Wolf Empire

0186 Uncle can't stand it

"Hasn't the battle been solved yet?" Surrounded by the guards, General Antonye appeared in front of the wolf team like a hellish demon.

Hearing the ominous strangeness from the unhappy tone, An Yusheng, who was deeply ashamed, said viciously, "Dad, give it to me."

"Hmm." With an indifferent response, General Andongye fiercely twitched his horse and rushed into the city of Haijun. All streets in the city are full of heavily armed skeleton police, and Brigadier General An Zitong has begun to clean up the whole city according to the established procedures.

The murderous skeleton police rushed into every house and shop and drove the vicissitudes of civilians to the open space in the city center. In addition to skilled craftsmen, magicians, students and priests, those panicked civilians were forcibly pulled out of the crowd under the indifferent attention of the police and monsters around them, as the joy of the executioners, or The left hand was cut off or the right leg was chopped off. In a short time, the hands and feet that were cut off were piled up on the ground.

General Andongye led the guards to approach and appreciate the whole bloody scene with a blank face. It was not until there was no vicissitudes with sound limbs in the square that he said lightly to the murderous skeleton army commander: "Kell them out of the sea."

The vicissitudes of the people who thought they could escape the disaster were driven to the seaside in groups under the threat of the bright bayonet of the skeleton police and the "Helldog".

The massacre on the beach continues. Those imperial soldiers and civilians who are determined to be loyal to the emperor's death seem to regard this place as their own cemetery loyal to the country. No matter how the Shura soldiers of the "Rasha Legion" kill, they refuse to surrender.

General Antonye, sitting on the horse, frowned into a heavy knot and only heard An Zichen say, "Dad, we have been delayed for too long. According to the established plan, our wolves have planned to conquer eight counties in ten days. Now we have exceeded the original plan for three days. This small 'sea county' alone has has has wasted our whole Four days, waves, this nation is terrible and respectable.

"How is the progress of the Chamber of Commerce?" General Antonye asked quietly.

"The situation of the 'Tianyi Commercial League' is much better. The mercenary regiment of the commercial alliance, which was originally stationed in the local army, controlled the 13 counties and provinces under its name with little effort. After the news of the defeat of the imperial army spread, the attitude rationally tilted to Miss Tianyi's side. Except for a few stubborn elements who were expelled, the five mercenary regiments led by Ivy almost restored the 13 counties under the name of the Chamber of Commerce.

"According to the information from the two armies of 'flying fish' and 'stinging blood' operating the waterway, Marshal Chen Long, the Minister of the Imperial Army and Navy, ventured to attack the 'ghosts' Strait with the Imperial Fleet, intending to support the 'wolf capital', and was resisted to death by the merchant mercenaries who guarding the Grand Canyon." An Muxi, the beautiful clerk, said, "Surprisingly, another Miss An Tianyi appeared on the back of the imperial navy, which almost destroyed the entire imperial fleet. Marshal Chenlong was seriously ill, and the imperial navy has returned to the 'Tianjing' island under the leadership of Princess Lihui."

"Two An Tianyi-" Antonye pondered for a moment and sneered, "This ugly and forced is really not simple."

"Takexun, the imperial army minister, who is known as the 'tiger of the army', is now leading up to 12 regular divisions of the National Defense Army to take advantage of the 'Sand Kingdom' to move forward rapidly to the people behind us. It is estimated that the striker will arrive at 'Eagle Valley' tomorrow morning." An Zichen was quite worried and said, "If Xiaopan and Aunt Ruoshuang of the Chamber of Commerce can't stop it for a month, our plan will be completely disrupted-"

"You have to trust your brother. If you don't go through hardships, you won't grow up; as the territory of our wolves continues to expand, your brothers will be independent in the future." Antonye coughed softly and said, "What's more, there is Bach behind Xiaopan. He is a great man, but fortunately he is not my enemy-

With the last group of soldiers and civilians who stubbornly resisted to the end, they fell into the blood-red shallow sea and returned to the shore with the same tired and tired Shura subordinates. The weak upper position made a very standard military salute and came to the beach.

"Xiaora, let's go to rest." General Antonye nodded with satisfaction and said, "Zichen, make an appointment with the mysterious Miss An Tianyi for me, the sooner the better."


"Eagle Valley".

Maji is the general manager of the chain store of the "Tianyi Free Business Alliance" located in the Mobei region. The reason why he survived to the position of this middle-level management cadre at the age of 30 is that in addition to his clear mind and smooth means, more importantly, he is also one of the two elders of the power of the Commercial League, Jinya The proud disciple valued by the gentleman.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Under the influence of Mr. Jinya, they are gloomy and vicious, and their persistence and hatred almost occupy Maji's whole character. During the battle in the desert, they once sought trouble in "Eagle Valley" twice, and for the last time, they ransacked the shops of the Chamber of Commerce without scruples. This incident made Manager Maji always be worried. Later, he said that he moved Mr. Jinya to go to "Huadu" and questioned Andongye. Unexpectedly, he shocked Mr. Jinya and Anton. Mr. Jinya, the master of the wild, returned.

Manager Maji is a workplace role with a keen sense of smell. When the rift between the Musashi royal family and the Chamber of Commerce became more and more obvious, he clearly sensed the political danger signal. At the behest of Mr. Jinya, he began to vigorously exclude and lower-level cadres of the Chamber of Commerce who tend to cleanse Miss Tianyi, the leader of the League in the desert north of the country. Zi's power-grabbing action sharpened his knife and was eager to try.

But not long after, the domestic bad news came, and Miss Tianyi, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, suddenly submitted her resignation to the board of directors. At the celebration meeting where the members of the elder faction clap their hands and stared at a pair of blood-red greedy eyes to compete for the fruits of victory, there was a loud noise that Miss An Tianyi had been secretly cultivating. The radicals destroyed the headquarters building of the Chamber of Commerce with explosives.

During the explosion, Mr. Jinya's old partner, the silver bottle elder, was seriously injured. At that time, Taro Ishihara, a master of the "shadow blade clan" representing the Musashi royal family, was also smashed by a leg by the collapsed stone beam. Mr. Jinya did not know what happened and the whereabouts of his life and death were unknown.

Manager Maji's first reaction was to pick up the valuable gold and silver and prepare to slip away with his three concubines; but the arrival of Leng Ruoxuan, the commander of the Mercenary Regiment of the Commercial League, unfortunately shattered Manager Maji's dream.

Without too much negotiation, the unspoken, lonely and lonely cold frost, with the murderous spirit and smoke that had just come down from the "Wolf City" battlefield, received all the materials and defense of the "Eagle Valley"; watching everything in front of him, the powerless Ma Ji and the female uniform The three young concubines who developed into ** were just waiting for things to change in fear under the supervision of more than 20 merchant mercenaries with various skins.

After the actual terrain investigation of the "Eagle Valley", Leng Ruoshuang arranged the position division and combat strength deployment to the maximum extent according to the strength of the existing ten mercenary regiments in his hand. That is, with half of the combat strength to defend the three frontal trenches at Gukou, and two mercenary regiments are equipped on the left and right slopes to support the main position. The last mercenary regiment is the chain branch of the army's general reserve team, and is responsible for monitoring the elder heretics such as Manager Maji.

Almost as soon as the mercenaries of the Chamber of Commerce were put into position, the twelve national defense divisions of the empire led by Marshal Wuxun Kudo, Minister of the Army of Canglang, were killed fiercely. For Andongye, Marshal Takexun Kudo is almost hateful. First of all, Miss Meixun, the only daughter she regarded as a treasure, didn't know what rice soup she had been poured by the boy. In the name of studying abroad, she ran away from home with the other two girls and eloped to the shaman. What made Marshal Kudo Taken even more angry was that he had always been proud of his nephew as his successor. Duke Kudo was also assassinated at the reception by the boy Antonye by despicable means!

Uncle couldn't bear it, and Marshal Kudo Wuxun, who rushed here with anger, vowed to catch a wild man and whip the body Ling Chi, frustrate the bones and ashes to dispel his hatred. Therefore, once the two armies met, there was no need to talk more nonsense. When the enemies met, they were particularly jealous of the killing generals.

At this time, the two armies that have lost their minds, like the uncivilized and restrained herds, do not need any strategy and tactics. One side will attack hard and the other side will defend, all at the cost of sacrifice.

Marshal Wuxun, who is almost crazy, arrived in the early morning and tirelessly threw himself into the battlefield. He used the regiment battalion as a unit and continued rotation to launch a decisive impact on the Gukou position of the Commercial League, which made the casualty rate of the Mercenary Regiment of the Commercial League reach an amazing third on the first day. The combat effectiveness of the Imperial Defense Force, However, it is extremely horrible!

Leng Ruoxhuang clenched his teeth and encouraged the morale of the mercenaries. In the next day's battle, the four mercenary regiments on both wings were crushed by the artillery fire of the Imperial Defense Army, with nearly half of the casualties. They were forced to give up their positions, narrow the defense area and return to the mouth of the valley; Leng Ruoshuang had to take the last complete reserve corps. The Corps entered the battlefield in advance.

"Give them weapons and fight!" Leng Ruoxhuang, who was hit by shrapnel in his arm, bombarded Manager Maji and his concubine and clerks into the Gukou position to assist in defense, and finally supported it until the third day.

On that day, the wolf group led An Xiaopan to join the battlefield with 50,000 people from the coalition forces of Zhongshan, Walker and Charles. From the flank of the defense alliance, the war entered a white-hot state.