Wolf Empire

0170 The wall rider dies

"Wo, O, O-"

The sound of solid footsteps hit by the army * boots embedded with iron palms and the hard slate ground, like the legendary Asura curse, made them crooked at the gate of the city. The exhausted northern army groups tried their best to stand up their weak bodies.

Although the soldiers' arms trembled with hunger and weakness, and although the generals' broken armor was full of blood and scars, no one would question the rock-solid pride on the faces of these northern army generals and their loyalty to their supreme commander, the "King of Heaven" Bishamon.

The white-haired handsome man meticulously saluted every soldier who followed him to fight thousands of miles and experienced the test of life and death. Bishamen, the oldest military predecessor of the "Shur Empire", the dean of the Royal Military Academy of "Asura", sent a large number of excellent intermediate military commanders and the emperor's father-in-law for the imperial armed forces. In his prime, he assisted his son-law Shura the Great to conquer the four directions and made countless contributions. He was famous and the cornerstone of the country. .

A few years ago, the "Wind Wing Kingdom" of the subordinate country died, and the Shura Kingdom directly faced the sword of the Canglang people. Among the four heavenly kings who protected the country, Dorozha, who had royal blood, and the Western Heavenly King Liu Bocha fought with each other as the throne. Pi Liuli, the king of the southern sky, passively avoided war, and the national disaster was facing the face of the Northern Heavenly King Pishamen, who should have taken care of his grandson. The old coach stood up and put on his armor again to serve the country.

In order to fight against the palace forces of the eldest daughter of the eldest concubine of Pishamen, the Western Heavenly King Liu Bocha, who was responsible for logistical support, deliberately delayed the payment of food and salary, so that the front army was defeated and retreated all the way to the "wolf capital" with the remnants of the kingdom.

In the past year, more than 300,000 army soldiers and more than 30,000 remnants of the wind wing country, plus about 600,000 residents of all ethnic groups in the wolf capital, ate almost everything they could eat, bark, weeds, mice--and even in the end, residents began to cook, dig houses to cook corpses, and starve all over the city. , it's unbearable.

"Teacher, have you noticed that there is something wrong with the vicissitudes recently?" Chang'an, the general staff officer of the beautiful army group on the observation post, cracked her lips and said hesitantly.

An Yusheng and Pi Liuli, the king of the Southern Heaven, are also outstanding figures among the past students of the old commander of Bishamen. Many mainland war history scholars compare them with Zhu Luo and Gong Ziming, the two gates of the shamanic Prime Minister Nalan Ruochu.

"Well, those mysterious black knights have come again. It's been five consecutive mornings." The old commander of Bishamen looked into the distance and saw another team of knights in black military uniforms that they had never seen before, observing the city defense at a very close distance.

Bishamen has never seen such a black uniform, but he is sure that it is not a new military uniform of his dead opponent "Canglang Empire" army. For the vicissitudes of the sea, the blue of the ocean is almost dissolved into their blood and is immutable.

"It is not surprising that there will be other countries that help the war in the camp of the Canglang Army." The old handsome and disdainful sneer just sounded. A letter with a wolf's tooth and a sharp arrow shot into the tower by a thin young man in the center of the black knight group under the city building and a tall knight with a bronze mask, nailed it straight to the city stack and entered the stone!

"With such a long distance and such a high range, there is such a strong arm force! That Kamen Rider is really powerful!" Chang'an, the general staff officer of the army group, looked at the shadow of the dead dust and praised it.

The old coach of Bishamen opened the letter and read it silently:

"Dear King Pishamen Junjian: Tonight, Dongye will ride into the city alone to meet and discuss secrets. Enemies and friends are all in your mind. I hope each takes the country as its mind, which is related to secrets. Remember and remember.

————An Dongye, the general of the shaman's Holy See, and An Tianyi, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce.

The old coach of Bishamen and Aichang An Yusheng quickly exchanged eyes and nodded cautiously and nervously.

- Just when His Royal Highness Prince Musashi Fuji of the "Cang Empire" led a million imperial army and quickly advanced to the territory of the "Sura Empire" in the northeast continent with the desire for military achievements and the dream of winning immortal martial arts, no one would have thought that a three parties of the wolves and the "Tianyi Commercial League" and the Shura Northern Army, one A huge net woven with the same weave is silently pulling open-


"Who is it?!" In the night, Youdong shouted violently. The cold and lonely beautiful face of the commander of the "Tianyi Commercial League" mercenary regiment has been reflected in the eyes of General Antonye.

At the joint motion of the two generals, the wolves and the guards of the Chamber of Commerce retreated at the same time. After a moment of silence, Leng Ruoxhuang smiled bitterly:

"The situation is similar to what Miss Tianyi expected. I have contacted the other nine mercenary regiment leaders of the commercial alliance. Half of them think that the general trend of the commercial alliance has gone and should be closer to the Musashi royal family. Two of them are in an indifferent neutral attitude. Only I and the other two mercenary regiment chiefs are determined to be loyal. Miss League Leader. It seems that things are worse than we thought.

"This kind of wall grass is not eradicated in time, and the future will be endless." Antonye's murder suddenly appeared and said, "Have you brought the list of those five people?"

"Hmm." Leng Ruoxhuang handed over a piece of paper with five names written on it.

General Andongye, who took over the list, didn't look at it, so he casually threw a piece of paper to the "undead handsome" rain stone, who took a picture of himself in the mirror behind him, and said coldly, "Two hundred gold coins for a person, treat it as normally as possible."

"Okay, I'm very willing to help."

With a lazy response from a certain stone, his figure has disappeared in the room. The undead knights he leads will use the most normal cause of death to mark the rest of life for the five dissented mercenary regiment leaders of the commercial alliance in a very short time.

-Mercenary commander A was stuck by a fish bone while eating supper and died on the spot;

-Mercenary regiment commander B went to the toilet in the middle of the night, fell into the cesspit, was not rescued in time, and was choked to death by dung soup;

-Mercenary regiment leader C accidentally fell into the bathtub while taking a shower, called for help, and drowned in the water;

-Ding, the commander of the mercenary regiment, rode a horse and lost his front hoof, fell into the gutter and died;

- When the mercenary regiment commander Wu wiped his beloved*, he unexpectedly touched the trigger and blew his head.

In less than half an hour, the five majestic mercenary leaders all died inexplicably under the strange method of the undead hell knight without warning, while the "dead evil handsome" rain stone strolled back to the Wolf King and continued to manicure as if nothing had happened.

"You can arrange a confidant to replace these dead people, Ruo Shuang. At the fastest speed!" After Anton took out a thousand silver tickets and hit a stone with the expression of a profiteer, he said in a low voice: "Start the next step of the 'beheading plan'."

The sound of hoofs, two fast horses carrying Andongye and cold frost disappeared into the frosty night -


"Hasn't the guests arrived on time?"

The inquiry of the old coach of Bishamen, who turned his body from the window, was confirmed by the students' disappointment.

"Continue to wait until Antonye appears." The resolute voice of the old commander of Pishamon echoed in the room.

"Teacher, the time has passed, and the students think that the shaman is unlikely to come; betraying the Allies and smuggling the enemy is a death crime of raiding the family and destroying the nine clans. Isn't the other party afraid of the punishment of the Shaman Pope?" The opinion of Chief of Staff An Yusheng was recognized by most Northern Army officers in the room.

"No! Antonno will definitely come! This person is a person who does great things. Since his appearance, he has been constantly creating miracles. The old man of Bishamen insisted on his own opinion.

When everyone gathered their eyes at the door again, the guard's report sounded at the right time: "King of Heaven, the 'Tianyi Business League' represents Miss Leng Ruoxhuang outside to see you."

The old handsome man of Bishamen was slightly stunned and motioned to come in. The leader of the two middle school who walked into the room was the cold and lonely business alliance beauty Leng Ruoshuang. Behind him was a young man in black with a cloak. Just when the northern army officers mistakenly thought that he was a follower of Miss Leng Ruoshuang, the young man in black did not wait for the old handsome of Bishamen. After getting up from his seat to say hello, he limmed forward and said, "Hello, Mr. King, the younger wolves are in Dongye."

With the lifting of the black cloak and cloak, a delicate black silver-edged military uniform appeared in front of the officers of the Northern Army. Facing the eyes, the young man in this military uniform looked up with an overly weak and white face and looked directly at the old coach of Vishamen in front of him.

After taking a deep breath, the old commander of Pishamon, the king of the north regained his composure, waved his hand to retreat from his subordinates except An Yusheng, and said, "Tect your plan, General Andongye."

Using respectful words for a younger generation, the old man of Vishamen certainly hopes to hear is not a lie. Fortunately, General Antonye was not hypocritical and polite. He said bluntly, "King, time is urgent, so Dongye won't talk nonsense. We intend to let go of a living for your army. I don't know what the old man's intention?"

An Yusheng looked at the smiling general of the wolves with shocked eyes, and too much surprise had made the Shura Gaoshen lose his ability to speak. The recovered old man of Bishamen said with skepticism in joy, "Why should I believe your words?"

"You don't have time to doubt, Your Majesty. There has been civil strife in your country, and 'Rasha City' is no longer under the control of your son-in-law, Emperor Shura. Antonye said coldly.

"Nonsense!" An Yusheng scolded angrily.

Bishamen said in an old voice, "No, Shengsheng, let him continue to talk."