would abandon you? You are waiting to watch the play in front of the Asura Throne! Hahaha."

He took the imperial edict from the old servant Arthur's heir to the throne. Prince Liu Bocha, the king of Guangmu, tore it tore it to pieces and roared at the divine snake guard behind him, "Come on, put our disgraceful Prince Dorozha, together with these two dog slaves, in prison!"