Wolf Empire

0179 Be kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself


With a gunshot, another body fell to the ground.

An Yinger, the "Blood Legion", tied her fiery red hair casually with a red hairband. She likes red and longs for blood more.

The fierce gendarmes threatened the remaining imperial prisoners with pistols. At the soft cough, the appearance of the general's figure made the most fierce soldiers at the scene of the massacre straighten their waists.

"Report to Dad, during the mine detection process, we captured a small group of imperial soldiers at the intersection and are being interrogated." The enchanting and fiery An Yinger stood upright.

"Go on." Sitting on the chair moved by Moman, Antonye glanced at the ranks of the prisoners. It is undeniable that the means of forcing confessions by the "blooded Legion" gendarmes are too cruel, but very effective. Most of the more than 20 "lambs" to be slaughter have been shaken.


Another body fell at the muzzle of An Yinger, and the remaining prisoners trembled even more fiercely, waiting for the next fellow robe or being shot dead.

A slightly signal to the gendarmerie, and a teenager of the imperial army who looked scared to the ground was dragged to the feet of the Wolf King. The latter said indifferently, "What part are you? Who ordered it to gather? Say it, I won't let you die!"

"We are the 59th Battalion of the 17th Battalion of the Garrison of Anle County, which is the assembly order issued by the Grand Duke of the King's left-behind sword." The young prisoners of the imperial army hesitated for a moment and confessed.

"It's the old coffin." Antonye smiled sarcastically and suddenly asked, "Where does that old man gather the main force of your garrison? Say it!"

The wolf king suddenly changed from a smiling face to a ferocious scream, defeating the last psychological defense line of the captives of the vicissitudes of youth. The teenager almost cried and shouted, "Hancheng, Hancheng, the main garrison under the jurisdiction of the Grand Duke are all gathered in 'Hancheng'."

"Let him go and kill the rest." Antonye waved his hand and lightly sentenced the remaining 20 imperial prisoners who refused to confess, the end of their lives.


Within the old territory of the "Windwing Kingdom", the second largest city except for the royal city, which is the last barrier to the royal city, which is equivalent to the "Liangzhou" of the shaman "Huadu"; the almost equivalent provincial garrison and front-line troops gathered by the wolf pack of 500,000 troops and the * Grand Duke will fight to the death.

"Will the wolves win? Will we win?" An Xiyan, a girl who once defeated the kingdom from "Hancheng" with the Northern Army Group of Shura, has put herself into the position of the wolves and asked someone who hates around her when she didn't pay attention.

"There is a little confidence in me and the wolves, honey." An Dongye's very plain words somehow calmed down the girl's panic.

In November of the mainland, on a snowy day, the wolves confronted the provincial garrison of the Canglang Empire in "Hancheng". The battle of the battle between the lords of the richest land on the continent, the "Wind Wings" slowly kicked off in the expectations of more than one million soldiers on both sides.

The old and faciated Grand Duke threw the empty wine bottle in his hand under his horse, and the glass smashed, which made the imperial garrison around him look sideways.

As the highest imperial officer appointed by Prince Musashi Fuji to stay in the royal city, the shaman army and the commercial alliance were betrayed at the same time, and the front-line "wolf capital" was lost. Princess Yaya and the shaman's noble group fled unconsciously. This series of sins, the royal family will After investigation, even his meritorious swordsman can't escape the doom of military court and guillot.

For today's plan, we can only gather all the garrison that can be mobilized within the jurisdiction of our "Wind Wing Province" to eliminate or defeat the betrayed "allied friendly forces" before the emperor's anger and the call of the court to the "Wind Wing Province" in exchange for a big victory in exchange for their remaining years of survival.

Behind the Grand Duke, a new team came to save the grand duke's life and highly skilled "undead knight" in a "coincidence" assassination and sneak attack, and was appointed as his own guard by the stupid pig, the Grand Duke. When the Grand Duke, as a left-behind officer, gathered troops from all over the province and tried to fight against the wolves in a dignified manner in "Hancheng", he did not know that such a stupid action was exactly what the undead commander-in-chief Yu Shi was willing to see. After all, it was more economical for the wolves to eliminate the scattered troops one by one. Time and effort-saving.

What a stone, the "king of killers" now hidden in the imperial garrison, needs to do is to let the pig die gloriously at the right time. Tomorrow's sun can no longer shine on the Grand Duke.

"Grand Duke, the enemy is full of fighting spirit, and we can only find our own way to die. Please order the retreat. As long as the main force of our army returns from the front line of the Shura River or the domestic reinforcements arrive, it is not too late for us to wash away yesterday's shame. The rebellious advice of a young imperial staff angered the Grand Duke who tried to remedy his guilt with meritorious service. He roared:

"Shut up! The war is approaching, you dare to confuse the public, disturb the army, and retreat!"

"Your Excellency, please adopt the advice of the humble position. Once we avoid a head-to-head battle, we are bound to drag the shaman into an inexorable enemy. For the sake of the empire and the emperor, the grand duke, please retreat!"

The loyal young staff of the empire, despite the dissuasion of his colleagues, struggled to pull the head of the Grand Duke and tried his best to admonish him.

"Bastard! Go to hell!"

The sword set with expensive rubies pierced the young and hot-blooded chest of the enterer and left the breathless body. * The Grand Duke roared and issued an order: "For the sake of the empire, for the emperor, the whole army will attack--"

The formation of 400,000 local police forces temporarily gathered by the imperial garrison began to move. Under the shadow of the other party's flag, General Antonye slowly pulled out the "wolf tooth thorn" and shouted: "Wolfs, go out--"

The magnificent battle song of the wolves sounded in the snow and the boiling progress of the wolf riding: the wolves went out, rushed thousands of miles with me, and went to heaven and earth with me. The sword is out of the sheath, the bullet is loaded, and we are the killing machine armed to the teeth; the wolves are moving forward, the iron horse is boundless, the devil trembles, the gods and Buddhas cry, across the yin and yang worlds, and are invincible-

The mortar group and dozens of heavy machine guns at the forefront of the wolf camp formed the firepower network of death. In the rain of bullets like a storm and snow in the sky, countless heroic imperial garrison cavalry were knocked down.

"For the empire, for the emperor, move forward, move forward!"

retreat means that he will fall into a more dangerous situation. With enthusiasm and loyalty, the imperial cavalry will continue to rush forward, ignoring the fall of their comrades-in-arms, but the distance of each step is as far and unreachable as the ends of the earth, and the imperial army fell in groups on the road of charging.

"This is not a battle, this is a massacre." The young girl An Xiyan closed her eyes in pain and made a compassionate sigh.

"Dear, any pity on the battlefield is inappropriate. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself." Antonye coldly scolded An Xiyan, a fragrant girl close at hand; with his gesture, the two regular army legions of "Demon Tiger" and "Wild Wolf" killed from both sides of the position. The big brother with a bronze mask cried and led the "War Lion Legion" to attack head-on, and the imperial garrison in front of them was broken through. The infantry phalanx was in chaos.

The three main wolf army cooperated seamlessly, constantly repeating the skilled bloody performances of cutting, surrounding and annihilating. In the end, at the same cost, the seemingly huge imperial armament slowly fell down like a bloodless giant.

The "dead evil coach" hidden in the imperial guard guard rainstone approached the Grand Duke, and the "colorful rainstone" in his hand silently ended the life of the Grand Duke who focused on the changes in the battlefield.

The soldiers of the guards who witnessed the mutation stood on the spot and shouted in despair half a day later: "The Grand Duke is dead!"

-"The Grand Duke was killed!"

When this sentence spread at the speed of ten people to 100 people and a hundred people to thousands of people on the battlefield, the loyal and brave imperial officers could no longer organize a decent formation. The imperial army, which used to be well-trained and brave, had become a no-disciplined and honorable ranger who only knew how to escape for their lives. He began to gradually leave the battlefield.

"Zichen, go on, and the surrenderers will not die. End this battle as soon as possible." General Andongye said boringly.

"Why are you unhappy that you won? General." Hearing the weakness in the winner's tone, the girl An Xi asked puzzledly.

"There is nothing to be happy about defeating a group of rabble." Andongye endured a severe lung cough and said indifferently.

In the battle, the "Canglang Empire" invested a total of 420,000 people in the provincial police force, of which 180,000 were killed and 160,000 were captured. The rest of the combat power collapsed, and the whole territory of the Wind Wing Kingdom fell into the hands of the wolves.

"Order that the four legions of lions, wild wolves, demon tigers and vultures advance in the four directions of the kingdom at the same time, eliminate the remnants of the imperial army, establish wolf counties, and counties, and control the whole territory of wind wings, directly enter the inland territory of Canglang and continue to sweep; the main forces of Lingshe, Biluo, Red Fox and Moran are responsible for the four routes respectively. Follow-up response; stinging blood with flying fish to route the coastline along the waterway. All ministries have blockers, no matter what force they are, they will be wiped out. Under the order of Antonye, the ten generals of Xilei, Jinliang, Yaoyi, Yang Shu and Mochen, Yixue, Xiao, Moran, Ying'er, Meiliang and other ten generals responded to the order.

Andong Ye leaped his horse and raised his whip. In the face of the wolf generals, he said loudly: "An Xiaoting guarded Hancheng, the guard, the dead, Rasha, the wind wing, the skeleton and the warcraft, and the direct organ. He followed the general stationed in the 'Wind Wing King City'. I have the wind wings and tell the world."