Wolf Empire

0185 from heaven to hell

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Shouting to kill like thunder, the "Dingxi Army" kept jumping on the barbarian fishing boat, roaring unstoppably on the deck of the enemy ship, destroying the bodies of the barbarians and destroying their will with cold knives and axes.

Knife and axe flew, blood splashed everywhere, countless dragonflies, snakes, birds, mackerel and other half-orcs that had not yet evolved into adult-shaped. The incomplete bodies floated on the surface of the water, dyeing the nearby sea water red.

A bird with wings fell on his back on the deck, and half of his head disappeared. His brain was overflowing and his face was completely different. Next to this body, the other half-human and half-fished mackerel body, with big empty eyes, looked at the smoke-filled sky, as if he wanted to say something-

It is bloody, countless lives are buried in the sea, and the war is basically over.

With 10,000 prisoners, more than half of them died under the artillery knife and axe of the "Western Army". The slightly injured were put on the cargo ship that Gu Xiaodao had already prepared and loaded into the cell of the bottom cabin. The seriously injured were all executed on the spot and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks and killer whales for a rich meat meal.

In order to prevent the indigenous people on the island from fleeing, Tang Feng ordered the "Dingxi Army" to land on the island overnight and sort out about 30 wild islands.

The resistance of the indigenous barbarians has been eliminated, and the remaining large number of men, women and children, except for being driven out of their residence like pigs and dogs by the fierce "Dingxi Army", have no way to enter the ship in rows under the threat of guns and axes. They have no choice but to wait for them to be sold.

A certain wind that made a fortune in the war, blew three feet of the ground on overseas islands and implemented clear field tactics. No matter what it is, children's golden silk, rice, grain, cattle, sheep and horses are all loaded with people and things, and even a bundle of grass is not let go.

The whole night was busy, and the "Western Army" harvested a lot, which stunned Tang Feng and others. For example, there were 150,000 livestock such as dogs, horses and cattle, nearly 10 million stones of rice and millet, more than 4,000 large and small ships, 200,000 wooden bows and arrows, more than 500,000 men and women, and countless other sundries.

In addition to being excited, Tang Feng, in addition to ordering Gu Xiaodao to lead people to ship barbarians and goods day and night, transported them to "Galo", from Gu Xilou, where they were located, and sold them to An Yichen, who represented the will of the wolves. He also set up military controls on several large islands such as Jiao Kingdom, Snake Kingdom, Bird Kingdom and Jiao Kingdom to prepare for the east window incident. The Holy See did not allow it, so it divided the islands on the sea and made himself king.

-Tang Feng at this time, never dreamed that Gu's uncle and nephew, the ulative central figure of the Gu family's chaebol, was following the family's established revitalization plan, and the next step had secretly aimed the knife at himself-


As part of the additional conditions for the "decapitation operation", the "Tianyi Chamber of Commerce" bought a huge order for an ambitious guy as promised, and a large amount of money flowed into the bank transferred to Gu's chaebol. At the same time, An Yichen used the "Spirit Snake Party" to arrange a group of gang forces in "Galo City" to batch Slaves and goods transported ashore from the sea are sent to the "wolf capital" far away in the northeastern continent.

After pacified the overseas islands, Tang Feng, who tasted the sweetness, was persuaded by Gu's uncle and nephew to point the next target of the "Western Army" to the island "Tianjing" with internal and external troubles and fires before and after!

And just as the island countries attached to the "Canglang Empire" were lost and the mainland was greatly threatened, this once powerful empire, in 21 counties and provinces inland, was receiving a fierce sweep by two powerful brigades of wolves and the Chamber of Commerce.

In the royal civil war many years ago, Miss An Tianyi, the young leader of the Chamber of Commerce, used her financial resources and manpower to help Musashi, who was at that time, defeat the opponent of a mother compatriots and ascend the throne of the emperor. As a reward, Emperor Musashi had to give up his love to 13 counties and provinces on land. It was divided into the commercial alliance by leasing, which has also become a hidden pain and humiliation for the Musashi royal family for a long time.

When Operation Hurricane began, ten of the 15 mercenary legions under the Chamber of Commerce for land operations were forcibly transferred to the northeast battlefield. Later, with the continuous deterioration of Ye'an in the occupied area of Fengyi Province, the regular legions have been transferred to the land counties of the empire in consideration of not weakening the defense of the island of the empire. The province had to transfer troops from the already weak security forces into the occupied area of Fengyi Province. However, no one would have thought that the "Canglang Empire" in its heyday would fall from heaven to hell under the manipulation of two ambitious young people, Antonye and An Tianyi.

Ivy, a beautiful president who is still wearing military uniform and still has a charming style, took five mercenary regiments of the commercial alliance, one step ahead of the wolves and grabbed the 13 counties and provinces that originally belonged to the commercial alliance. The mercenary regiment of the commercial alliance was originally stationed here, and the commercial alliance itself also enjoyed an excellent reputation in the 13 counties and provinces under its subsmeltification. Therefore, Ivy The task of the Mercanic League mercenary regiment is not so much to fight or sweep away the remnants as to go back to their mother's home to steadily subdue the hearts of the chaotic people.

On the other hand, the targets faced by wolves are much more complex and dangerous. Although it is only eight counties and provinces, the more than 200,000 remaining enemies who escaped from the "Wolf Capital" battlefield "Wind Wing King City" are huddled in this small range, which is not to be underestimated, especially when the combat power of the wolves has dropped to less than 40,000.

With unsuccessful persuasion, Chang'an Zichen, the staff officer, issued several military orders in a row, urging the wolf groups to join the main forces under the expedition.

The pace of the advance of the wolf king Andongye is still continuing. For the speed of the main invasion of the wolves, the Canglang Imperial Army destroyed the large and small bridges along the retreat route, and spontaneously organized an elite death squad to guard the danger, and gradually slowed the speed of the wolves approaching the island of "Tianjing" with fresh lives. Try your best to get back time for Prince Fuji's army on the expedition to Shura.

This fanatical national fighting will and the crazy fighting method of burning jade indeed caused a lot of losses to the wolves in the process of promotion.

What particularly annoys the wolf king is that those small waves of vicissitudes used their familiar attacks on the local geographical path of their home country to constantly attack the logistics supply lines of the wolves, which caused heavy casualties to the transport teams of An Xiaoyu and Angel. What's more, these imperial militants disguised as ordinary people and mixed into the wolves and occupied them. In the county and cities, they have repeatedly incited the unwilling waves of the people to resist and attack the garrison police camps and disturb public security.

Of course, once these imperial armed secret agents are captured by the skeleton police, they will be sentenced by lighting the skylights, but no one will beg for mercy and weakness. What's more shocking is that even the most tame vicissitudes in the occupied area still have an unquenched flame of resistance and hatred in their eyes.

"It seems that it is necessary for us to let these vicissitudes know who is the new owner of this continent." When he realized that peaceful means would only attract the disregard of the vicissitudes, Antonye resumed his "tyrant" style.

The unconstrained wolves, the long-suppressed vicious nature, burst out uncontrollably with the tacit and condoning of the officer. Countless women were raped and defiled, and immeasurable valuables were plundered. Every time they controlled a town, all the houses and buildings were burned down. Thousands of vicissitudes, men, women and children, cut off one leg and a hand, and fled to other unfallen imperial territory under the supervision of the wolf bayonets. The wolves followed the tail slowly and moved towards the next target.

"Dad, you did this - it's too inhumane -" An Xiaorao, a weak and gentle military medical officer, looked at the large number of disabled team crawling in front of the wolf team, and couldn't help but summon up his courage.

"Shut up!" A violent cough suddenly came. When Antonye, who was almost lying on horseback, supported himself, saw the grievances and attention in the weak girl's eyes. After a while, he said coldly, "This time we bet too much. If we lose, our previous efforts will be in vain. In an extraordinary period, we have to use extraordinary means. The continuous creation of a large number of disabled labor and huge waves of refugees can not only consume the enemy's resources, but also bring the fear and panic of the wolves to the unfallen counties and provinces, completely destroying the will and seeds of the resistance of the vicissitudes. Do your job well and don't let your father down.

An Xiaorao lowered her head silently and returned to her medical team, no longer looking at her father.

The undead and evil handsome rain stone and the 72 hell knights under his command are busier than ever. These best killers on the continent, in front of the wolf team, constantly use various assassination methods to stab the large and small officials of the counties and provinces of the empire and the high and low-level officers of the retreating imperial army, a series of key The head of the character has turned into a stone full of excitement and gold and silver treasures, a string of numbers recorded in the small account book, which is the head bounty owed by the wolf king.

In the face of the double blow of losing the commander and a large number of disabled refugees, the imperial counties and provinces fell one after another, and batches of imperial soldiers and civilians who were cut off one by one foot were driven to the next city again and again, and then fell again - such a situation continued to the "Sea County" and the Canglang Empire. The last inland city on the mainland.

Behind the "Haijun" is the vast sea. The imperial capital "Tianjing" looks at each other from afar. The fighting in the city has basically stopped. Only sporadic battles are still going on. The imperial army and civilians who are unwilling to surrender are forced to the seaside by the "Rasha Legion" and resist stubbornly.

"Dad." An Yusheng, the commander of the blood-stained "Rasha Legion", heard the sound of horses' hoofs behind him and turned back to salute in awe.