Wolf Empire

0180 trafficker

Galo City, the wind is cold and the snow is thick, the road is white bones, the wild dogs are wandering, the black crows are fighting for food, and there is a depression.

General's mansion in Dingxi, in the North Warm Pavilion, in front of the small banquet, there is a lot of singing and dancing. The thick felt of fine wool flowers is paved, the incense is full of the court, the beauty is in front of the table, the red skirt is raised, the wide sleeves are light and comfortable, and the song and dance are soft. Under the porch, the tooth plate was slightly knocked, and the tube was played low. The bright light reflected the sweaty pink neck and cheeks of the dancer. One by one, the branches were folded and danced gently through the flowers, and the skirts were seen flying all over the hall.

General Tang Feng's white fox arrow sleeve on the first main position, with a silver crown and hair, handsome and romantic, quite noble. Looking at the rise, he applauded and laughed loudly.

On the upper left sits a middle-aged man in his 50s, with a white face, a slightly fat body, five wisps of long mustings, square, wearing a white python robe, wearing a crystal and luxurious jasper fingers on his hands, talking and laughing freely, and leisurely; the lower position is a quite young young man, with a handsome face with distinct edges and corners. , resolute and handsome, big red fox armpit sleeve, purple gold crown hair, seemingly extremely shrewd and capable, somewhat similar to the appearance of the superior.

The two stunning beauties on the right, Leng Ruoya, the commander of the 104th Division of the Royal Guard, dressed in a black fox fur, wearing a stone green carved gray rat cloak, a big mink rat wind collar around her neck, autumn marion warm forehead, and full of deer leather boots. Ruoya's whole body is beautiful and extraordinary temperament, and then she is dressed in this gorgeous and elegant clothes. Decorated, the skin is moist and jade, and the pupils are green, like a fairy; An Yichen, the lower head, has gorgeous facial features, a black leather coat and leather trousers, a high hair bun, a snow muscle curd at the neckline, a bright red peach blossom tattoo tattoo is faintly visible, black wrist protectors and fingerless gloves, slim and youthful.

After a dance, the dancers saluted the uppers and withdrew.

"Dege Gu, Xiaodao Xiandi, it's rare for your uncle and nephew to leave Beijing. Come on, we won't be drunk tonight!" Tang Feng held the cup to persuade the guests, and he was already six or seven points drunk.

The middle-aged man sitting on the left is one of the eight ministers of the shaman's cabinet and the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He is also the most powerful emerging folk chaebol in modern times and has a great reputation among the people. However, he said: "General drinks slowly. This time, the official has been ordered by His Majesty the Pope to patrol the sky and inspect the four sides. You arrived at General Dingxi's place at the first stop. Do you know why?

"Lord, please give me some advice." Tang Feng held his fist and bowed deeply.

"My Holy See is restless on all sides, and the swords and soldiers are in trouble, especially in the west." Garo City 'There are many hungry people inside and outside who froze to death and starve to death. In the long run, there will be great difficulties!" Gu Xilou said in a heavy tone.

Tang Feng sat back in his seat silently and was speechless. He stayed for a long time. He looked up and drank the spirits in the glass and began to say, "In the west, the fields are barren, there is no harvest, all industries are depressed, and there are few materials. I can only be drunk today, and I will be drunk day by day."

"It's not a long-term solution to sit and eat in the mountains!" Gu Xiaodao, one of the "four young men in the capital" sitting downstairs, said, "General, you are now a feudal official and a prince with heavy army in hand. As the saying goes, 'people have no foresight and must have immediate worries'. It's better for the general to make a plan early."

"Fool brother Lu blunt, please don't hesitate to teach me." Tang Fengjian raised his eyebrows slightly and leaned over.

"Since ancient times, soldiers have been nothing more than fighting. Taking the 'Canglang Empire' annexation of the 'Windwing Kingdom' as an example, the countless food and population of the Windwings have become the trophies of the vicisans and become rich for a while!" Gu Xiaodao further shouted:

"Speaking of the other three sides, Xia Nanxuan, the general of Jingnan, fought without a decree in July this year. He destroyed 'Helenbao' with 3,000 horses and received a million loads of grain and grass, and 50,000 men and women. After reporting to the Holy See, His Majesty the Pope and the three 'Empress Emperors' not only did not blame, but ordered them to reward them. ; At the beginning of August, the general of Pingbei, Lengbei City, and the army made trouble, so he followed Xia Jingnan's example and forcibly occupied the northern part of the two deserts of the water scorpion and the golden snake, and took food to be self-sufficient. Although the regent of the 'Sha Kingdom' repeatedly pressured and negotiated with the Holy See, he was ignored by the three ministers who held military power in Leng Pingbei and put them away, the most After that, it will be over; if you go far and play hard, it will be An Zhengdong, one of the 'double stars of the imperial dynasty' who is as important as the general!"

The speaker's last sentence seemed to stimulate Tang Feng, and the general was silent in an moment.

"What General Antonye did this time must be crazy and shocking." Gu Xilou, with a smile of praise, twisted his head and said, "He is a madman and a genius!"

"I can't wrap fire in paper after all." Leng Ruoya said worriedly, "Even if 'Galo' suppresses this matter for the time being and does not report it to 'Huadu', the Holy See will inevitably learn this amazing news from other sources. At that time, the sky will collapse and the government and the opposition will be in chaos, and it will inevitably be another political catastrophe!"

"Your father competes with the other two adults for the top of power, and the victory or defeat is unknown." Gu Xilou said with a smile, "The general is in his heroic years. Why not make contributions, dominate the West, win the world, and make a name in history?"

Tang Feng's heart moved and muttered, "General Rong Ben, think about it-"

"General." An Yichen stood up and saluted, "My father Dongye has made it clear in his letter to you that as long as your brothers work together to be strong and share glory and wealth, it is just around the corner."

"This-" Tang Feng's timidity and greedy ambition to enjoy are engaged in a fierce struggle, pondering.

"The land of the 'wolf capital' in the northeast is ten thousand miles of fertile soil and rarely visited. It is an undeveloped place. An Zhengdong wants to build a base camp centered on the 'wolf capital' in the northeastern continent. It is necessary to expand the city, enrich the population and develop production to be self-sufficient." Gu Xiaodao seemed to notice that the other party's thoughts were shaken, and intensified his instigation:

"Therefore, the biggest problem facing An Zhengdong at present is the lack of manpower. On the one hand, he has to recruit as many armed forces as possible to control the wind wings of the new occupation. On the one hand, he also needs a large number of people to supplement the rear, build a wolf capital, smelting iron to open up wasteland, dig wells and trees, and store grain. Only in this way can he not have 100 Wan Haoren will starve to death in the spring famine next year. In this way, we will have a chance to make a fortune.

"It has been ancient times to conquer the Yi chiefs by force and plunder their population and immigrants." Gu Xilou, who cooperated with his nephew to ignite the flames, further said: "On the shore of the sea of anger, there are many islands, and there are many barbarian men and women on the island. As long as the general raises troops to fight against it, he can easily become the king of the islands. The barbarian men and women captured by him are resold to the northeast wolf capital in batches through the commercial channels of our Xilou family. How about half of the profits obtained by the Western Army and my Gu's chaebols?

"The price given by my father is absolutely fair and trustworthy. The unit price of young and strong men and pregnant young women is exchanged for ten gold coins, dwarfs and skilled craftsmen are exchanged for 15 gold coins, orcs and the unit price of orcs is five gold coins, and the rest of the old and weak and Jiao people, snakes, birds and Jiao people Depending on the situation, the unit price ranges from one silver coin to two gold coins. An Yichen said in a delicate voice, "Everyone's access to and exchange accounts is guaranteed by Gu's chaebol. Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu grasp the overall situation and become both buyers and sellers, and they are very happy."

The huge interests** made Tang Feng secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva, think about it for a moment, and say, "There is no reason to provoke a war. Even if Jia Yan is the general of the dynasty, it is inevitable that he will have a rebellious mouth to hold himself and cede the land to be the king. Ten thousand fathers of a family will be implicated-"

"Haha." Seeing that there was a turning point, Gu Xiaodao smiled and said, "The law does not blame the public. The big disaster caused by An Zhengdong is enough for Baiye Mufeng to be busy. How can there be time and mood to take care of us?"

Tang Feng nodded secretly and said, "The Dingxi Army is mainly composed of the original Third Army of the Holy See and the 104th Division of the Guard of Ruoya Girl. Ruoya's division will stay in 'Galo'. In this way, the general has more than 90,000 troops used to capture the islands on the sea, which seems to be slightly insufficient-

"It's not difficult." Gu Xilou Zhizhu smiled and said, "Xilou has already calculated this step. Sincerely, he is the general of Tianyou. Recently, I heard that Princess Yaya has escaped from marriage since 'Tianjing'. In his guard army, General Tang Yiping of the New Seventh Army is a close cousin of the general. Wouldn't it be happy if he could be moved to participate in this big deal and share its benefits?"

"Hmm." Tang Feng turned around and thought for a long time and made up his mind, "General Tang Yi, please!"


"Miss, it's not good. The New Seventh Army has rebelled!"

Xia Qixi, the little maid, ran in in a panic. Behind her, dozens of fully armed new seven generals rushed straight over their immediate subordinates who supported them.

Prince Rui Wang Lei and Countess Song Haifen were so scared that they hugged together. The old man Wang's turtle egg even dropped the teacup on the ground. On the contrary, Grandpa Zhu was the most courageous one and said fiercely, "What do you want to do?"

An Yidan and Wanshan stood in front of Princess Yaya and said in a low voice: "Go back to the princess, many of the generals are unconvinced and can't afford to get sick. We will postpone our return to 'Huadu'!"

"No!" Yaya said angrily, "What's the excuse? You obviously want to trade human beings and make a fortune at sea with Master Tang! My princess is about to go back to 'Huadu' to see cousin Mufeng!"

Tang Yi's face darkened and said indifferently, "On the way back to Beijing, jackals are in charge, bandits are everywhere, and it's difficult to walk. It's better for the princess not to be difficult for generals and others."

Yaya sat back on the soft couch in despair, and tears of grievance almost came out. Her voice was hoarse: "The rotten egg is not here, you all bully me--" suddenly remembered something. She turned around and grabbed the fish girl who escorted her all the way and accompanied her with a smile and said, "Where is the stinky egg? I want to see him."